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Isaiah, Meet the Lord!

Isaiah 1–6
Inheritance Class
Grace Bible Church
Marks of the Prophets
  Forerunners of   Could do miracles
“one like Moses” showing God’s
  Directed leaders to authority
obey God’s law   Denounced evil with
  Confronted kings, invective & sarcasm
even if risky   How you treat a
  Predicted future prophet shows your
events in detail spiritual condition
  Must obey the   Usually focus on their
revealed Word of own day
God   Prophets are to reflect
God’s love
Did you take your Isaiah One-A-Day vitamins?
Who Was Isaiah?
Isa 1:1a
•  The vision of Isaiah,
the son of Amoz . . .
•  He was married
•  Two sons, with
prophetic names
•  Some think he
was a priest (ch. 6)
•  His name means “The
LORD is deliverance”
Isaiah by Raphael,
circa 1511
About What
Did Isaiah Prophesy?
Isa 1:1b
•  The vision . . .
concerning Judah
and Jerusalem . . .
•  Directed to the
southern kingdom
–  His own generation:
judgment for
disobeying the Law
–  The future
generation in exile:
comfort that God
would deliver and
restore them Isaiah by Raphael,
circa 1511
When Did Isaiah Prophesy?
Isa 1:1c
•  The vision . . . Which he
saw during the reigns of 722

–  Uzziah,
–  Jotham,
–  Ahaz,
–  and Hezekiah,
•  kings of Judah. 701 586

•  Contemporary with
Hosea and Micah
•  Wrote biography of
Hezekiah (2 Chr 32:32)
The Times
of Isaiah
•  Evil king Ahaz
•  The fall of the
northern kingdom
•  What Judah Sennacherib
In the year of assassinated
should have King Uzziah’s 37:37-38
learned death, I saw the
•  Sennacherib’s Lord . . . 6:1
•  Hezekiah’s healing
and boasting
The Book of Isaiah

The Judgment The Comfort

of the Lord of the Lord

History 36–39
Isa 1:2-23
God’s Indictment
Isa 1:24-31
Purifying Punishment
Isa 2:1-4
The End Result
•  In the last days
•  The mountain
of the house
of the Lord
•  Will be exalted
•  Nations will stream
to it
•  Worldwide
education center
Isa 2:5–3:26
The Day of Reckoning
•  What God will do
–  The day of
reckoning 2:12
•  How God will do it
ch. 3
–  He deserts Judah
–  They’ll grab anyone
to rule them 3:6,12
–  Yahweh brings suit
Isa 4:2-6
The Bountiful Branch
•  In that day 2
•  The Branch of
Yahweh will be
–  Beautiful
–  Glorious
–  Bountiful
•  The remnant theme
•  The Exodus motif
Isa 5
The Song of the Vineyard
•  The building
and planting 1-2
–  But only worthless
grapes grew
•  What to do? 3-6
•  Five woes 7-23
–  Greed
–  Blind revelry
–  Lying to test God
–  Morally reprobate
–  Oppression
•  Judgment 24-30
Isa 6
Isaiah’s Call
and Commission

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