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Guatemala, officially the Republic of Guatemala, is a country in Central America bordered

by Mexico to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, Belize to the northeast, the
Caribbean to the east, Honduras to the east and El Salvador to the southeast. It spans an area of
108,890 km2 (42,043 sqmi) and has an estimated population of 15,806,675. The country is
mountainous with small desert and sand dune patches, hilly valleys, except for the south coastal
area and the vast northern lowlands . Official language in Guatemala is SThe country has 14
ecoregions ranging from mangrove forests to both ocean littorals with 5 different ecosystems.
Guatemala has 252 listed wetlands, including 5 lakes, 61 lagoons, 100 rivers, and 4
swamps.[103] Tikal National Park was the first mixed UNESCO World Heritage Site. Guatemala is a
country of distinct fauna. It has some 1246 known species.panish. Guatemala is the largest
economy in Central America, with a GDP (PPP) per capita of US$5,200; The country also has
one public university (USAC ). Guatemala City is home to many of the nation's libraries and
museums, including the National Archives, the National Library, and the Museum of Archeology
and Ethnology, which has an extensive collection of Maya artifacts. The marimba is the national
instrument. 5060% of the Guatemalan population is Roman Catholic, 3040% Protestant,[132] and
at least 1% Eastern Orthodox. The capital and the largest city is Guatemala City(La Nueva
Guatemala de la Asuncin)

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