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Advantage and Disadvantage Movement

Roll 2d20 Difficult Terrain: Moving 1 m costs 2 m of speed.

Advantage: Use the higher of the two die. Climbing, Swimming, Crawling: Moving 1 m costs 2 m
of speed (stacks with difficult terrain).
Disadvantage: Use the lower of the two die.
Long Jump: With 3 meter running start, jump a number
Having both cancels each other out. Multiples don't of meters equal to 1/3 your Strength score. Standing
stack. start, 1/6 .
Saving Throws High Jump: With 3 meter running start, jump a number
of cm equal to 90 + 30x your Strength modifier.
1d20 + ability modifier + proficiency + other mods Standing start, as high. Arms overhead, extend reach
by your body height.
Resting and Healing
Drop Prone: No speed cost, standing costs total
Hit Dice: A number of dice (d6, d8, d10 or d12, by Class) speed.
equal to your character level, you can roll, plus your
CON modifier, to heal Hit Points during a short rest. Travel Pace
Distance Traveled Per
Short Rest: At least 1 hour of nothing more strenuous
than eating, drinking, reading or tending wounds. Pace Minute Hour Day Effect
Regain lost hit points by rolling 1 Hit Die + CON mod. Fast 120 m 6.25 km 50 km -5 to passive
Repeat, as needed, until out of Hit Dice (1 hit die per
character level).
Normal 90 m 5 km 40 km none
Long Rest: At least 8 hours of uninterrupted downtime Slow 60 m 3.75 km 30 km Stealth possible
(including no more than 2 hours standing watch). When
finished, regain all hit points and half of total Hit Dice Traveling more than 8 hours a day provokes a
(at least 1). Also regain all spell slots. Only 1 long rest Constitution saving throw after each additional hour.
per 24 hours. Must have at least 1 hit point to take a DC equals 10 + 1 for each hour past 8. Failure equals 1
long rest. level of exhaustion.

Light and Vision Cumulative Effects of Exhaustion

(Forced march, starvation, long-term freezing/scorching)
Bright light: Daylight, torches/lanterns (specific
radius). Level Effect
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
Dim light: Shadow, dawn, dusk.
2 Speed halved
Darkness: Night, unlit dungeons, magical darkness. 3 Disadvantage on attacks and saving throws
Lightly obscured: (e.g., dim light, patchy fog, moderate 4 Hit point maximum halved
foliage) Disadvantage on perception checks (sight). 5 Speed reduced to 0
6 Death
Heavily obscured: (e.g., darkness, opaque fog, dense
foliage) Suffer the blinded condition. Eating, drinking and finishing a long rest reduces
exhaustion by 1 level.
Darkvision: See in darkness as if it were dim light, no
colour perception.
Carrying and Lifting Falling: 1d6 damage per 3 meters fallen (20d6 max).
Normal: A number of kilograms up to 2.5x your STR. Land prone after taking any damage.

Encumbered: Up to 5x your STR, -3 m to your speed. Suffocating: Can hold breath a number of minutes
equal to 1 + your Constitution mod (30 sec., minimum).
Heavily Encumbered: Up to 7.5x your Strength, -6 m to Afterwards, can survive a number of rounds equal to
your speed. Disadvantage on attack rolls and Strength, your Constitution mod (1 round, minimum). Afterwards,
Dexterity and Constitution saving throws & ability drop to 0 hit points (dying). Cannot heal or stabilize
checks. without breathing.
Push, Drag, Lift: Up to 15x your Strength, speed Cover: cover gives +2 to AC and DEX saving throws.
reduced to 1.5 m. cover gives +5 to AC and DEX saving throws. Can not
target a creature behind total cover.
Size: Tiny creatures, cut these totals in half. Large
creatures, double. Huge, quadruple.
Metric Conversion Weight Volume Distance
lbs kg lbs kg us metric us metric
Creature Size
125 g 10 5 4 fl oz 100 ml 5 ft 1.5 m
Size Space 250 g 12 6 1 pint 500 ml 10 ft 3m
Tiny 75 by 75 cm 1 500 g 14 7 1 pint 750 ml 15 ft 4.5 m
Small 1.5 by 1.5 m 2 1 16 8 4 pints 2l 20 ft 6m
Medium 1.5 by 1.5 m 3 1.5 18 9 1 gallon 4l 25 ft 7.5 m
Large 3 by 3 m 4 2 20 10 3 gallons 12 l 30 ft 9m
Huge 4.5 by 4.5 m 5 2.5 25 12.5 40 gallons 160 l 35 ft 10.5 m
6 3 30 15 1/5 ft3 6000 cm3 40 ft 12 m
Gargantuan 6 by 6 m plus
7 3.5 40 20 1 ft3 30,000 cm3 50 ft 15 m
8 4 50 25 2 ft3 60,000 cm3 60 ft 18 m
Conditions Armor and Weapons
Blinded: Automatically fail ability checks (sight). Without Proficiency: Armor prevents spellcasting,
Attacks have disadvantage, attacks against have disadvantage on attack rolls and Strength and
advantage. Dexterity saving throws & ability checks. Weapons
do not benefit from proficiency bonus.
Charmed: Can't attack charmer. Charmer has
advantage on ability checks (social). Getting In and Out of Armor
Deafened: Automatically fail ability checks (hearing).
Type Don Doff
Frightened: Disadvantage on ability checks and Light Armor 1 minute 1 minute
attacks while in sight of the source of fear. Can't Medium Armor 5 minutes 1 minute
willingly move closer to the source of fear.
Heavy Armor 10 minutes 5 minutes
Grappled: Speed is 0 (no bonuses). Ends if removed Shield 1 action 1 action
from grappler's reach (e.g., by a spell effect). Ends if
grappler is incapacitated. Heavy Armor: -3 m to speed without STR requirement.
Incapacitated: Can not take actions or reactions. Weapon Properties
Invisible: Impossible to see without magic/special Ammunition: Search for 1 minute, recover your
senses. Heavily obscured. Still make noise/leave tracks. ammo.
Attacks have advantage, attacks against have
disadvantage. Finesse: Choose 1, STR or DEX, for attack & damage.
Paralyzed: Incapacitated. Can't move or speak. Heavy: Small creatures have disadvantage on attacks.
Automatically fail STR and DEX saving throws. Attacks Light: Can be used for 2 weapon fighting (1 in each
against have advantage. All hits critical if within 1.5 m. hand).
Petrified: Transformed (usually to stone) along with all Loading: Only 1 attack per round, maximum.
non-magical gear. Weight x 10. Incapacitated. Can't
move/speak, unaware of surroundings, stop aging. Range: Disadvantage at long range or within 1.5 m of
Attacks against have advantage. Automatically fail STR an hostile creature who can see you and is not
and DEX saving throws. Resistant to all damage. incapacitated.
Immune to poison/disease (those already present are
suspended). Reach: Adds 1.5 m to your melee attack range.
Poisoned: Disadvantage on attacks and ability checks. Special: Has unusual rules, ask your Dungeon Master.
Prone: Attacks have disadvantage, attacks against Thrown: Can be thrown, use normal ability modifier.
have advantage (within 1.5 m), disadvantage (from 1.5+ Two-Handed: Requires 2 hands to attack with.
Versatile: Can use with 1 or 2 hands, different damages.
Restrained: Speed is 0 (no bonuses). Attacks have
disadvantage, attacks against have advantage. Improvised: No proficiency bonus, deals 1d4, range
Disadvantage on DEX saving throws. equals 6 m/18 m.
Stunned: Incapacitated. Can't move. Speak falteringly. Damage and Death
Automatically fail STR and DEX saving throws. Attacks
against have advantage. Resistance: Take half damage from the given type of
Unconscious: Incapacitated. Can't move or speak, damage.
unaware. Drop whatever you are holding, fall prone. Vulnerability: Take double damage from that type.
Automatically fail STR and DEX saving throws. Attacks
against have advantage. All hits critical if within 1.5 m. Instant Death: When damage takes you to negative hit
points equal to you hit point maximum.
Coins and Containers
Fall Unconscious: If reduced to 0 hit points.
Exchange Rates
Death Saving Throws: When starting your turn with 0
Coin cp sp ep gp pp hit points, roll 1d20. 10+ equals 1 success, 9- equals 1
Copper 1 1/10 1/50 1/100 1/1000 failure. 3 successes equals stable, 3 failures equals
Silver 10 1 1/5 1/10 1/100
death. Rolling a 1 equals 2 failures. Rolling a 20 restores
consciousness + 1 hit point.
Electrum 50 5 1 1/2 1/20
Gold 100 10 2 1 1/10 Damage at 0 Hit Points: Any damage equals 1 failed
Platinum 1,000 100 20 10 1 death save. Critical hit (any hit within 1.5 m) equals 2
failed death saves.
Common Containers Stabilize: Use 1 action to make a Medicine check. 10+
Container Capacity equals stable (0 hit points, unconscious, but alive). Stop
making death saves. Regain 1 hit point after 1d4 hours.
Backpack 30,000 cm3/13 kg
Barrel 100,000 cm3/150 liters Knock Unconscious: When reduced to 0 hit points by a
Chest 330,000 cm3/140 kg melee attack, attacker can choose to render the target
unconscious and stable, instead.
Flask 500 ml
Pouch 6000 cm3/3 kg Temporary Hit Points: Pseudo-hit points that act as a
Sack 30,000 cm3/13 kg buffer against damage, are consumed first with
remaining damage taken from HP. Can exceed hit point
Vial 100 ml maximum, but do not stack with other temporary hit
Waterskin 2 liters points. At 0 HP, anding temporary hit points does not
heal, but still protects.
The Combat Round Making an Attack
1. Surprise: The DM determines if any combatants are
surprised (Stealth check vs Perception). A surprised 1. Choose a Target: A creature, object or space in
creature can't move, act or react until the end of its' 1 st range.
2. Determine Modifiers: Special abilities, spells and
2. Position: The DM determines the placement of all
combatants based on player's stated marching order. other effects that apply bonuses or penalties to your
attack roll. The DM determines if you have
3. Initiative: All combatants roll to determine the order
of turns, DM rolls for NPCs and monsters. 1d20 + DEX advantage/disadvantage.
3. Resolve the Attack: Roll for attack and damage.
4. Turns: Players and DM proceed in initiative order
until the combat encounter is resolved (win, lose, Attack: 1d20 + ability modifier + proficiency + other
retreat, etc.). mods.

Your Turn Damage: damage die + ability modifier + other mods.

Move or split your move (not to exceed your total Critical Hit: Rolling a 20 before any modifiers or
speed). bonuses (natural 20), your attack automatically hits.
Roll all damage dice twice, then add modifiers.
Take 1 Action from the list or describe something else. Critical Miss: Rolling a 1 before any modifiers or
bonuses (natural 1), your attack automatically fails.
Take 1 Bonus Action, if available.
Ranged Attack: 1d20 + Dexterity modifier +
Take 1 Free Action to interact with the environment. proficiency.
Take 1 Reaction on someone else's turn, if applicable. See weapon's description for other modifiers and range
(normal/long). If a hostile creature, who can see you and
Or, choose to Do Nothing. is not incapacitated, is within 1.5 m, you have
Combat Actions Melee Attack: 1d20 + Strength modifier + proficiency.
See weapon's description for other modifiers. Range is
Attack: Make a Ranged or Melee attack. 1.5 m.
Cast a Spell: Must have a casting time of 1 action. Unarmed Strike: 1d20 + Strength modifier +
Dash: Move again, up to your total speed. proficiency. Damage equals 1 + Strength modifier.

Disengage: Exit combat without opportunity attacks. Two Weapon Fighting: With a light melee weapon in
each hand, use your action and bonus action to make
Dodge: Attacks against have disadvantage, Advantage two attacks. Can throw weapons with the thrown
on Dexterity saving throws (speed can not be 0). property. Only apply negative ability modifiers to 2nd
attack's damage.
Help: Give advantage to an ally's next ability check (or
their next attack, if they are within 1.5 m). Opportunity Attack: When a creature uses its'
movement to move out of the reach of another
Hide: Make a Stealth check and attempt to hide. creature, it provokes an attack of opportunity. This
Ready: Choose a 'trigger event' on which to take an attack interrupts initiative order and costs 1 reaction.
action as a reaction. Readying a spell requires you to Initiative order then resumes.
cast it now and hold its' energy for release. All spells Grappling: Use 1 attack (and 1 free hand) to seize a
are considered concentration spells until released creature no more than 1 size larger than yourself. Roll:
(Injury can break concentration). Your Athletics check vs target's choice of Athletics or
Search: Make a Perception or Investigation check. Acrobatics. On its' turn, a target can use 1 action to
repeat the roll to attempt escape. Dragging or carrying
Use Object: Interact with a 2nd object or 1 complex one. a creature that is not 2 sizes smaller than you, cuts your
speed in half.
Something Else: Tell the DM what you want to do.
Shoving: Use 1 attack to shove a creature no more than
Examples of Free Actions 1 size larger. Roll: Your Athletics check vs target's
choice of Athletics or Acrobatics. Knock target prone or
draw or sheathe a weapon push 1.5 m away.
open or close a door Types of Damage
pull a potion from your pocket Acid: Corrosive Piercing: Puncturing
drop or pick up a weapon
Bludgeoning: Blunt force Poison: Venoms/toxins
grab an item off a table
Cold: Chill/frost Psychic: Mental
pull out some coins
grab a torch off the wall Fire: Heat/flame Radiant: Divine might
take a book from a shelf Force: Magical energy Slashing: Cutting/tearing
put up your cloak's hood
Lightning: Electrical shock Thunder: Concussive noise
turn a key in a lock
Necrotic: Flesh and soul
hand an item to someone else
Spellcasting Target and Area of Effect
Cantrips: Cast at will, no spell slot required. You must have a clear line of sight to a spell's target.
It cannot be behind total cover. A spell's point of origin
Known Spells: Cast any time (if you have a free spell always manifests on the near side of obstructions.
Target: Check the spell's description to see what the
Prepared Spells: Must choose which spells to prepare possible targets are (friendly creature, hostile creature,
for use. Choose prepared spells when finishing a long object, self, your choice, etc.)
rest. Cannot choose new spells before another long
rest. Must have a free slot of spell level, or higher, to Point of Origin: The location a spell's energy erupts
cast. from.
Rituals: If a spell has the ritual tag, you can choose to Area of Effect: 1 of 5 shapes (see the spell's
spend 10 additional minutes and cast it without using a description).
spell slot.
Casting Time: Check the spell's description. Areas of Effect and Points of Origin
May be 1 action, 1 bonus action, 1 reaction, or longer.
(Listed Measurement)
Attack Roll: Check the spell's description to see if an
attack roll is required. For ranged spell attacks, see Line
rules for ranged attacks. Your spell attack is: Point of Origin included:
(1d20 + spellcasting ability modifier + proficiency) Your Choice
Saving Throws: Check the spell's description to see
what saving throw, if any, the target makes. The DC
(8 + spellcasting ability mod + proficiency + other mods) Cone
Point of Origin included:
Components Your Choice
Verbal: (V) Spell must be spoken aloud. Cannot cast in
an area of silence or while gagged.
Somatic: (S) Spell requires hand gestures. Must have 1
free hand to cast. Cube
Material: (M) Spell requires specific object(s). Must Point of Origin included:
have required materials (in a component pouch) to Your Choice
cast spell. Must have 1 free hand (can be the same
hand as for Somatic). Check spell description to see if
materials are consumed by the casting.
Spellcasting Focus: Can be used in place of material
components Unless a Specific Cost is Indicated. Must
have 1 free hand to use (can be the same hand as for
Holy Symbol: Can be used in place of material
components Unless a Specific Cost is Indicated. Must be Point of Origin Included:
held in free hand or worn visibly (e.g., on a shield). Yes

Spell Duration
Instantaneous: Cannot be dispelled.
Concentration: Must maintain focus. The spell ends if
you: Sphere
a. Cast another concentration spell. Point of Origin included:
b. Take damage and fail a Constitution saving throw. Yes
(DC 10 or the damage you take, whichever is greater)
c. Are incapacitated or killed.
Moving and attacking do not end concentration.
See spell description for each spell's duration.
(rounds, minutes, hours, until dispelled, etc.)
Polyhedral Dice
The effects of two different spells combine while their
durations overlap. To role for a number between 1 and 100, roll the d% for
the tens digit and the d10 for the ones digit. Rolling
The effects of two of the same spell do not combine. 00 & 0 equals 100.
The most potent effect applies while their durations

D&D 5e Quick-Rules
Player Cheat-Sheet

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