Webportal BRD

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<<This document is intended to outline the requirements relating to the e-Government Portal.

ministries/agencies can choose to use the information below as-is, or alternatively, they can choose to
elaborate more on some of the points listed below.>>

1.1.1. Portal Requirements

Ministry/Agency Name requires that the portal is industrial strength software
technology product and platform providing for scalable and extensible architecture
for the Ministry/Agency Name Portal and supporting key technical and functional
requirements. Portal Look & Feel

The Portal main theme, look, and feel must be presented in a formal manner and
should reflect the personality of Ministry/Agency Name and based on
Ministry/Agency Name mission and the culture within KSA. The Portal main theme,
look, and feel should also offer personalization themes and designs in Arabic and
English for various users. Bidders have to take into account the loading time of the
portal pages when designing the look and feel.

eq. 1. The Portal main theme, look, and feel must be presented in a formal manner and should
reflect the personality of Ministry/Agency Name.

eq. 2. The Portal is required to offer personalization themes and designs in Arabic and
English for various users.

eq. 3. Bidders are required to provide in their proposals three sample prototype designs for
the Ministry/Agency Name Portal home page in Arabic and English. Content Management System

The Portal content should be created, reviewed, published, and managed by web
Content Management System (CMS) using well-defined content authoring and
publication process. CMS should provide multiple authorization levels and different
views for Ministry/Agency Name users, involved in editing, reviewing and publishing
content. CMS should ensure that all content updates and changes be reflected over
the various delivery channels with a well-defined process. In addition, it is required
to provide a web-enabled mechanism of communication between the different
groups within Ministry/Agency Name with the capability to log all communication and
updates in a secure and reliable manner.

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Info. 1. Bidders are required to explain capabilities of CMS in details and present
a well-defined process for creating, updating, testing, and publishing the
portal content.

eq. 4. The Portal content should be created, reviewed, published, and managed by web
Content Management System (CMS) using well-defined content authoring and
publication process.

eq. 5. CMS should provide multiple authorization levels and different views for
Ministry/Agency Name users, involved in editing, reviewing and publishing content. Content Languages

The Portal content should be provided English and Arabic across different channels.
In addition, the Portal platform, functionalities, applications, e-services, and
components should natively support Arabic and English ensuring flexibility to use
either language effectively.

Bidders are required to illustrate how the portal platform provides native support for
the Arabic and English Languages.

eq. 6. The Portal content should be provided English and Arabic

fo. 2. Bidders are required to illustrate how the portal platform provides native support for
the Arabic and English Languages. Portal Information, Content, & Views

The Portal should enable users to access published information and content with
different views according to the following categories:
E-Services: Users should be able to browse the portal content by the services
provided by the applications (e.g., e-Service1, e-Service2, etc.)
Subjects: Users should be able to browse content of similar topics or areas of
interests including grouping of similar services in themes.
In addition, the Portal should provide users with a number of dynamically generated
updates, such as:

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List of new added services and announcements as well as newly added or
updated affiliate organizations and their contact information.
Related services and announcements of services and affiliated organizations
Most visited or access services or announcements of services and affiliated

eq. 7. The Portal should enable users to access published information and content with
different views.
According to following categories:
- E-Services: Users should be able to browse the portal content by the services provided by
the applications (e.g., e-Service1, e-Service2, etc.)
- Subjects: Users should be able to browse content of similar topics or areas of interests
including grouping of similar services in themes. Migration of Existing AgencyName web site content

The bidders are required to migrate and publish the existing Ministry/Agency Name
web site content to the Portal. The existing content will be reviewed by
Ministry/Agency Name and new content will be developed where needed by
Ministry/Agency Name in the English and Arabic languages. Bidders are required to
review, analyze, and provide feedback for the suitability of existing and new content
and publish it on the Portal.

fo. 3. Bidders are required to discuss their approach for providing different views based on
the classification listed above

fo. 4. Bidders are required to discuss their approach of analyzing and providing feedback on
content created by Ministry/Agency Name for the purpose of its publication.

eq. 8. The bidders are required to migrate and publish the existing web site content to the

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eq. 9. Bidders are required to review, analyze, and provide feedback for the suitability of
existing and new content and publish it on the Portal. Portal Browser Support

The Portal must support screen resolutions (800*600, 1024*768 and 1280*1024)
and the latest two versions of most common Internet browsers (e.g., Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla Firefox etc.). This support should cover web content,
content management system, and all other applications and e-services in Arabic and
English. Bidders should provide all graphics and images in the portal and be able to
transfer ownership / rights of such images and graphics to Ministry/Agency Name.

eq. 10. The Portal must support screen resolutions (800*600, 1024*768 and 1280*1024) and the
latest two versions of most common Internet browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Netscape,
Mozilla Firefox etc.).

eq. 11. Bidders are required to list any limitations of certain screen resolutions or browsers in
support of required content or services. Portal Registration

Portal should support various registration models for different users including online
identity verification. Registration should allow creating profiles of users based on
their information and usage of portal and applications. The Portal should support
single account creation for all users without duplicate accounts. The following are
the various registration models:
Online registration of users with online identity verification.
Online registration of users with online profile verification and an in-person
identity validation by designated Ministry/Agency Name staff.
Administrative registration for Ministry/Agency Name employees and users by
Portal Administrators
The Portal registration should also support integration with National E-Government
registration models as may be provided by Yessers Government Service Bus (GSB)
or National E-Government Portal as discussed in Section 3.5.

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eq. 12. Portal should support various registration models for different users including online
identity verification.

eq. 13. The Portal registration should support integration with National E-Government
registration models as may be provided by Yessers Government Service Bus (GSB) or
National E-Government Portal.

fo. 5. Bidders are required to illustrate the various registration models including an online
identity verification and in-person identity verification.

fo. 6. Bidders are required to discuss other relevant registration models. Authentication, Authorization, & Single Sign On

The Portal should provide authentication, authorization and single-sign functionality

with single username / password allowing various registered users groups to access
authorized information and services / applications. The Portal should provide this
capability via LDAP directory services that hold and manage users authentication
(login), authorization to access content and services / application based on users
profiles, roles, and access control. The Portal should enable single sign-on across
applications providing controlled access to services according to their profiles and
The Portal should also support integration with Yessers Government Service Bus
(GSB) federated identity management for authentication, authorization, and single
sign-on as discussed in Section 3.5.

eq. 14. The Portal should provide authentication, authorization and single-sign functionality
with single username / password allowing various registered users groups to access
authorized information and services / applications.

eq. 15. The Portal should provide this capability via LDAP directory services.

eq. 16. The Portal should support integration with Yessers Government Service Bus (GSB)
federated identity management for authentication, authorization, and single sign-on.

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fo. 7. Bidders are required to explain the mechanism of authentication, authorization, and
single sign-on according to various users groups profiles and roles. Personalization

The Portal should support personalization to select and customize the way
information is displayed when they login. The Portal should allow users to select the
layout of portal components (e.g. drag and drop, re-arrange and add and
remove). Personalization should be provided to registered users who are registered
and have portal accounts. Registered users would be able to customize the look and
feel of the portal to match their preference and retain the customization once the
user has logged out and logged in again. Users that are unregistered would only be
able to customize the look and feel of their view of the portal for that session only.
Bidders are required to develop the personalization features of the portal including a
set of templates that can be deployed in personalized pages. The templates should
be based on a study of the possible scenarios that various users may follow to
personalize their pages and should include the various selections that can be
included in personalized pages.

eq. 17. The Portal should support personalization to select and customize the way information
is displayed when they login.

eq. 18. The Portal should allow users to select the layout of portal components (e.g. drag and
drop, re-arrange and add and remove).

eq. 19. Registered users would be able to customize the look and feel of the portal to match
their preference and retain the customization once the user has logged out and logged in

eq. 20. Users that are unregistered would only be able to customize the look and feel of their
view of the portal for that session only.

eq. 21. Bidders are required to develop the personalization features of the portal including a set
of templates that can be deployed in personalized pages.

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fo. 8. Bidders are required to illustrate the personalization steps that a user would go through
for the first login based on his / her user group profile. Delivery Channels

The Portal platform should support delivery of information and e-services across
multiple channels via the Web, SMS, and IVR. The Portal should support different
navigation structures for the different delivery mechanisms as appropriate ensuring
ease of navigation for each delivery channel. The Portal should ensure any content
updates and services be reflected on all the various delivery channels. The Portal
should be able to log all communications across different channels including Web
browsers, SMS, and IVR.

Web Channel: The Portal should allow various users groups to access portal
content and all of its applications and e-services using different web browsers
via HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

eq. 22. The Portal platform should support delivery of information and e-services across
multiple channels via the Web, SMS, and IVR.

eq. 23. The Portal should be able to log all communications across different channels including
Web browsers, SMS, and IVR.

fo. 9. Bidders are required to illustrate multi-channel delivery of content and services that are
supported by the portal. Note that SMS and IVR channels are NOT part of scope of
work, but the bidders are required to show how their product can be configured to
support SMS and IVR channels. Portal Applications

The Portal should deliver number of applications to provide rich environment and
experience. The following are the required applications:

Search Engine: The Portal should provide users with basic and advanced
search capabilities to help users to find specific information. Users should be
able to conduct full text search on portal content in Arabic and English. The
search engine will enable users to search for any word or phrase as part of
the content in the site. Additional features should include: scoring search

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results through relevance, popularity, and/or summaries. Users should also be
able to retrieve content based on the relevance to their search result. The
search capabilities should be able to deal with all aspects of Arabic languages
such different diacritics, alf, hamza, word root search and potential similar
forms of a searched word. The search should enable search across multiple
web sites, databases, and document libraries as required.
Web-Survey & Polling: The Portal should provide polling and survey
functionality that users can dynamically configure for different surveys. The
survey and polling functionality should have features to control the repeated
submissions by a single user. It should provide facilities to conduct
polls/surveys with or without user identification. The survey and polling
functionality should also enable the administration users to perform real-time
analysis and presentation of the data obtained from the participating users.
News: The Portal should provide news application for categorized and
searchable news such as new services, etc. The news shall be searchable by
category or by free text. The homepage as well as internal pages will
automatically display news relevant to the sections.
Document library: The Portal should provide categorized repository of
documents. The documents shall be searchable by category or by free text.
FAQ: The Portal should provide FAQ for categorized and searchable FAQ such
as services. The information provided shall be searchable by category or by
free text. FAQ database should be developed.
Notification Services: The Portal should provide a way by which users
would be able to subscribe or register interest in services, news, etc. in order
to be notified using email messages. The Portal should also support Yessers
Government Service Bus (GSB) notification service as discussed in Section
Ministry/Agency Name Offices Location: The portal should provide a
dynamic list of Ministry/Agency Name offices and their related location and
contact information.
Feedback: The Portal should provide general and categorized feedback
capabilities for users.

eq. 24. The Portal should provide users with basic and advanced search capabilities to help
users to find specific information.

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eq. 25. The Portal should provide polling and survey functionality that users can dynamically
configure for different surveys.

eq. 26. The Portal should provide news application for categorized and searchable news such as
new services, etc.

eq. 27. The Portal should provide categorized repository of documents. The documents shall be
searchable by category or by free text.

eq. 28. The Portal should provide FAQ for categorized and searchable FAQ such as services.

eq. 29. The Portal should provide a way by which users would be able to subscribe or register
interest in services, news, etc. in order to be notified using email messages.

eq. 30. The portal should provide a dynamic list of Ministry/Agency Name offices and their
related location and contact information.

eq. 31. The Portal should provide general and categorized feedback capabilities for users. Portal Common E-Services

The Portal should deliver number of e-services in support of business services (e.g.,
list of e-Services, etc.) of the web-based Ministry/Agency Name Application. The
following are some of e-services:
E-Service Account Registration: This e-service will enable users to
register with portal and create account with required profiles for submission
and management of e-service requests. The registration should various
types of registrations for individuals, companies, and organizations with
appropriate identity verification.
E-Service Account Management: This e-service will enable e-service
registered users manage their accounts and profiles and their companies as
E-Service Submission: This e-service will enable e-service registered users
to select specific available e-services from the Ministry/Agency Name Portal,
fill-out and populate the e-service forms with required data based on user
profile, and submit the e-service request online.

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E-Service Status Enquiry: This e-service will enable e-service registered
users to inquire and follow up on the status if various submitted e-service
E-Service Payment: This e-service will enable e-service registered users to
perform an e-payment for requested / approved business services. This
service will interface with the proposed GSB payment gateway as outlined in
section 3.5.
E-Service Confirmation: This e-service will enable e-service registered
users to obtain required confirmation of processing their e-service requests
as well as manage previous e-service requests.
Ministry/Agency Name Application E-Services: These e-services will
enable e-service registered users to access specific functionalities and
capabilities offered by the web-based Ministry/Agency Name Application. For
example, companies can use e-services for updating or adding workers to
their workers list to the Ministry/Agency Name Application. Another
example, sponsors can use e-service that will allow them to determine
whether they are meeting Saudization criteria.

eq. 32. The Portal should deliver number of e-services in support of business services (e.g., list
of e-Services, etc.) of the web-based Ministry/Agency Name Application.
List of e-Services:
- Account Registration
- Account Management
- Submission
- Status Enquiry
- Payment
- Confirmation
- Ministry/Agency Name Application E-Services Portal Statistics & Reporting

The Portal should provide capability that monitors and captures data logs from portal
to perform needed analysis, statistics, and reporting on portal users access.

fo. 10. Bidders are required to illustrate how the portal statistics and reporting will support
required analysis.

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