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Qualitative research method always deals with subjectivity.

Thus, how to ensure the

reliability and validity of qualitative method?


The definition of qualitative research is a form of social inquiry that focuses on

the way people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they
live (Holloway, 1997). It is an extensive methodological approach that comprises various
research methods.
A quantitative researcher attempts is to recognize the social relativity of the
individual person, an event, a group, or an institution (Smith, 1983). Overall, qualitative
research method usually used by the researchers to discover the behavior, experiences,
feelings and perceptions of people (Atkinson, 2001). For instance, qualitative research
methods helps to examine the reason and process of decision making which not just about
the simple aspect of data information of what, where, when or who. Thus, it is
commonly used in the area of education, political science and social work. This
increasing interest and common used of qualitative approaches, can be well seen in
education (Bogdan & Biklen, 2006), nursing (Morse & Field, 1995) and social work
(Shaw & Gould, 2001) which all established their works based on qualitative methods.
Typically in qualitative research, an ethnographer concentrates on the sociology
significance through close field observation of sociocultural occurrences whereas
phenomenologist refers to the constructions of experience as they present themselves to
consciousness (Sorrell & Redmond, 1995). The fundamental concept of qualitative
method is to focus in interpretative methodology to social reality and concentrate on
explanation of the experience of human being life (Denzin & Lincoln, 1994b).
To sum up, qualitative research can be said as an organized gathering and
objective evaluation of information data which associated to past events (Strauss &
Corbin, 1998). It is to examine the hypotheses which focusing about the causes and
effects of these events that help to clarify contemporary events and get ahead upcoming
events. Therefore, quantitative research enables the researcher to get clear with the idea
or problem that they studied and conceivably produce hypotheses to be verified.

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