Graphic Stimulus & Information Transfer Smartplus 2015

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Which of the following statements is true?

THE public has called for more police vigilance around the Bukit Gelugor area in bli
view of the high number of snatch thefts. They have also called for harsher penalties c
for convicted snatch thieves so as to act as a deterrent. w


lice is introducing harsher penalties for snatch thieves.


The word thrived in the extract means to grow

A slowly C successfully

B reluctantly


What is the advertiser trying to persuade you to do?

A Use plastic bags for shopping

B Use reusable bags for shopping

C Use green-coloured bags for shopping


From the letter, we know that the residents of Taman Ehsan are

A rude C joyous

B upset D ecstatic


Why was the taxi driver honoured by the police?

A He was a caring person.

B He witnessed an accident.

C He helped an accident victim.

D He was responsible for the accident.


From the notice above, we know that the zoo

A charges a fee for the animal shows

B gives a 50% discount to senior citizens

C has animal shows every Saturday and Sunday

D is open only on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


The sign tells us to

A be grateful C be sympathetic

B be generous


The word flanked can be replaced with

A edged

B covered

C touched

D bordered

Section A: Rational Cloze [Questions 9-15]

Read the following passage and choose the best answer. Then, circle A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet.

SMK(T) Ladang Wellesley Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) chairman, S. Manickam
said the oil palm trees on the land near the present school building and a temple has been
cleared for the commencement of a building project.
He said the new building would have a total of 16 classrooms, a staffroom 9 a
resource centre.
Manickam said the project was 10 to be completed 11 August this year.
The PTA committee will organize fundraising programmes to help 12 the project. Its
like a dream come true 13 us.
The PTA deputy chairman, M. Selvam said the PTA leadership 14 cooperation and
support from the parents, teachers, government departments and non-governmental
organizations (NGO) to 15 the school.
At the moment, Selvam said, the school has a total enrolment of 730 students, compared
to 721 students last year. In 2002, the school had 600 students.

Adapted from Metro, February 2005

9. A but C and

B since D though

10. A expect C expected

B expects D expecting

11. A by C from

B to D among

12. A save C deposit

B finance D determine

13. A of

B to

C for

14. A need C needed

B needs D needing

15. A upgrade C upgrading

B upgraded

Section A [Questions 1 8]

For each of the questions, read the question first and then study the information given to find
the best answer. Then circle the answer A, B, C or D on the answer sheet provided.


According to the notice, we know that

A the participants will be served lunch and tea

B school students are encouraged to attend the seminar

C the seminar will be held in a school in Kuala Lumpur

D Promenade Hotel is located in Cosmopolitan Megamall


What did the taxi driver receive in honour of his good deed?

A A plaque

B Cash and a plaque

C An appreciation dinner

D Publicity in the newspapers


From the notice, we know that

A the animals are up for adoption

B the animals are performing a show

C the SPCA is having a fund-raising campaign


The phrase sold for consumption refers to the birds being sold to be

A eaten C kept as pets

B reared

The child drug addicts in Thailand most probably got their supply of drugs from

A the police C their parents

B their friends D the university


Which of the pie charts below best represents the information above?

Select the pie chart that best represents the information above.


The advertisement above is for those who

A want a discount on the price of eye tests

B want to become opticians

C need to get eyewear

Section A [Questions 9 15]

Read the following passage and choose the best answer. Then, circle A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet.

Great white sharks, which can grow 9 to seven meters in length and four tons in
weight over a lifetime, variously put at between 25 and 50 years, are now a protected
species in most parts of the world. It 10 a far cry from the time when professional
hunters and trophy seekers took to the waves of California, South Africa and Western
Australia the main areas of concentration in search of the animal's huge jaws.

Before the film, you could get white shark jaw sets for nothing. After that, they suddenly
became unavailable. Even today, a big set of jaws which can be up to 2 meters across, can
fetch up to US$50,000, with smaller sets 11 hands for around US$15,000. The main
problem caused by this hunting was that it focused on the bigger animals the 12
which only reach sexual maturity after about 15 years and are believed to breed just a few
times 13 their lives.

With no natural enemies and a long life span, the rate of what 14 call 'recruitment' of
new shark pups is very slow. Killing breeding females threatens the entire white shark
population. There was in fact a steep decline in the adult female population and an equally
sharp 15 in the number of smaller animals two decades ago. Today, there are some
signs that the smaller ones are growing to maturity and hopefully, they will breed.

9. A down C of

B up D over

10. A was C is

B were D are

11. A change C changing

B changed D changes

12. A males C male

B females D female

13. A in C of

B at D during

14. A doctors C scientists

B engineers D architects

15. A drop C increase

B level D amount

Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Based on the conversation above, answer the questions that follow.

Name the 2 people having 16.

the conversation above

Well known painting 18 .

mentioned in the
Theme of the story 19. .

Main characters in the story 20.


Storyline :

The story is about ( 22). who were

great artists and good friends. The main character was paralysed due to (23).

Although the main character was in pain, he (24) ...

The moral of the story is (25). .


Read the information on the different types of clubs and societies. Then answer the questions
that follow.

Using the information on each of the different types of clubs and socities, give the name of the club or
No. Description Name of club or society

16 Henry is interested in camping and

jungle trekking.

17 Ayu has a flair for making handicrafts.

18 Jibam is interested in doing charity

work as he is an adopted son.

19 Anusha is from the art class and

wants to do well in the SPM

20 See You Soon is business-minded

and wants to attend the conference in

Using the information on each of the different types of club and societies, write short answers to
the following questions.

21. Which two mountains would the Mountain Climbers Club attempt to climb?


22. What do the young adventurers hope to see in Lenggong, Perak?


23. Name the two crafts Terengganu is known for.


24. What do we call a person who buys goods and uses services provided by


25. Why should members of the Mountain Climbers Club be given stamina training?



Based on the descriptions given complete the following table.

The Refrigerator - Think of your current refrigerator. Can you imagine it having expended
storage space but still is of the same size? Is it possible? Yes, of course, thanks to the
development of a super insulation blanket that is based on a space-age material called aero gel.
This material will allow for thinner refrigerator walls, which will increase the refrigerated volume
of the system.

Enriched Baby Food - A microalgae based vegetable like oil called formulaic which was
developed on long durations of space travel, contains two essential fatty acids found in human
milk but not in most baby formulas. These two essential fatty acids are believed to be important
for infants mental and visual development.

Scratch Resistant Lenses A modified version of a dual ion beam bonding process which
involves coating the lenses with a film of diamond-like carbon. This layer provides scratch
resistance and also decreases surface friction, thus reducing water spots.

Personal Alarm System - The pensized ultra-sonic transmitter used by prison guards,
teachers, the elderly, and the disabled to call for help is based on space telemetry technology.
The pen transmits a silent signal to a receiver that will display the exact location of the

The Flat Screen Television- Thanks to technological advances, flat screens are now designed
into computer and TV monitors. The surface upon which you see the image is flat, or almost flat,
cutting down significantly on glare and providing viewing convenience.

Using the information given above, complete the table below.

Household Specifications/features Advantages


REFRIGERATOR 16 Expanded ____________________ -Thinner refrigerator walls

17_________________ called aero gel -Increased refrigeration


ENRICHED BABY -A micro algae-based, vegetable like oil 18-For

FOOD called Formulaic __________________

19-Two ________________________ ____________________

SCRATCH 20-A dual ion beam process involving -Provides scratch resistance,

RESISTANCE ______________________________ 21______________________

with a film of diamond-like carbon -Reduces water spots

PERSONAL -Pen-sized ultrasonic transmitter 22-Gives silent signal which

displays ________________

23 -The surface of TV or computer upon 24 _____________________

________________ which you see images is almost flat
________________ _______________________



Based on the descriptions given, complete the following table

Fibre is classified as either soluble or insoluble. Both soluble and insoluble fibres are
undigested. Therefore they are not absorbed into the bloodstream. So, instead of being used for
energy, they are excreted from our bodies.
Soluble fibre forms a gel when mixed with liquid, while insoluble fibre does not. Insoluble fibre
passes through our intestines largely intact. When regularly eaten, soluble fibre has been shown
to help lower blood cholesterol, regulate blood sugar for diabetics and also help reduce the risk
of diabetes and colon and rectal cancer.

Insoluble fibre moves bulk through the intestines to control and balance the pH or acidity in the
intestines. It promotes regular bowel movement, prevents constipation, and removes toxic
waste through colon in less time. It also helps to prevent colon cancer by keeping an optimal pH
in intestines to prevent microbes from producing cancerous substances.

Foods high in soluble fibre include oat bran, oat meal, rice bran, and barley. Foods high in
insoluble fibre include fruits, green beans and dark green leafy vegetables.

Based on the description above, complete the graphic organizer.


Soluble Insoluble

16 Forms a 17 Passes through

_________________ ___________________
when mixed with liquid largely intact

Functions 18 Helps 21 _______________________ the PH

22 _______________________
19 Regulates
___________________ and prevents constipation.

20 Helps reduce 23
_____________ ________________________________

________________________ quickly

Type of Food

24 _____________________ 25 ______________________________


Read the brochure below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.


Smart Art and Craft Centre is conducting an Art School during the coming school holidays for
children between six and twelve years of age.The programme will include art and craft
activities which are designed to enable children tobe more creative and to learn useful skills
whilst having fun!
The materials used in the activities are non-toxic, high-quality educational products which
are also sold at our centre.

Date: 8-12 September 2015

Time: 2- 4p.m.
Venue: Smart Art And Craft Centre,
Lot 2A-B, Level 1,
Super Savers Shopping Centre,
55000 Kuala Lumpur.
Fee: RM20 per session

Schedule of Activities

Date Activities

Monday, 8 Sept. Puppets for a puppet play

Choice of frightening monsters, beautiful princesses,
fierce wild animals, etc.

Tuesday, 9 Sept. Masks for a mask party

Choice of frightening monsters, beautiful princesses,
fierce wild animals and others.

Wednesday, 10 Sept. Cardboard box creations for toys and games

Choice of aeroplane, train, castle or village made from
strong cardboard boxes.

Thursday, 11 Sept. Funny flowers

Flowers made from tin foil, paper plates and tissue.

Friday, 12 Sept. Badges and Brooches

Fun to wear and easy to make.
As there is a limited number of places, registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis.
For further information, kindly contact Janet Soo at the Smart Art And Centre or call us at

Using the information above, complete the table below.

16. Conducted by

17. Duration

18. Cost

19. Place

20. Programme

21. Objectives a).


22. Activities a). 8 Sept.


b). 9 Sept.


23. Availability of places

24. Items created from strong a).______________________________________

cardboard boxes

25. Contact person

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