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Theories And Practices of Human Resource Development


Di akhir kursus ini pelajar akan memahami kepentingan

Pembangunan dan penggunaan sumber manusia di dalam mencapai
matlamat organisasi, serta berupaya merancang aktiviti
pembangunan sumber manusia dalam organisasi.


Pelajar akan memahami perkaitan fungsi sumber manusia,

sebagai komponen organisasi yang utama, dengan
pembangunan kakitangan yang berterusan dalam mencapai
prestasi ekonomi organisasi yang superior; mengkaji aktiviti-
aktiviti sumber manusia dalam organisasi seperti pemilihan
pekerja, perancangan, latihan, penilaian; dan mengenal serta
memahami strategi yang menyumbang kepada kejayaan
organisasi, di samping memaksimumkan sumbangan individu.

Human Resource Development is a course about how an

organization can use its most critical resource people to
achieve its goals. The participant will gain an understanding of
how the human resource function, as a primary organization
component, links the continuing development of individual
employees to the organizations superior economic performance.
HR activities, such as selection, planning, training, appraisal.
Rewards, and other, are examined and strategies that contribute
to organizational success, while maximizing the individuals
contribution, are studied.

1. Knowledge development and performance

2. Organizational development
3. Personal and career development
4. Selection, Staffing, and promotion
5. Compensation, Rewards and Benefits
6. Staff Support Services
7. Structure and Job Design
8. Performance Management System
9. Relationship And Interface
10.HR Planning
11.Research and Information System
Soalan 1

Summarize 12 research journal articles related to HRD

(one journal for one topic) from the 14 topics give.

1. Diversity in Organization
2. Governance
3. Definition of HRD
4. Organizational Politics
5. Human Capital Economics
6. Staff Performance and Competencies
7. Coaching
8. HRD Ethics
9. Blue Ocean Strategy
10. Knowledge management
11. Corruption
12. Intelligence
13. Career Path
14. Strategic Planning
15. Lean Management
16. Wisdom
17. Feedback

Choose one topic from assignment 1 and further summarize 10 journal

of the topic chosen.

Analyse the 10 journals and conclude the topic of your choice.

Describe what you have learned about the topic as compared to your
experience in the organization

-Due 3rd meeting


Form groups of 3

Use New Times Roman, Font 12

Double spacing

Use APA style


Organization (Susunan idea)

Content (Isi Kandungan)

Mechanics (Ketepatan pemilihan/penggunaan bahasa)

Clarity (Kejelasan idea)

References (Sumber Rujukan)

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