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Name: Cristea Cristina

School: coala Gimnazial Pictor Nicolae Grigorescu - Titu
Date: 4th of April, 2017
Class: 4th grade
Time of Lesson: 50 min.
Textbook: Limba modern englez, Ed. BOOKLET
Unit / Lesson: Unit 10 / How do you feel? - Lesson 2

Aims: - To reinforce Ss knowledge of vocabulary related to human body and illnesses;

- To help Ss understand the uses of modal verbs SHOULD / SHOULDNT

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
- Express advice / recommendation;
- Talk about parts of the body and health / illness.

Cognitive objectives:
To improve their knowledge of human body vocabulary;
To introduce new vocabulary and grammar structures expressing advice on health issues.
To provide students more practice on speaking skills;

Affective objectives:
To create a warm atmosphere;
To help students enjoy speaking English;

Teaching materials:
OHP, computer, textbooks, digital textbook, notebooks, flipchart

Anticipated language problems:

- The Ss may not understand some oral commands or tasks.
Possible solutions:
- If this happens, they will be translated into Romanian.

Methods: conversation, explanation, dialogue, practice, observation


Warm-up Timing:
Speaking 3 min.

The teacher (T) greets the students (Ss) and they greet back.
T checks the homework, corrects the mistakes, if necessary.

Lead-in / Presentation Timing:

Speaking 7 min.

The T tells the objectives and the subject matter of the lesson, raising the Ss curiosity
this way. (We are going to consolidate our knowledge of vocabulary about parts of
the body and health problems. Also, how to offer advice or recommendation on how
to keep healthy or what do to when we feel sick.)
T shows Ss a picture to help them revise the parts of the body previously learnt.

Practice - Activity 1: Timing:

Listening / Speaking 15 min.

They will see other pictures with different health problems. T explains new words and
helps Ss talk about the pictures.
T asks pupils what they should and shouldnt do when they feel ill. She will then
explain what SHOULD / SHOULDNT mean and how they are used (to express
advice / recommendation).
T writes the modal verbs on the flipchart, she asks Ss to write them down on their
Ss listen to ex.1/p.26 and translate the sentences they hear.
Then they do ex. 2/ p.26.

Practice - Activity 2: Timing:

Reading / Speaking 10 min.

Further on, the T asks Ss to read and match the sentences in ex. 3 / p.26.
Ss will work in pairs to make dialogues based on ex.3, such as in the examples in the
textbook. When they are ready, some of them come in front of the class and role-play
their dialogues.

Practice - Activity 3: Timing:

Speaking / Writing 5 min.

T tells Ss to imagine that they have a health problem and they need to go to the
doctor. (What does the doctor advise you?)
Ss make sentences using should / shouldnt based on the images at ex.5/ p.27 and
write them in their notebooks.
Practice - Activity 4: Timing:
Listening / Reading 7 min.

For some fun-time, T asks Ss to open their books at p.77 and listen to the poem I
dont feel very well.
They will read the poem themselves afterwards.

Follow-up Homework assignment: Timing:

3 min.

The T asks Ss if they have questions about the lesson.

T assigns as homework ex.6/p.27.

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