Lease Copy Flat 75 Brewe - 001

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ITLE NUMBER NGL 153710 NcL7776l a

MX 440039
PROPERTY Land lying to l:he South of Harrow
Road, land knc,wn as Judex Works

:849, Harrow Road and land known
s Wembley Breweny, Harrow Road

TFI lS LEASE ismadetheeg.kl'

day of l4a'"4 One thousand nine hunclred and
t\ r'ul
BETWEEN the per!;on ()r corirpan.y' whr:se
nme and address is set out in paragraph (a) of Fart V of tlre
Schedule hereto (hereinafter called "the Le$sor" which
expression shall unless the context otherwise requires include
the person or company for the time being enLitlerj to the
reversion immediately expectant on the ternr hereby granLerJ)
of the first part the person whose name and address is set out
in paragraph (b) of Part V of the Schecjule hereto (hereinafter
callecJ "the Lssee" which expression shalf unless the context
otherwse requires inclucle the persons <leriving title un<Jer
him) of the seconcl part and the Company.whose name and
address is set out in paragraph (c) of Part v of the schedrle
hereto (hereinafter called "the Company") of the tlrircl part
W I.I E F E,,A S:-
(1) (a) Ther.e is erected or in course o.f' being erectecj on
the parcel or parcels oF land shown on the plan annexed
hereto which or each of which is thereon eciged with a thick
black line a building or buildings (hereinafter calred "tl-e
Block") more panticr-rlanly described in part V of the schedule

(b) The Block together with the parcel or parcels of
land beng withn the Management Company area shown on the
plan annexed hereto the boundaries thereof and all o'ther
buildings or erections for the time being thereon are
hereinafte,r collectively called "the Property"
(c) The expression "the common parts" mens all those
parti of the Property shown stippled on the plan ann,exed
hereto enjoye<J or used in common by the lessees of the parts
of the Block and not included in the Lease to them including
in particular all those parts o( the Property for the
maintenance repair redecoration and renetval of which the
Company is responsible under Part lV of the Schedule lrereLo
(2) The Lessor has recently offered to Lease parts of the
Block in accordance with a general scheme and intends that
every such Lease should impose upon the lessee of each part
and uporr the Company in accordance with the saicl general
scherne the obligations and restrictions as set out in Parts
lll and lV of the Schedule hereto and to tire intent that the
Lessor the Cornpany and the lessee for tlhe tirne being of any
part m\/ be able to enforce at law or in equitl' the
performance and observance thereof by the Company and the
lessee for the time being of each and every other part
(3) The Company has been incorporatecl with the object
(inter alia) of providing certain services to and for tlre
lessees of the said parts of the Block and otherwise managing
the Property as hereinafter appears
(4) The Lessor has agreed with the l-essee For the grant to
the Lessee of the Lease of the pnemises hereinafter descrihed
for the consideration and at the rents ancl orr the terms and
conditions hereinafter appearing
(5) The Lessee has agreed with the Lessor and the Cornpany
to enter into the covenants with the Company ancJ on the
Lessee's part to be performed and obserr,'ed as hereinafter
appears and in consideration thereof the Cornpany hls agreed
to enter into the covenants with the Lessor and the [-essee
and on the Company's part to be perfor"rned and observerJ set
out in Part lV of the Schedule hereto

follows: -
1 lN consideration of the sum set out in Part V of the
Schedule hereto now paid by the Lessee to the Lessor (the
receipt whereof the Lessor hereby acknowledges) and of the
rents and covenants herenafter reserved ancl contained and on
the part of the Lessee to be paid performed and observed the
Lessor hereby demises unto the Lessee ALt- THOSE premises
more particularly described in Part V of the Schedr-rle hereto
and which are heneinafter called "the <Jemised premisee"
Together with the easements rights and privileges sr;t out in
Part I of the Schedule hereto Subject as therein rnentioned
EXCEPT AND RESERVING unto the Lessor and all other the
lessees of parts of the Block as set out in Pa rt I I of the
Schedule hereto and FURTHER EXCEPT AND, RESERVING unto
the Lessor and all other persons entitled thereto ancl/or
authorised by the Lessor as set out in Part I I (a) of the
Schedule hereto TO HOLD the same unto the Lessee for the
term rnentioned in Part V of the Schedule hereto YlELDlf'JG
AND PAYING therefor unto the Lessor dr:ring the r;aid term
the yearly rent set out in Part V of the lichedule hereto in
advance by equal half-yearly payments on the Twenty-for-rrth
day of June and the Twenty-fifth day of Decenrber in every
year free of all deductions whatsoever and shall if required
by the Lessor be paid by Bank Standing Order the first
payment being an apportioned part of tlre snid rent calculated
from the date hereof to be made on the execution her^eof ,ANID
in the event of any rent or other payment l'rereby reserve(l Dn
made payable hereunder or ny part thereof being unpaid
twenty-one days after the same becomes due u rrder the
provisions rerein contained PAYING by way of additional rent
(but without |:rejudice to any right of action or rernedy of the
Lessor and/or Company fon the recovery of the same) interest
on such sum calculated on a day to day basis at five per cent
above Midland Bank PLC base rate for the.time being in force
frorn the date when such p,ayment becornes due to the actral

date of
payment such nterest to be payable by the Lessee to
the Lesson on demand
TH Lessee HEREBY COVENANTS with the Lessor and
the Company and with each of them as follorvs:-
(1) To pay to the Lessor the sad rent during the said
term 'hereby granted at the tirnes and in manner aforesaid
without any deduction
(2) To pay and disaharge and keep the Lessor and the
company indernnified from and against all existing and future
rates taxes duties charges assessments mpositions and
outgoings whatsoever (whether imposed by statute or otherwise
and whether of a natonal on local character and whether of
the nature of capital or revenue and even though of a whc,lly
novel character) now or at any tirne during the terrn payahle
in respect of the demised premises or any part thereof by,
Lessor or a Lessee or the owner or occupier for the time being
thereof PRovIDED ALWAys that if any such outgoings as
aforesaid shall be assessed or charged upon the property as a
whole or any part thereof includng the denrised premises the
Lessee shall be liable for such proportion thereof as the
surveyor for the time being of the Lessor shall certify to be
(3) Not to injure cut or maim any of the wails
ceilings floors on partitions of the demised premises
(4) Not to make any structurar arterations or
structural additions to the demised premises or the internal
anrngements thereofor remove any of the Landlord's fixtures
without the previous consent in wrting of the Lessor stch
consent not to be unreasonably withheld
(5) T,r pay all costs charges and expenses (inclirding
Solcitor's costs and Surveyor's fees) incurred by the Lessor
for the purpose of or incidentar to the preparation and
senvce of a notice under sections ]46 and ]47 of the Law of
Property Act 1925 (including any such fees payable n respect
of {:he preparation and servce of ny schedule of
dilapidations) notwithstanding that forfeiture mav be avoided
otherwise than by relief granted by the Court

(6) Forthwith after service upon the Lessee of any
notice affecting the demised premises served by any penson
body or authorty (other than the Lessor) to deliver a true
copy thereof to the Lessor and if so requirecJ by the Lessor to
join with the Lessor in making such representations to any
such person body or authority concerning any proposals
affecting the demised prernises as the Lessor may considen
desirable and to join with the Lessor in any such appeal
against any order or direction affecting the demised premises
as the Lessor rnay consider desirable
(7) During the last seven years of the term hereby
granted not to assign underlet or part with the possession of
the demised premises or any part thereof or the said fixtures
(if any) without the previous consent in writing of the Lessor
such consent not to be unreasonably withheld
(B) Not to assign underlet or pant with the possession
of part only of the demised premses
(9) Withn one calendar month after ::ny such document
or instrument as is hereirrafter mentioned shall be executed or
shall operate or take effect or purport to openate or take
effect to produce to the Lessor's Solicitors either the
original on a certified copy of every assignment transfer
mortgage or legal clrange of this Lease oF the demised prernises
and also every rnderlease of the demised premises {or
subsantially the whole of the unexpired term and every
assignment of such underlease and also any probate letters of
administration order of court or othen instrr.rrnent effecting on
evidencing a devolr.tion of title as regar,Js {:he terrrr hereby
granted or any such underlease as aforesai,J for the purpore
of registration and for such registration to pay a reasorrakle
fee being not less than Thirty pounds (030) (plus VAT) in
respect of each <Jocument or instrument so produced
(10) At the expiration or sooner <JeLermination of the
said term to peaceably surrrender and yield up to the Lesson
the demised premises together with all additions thereto and
all Landlord's fixtunes and fittings (if any) in good
substantial and tenantabl repair and condition

(11) At all times hereafter to observe and perform any
restrictions covenants conditions and stipulations which are
contained or neferred to in Part lll of the Schedule hereto so
far as the same are still subsisting and capable of beinrg
enforced and affect the demsed premises
(12) (a) To indemnify the Lessor against all actions
clairns demands and liability in respect of any breach of the
said restrictions covenants conditions and stipulations or arny
of them so far as aforesaid
(t,; To pay and indemnify the Lessor against all
costs and expenses including (without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing) Soticitors'costs and Surveyors'
fees in respect of or incidental to any advice sought or any
action reasonably contemplated or taken by or on behalf of the
Lessor in order to prevent or procure the remedying of any
breach or non perfonmance by the L.essee of any of the
covenants conditions or agreements herein contained and on
the part of the Lessee to be observed and performed
3 IN accordance with the said general scheme for the
benefit of the Lessr:r and the lessees of the remainder of the
Block the Lessee HEREBY COVENANTS with the Lessor tlre
Company and the lessees for the time being o{ the ot}rer parts
of the Block and with each of them that the [-essee will fr.,-'
tme to tirne and at all times hereafter during the said term: -
(1) Keep the demised premises th ror-rghout the ternn
hereby granted (othen than the parts thereof refen"ed to in
Part lV a( the Schedule hereto) and all walls party walls
sewers drains pipes cables wires timbers f loors ancl ceilings
and appuntenances theneto belonging in gor:,d srbstantial and
tenantable repair and condition and in particular o a$ to
support shelter and pnotect the parts of the Property otlrer
than the demised premises and in such go,d substantial and
tenantable repair and condifrion yield up the demised premises
at the expnation or soonen determination of the term hereby
(2) Without prejudice to the generalty of the
previous sub*clause once in every seven vars of the term and

also during the last three months or at the sooner
determination thereof paint all the inside wc,od and iron work
usually painted of the dernised prernises Iincluding where
applicable the floor and interior walls of any balconies) with
two coats of good paint in a proper and workmanlike marlner
and rds varnish the parts usually varnished and also
and paint on paper all ceilings and walls as the
ame now whitened p aintedor papered
(3) Execute and do at the expense of the Lessee all
such s and things whatever (other tl"ra n as aforesa id) as
may now or ti me during the tern be directed or
required by any National or Local or other public /\uthority to
be executed on done upon or in respect of the demised
premises by the owner or occupier thereof
(4) Perform and observe all and singtllar the
obligations anci restrictions set out n Part I I I of the
Schedule hereto
(5) (a) Deposit with the Cornpany on the execution
hereof the sLtm set out in Part V(j) of the Schedtle hereto
(the receipt wlrereof the Company hereby ackrrowledges) and
to permit the Company to retain the sarne du ring the term
hereby granted as a reserve towards rnakinS good any defar.rlt
by the Lessee in the payments referred to in the next
following sub-clause hereof which shall be payable in full
notwithstanding such deposit which or the unexpended part of
which' shall be payable without interest to the Lessee at the
end or sooner determination of the said term
(b) Contribute and pay ()n denrand the
pnoportionate part set out in Part V(i) of tlre Schedr-rle hereto
of all costs charges and expenses from time io time incurred
or to be incurred by the Company in performing and carrying
out the obligations and each of them under Part lV of the
Scheclule hereto as set out in the No:ice meniionbd in
paragraph 11 of Part lV of the Schedule hereto PROVIDED
ALWAYS that if the l_essor shall under the provisions of
Clause 6(3) hereof perform or carry out all on any of the
obligations of the Company herer-nder the Lessee shall

contribute and pay to the Lessor on demand the due
proporton of all costs charges and expenses as more
particularly hereinbefore mentioned PROVIDED FURTHER that
in the event that any payment hereunder to the Lessor and/or
the Company is not paid within twenty-one days after
becoming due the same shall be payable with interest thereon
at the rate of Fve per cent (5%) per annurn above the base
rate from time to time of Midland Bank PLC calculated on a
day to day basis from the date it became due to the date of
payrnent and the aggregate amount for tlre time being so
payable shall at the discretion of the Lessor an*/or the
Company be recoverable by action or as rent in anrears
(c) To pay such sums or amounts referred to in
Clause 3(5) (b) by way of Bank Mandate (incorporating
Standing Order or Drect Debit) if so requested by the
Company or any Managing Agent or Agents appointed by tl"re
(6) Comply wth and observe any reasonabfie
regulations which the Company may consistently with the
provisions of this Deed rnake to govern the use of the
Property and any part thereof Such regulations may be
restrictive of acts done on the Property deLrimental to its
character or amenities and any costs charges or expenses
incurred by the Company in preparing or sr-rpplying copies of
such regulations or in doing works for the improvernent of the
Property providing services or ernploying gardeners porters r:r
other employees shall be deemed to have been properly
incurred by the Company in pursuance of it:; obligations under
Part lV of the Schedule hereto
(7) Upon any transacton or disposition to which tlre
Lessee is a party or over which he has any r:ontrol involving a
change in the ownership of the dernised premises to give notice
to the Lessor of the full details of the new' owner
(heneinaften called "the new owner" which expression shall be
deemed to include only an assignee of ths Lease and any
person holding as under tenant for substantially the whole ,:f
the unexpired part of the term hereby grantecJ but excluding

any mortgagees) such notification to be given to the Lesson
not less than seven days before completion of such transaction
or dspos tion and procu re that the person becoming or
contracting to become as a result of such transaction or
disposition the owner of the demised premises

(a) becomes a member of the Cornpany and

(b) enters into covenants with the Lessor and the
Company to observe and perform all covenants by
the Lessee wth the Lessor and the Company
contained in this Lease The costs and expenses
of the Lessor and the Company in entering into
the covenants shall be borne by the new owners
(B) Permit the Lessor and the Company and their
respectve Surveyons and Agents with or without workmetr at
all reasonable times upon reasonable notice during the said
terrn to enter upon and examine the condition of the demised
prernises and thereupon the Lessor or the Company may serve
upon the Lessee notice in writing specifying any repairs
necessary to be done and for which the l-essee is direc{:ly
responsible under his covenants hereinbefore contained and
requiring the Lessee forthwith to execute the sarne and f the
Lessee shall not within one month after the service of such
notce comnnence and proceed diligently with the execution of
such repairs then to permit the Lessor and the Company and
their respective Agents to enter upon the demised premises
and execute such repairs and the cost thereof shall be a debt
immediately due from the Lessee to the l-essr:r or the Company
as the case may be and shall be forthwith recoverable by action
(9) Permit the Lessor and the Cr:rmpany and their
respective Surveyors and Agents with or withoirt workmen and
others at all reasonable times on reasonable notice Lo enter
into and upon the demised premises or rr,z part thereof for
the purpose of repairing altering or amending any part of the
Property and for tlre pur"pose of making re:airing maintaining
rebuilding cleansing lighting and keeping in order and good
condition all sewers drains pipes cables walercourses gutters
wires party structunes or other conveniences and services

common to any pant of the Property or belonging to or serving
or used for the Property or any part thereof and also for the
purpose oi laying down mantaining repairing and testing
dnainage gas and water pipes and electric wires and cables
and fon similar purposes and also for the purpose of cutting
off the supply of water gas or elecLricity to the demised
premises or any other pant of the Property in the case of
emergency or in respect of the supply of water only where the
Lessee or the occupier of such other part of the property as
the case may be shall have made default in paying {:he water
rate or any part thereof the person or ersons exercising
such night making good all damage theretry occasoned
(10) (a) At the Lessee's own expense obta in all
necessary permissions and approvals under the Town and
country Plann ing Acts or otherwise for any additions and
alterations to the demised premises that may be made from time
to time during the said term and to produrce to the r-essor or
its Surveyor all such permissions and appnovals
(b,) Not to do or omit or suffer to be done ar
omitted any act matten or thing in on or respecting th,e
demised premises required to be omiited or done (as the case
rnay be) by the Town and Country planrring Acts or any
Bye-l-aw or which shall contravene the pro'u isions of the said
Acts or:: Bye-Laws or any of them
(c) At all times hereafter incJemnify and keep
indemnifed the Lessor from and agzrinst all actions
proceedings costs expenses claims and demands in respect of
any such act rnatter or tlring done or omitte,d by or on behalf
of the Lessee which shall contravene the said provisions of
the said Acts on Bye-Laws or any of thern as aforesaicl
(1i) lVithin seven days of recei:t of notice or
knowledge of the same by the Lessee give to the Lessor fLrll
particulars of any notice order or proposal fon a notice or
order or licence consent permission or direc'Lon made given or
issued by any competent Authority under or by virtue of the
Town and country Plann ing Acts and Bye* [-aws affecting or
relating to the demised premises and at the request of the

Lesson (but at the sole cost and expense clf the Lessee) the
Lessee will or jon with the Lessor in making suclr appeal
or objection or represen taton against or in respect of any
such notce order proposal or direction or ny refusal of or
condition irnposed under any such licence consent on
permission as the Lessor shall reasonably deem expedient
4 THE Lessor HEREBY COVENANTS with the Lessee and
the Company as follows:-
(1) That the Lessee paying the rent hereby reset'ved
and performing and obsetving the several ccnvenants conditiorrs
and agreemenls herein contained anci on the Lessee's part to
be perforrned and observed shall ancJ miy peaceably and
quietly hold and enjoy the dernised premises during the said
term without any lawful interruption or disturbance from or by
the Lessor or any person or persons rightfully claiming unrJer
or in trust for it
(2) That the Lessor will require every person to whcm
it shall hereafter grant a Lease of any part of tlre Block to
covenant to perforrn and observe such several covenants
conditions ancl agreements as aforesaid and if so recr.lired tV
the Lessee will take all reasonable steps to enforce the riame
and the covenants on the Company's part cc,ntained in Clauses
7 and I hereof PROVIDED that the Lessee s;hall indernniFy the
Lessor against all costs charges and expen$es incurred or to
be incurred' in respect of such enforcement AND the Lessor
may requre the Lessee to lodge reasonable security against
such costs charges and ,Xprss prior lio enforcing sirch
(3) That the Lessor will allow t.he Company and
persons authorised by the Company to lrave such access to the
Property and any part thereof as nlay be neces:iary and
proper for enabling the Company to crry out its obligations

(1) ln case at any time during this demise any dispttte

shall arise be'tween the l-essee and any other" of the lessees or
tenants of the Lessor or the owners or occuf:iers for the time

being of ny of the other parts of the Property relating to
the premises to them respectively demised or any other matters
whatsoever in this Deed contained then and in every such case
such dispute shall be referred for the determination and award
of the Surveyor for the time being of the Lessor whose
determination and award shall be final antJ binding on the
Lessee and any othen parties to the reference and such
Surveyon shall be entitled to require and be paid the Proper
and usual fee in respect of each such reference such fee to be
borne in egual proportions by the parties to the reference and
to be paid to such Su rveyor at the tinre of ma king the
(2) lf the rent hereby reserved or any part thereof
shall be in arrear and unrpaid fon twenty-one days after
becoming due and payable (whether ormally demanded or not)
or if there shall be ny breach of any covenants or
agreements or the part of the Lessee herein contained then
and in any such case it shall be lawful for the Lessor at any
time thereafter to re-enter upon the derniserJ premises or any
part thereof in the name of the whole and irnmed iately
thereupon this demise shall absolutely cease and determine but
without prejudice to any right of action n rernedy of tlre
Lessor in respect of any antecedent breach tlf any covenant or
agreement on the part of the Lessee herein contained
H RE as follows : -
(1) Neithen the Lessor nor the Company shall be liable
or responsible for any loss or damage suflered by the Lessee
or any visitor or ernployee of the Lessee ()r any other person
to their personal goods or property by reason of any act
neglect or default of the Lessor or the Company or of any
agent contractor employee or licensee of the Lessor the
Company or such other lessee or occupier of the Lessor or by
reson of theft or otherwise from the demised prernises or any
part of the Property by reason of any defect or want of repair
in the Property or any part thereof or in any fixture pipe
wire staircase lift (if any) or thing or the absence of
lighting in or upon the Property or any par- thereof except in

so far as any such liability may be covered by the insunance
effected by the Company under paragraph I of Part lV of the
Schedule hereto
(2) Where the demised premses are demised to two or
more persons all covenants herein expressed to be by the
Lessee shall be jont and several and in this Deed where the
context admits the masculine includes the feminine and neuter
and the singular includes the plural
(3) lf du rng the term hereby granted the Cornpany
shall fail or neglect to perform and observe its obligations
or any of them hereunder or shall go into liquidation the
Lessor shafl be entitled to undertake (or by action or
otherwise compel the Company to undertake) the obligations rrr
any of them hereby agneed to be undertaken by the Comp'3y
and shall be entitled to recover from the Lessee a due
proportion of all monies costs charges ancJ expenses incurred
by the Lessor in connection therewith
(4) Nr:twithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in this Deed if the Lesson (here meaning only Fairview New
Homei Plc) shall transfer the reversion imnlediately expectant
upon the terrn hereby created the Lessor shall by such
transfer (and withor-rt the need for any express release) stand
released from all obligations under ths Lease or r^elating to
the demised premises without prejudice to the Lessee's rights
in respect of any antecedent breach of covenant
TH Company HEREBY COVENANTS with the Lessee to
penform and observe the obligations and each of thenr set or:t
in Part lV of the Schedule hereto
8. THE Company HEREBY COVENANTS with the Lessor to
perforrn and observe the obligations and each of them set or.t
in Part lV oF the Schedule hereto ancl in tlre evenh of the
Company failing to penform and observe the saicJ obligations or
any of them hereby authorises the Lessor as its lrgent to
perforrn and,bserve the said obligations or any of them and
to recover f rorn the Lessee the due p roportion of the cos ts
charges and expenses so incurred by the Lessor as Agent for
the Company PROVIDED ALWAYS that the l*essor may at aqy

time serve a notice on the Company specifying any want of
repair or decoration which it deems reasonably necessary to be
effected under the Company's obligations set out in Part lV of
the Schedule hereto and the Company shall within two months
after the giving o such notice make good all defects and
wants of repair or decoration to the satisfacton of the
Lessor or its Surveyor or Agent for the time being
9. THIS Deed shall incorporate the regulations as to
notices contained in Section 196 of the Law of Property \ct
1 925
]0. lN this Deed reference to the Town and CounLry
Planning Acts shall include the Town and Country Planning
Acts 1941 to '1968 and any statutory modif ication or
ne-enactment thereof fon the time being and any Orders
Regulations or Directions issued under or by virtue thereof
11. - T.HE Lessee hereby declares as follows: -
(1) They shall hold the demised premises upon trust
to sell the sme with power to postpone the sale thereof and
shall hold the net proceeds of sale and other money applicable
as capital and the net rents and profits thereof r.rntil sale
upon trLlst for themselves as tenants in comnron/joint tenants
(2) Until the expiration of Eighty' years from the
death of the survivor of the Lessee the Trustees for the time
being of this Deed shall have power to mortgage charge lease
or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the demised
premises with all the powers in that behalf of an absolute
IN WITNESS whereof th'a Lessor and lhe
Lessee have hereunto set their respective hands and seals and
the Company has caused its Cornrnon Seal to be heneunto
affixed the day and year first above written


(1) Full right and liberty for the Lessee and all persons
authorised by him (in comnlon with all other personr entitled
to the I ike right) at all times by day or n ight to the extent
necessary {or the purpose of domestic usc and conven ience

incident to the occt.pation of the demised pnemises orrly to go
pass and repass on foot only over and along the paths of the
Property and through and along the common entrances oF the
Property and the common passages landing and staircase
leading to the demised prernises Subject to the payment by
the Lessee of his due proportion of all <;osts charges and
expenses in connection therewith as hereinbefore contained
(2) Full right and liberty for the Lessee and all persons
authorised by him (n common with all other persons entitled
to the like right) to use when available the gardens of the
Property for the purpose of rest and quiet recreation (not
involvingT the playing of games nor the culLivation of any
edible plants) subject to such reasonable rules and
regulatons for the common enjoyment thereof as the Company
rnay from time to time prescribe
(3) The right to subjacent and lateral surpport and shelten
and protection from the elenrents for the dernised prenrises f rom
the other parts o( the Property and from the foundation and
roof thereof
(4) The f,ree and uninterrupted passage and running of
water and soil gas and electricity f rom and to khe demised
premises throlrgh and along the sew'ers drains and
watercou rses gutters cisterns cables ppes and wires wh ich
now a re or may at ny time with in 80 yea rs f rom tlre
commencernerrt of the terrn be in under or pssng through the
Property or on the Lessor's adjoining land (if any) or part
(5) The ri5ht for the Lessee with or withot.rt worl<men and
others at all reasonable tirnes on reasonable Notice (except in
the case of emergency) to enter into and upon other paris of
the Property for the purpose of repairing cleansing
maintaining or renewing such sewers drains and watercourses
gutters cisterns cables pipes and wires solely serving l-he
demised premises and af laying down any replacernent sewers
drains watercourses gutters cisters cable:; pipes and wires
causing as little disturbance as possible arrcl making good any
damage thereby caused
(6) The right for the Lessee with or without worl<men and
others at all reasonable times on reasonable Notice (except in
the case of emergency) trr enter into and upon other parts ':f
the Property For the purpose of repairing maintaining renerving
altering or rebuildng the denrised premises or any part of the
Property giving subjacent or lateral surpport shelter or
protection to the demised premises causing as little
disturbance as possible ancl making good any damage thereby
ca u sed

(7) The benefit of the respective covenants obligations and

restrctions corrtained in the leases of any other part of the
Block granted or with in B0 years thereaf ter to be granted by
the Lessor

(8) The right to keep a dustbin or to Lrse any container
provided by the Company for the deposit of household neft,se
in the dustbin area of the Property
(9) The right to connect and to use the master telev is ion
aerial and wires theneto installed in the Block (if any)
(10) A right of way with or without rnotor vehicles over and
along ny accssway shown cross hatched on the said plan fon
the purposes of access to and use of the demised premises
parking spaces and garages (if any) subject to a due
proportion of maintenance costs according to user
(11) A right of way with on without nrotor vehicles over and
along the estate roads and footpaths
(12) The right in common with all other:; entitled thereto
from time to time to par^k a domestic private motor vehicle in
any free panking space
(13) Provided always and subject to the l-esson hav ing the
right to close up or divert any of the cormon parts or the
Property or access way$ subject to leaving available
reasonable and sufficient rneans of ccess to and From Lhe
demised premises

1. Easements rights and privileges over and along and
through the, demised premises similar in all respects mutatis
mutandis to those set forth in paragraphs 3 4,5and6of
Part I of the Schedule hereto
2. Power fc'r the Lessor and the Company and their
respective Surveyors and Agents with or withor-lt workmen and
others at ail reasonable times on Notice (except in the case
of emergency) to enter the demised premises for the purpoe
of performing and observing their respective covenants and
obligations hereunder the Lessor or the Company (as the case
may be) making good any damage thereby caused
PART I l(a)
1. The free and uninterrupted passage and runling of
water soil gas and electricity from and to all parts of tl're
Property and any adjoining land through an,J along the sewers
and drains and watercourses gutters cisterns cables pipes and
wines which are now or may within 80 years trom th':
commencement of the terrn during the sai,J term be siL.uaie
under or upon the demised prernses and the Property
including the Block
2. The right at any time hereafter to erect any buildings
upon any land adjoining or near to the derised premises or to
alter rebuild and make additions to any of the adjoining,or
neighbouring buildngs erected or to be erected on the said
land in such manner as the Lessor shall think fit

notwithstanding that the access of light or ;ir to the demised
premises may be obstructed or diminished
3. The easements rights and privileges s imila r in a ll
respects mutatis mutandis to those set forth in paragraph 1 of
Part I of the Schedule hereto as are applicable and
4. The right with or without workmen and all othars at all
reasonable times on reasonable notice (except in the case of
emergency) to enter into and upon the Property for the
purpose of repairing cleansing maintain ing or renewing any
sewers drains and watercou rses gutters cisterns cables pipes
and wires passing in on on under the Property or ny part
thereof and the night of laying down ny replacement sewers
drains watercou rses gutters cisterns cables pipes and wires
causing as little.disturbance as possible arrc[ making good any
damage thereby caused
1. Not to use the demised premises or permit the sarne
to be used for any illegal or immoral pu rpose or for any
purpose whatsoever othen than as a private residencr: in the
occupation of one family only
2. Not to do or permit to be done any act or thing irl or
upon the demised premises or ny part thereof or any part of
the Property whch rnay be or grow to be a damage nuisance
or annoyance to the Lesson or the Compa:ry or any of the
occupiers ,f other parts of the Property or to the
neighbou rhoocl

3. Not to do or permit to be done any act or thing itr or

upon the demised prernises or any part thereof or any part of
the Property which may render void or voidable any policy of
insurance oS the demised premises or of any other part of the
Property or rnay operate to increase the premium payable in
respect tlrereof
4. Not to throw dirt rubbrish rags or other refuse or permit
the same to be thrown into the sinks blths lavatories cisterns
or waste or soil pipes in the demised premises
5. Not to play or use or permit to l>e piayed or used any
piano pianola gramophone wireless or television loudspeaker ,:r
mechanical instrument of any kind between the hours of 12
midnight and 8 a.m. ncr sing or carry on loud conversation or
allow the same to be done in the demised premises so as to
cause damage nuisance or annoyance to the Lessor or the
Company or the lessees or occupiers of any other part of the
6. Not without the prevous consent of the Lessor in
wrting to place or permit to be placed any name writing
drawing sign board plate or placard of any kind in or upon or

17 the external walls or any window on tlre exterior of the
dernsed premises or so as to be visible from the outs ide o{:
the Block
7 . Not to hang or expose any clothes or to place any flower
box or flower pots or othen like objects outside the demised
premises or permit the same to be done and no mat shall be
shaken outside the windows of the demised premises
8. Not to keep or permit to be kept any bird dog or other
animal upon or in the demised premises which may cause
nuisance damage or annoyance to the tenants or occupiers of
any other parts of the Property or to which an objection shall
be notified by the Company
L Not to erect or permit to be eret: ted any ex terrlal
wireless or television aerial in or urron the demised pnernises
without pror consent in writng of the Lessor
10. Not to permit any vehicles goods or articles to obstruct
ommon entrances cornmon passages landings and staircases of
the Property or the gardens thereof or the Lessor's adjoining

11. To pnovide and maintain in the dustbin area a dr-stbin

(unless the Company shall provide a container for refuse) and
not to leave rr:fuse anywhere on the Property except in the
said dustbin or container in the dustbin area and to keep [l're
said area clean and tdy
12, Not to Ltse convert or occupy or suffer to be used
converted or occupied the gardens drives pat.hs and forecourts
(if any) (or any purpose other than tlrose hereirrbefore

13. Not to make or perrnit or suffer to be made any

alterations to the external walls of the demised premises
14. To clean the windows of the demised premises at least
once a month
15. Not trl display any board placard or notice relating to
the sale or Ietting of lhe demised premises upon the demsed
premises within a period of three years from the date hereof

16. Not to park or allow any cornmr:rcial or industrial

vehicle to s'tand in the panking spaces provi<led
17. Within tweive months of completion and forever after to
ensu re that the f loors of the demised :remises with the
exception of the kitchen/bathroom and toilet ane e{fectively
covered by sr"ritable underlay and close carpeting .

18. Not to park or allow to stand any mcrtor vehcle of any

description (including motor cycle or scooter) nor an\/ cara\/an

on the estate roads and Footpaths shown on the plan annexed

Subject to the due performance bV the Lessee of h is

obligations to contribute to the costs charges and expenses of
the Company as herein provided (the conclition hereinbefore
expressed being referable to the Compatry's covnant with l:he
Lessee only under Clause 7 of this Deed and shall not apply to
pragraph 7 of this Part)
1. The Company will whenever reasonably necessary or
whenever the Lessor its Agents or Su rveyors for the tirne
being consider it reasonably necessany and ir' any event within
two months of any notice served under Clause B of this Deed
maintain repair redecorate and renew: -
(a) The external walls and structure and in par ticular
the main load bearing walls and foundations and roof
storage tan ks gutters rainwater pipes of the Propenty
and 1r party walls and the boundary fences (if arry)
rnarked 'T' on the said plan and the balconies (if arry)
but so that the Company shall only be, liable to decorate
the external walls and the underside of any balconies
(b) The gas and water pipes drains'and electric cables
and wires in under and upon the Property and any
master television aerial and wires thereto enjrryed rfr
used by the Lessee in cornmon with the lessees of otlrer
parts of the Property
(c) The main ,entrances common passages lanclings ancl
. staircases each separate flat : entrnc door and dll
other parts o( the Property so enjoyed or used by the
lessees in common as aforesaid
(d) All such dustbin areas drivs paLhs forecourts and
off street parking places as are included in tlre
2, The Company will py all water rate:; not assessed or
charged upon the individlral parts of the Pro:erty
3. The Cornpany my at its option mairltin in the ductbin
area of the Property a container for the rjeposit of lrousehold
refuse and provide for it to be regularly ernptied and will so
fan as practicable
(a) Keep clean and reasonably lighted i.he rnain
entrances cornmon passages landings and staircases
(b) Keep the saicl garden cultivated and maintained in
a neat and ticly condition

4, The Company will maintain renew and repair as often AS
necessary the master televsion aerial (if any) installed in
the Block and pay the rental for the entry phone system {ir
any) instalfed in the Block
5. The Company may at its absolute rJiscretion prov ide
mantain or install in or abut the Property any such serv ices
for the comfort and convenience of the Lessee
6. The Company will not less frequently than once in every
third year decorate with two coats of good paint in a good and
workmanlike manner the external parts of the Property
(including the windows and frames and the external walls ancl
the underside of the balconies) in such mnner as shall be
agreed in wniting by the majority of the lessees of the
Property or failing such agreement in the mnner in rrrhich the
sarne were pnevior.rsly decorated or as near thereto as
circumstances permit PROVIDED that the exterior walls and
paintwork of the Property shall not be painted or decorated
otherwise than in the sme uniform colour or colours
7. The Company will at all times during the said term
(unless such insurance shall be vitiated by any act or default
of the Lessee) insure and keep insured the Property
(ncluding lifts if any) in the narnes of the Lessor and Lessee
his Mortgagees (according to their respective estates and
interests) and the Company against comprehensive risks with
sorne insurance Company of repute nominated by the Lessor
and through the Agency of the Lessor including loss or
damage by fire and loss or damage or liability to any persons
arising frorn the ownership or occupation or user of the
Property (including the lifts if any) and all other ris ks
usuaily described as Property Owners Liability and such otlrer
risks (if any) as the Lessor or his Agents may think fit in
the full value thereof (inclusive of ,Architects' and
Surveyors' fees) and will in the event of the Property or any
part thereof being darnaged or destroyed by any insr-rred risk
as soon as reasonably practicable apply the insurance monies
payable in respect thereof in the repair rebuilding or
reinstatement of the Property in good and substantial manner
under the direction and to the satisf action of the Lessor or
his Surveyor for the tirne being and if the money io be
received under any such policy of insurance shall be
insufficient for the purpose to make good the deficiency out
of the Company's own rnonies
L The Company will do and execute or cause to be done
and executed all such works as t'nder or by virtue of any Act
or Acts of Parliament for the time being in force or any
regulations or orders rnade pu rsuant thereto and whether
dinected by any Government Local Statutory or San itary
Authority or othen body howsoever are or shall be directed or
necessary to be done or executed upon or in respect of the
Property or any part thereof other than the demised premises
(whethen by the ownen landlord lessee tenant or occupiers

thereof) an<J at all tirnes keep the Lessor indemnified against
all ciairns dernands and liabilities in respect thereof
9. The Cornpany shall keep proper books of accolrnt of all
costs charges and expenses incurred by it in out its
obligations under this Part of the Schedule and an account
shall be taken on the 31st day of March of each year dur ing
the continuance of the demise of the amount of the said costs
charges and expenses incurred since the date of the
cornmencement of the term hereby createcl or of the last
preceding account as the case may be
10. The account taken in pursuance of {:lre last preceding
paragraph shall be prepared and audite<J by a qualified
accountant who shall certi{y the tota I arnou rt of the sa id
costs charges and expenses (including the audit fee for tlre
said account and any other professional acc)Lrntancy charges)
for the period to which the account relates 'and the
proportionate amount due f rorn the Lessee to the Company
under this Lease credit being given for any amount which
shall already have been paid under Clause 3(5)(b) of this Deed
11 .
.The Cornpany shall withih two months of the date of
which th said account is taken serve on ihe Lessee a N<tice
in writing stating the said total and proportionate amount
certif ied in accoidance with the last prerceding :aragraph
together with details if known and an estinrate of the arnount
required for the following year
12. The Company shall employ a professional managing agent
who shall first be approved by the Lessor to r',tn or sut>ervise
the runninE of its affairs for a minimlm period of two \/ears
after the resignation of the f irst of{icqrs ol' the Comp,y' (,:r
after the management of the Company affair:'s shall lre lrancJecl
over to the residents of the Block wlrichever shall be the
later) ancJ it is hereby agreed that the Lessor shall have the
right at any time thereafter and at its absolt Le d iscretiorr to
direct the Cornpany to employ a profess ional managng agent
(to be approved by the Lessor) if the Lessor or its successr)rs
in title are of the opinion that the Company is not
satisf actorily performing its obligations under th is Lease

13. The Cornpanymay employ suclr stafl or agents for 1.he

performance of its obligations hereunder as ii. shall think f it

(a) The Lessor is FAIRVIEW NEW HOMES PLC of 50,
Lancaster Road, Enf ield, Middlesex
(b) The [-essee is GILLTAN BYRNE
of 1 3 Davmor Court, Brentulood, Essex
(c) The Company is BUTLERS MEWS (BLOCK F)
off ice is at 50 Lancaster Road Enf ield h/idr:llesex F"N2 0BY

(d) The Block consists of 3S flats erected on part of the
land registered at H.M. Land Registry under the before
mentioned Title Numbers the position and arrangement of
which are shown on the plan annexed hereto
(e) The consideraton rnentioned in Clause I is f,6U,ggs
(f) The demsed premses are ALL THOSE several rooms on
the grp6S/first/leRndfldXiXd floor flat known as Plot?S
Harrow Road Sudbury in the London Bor.ough of Brent
up to and including the ceifing plaster and including
the floor (but excluding the ceiling plaster (if any) of
the f lat below) and includ ing the plaster of the
external walls and further the internal walls dividing
the roorns and parts of the said flat and one half
(severed vertically) of the internal walls of the said
flat dividing the said flat from ary other flat or
cornmon parts of the Block including the windows window
frames glass and fastenings of the said flat tl're
position of which said premises is slrown edged red on
the plan annexed hereto
tg) The term mentioned in Clause I is NINJETY-NINE YEARS
from the Twerrty-fourth day of June One thousand nine
hundred and eighty-nine
(h) The yearly rent merrtioned in Clause 1 is 080.t0 for tlre
f irst thirty-three year period , f,160.00 for the second
thirty-three yean period and 924O.00 for the "emain<"Jer
of the term PROVIDD that during any period or periods
in which the rent otherwise payable hereunder would
equal or exceed the lowest rent which would result in
the interest of the Lessee being or kret:orning a protected
tenancy with in the rnean ing of the Rent Act 1977 as
amended re-enacted or replaced f rom time to time the
renl payable hereunder shall be limi{:ed to a sum One
pound (f,1.00) per annum less than tlre said lowest rent
(i) The proportionate part mentioned in Clause 3(5) (b) is
one/iloo/Xhxq/perlx sixtyf irst parbs
(j) The surn mentioned in Clause 3(5) (a) is 300


THLX Il5M as Appointed )
Attorney for the Lessor in )
the presence of: - )

{ Icute.l
\\t:.-.-r- .. -,


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