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GiFi stands for Gigabit Wireless. GiFi is a wireless technology which promises high speed short range
data transfers with speeds of upto 5 Gbps within a radius of 10 meters. The GiFi operates on the
60GHz frequency band. This frequency band is currently mostly unused. The Gifi measures 5mm
square and it is manufactured using existing complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS)
technology. The same GiFi system is currently used to print silicon chips. This new wireless
technology is named GiFi . The GiFi Chip developed by the Australian researchers. In theory this
technology would transfers GBs of our fav high definition movies in seconds. So GiFi can be
considered as a challenger to Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi and could find applications ranging
from new mobile phones to consumer electronics. GiFi allows a full-length high definition movie to be
transferred between two devices in seconds. to the higher megapixel count on our cameras, the
increased bitrate on our music files, the higher resolution of our video files, and so on. We demand
more than ever, but we also want this content to be transfered in the most expedient manner possible.
802.11g and 802.11n are fine and all, but some people want to push the envelope even further. This
chip is 5mm per side and it can operate at a frequency of 60GHz while wifi chip can operate only at
2.4GHz. This have low power conception of 2 watt comes and comes with 1mm antenna.

Fig.1 High speed indoor data transmissiom

The GiFi chip is a good news for personal area networking because there is no internet infrastructure
available to cop it with. It can have a span of 10 meters. The usable prototype may be less than a year
away. With the help of gifi chips the videos sharing can be possible without any hurdles. The GiFi chip
is one of Australia's most lucrative technology. This chip is 5mm per side and it can operate at a
frequency of 60GHz while wifi chip can operate only at 2.4GHz. This have low power conception of 2
watt comes and comes with 1mm antenna.The complete GIFI index is contained in the CRA'sGuide To
The General Index Of Financial Information (GIFI) For Corporations which you can download or get in
a paper or diskette version from your nearest tax services office.You will find links to both the Guide To
The General Index Of Financial Information (GIFI) For Corporations and the GIFI .

Fig 1. Use of spectrum in GiFi

The Cost of GiFi chip is only $10. The purpose of the GIFI is to allow the CRA to collect and process
financial information more efficiently; for instance, the GIFI lets the CRA validate tax information
electronically rather than manually. Short-range wireless technology is a hotly contested area, with
research teams around the world racing to be the first to launch such a product.Professor Skafidas said
his team is the first to demonstrate a working transceiver-on-a-chip that uses CMOS (complementary
metal-oxide-semiconductor) technology the cheap, ubiquitous technique that prints silicon chips.
This means his team is head and shoulders in front of the competition in terms of price and power
demand. His chip uses only a tiny one-millimetre-wide antenna and less than two watts of power, and
would cost less than $10 to manufacture.It uses the 60GHz "millimetre wave" spectrum to transmit the
data, which gives it an advantage over WiFi (wireless internet).

WiFi's part of the spectrum is increasingly crowded, sharing the waves with devices such as cordless
phones, which leads to interference and slower speeds.But the millimetre wave spectrum (30 to 300
GHz) is almost unoccupied, and the new chip is potentially hundreds of times faster than the average
home WiFi unit. However, WiFi still benefits from being able to provide wireless coverage over a
greater distance.Victoria's minister for information and communication technology, Theo
Theophanous, said it showed Victoria was at the cutting edge of IT innovation. He praised the 27-
member team which worked on the development of the chip. The high-powered team included 10
PhDs students from the University of Melbourne and collaborated with companies such as computer
giant IBM during the research.
The worlds first transceiver integrated on a single chip that operates at 60GHz on the CMOS
(complementary metaloxidesemiconductor) process, the most common semiconductor technology,
was announced today by NICTA, Australias Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Research Centre of Excellence.

The development will enable the truly wireless office and home of the future. As the integrated
transceiver developed by NICTA is extremely small, it can be embedded into devices. The
breakthrough will mean the networking of office and home equipment - without wires - will finally
become a reality.

Researchers from NICTAs Gigabit Wireless Project, which is based out of NICTAs Victoria
Research Laboratory, are the first in the world to have developed an integrated transceiver, a complete
transmitter and receiver, on a single chip at 60GHz on CMOS.

This technology breakthrough will enable the wireless transfer of audio and video data at up to 5
gigabits per second, ten times the current maximum wireless transfer rate, at one-tenth the cost.Our
team, which includes 10 PhD students from the University of Melbourne, has overcome some
significant challenges in developing this breakthrough technology, NICTA Chief Executive Officer
Dr David Skellern said. Developing very high frequency radio components in a standard CMOS
process and then integrating those components on a single chip has posed challenges in dealing with
the inherent limitations of that process for radio circuits.Now that NICTA researchers have
successfully addressed these challenges, the ICT industry will soon have access to low cost, low power
and high broadband chips that will be vital in enabling the digital economy of the future.

NICTA Gigabit Wireless Project Leader Professor Stan Skafidas said the design and development of
the worlds first 60GHz transceiver integrated on a single CMOS was the result of a three-year
research effort.

NICTAs research involved a close collaboration with leaders in the global semiconductor industry.
The technology was developed using the IBM 130nm RF CMOS process.

Our collaborators IBM, Synopsys, Cadence, Anritsu, Agilent, Ansoft and SUSS MicroTec have been
critical to our success and we are grateful to have had their valuable support, Professor Skafidas said.
Our innovative design methodology and access to leading design, test and measurement, and
fabrication technology has allowed us to deliver this world-first success.

NICTA researchers chose to develop this technology in the 57-64GHz unlicensed frequency band as
the millimetre-wave range of the spectrum makes possible high component on-chip integration as well
as allowing for the integration of very small high gain arrays.

The availability of 7GHz of spectrum results in very high data rates, up to 5 gigabits per second to
users within an indoor environment, usually within a range of 10 metres, Professor Skafidas said.

NICTA Chief Technology Officer, Embedded Systems, Dr Chris Nicol said the availability of a single
chip, low cost, very high speed wireless technology will transform the home entertainment industry.
For example, consumers will be able to download a high definition DVD onto their personal digital
assistants at a public kiosk in seconds, take it home and play it directly onto their high definition TV.
Gi-Fi or Gigabit Wireless is the worlds first transceiver integrated on a single chip that operates at
60GHz on the CMOS process. It will allow wireless transfer of audio and video data at up to
5 gigabits per second, ten times the current maximum wireless transfer rate, at one-tenth the
cost. NICTA researchers have chosen to develop this technology in the 57-64GHz unlicensed
frequency band as the millimetre-wave range of the spectrum makes possible high component on-chip
integration as well as allowing for the integration of very small high gain arrays. The available 7GHz
of spectrum results in very high data rates, up to 5 gigabits per second to users within an indoor
environment, usually within a range of 10 metres. The new technology is predicted to revolutionise the
way household gadgets talk to each other. According to the University of Melbourne, Australiya, the
chip is very small at only 5 millimeters per side, has a 1mm antenna, uses just two watts of power and
they estimate it would cost less than $10 each to build. It also uses the 60GHz millimetre wave
spectrum which is not as crowded as the spectrum that Wi-Fi uses, competing with things like cordles.

Melbourne University researchers have achieved up to 5Gbps data transfer rates on a wireless chip.
This is a lot faster than any current WiFi speeds. Dubbed GiFi, for obvious reasons, it can deliver the
connection speed up to ten meters. To fully comprehend how fast GiFi is, one of the researchers said
that a full-length high-def movie can be transferred from one device to another in a matter of seconds.
The GiFi chips is only 5mm in size and use current CMOS technology. Cost is only $10. I say, lets
begin mass producing it.
Professor. Stan Skafidis of Melbourne University , Australiya is the inventor of GiFi chip.
The GiFi chip uses only a tiny one-millimeter-wide antenna and less than two watts of power, and the
GiFi chip would cost less than $10 to manufacture it . According to the website of Melbourne
University , Australia by using GiFi an entire high-definition movie from a video shop kiosk could be
transmitted to a mobile phone in a few seconds, and the phone could then upload the movie to a home
computer or screen at the same speed, this statement about the GiFi was given by Nick Miller. GiFi
uses the 60GHz millimetre wave spectrum to transmit the data from one part to the another part. It
provides an advantage over WiFi (wireless internet),. WiFis part of the spectrum is increasingly
crowded, sharing the waves with devices such as cordless phones, which leads to interference and
slower speeds. But the millimetre wave spectrum (30 to 300 GHz) is almost unoccupied, and the new
chip is potentially hundreds of times faster than the average home WiFi unit .The best part about
this new technology GiFi is its cost effectiveness and power consumption, it only consumes 2 watts of
power for its operation with antenna(1mm) included and the development of Gi-Fi chip costs
approximately $10( Rs 380) to manufacture.

In theory this technology would transfers GBs of our fav high definition movies in seconds. So GiFi
can be considered as a challenger to Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi and could find applications ranging
from new mobile phones to consumer electronics. GiFi promises some serious game-changing wireless
transfer speeds for all types of consumer gadgets. The tiny silicon chip invented by professor Stan
Skafidas is able to move data through the air as fast as 5 gigabits per second at a distance of just
over 30 feet. The GiFi uses the short-range wireless technology would potentially be a competitor or
more than likely a replacement for WiFi, and things like Bluetooth might want to look out as well. The
transfer speeds combined with the constantly increased storage capacities of small handheld devices
could really take media down some new avenues as well. The Age newspaper uses an example of
transferring a high-definition movie from a kiosk at a store to your mobile phone in seconds. Then that
same movie can be transferred just as quickly from the phone to our home computer or entertainment
system to watch.
According to the University of Melbourne, Australiya, the chip is very small at only 5 millimeters per
side, has a 1mm antenna, uses just two watts of power and they estimate it would cost less than $10

each to build. It also uses the 60GHz millimetre wave spectrum which is not as crowded as the
spectrum that Wi-Fi uses, competing with things like cordless phones.
The world's first GiFi wireless network chip developed at Australia's peak federal technology
incubator has entered its commercialisation phase. Nicta chief executive David Skellern confirmed that
the research facility had formed a start-up around the new technology.

"It's not up to me to announce it. It's up to the company that has formed, but there is an activity going
on to spin out a company from Nicta that will take that technology to market," Dr Skellern said.

The GiFi chip could become one of Australia's most lucrative technology.

The Nicta gigabit wireless chip is 100 times faster than current WiFi chips and can be built for a tenth
of their cost. The team behind it picked up a gong at the international Innovic's Next Big Thing Award
for Innovation Excellence last July.

Its development has been part of an international race to develop standards for a super-high-speed
gigabit version of the CSIRO's WiFi wireless networking technology, used almost universally in
laptops, mobile phones and home wireless network equipment.The fastest current WiFi standard is

"There'll be a kind of bunfight between all the protagonists for all the different approaches and one will
end up being a winner. We'll be in there proposing our solutions."

The Australian contacted the CSIRO for comment on whether Nicta would need its co-operation to
develop the chip or use its patents, but neither of the CSIRO's lead WiFi spokesmen, Tom McGinness
and Nigel Poole, were available.

A CSIRO spokeswoman said the organisation had not been told Nicta was planning a GiFi start-up.

Nicta gigabit wireless project leader Stan Skafidas and some of his 15 staff were likely to join the start-
up when it began operating.Whether Professor Skafidas would join the new company permanently was
yet to be determined, Dr Skellern said.

Gi-Fi or Gigabit Wireless is the worlds first transceiver integrated on a single chip that operates at
60GHz on the CMOS process. It will allow wireless transfer of audio and video data at up to
5 gigabits per second, ten times the current maximum wireless transfer rate, at one-tenth the
cost. NICTA researchers have chosen to develop this technology in the 57-64GHz unlicensed
frequency band as the millimetre-wave range of the spectrum makes possible high component on-chip

integration as well as allowing for the integration of very small high gain arrays. The available 7GHz
of spectrum results in very high data rates, up to 5 gigabits per second to users within an indoor
environment, usually within a range of 10 metres.


GiFi uses CMOS technology. Complementary metaloxidesemiconductor (CMOS) is a technology
for constructing integrated circuits. CMOS technology is used
in microprocessors, microcontrollers, static RAM, and other digital logic circuits. CMOS technology is
also used for several analog circuits such as image sensors, data converters, and highly
integrated transceivers for many types of communication. Frank Wanlass patented CMOS in 1967 (US
patent 3,356,858).

CMOS is also sometimes referred to as complementary-symmetry metaloxidesemiconductor (or

COS-MOS). The words "complementary-symmetry" refer to the fact that the typical digital design
style with CMOS uses complementary and symmetrical pairs of p-type and n-type metal oxide
semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) for logic functions.

CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) is the semiconductor technology used in

the transistors that are manufactured into most of today's computer microchips. Semiconductors are
made of silicon and germanium, materials which "sort of" conduct electricity, but not enthusiastically.
Areas of these materials that are "doped" by adding impurities become full-scale conductors of either
extra electrons with a negative charge (N-type transistors) or of positive charge carriers (P-type
transistors). In CMOS technology, both kinds of transistors are used in a complementary way to form a
current gate that forms an effective means of electrical control. CMOS transistors use almost no power
when not needed. As the current direction changes more rapidly, however, the transistors become hot.
This characteristic tends to limit the speed at which microprocessors can operate

Two important characteristics of CMOS devices are high noise immunity and low static power
consumption. Significant power is only drawn while the transistors in the CMOS device are switching
between on and off states. Consequently, CMOS devices do not produce as much waste heat as other
forms of logic, for example transistor-transistor logic (TTL) or NMOS logic, which uses all n-channel
devices without p-channel devices. CMOS also allows a high density of logic functions on a chip. It
was primarily this reason why CMOS won the race in the eighties and became the most used
technology to be implemented in VLSI chips.

The phrase "metaloxidesemiconductor" is a reference to the physical structure of certain field-effect
transistors, having a metal gate electrode placed on top of an oxide insulator, which in turn is on top of
a semiconductor material. Aluminum was once used but now the material is polysilicon. Other metal
gates have made a comeback with the advent of high-k dielectric materials in the CMOS process, as
announced by IBM and Intel for the 45 nanometer node and beyond.

2. In CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) technology, both N-type and P-type

transistors are used to realize logic functions. Today, CMOS technology is the dominant
semiconductor technology for microprocessors, memories and application specific integrated circuits
(ASICs). The main advantage of CMOS over NMOS and bipolar technology is the much smaller
power dissipation. Unlike NMOS or bipolar circuits, a CMOS circuit has almost no static power
dissipation. Power is only dissipated in case the circuit actually switches. This allows to integrate
many more CMOS gates on an IC than in NMOS or bipolar technology, resulting in much better
The following applets demonstrate the N-type and P-type transistors used in CMOS technology, the
basic CMOS inverter, NAND and NOR gates, and an AOI32 complex gate.
Finally, it demonstrates the CMOS transmission-gate and a transmisson-gate D-latch.
The first applet illustrates the function of both N-type and P-type MOS transistors.
The source and gate contacts of the transistors to toggle the corresponding voltage levels and watch the
resulting output value on the drain contacts. The applet uses colors to display the different voltages.
(1) A logical '1' corresponding to electrical level VCC (typical values for current technolgies are +5V
or +3.3V) is shown in red,
(2) A logical '0' (corresponding to 0V or GND) in blue.
(3) A floating wire (not connected to either VCC or GND) is shown in orange.
N-type transistor is conducting when its input is '1', while the P-type transistor is conducting when its
input is '0'. The applet displays the channel of a conducting transistor as a rectangle filled with the

color of its source voltage. The channel of a nonconducting transistor is shown as rectangle outline in
black. The most important CMOS gate is the CMOS inverter. It consists of only two transistors, a pair
of one N-type and one P-type transistor. The applet demonstrates how the inverter works. If the input
voltage is '1' (VCC) the P-type transistor on top is nonconducting, but the N-type transistor is
conducting and provides a path from GND to the output Y. The output level therefore is '0'. On the
other hand, if the input level is '0', the P-type transistor is conducting and provides a path from VCC to
the output Y, so that the output level is '1', while the N-type transistor is blocked. If the input is
floating, both transistors may be conducting and a short-circuit condition is possible.

3.2Transmission of image in GiFi

CMOS uses image sensor for transferring image and those image sensors can have much more
functionality on-chip than CCDs. In addition to converting photons to electrons and transferring them,
the CMOS sensor might also perform image processing, edge detection, noise reduction, and analog to
digital conversion. What's more, sensor and digital camera designers can make the various CMOS
functions programmable, providing for a very flexible device.
This functional integration onto a single chip is CMOS' main advantage over the CCD. It also reduces
the number of external components needed.

Fig 2. Image Sensor

Using an integrated CMOS sensor allows the digital camera to devote less space to other chips, such as
digital signal processors (DSPs) and ADCs. In addition, because CMOS devices consume less power
than CCDs, there's less heat, so thermal noise can be reduced.
The breakthrough for CMOS sensor technology came in the early 1990s, when Active Pixel Sensors
(APS) were successfully implemented by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). A theoretical
technology that was understood for decades but not effectively used until 1993, APS adds a readout

amplifier transistor to each pixel. This allows the conversion of the charge to voltage to happen at the
pixel. It also provides for random access to the sensor's pixels, similar to the row-column memory cell
access in RAM technology.

The charge readout from the AP CMOS sensor is done using parallel circuitry, which allows the signal
from single pixels or columns of pixels to be directly addressed. This direct random access ability
allows a CMOS sensor to intelligently choose to readout select groups of pixel charges (rather than the
entire sensor array). This is called window-of-interest or windowing readout. A CMOS sensor can
intelligently subsample (reduce the size of) an image when it is captured. It also offers the potential of
increased readout speed, as compared to CCD's, which must offload all its charge through a single
horizontal shift register.

In addition to amplification within the pixel site, amplifying circuitry may be placed elsewhere along
the CMOS signal chain. This provides different, multiple gain stages throughout the sensor. Amplifiers
can apply global gain to increase sensitivity in low light situations. Or selective gain can be applied to
a specific color to assist in white balance algorithms or artistic effects.

By adding all this extra circuitry to the chip, CMOS has traditionally experienced a great deal of
difficulty with noise, including transistor leakage, diode leakage, and residual charge. Noise
elimination continues to be an important area for continued CMOS research and development. But one
advantage that CMOS has is that the sensor can have subtractive elements on the chip, to remove dark
current noise from the charge before it is offloaded.

Given the number of options of what functions you can put on the CMOS sensor, it's not surprising
that there's considerable variety among various CMOS architectures.

3.3Color creation in GiFi

All image sensors are grayscale devices that record the intensity of light from full black to white, with
the appropriate intervening gray. To add color to a digital camera image, a layer of color filters is
bonded to the silicon using a photolithography process to apply color dyes.

3.3.1 Photolithography :

Photolithography (or "optical lithography") is a process used in micro fabrication to selectively remove
parts of a thin film or the bulk of asubstrate. It uses light to transfer a geometric pattern from a photo
mask to a light-sensitive chemical "photoresist", or simply "resist," on the substrate. A series
of chemical treatments then either engraves the exposure pattern into, or enables deposition of a new

material in the desired pattern upon, the material underneath the photo resist. In complex integrated
circuits, for example a modern CMOS, a wafer will go through the photolithographic cycle up to 50

Photolithography shares some fundamental principles with photography in that the pattern in
the etching resist is created by exposing it to light, either directly (without using a mask) or with a
projected image using an optical mask. This procedure is comparable to a high precision version of the
method used to make printed circuit boards. Subsequent stages in the process have more in common
with etching than to lithographic printing. It is used because it can create extremely small patterns
(down to a few tens of nanometers in size), it affords exact control over the shape and size of the
objects it creates, and because it can create patterns over an entire surface cost-effectively. Its main
disadvantages are that it requires a flat substrate to start with, it is not very effective at creating shapes
that are not flat, and it can require extremely clean operating conditions.

A single iteration of photolithography combines several steps in sequence. Modern cleanrooms use
automated, robotic wafer track systems to coordinate the process. The procedure described here omits
some advanced treatments, such as thinning agents or edge-bead removal.


If organic or inorganic contaminations are present on the wafer surface, they are usually removed by
wet chemical treatment, e.g. the RCA clean procedure based on solutions containing hydrogen


The wafer is initially heated to a temperature sufficient to drive off any moisture that may be present
on the wafer surface. Wafers that have been in storage must be chemically cleaned to
removecontamination. A liquid or gaseous "adhesion promoter", such as Bis(trimethylsilyl)amine
("hexamethyldisilazane", HMDS), is applied to promote adhesion of the photoresist to the wafer. The
phrase "adhesion promoter" is given because HMDS secures adhesion between the wafer and the
photoresist. The surface layer of silicon dioxide on the wafer reacts with HMDS to form tri-methylated
silicon-dioxide, a highly water repellent layer not unlike the layer of wax on a car's paint. This water
repellent layer prevents the aqueous developer from penetrating between the photoresist layer and the
wafer's surface, thus preventing so-called lifting of small photoresist structures in the (developing)

(iii)Photoresist application

The wafer is covered with photoresist by spin coating. A viscous, liquid solution of photoresist is
dispensed onto the wafer, and the wafer is spun rapidly to produce a uniformly thick layer. The spin
coating typically runs at 1200 to 4800 rpm for 30 to 60 seconds, and produces a layer between 0.5 and
2.5 micrometres thick. The spin coating process results in a uniform thin layer, usually with uniformity
of within 5 to 10 nanometres. This uniformity can be explained by detailed fluid-mechanical
modelling, which shows that the resist moves much faster at the top of the layer than at the bottom,
where viscous forces bind the resist to the wafer surface. Thus, the top layer of resist is quickly ejected
from the wafer's edge while the bottom layer still creeps slowly radially along the wafer. In this way,
any 'bump' or 'ridge' of resist is removed, leaving a very flat layer. Final thickness is also determined
by the evaporation of liquid solvents from the resist. For very small, dense features (<125 or so nm),
thinner resist thicknesses (<0.5 micrometres) are needed to overcome collapse effects at high aspect
ratios; typical aspect ratios are <4:1.

(iv)Photoresist removal

After a photoresist is no longer needed, it must be removed from the substrate. This usually requires a
liquid "resist stripper", which chemically alters the resist so that it no longer adheres to the substrate.
Alternatively, photoresist may be removed by a plasma containing oxygen, which oxidizes it. This
process is called ashing, and resembles dry etching.


In etching, a liquid ("wet") or plasma ("dry") chemical agent removes the uppermost layer of the
substrate in the areas that are not protected by photoresist. In semiconductor fabrication, dry etching
techniques are generally used, as they can be made anisotropic, in order to avoid significant
undercutting of the photoresist pattern. This is essential when the width of the features to be defined is
similar to or less than the thickness of the material being etched (i.e. when the aspect ratio approaches
unity). Wet etch processes are generally isotropic in nature, which is often indispensable
for microelectromechanical systems, where suspended structures must be "released" from the
underlying layer.

The development of low-defectivity anisotropic dry-etch process has enabled the ever-smaller features
defined photo lithographically in the resist to be transferred to the substrate material.

(vi)Light sources

Photolithography has used ultraviolet light from gas-discharge lamps using mercury, sometimes in
combination with noble gases such as xenon. These lamps produce light across a broad spectrum with
several strong peaks in the ultraviolet range. This spectrum is filtered to select a single spectral line.
From the early 1960s through the mid-1980s, Hg lamps had been used in lithography for their

spectral lines at 436 nm ("g-line"), 405 nm ("h-line") and 365 nm ("i-line"). However, with the
semiconductor industrys need for both higher resolution (to produce denser and faster chips) and
higher throughput (for lower costs), the lamp-based lithography tools were no longer able to meet the
industrys requirements.

Fig 3. Graph for Lithography wavelength vs. Resolution


One of the evolutionary paths of lithography has been the use of shorter wavelengths. It is worth
noting that the same light source may be used for several technology generations. The commonly used
deep ultraviolet excimer lasers in lithography systems are the Krypton fluoride laser at 248-nm
wavelength and the argon fluoride laser at 193-nm wavelength. The primary manufacturers of excimer
laser light sources in the 1980s were Lambda Physik (now part of Coherent, Inc.) and Lumonics, but
since the mid-1990s Cymer Inc. has become the dominant supplier of excimer laser sources to the
lithography equipment manufacturers. Generally, an excimer laser is designed to operate with a
specific gas mixture; therefore, changing wavelength is not a trivial matter, as the method of
generating the new wavelength is completely different, and the absorption characteristics of materials
change. For example, air begins to absorb significantly around the 193 nm wavelength; moving to sub-
193 nm wavelengths would require installing vacuum pump and purge equipment on the lithography
tools (a significant challenge). Furthermore, insulating materials such as silicon dioxide (SiO2), when

exposed to photons with energy greater than the band gap, release free electrons and holes which
subsequently cause adverse charging.

Optical lithography has been extended to feature sizes below 50 nm using the 193 nm ArF excimer
laser and liquid immersion techniques. Also termed immersion lithography this enables the use of
optics with numerical apertures exceeding 1.0. The liquid used is typically ultra-pure, deionised water,
which provides for a refractive index above that of the usual air gap between the lens and the wafer
surface. The water is continually circulated to eliminate thermally-induced distortions. Water will only
allow NA's of up to ~1.4, but materials with higher refractive indices will allow the effective NA to be
increased further.

Experimental tools using the 157 nm wavelength from the F2 excimer laser in a manner similar to
current exposure systems have been built. These were once targeted to succeed 193 nm lithography at
the 65 nm feature size node but have now all but been eliminated by the introduction of immersion
lithography. This was due to persistent technical problems with the 157 nm technology and economic
considerations that provided strong incentives for the continued use of 193 nm excimer laser
lithography technology. High-index immersion lithography is the newest extension of 193 nm
lithography to be considered. In 2006, features less than 30 nm were demonstrated by IBM using this

Fig 4. Graph for photon energy vs. resolution

Image sensors that have micro lenses will put the color between the micro lens and the photodetector.
With scanners that use trilinear CCDs (three adjacent linear CCDs using different colors, typically red,
green, and blue) or high-end digital cameras that use three area array image sensors, it's a very simple
issue of coating each of the three sensors with a separate color. (Note that some multi-sensor digital
cameras use combinations of colors in their filters, rather than the three separate primaries). But for
single sensor devices, such as the majority of consumer and prosumer digital still cameras used today,
color filter arrays (CFAs) are used.

Fig 5. Color creation in image during transmission through GiFi

CFAs assign a separate primary color to each pixel by placing a filter of that color over the pixel. . As
photons pass through the filter to reach the pixel, only wavelengths of that primary color will pass
through. All other wavelengths will be absorbed. Primary colors are a small set of colors identified by
science as being the building blocks for all other colors. Therefore, in the RGB color model,
combining varying amounts of red, green and blue will create all the other colors in the spectrum
Numerous types of CFAs have been developed for different applications. But in the vast majority of
digital camera image sensors, the most popular CFA is the Bayer pattern. Kodak developed the Bayer
pattern in the 1970s, based on work in spatial multiplexing. Using a checkerboard pattern with
alternating rows of filters, the Bayer pattern has twice as many green pixels as red or blue. And they
are arranged in alternating rows, of red wedged between green, and of blue wedged between green.

This takes advantage of the human eye's predilection to see green luminance as the strongest influence
in defining sharpness. What's more, it produces identical images regardless of how you hold the
camera--in landscape or portrait mode.

When a Bayer pattern sensor's charge is read out, the colors are recorded sequentially line by line. One
line would be BGBGBG, followed by a line of GRGRGR and so forth. This is known as sequential

In CCD cameras, the compositing (demosaicing) of all these colors into a picture is done off the
sensor, in the image processing stage, after the ADC has converted the analog data to digital. CMOS
sensor-based cameras have the advantage of being able to perform the demosaicing on the sensor
itself. In either case, the primary colors of each pixel are mathematically interpolated by factoring in
the color values of neighboring pixels. (In reality, few points of light in any picture are true primary
red, green or blue; they are a combination of the three colors.)

For instance, a linear interpolation will look at a 3x3 square of pixels and compare values from
neighboring pixels to determine how many of the neighbor component colors should be added to the
center pixel. In a simple case of three pixels with blue, red, and blue color filters lined up in a
horizontal row, assume you are trying to derive the actual color of a pixel with the red filter. If you
assume there are no weighted averages at play and all pixels are treated equally, then the true color of
the pixel location using the red color filter would be derived mathematically by giving two parts
weight to the blue pixels and one part weight to red. The actual algorithms of even simple linear
interpolation are much more complex than that, taking into account all the neighboring pixels of any
one pixel. When this interpolation isn't done well, color aliasing (or artifacts of inappropriate colors)
are introduced, especially at color change edges.

No longer just fuzzy recordings to youtube (see Spies Like Us), kids will be able to live stream from
cell phone to HD tv's around the world.
It can also be used as cyberbullying, hacking, and other behaviors, is because most schools largely
ignore technology and relegate it to the "computer teacher's job."
As cell phones, computers, digital paper, and even computing surfaces integrate fully with our lives,
we will see that these are part of everything we do and should indeed be a part of every subject.
Hardware (and to some extent software) is becoming a commodity. Increasingly, its presence does not
guarantee that a school will be "leading edge." It is the USE of technology that determines the success
of a school and the future success of its students.
Too many IT directors bemoan the dusty smartboards and unused laptops . It is a never-ending hunger
for bandwidth is driving the market. The exploding use of web video services, Web 2.0 and social
networking sites and enterprise applications is filling fixed broadband access is access networks and
backbones. Spare capacity is shrinking at the same time mobile Internet taking off and spreading like
wildfire to the mass market, driven by Internet brousing.

Our research shows that the personal computer remains the most used device for accessing the Internet
at home. Yet, 13 percent of all Internet users in mature markets go online via a mobile phone when
they are at home. In the near future, 44 percent of online users in mature markets and 54 percent in
emerging markets will increase their existing (fixed) bandwidth.

Clear broadband trends are emerging. Any Communications Service Provider (CSP) broadband
strategy will be based on one or more of three focal points - speed, simplicity and services . This short-
range wireless technology would potentially be a competitor or more than likely a replacement for
WiFi, and things like Bluetooth might want to look out as well. The transfer speeds combined with the
constantly increased storage capacities of small handheld devices could really take media down some
new avenues as well. The Age newspaper uses an example of transferring a high-definition movie
from a kiosk at a store to your mobile phone in seconds. Then that same movie can be transferred just
as quickly from the phone to your home computer or entertainment system to watch.
According to the U. of Melbourne, the chip is very small at only 5 millimeters per side, has a 1mm
antenna, uses just two watts of power and they estimate it would cost less than $10 each to build. It
also uses the 60GHz millimetre wave spectrum which is not as crowded as the spectrum that Wi-Fi
uses, competing with things like cordless phones.The chip still has about a year of work left on it
before it becomes a reality. Skafidas says they still needs to work on transceiver.

1. Multi-gigabit wireless technology that removes the need for cables between consumer electronic
2. More than 100 times faster than current short-raqnge wireless technologies.
3. Allows wireless streaming of uncompressed high-definition content.
4. Operates over a range of 10 metres without interference.
5. Entire transmission system can be built on a cost effective single silicon chip.
6. Operates in the unlicensed, 57-64 GHz spectrum band.

1. Removes need for cables to connect consumer electronics devices
2. Low-cost chip allows technology to be readily incorporated into multiple devices
3. Secure encryption technology ensures privacy and security of content
4. Simple connection improves the consumer experience
5. Enhancements to next generation gaming technology

(A) Wireless video transmission using GiFi chip
Electrical Engineerings Professor Stan Skafidas (BE Elec. Eng) 1993; MEngSc 1996; PhD 1998) has
successfully demonstrated a transmission of wireless video using the world-first Gigabit Wireless
(GiFi) technology. The demonstration, attended by Victorian Government Minister for Innovation,
Gavin Jennings earlier this year, was the first time it has been on public.display.

The GiFi chip is the worlds first transceiver integrated on a single chip operating at 60GHz on the
CMOS (complementary metaloxidesemiconductor) process, the most common semiconductor
technology. The breakthrough will lead to wirelessly connected environments that will enjoy audio and
video transfer rates of up to 5 gigabits per second, ten times the current maximum wireless transfer
rate, at one-tenth the cost.

In the future, Gigabit wireless technology will be used to show DVD movies on High Definition
Digital TV without a wired connection and for very fast downloads of content from devices such as
PDAs, games consoles and wireless digital cameras.

The Gigabit Wireless Project was recently selected as a finalist in the INNOVIC 2009 Next Big Thing
Award .

(B) For communication process

GiFi provides 5 Gbits per second it better be able to transmit 10 videos without buffer delays.

(C) GiFi wireless chip to bring 5Gb per second speed

The University of Melbourne announced on Friday a new technology they are calling GiFi, which
promises some serious game-changing wireless transfer speeds for all types of consumer gadgets. The
tiny silicon chip invented by professor Stan Skafidas is able to move data through the air as fast as 5
gigabits per second at a distance of just over 30 feet.

This short-range wireless technology would potentially be a competitor or more than likely a
replacement for WiFi, and things like Bluetooth might want to look out as well. The transfer speeds
combined with the constantly increased storage capacities of small handheld devices could really take
media down some new avenues as well. The Age newspaper uses an example of transferring a high-
definition movie from a kiosk at a store to your mobile phone in seconds. Then that same movie can be
transferred just as quickly from the phone to your home computer or entertainment system to watch

(D) Provides high resolation

The higher megapixel count on our cameras, the increased bitrate on our music files, the higher
resolution of our video files, and so on. We demand more than ever, but we also want this content to
be transfered in the most expedient manner possible. 802.11g and 802.11n are fine and all, but some
people want to push the envelope even further.
Melbourne University researchers are working on a wireless chip that can effectively offer data speeds
of up to 5 gigabits per second. This 5Gbps technology has been named GiFi and it seems to only be
able to support that speed at a distance of up to 10 meters. This rate, however, would allow a full-
length high definition movie to be transferred between two devices in seconds. Seconds!
The 5mm chip itself makes use of currently existing CMOS technology and would cost about $10
manufacture. GiFi operates over the 60GHz frequency, a band that has largely gone unused thus far.

(e)GiFinew wireless high speed communication standard

The Melbourne University-based laboratories (Australia) unveiled a new wireless technology called

GiFi. This is a short range technology, effective within 10 meters. However it features impressive data
transfer speeds 5 gigabits per second, it can transmit stream video online without buffer delays. The
developers have already held a demo of GiFi in action. They introduced a 5-mm CMOS-chip that uses
a one-millimeter antenna and consumes mere 2 Watt. GiFi works in 60 GHz spectrum and would have
a production cost less than $10. The final GiFi version is expected in 2009 or later. The developers
believe the new wireless technology will be widely applied in household electronics like TVs and
mobile phones.

(F) Low power consumption

Australian researchers from National ICT Australia (NICTA) have developed a lower power, short-
range chip for wireless communications that can achieve up to 5Gbps -- allowing them to transfer a
complete DVD in a matter of seconds.

(G) Provides short-range wireless

A new wireless technology has been developed that should serve as an extremely fast replacement for
technologies such as Bluetooth and ultra-wideband (UWB), says Australian research group NICTA.
Nicknamed GiFi, the process would use a chip (not pictured) that transmits at an extremely high
60GHz frequency versus the 5GHz used for the fastest forms of Wi-Fi. The sheer density of the signal
would allow a chip to send as much as five gigabits per second. While the spectrum would limit the
device to the same 33-foot range as Bluetooth or UWB, it could theoretically transfer an HD movie to
a cellphone in seconds, the researchers claim.
The technology could also be used for beaming full HD video in real-time and could be used by
notebooks and other computers to wirelessly connect virtually all the expansion needed for a docking
station, including a secondary display and storage. Mixing and signal filtering would keep the signal
strong versus the longer-ranged but slower and more drop-prone Wi-Fi option of today.
NICTA does not expect a production-grade chip to leave the development stage until early 2009 but
notes that any future chip would likely cost about $10 or less to build. This and a small design would
allow cellphones and other small devices to add the technology without significantly drive up the
price, according to the company. The change opens the possibility of a successor to UWB and its
related technology Wireless USB, which matches the same range but roughly the same 480Mbps peak
speed of its wired equivalent.

(H) A Tiny GiFi Chip provides Big Wireless Capabilities

The "GiFi" chip, which measures 0.2 of an inch on each side, was developed at Melbourne University-
based labs of the National Information and Communications Technology research center, The
Age reported. The high transmission rate of the chip would make it possible, for example, to transfer a
high-definition movie from a video kiosk to a mobile device in a few seconds.
Skafidas and his team claim to be the first to demonstrate a working transceiver-on-a-chip that uses
CMOS, or complementary metal oxide semiconductor. CMOS is a particular style of digital circuitry
design used in microprocessors.
The chip uses an antenna 0.04 of an inch wide, less than two watts of power, and would cost about
$9.20 U.S. The device transmits over the 60-GHz spectrum, which the researchers said is nearly
unused. Wi-Fi technology, in contrast, shares its spectrum with other devices such as cordless phones,
which can cause disruptions. In addition, GiFi is faster than the average Wi-Fi device. However, Wi-Fi
can transmit over longer distances.
The chip is about a year away from being ready for market, Skafidas told the newspaper. As to its uses,
the researcher said the processor could be used to transfer video and other data-intensive content
between storage and display devices in the home. It also could be used to turn a mobile device into a
"shopping cart" for digital movies and other content that could be bought elsewhere and played in the
home.The 27-member team developing the new chip worked with companies such as IBM in the

1. The GiFi team is looking for partners interested in commercialising its 60GHz chips
2. Demonstrations of the technology can be arranged showing the huge potential it has to change the
way consumers use their in-home electronic devices
3. With growing consumer adoption of highdefinition television, the anticipated worldwide market for
this technology is vast.

GiFi is a wireless technology which promises high speed short range data transfers with speeds
of upto 5 Gbps within a radius of 10 meters. The GiFi operates on the 60GHz frequency band. The
Gifi measures 5mm square and it is manufactured using existing complementary metal-oxide-
semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Two important characteristics of CMOS devices are high noise
immunity and low static power consumption. The same GiFi system is currently used to print silicon
chips. The GiFi Chip developed by the Australian researchers. GiFi allows a full-length high definition
movie to be transferred between two devices in seconds. to the higher megapixel count on our
cameras, the increased bitrate on our music files, the higher resolution of our video files, and so on.
The GiFi chip is one of Australia's most lucrativee technology.

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