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Money has been sent to six banks in Indonesia. Indonesia gets about USD 11 trillion equivalent to Rp 145
thousand trillion. President Jokowi can set the Indonesian country budget from Rp 2,500 trillion to Rp 5,000
trillion a year. It is now time for President Jokowi to form a Fact Finding Team of Soekarnos Treasures
Mandate Authority, and to imprison those who have claimed and tormented the people for many years,
because of wishing to get their share.

In the midst of the confusing story of Soekarnos Mandate, the people should have begun to calm down,
because the Mandate of Soekarno's treasures have been distributed to all countries in the world since 2008,
which Indonesia itself receives. The money has been sent to Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, BCA, Bank Lippo,
and Bank Danamon. Meanwhile, data of the owner itself is already in Bank Indonesia, but the Bank
Indonesia deliberately hides it until now.

From time to time, from President to President of the Republic of Indonesia, always troubled by this
Mandate of Soekarnos Treasures. Hundreds of documents and letters have been roaming around the
presidential institution. Even when the author met with President Jokowi in 2014 in Jakarta, he admitted so
many elders have entrusted bank documents to him.

In the meeting he asked me; whether the documents can be disbursed and whether the documents are
funded, can be released and useful for the people and the nation of Indonesia? At that time the author
replied; If Mr. President consents for the welfare of the people it may be released in your era. Providing /
in other word, one does not seek wealth for oneself. Unfortunately the time provided was very short, at the
end the author could only have pictures taken while submitting the book by the author entitled Mandate of
Soekarnos Treasures to President Jokowi.

Now the question has been answered, that indeed the Founding Elders of the Republic of Indonesia are
happy with President Jokowi. He is still considered honest and does not accumulate wealth for himself.
President Jokowi is still considered to care about the little people. Even President Jokowi has sent envoys
to the United States to meet with official of central bank, The Fed. The official, confirmed the asset of the
Indonesian nation.
Now the elders agreed that now is the time for the Mandate of Soekarnos Treasures be used. President
Jokowi is expected to form a Fact Finding Team of Soekarnos Treasures Mandate Authority, consisting of
the intelligence, police, bank practitioners, historians, intellectuals, public figures, and so forth.

This team is authorized to select people who claim to have been given the continuation tasks from Soekarno.
This team will invite people who feel themselves have been appointed by Soekarno in the form of a
mandate, power of attorney or grant. If the person concerned has harmed the people for having levied funds
in a community, then the Team is also entitled to imprison him/her. This needs to be done because of their
existence has created a misery amongst the people almost throughout Indonesia.

The organization of these troublemakers has established branches almost throughout Indonesia. There are
many who have been promised a share. Some were promised to get a job. Some were promised a big salary.
Some were promised debt relief. And many varieties of promises given by people who claim to be the
successor of Soekarnos Mandate.

We do not know about the existence of the letters that many are circulating in cyberspace for example. Is it
true or just public deception that there has been widely sold to the public. We do not know what kind of a
foundation, is it true or false. We do not know whether the community that is currently working on behalf
of Soekarnos Treasures Mandate, which there are thousands in Indonesia, is also true. Or just a collection
of people who just hope for the release of Soekarnos Treasures Mandate. The main task of the country is
to secure organizations that deceive the people so far.

The country must be understated in this matter. The country should not allow more than half of its people
to go mad" in the hope of the distribution of Soekarnos Treasures Mandate. The country must punish
whoever that have only false claims all this time, whilst they have business interests only. The country must
process their laws on those concerned to end this puzzle of the Soekarnos Mandate.

This Madness of Soekarno's Treasures Mandate is also not just happening locally but in the international
community. Some Malaysians, Vietnamese, Thai, and Filipinos are equally mad. The people in these
countries do not even hesitate to relate their history with the ancestors to Majapahit kingdom, and that they
are also descendants.

The author was financed by a group of people in Malaysia to visit the neighboring country. They are very
devout worshipers. They are very confident with the share they will get from Soekarno's Treasures Mandate,
because their family are parts of the royal family of Majapahit. They have visited the graves of their
ancestors in Indonesia. Surprisingly they think that only they are entitled to release Soekarnos Treasures
Mandate, no one else.
Not to mention the activities in China. The author meets with many people who feel have been left with the
old documents. Some have been guarding them for decades. Once knowing the author as a researcher of
Soekarnos Treasures Mandate they immediately thrust a stack of documents. When the author read from
the pile of documents after three fingers length it contains about Soekarno's agreement with Mao Tse Tung
Chinese President). After the author studied the documents for a week, apparently none of them is original.
Once the author said that all the documents are fake, not even a week later the old grandfather in China

The madness also happened in Europe. Almost all of Europe's land is in the fever of Soekarnos Treasures
Mandate. James Power is a senior financial consultant in the Netherlands, back and forth to Hong Kong
just to visit Indonesians who claim to be heirs of Bung Karno (Soekarno). James Power is often visits
Indonesia because the Indonesian people have invited him to verify the Indonesian peoples documents for

In Japan, Desmond Conway, a senior financial consultant who is married to the Japanese emperor's family,
has scrutinized an Indonesian owned account in Japan's central bank. The account of the Indonesians was
incredibly large. In the account at the Bank of Japan is worth USD 1,140,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
- (hard to say, we call it 28 digits). He is also back and forth Tokyo - Hong Kong, hunting for Soekarnos
Treasures Mandate.

In Asutralia there is Ian, also a senior financial consultant. He went back and forth to Hong Kong - Australia
just to make sure the documents that has a scent of Soekarno. He even believes that a Papuan born
Indonesian is the rightful heir of Soekarno's treasures Mandate after receiving a mandate from Khairul
Fatullah in Indonesia. But until now also not released.

And there are many other people madness that are playing in the level of Soekarno's Treasure Mandate
in the world. All news sources are from Indonesia. All existing documents and roles of elders come from
Indonesia. Even a becak (rickshaw) driver in Indonesia, if he claims to be the incarnation of Sukarno they
will believe it. They will even guarantee the expenditure and cost of living during the process of the

This noise must be terminated immediately, while the elders have been willing to let Soekarno's Treasures
be disbursed during the Jokowis Government. This period is regarded as the beginning of the opening of
Soekarno's treasures Mandate. But President Jokowi must be transparent, cannot replicate the games of
previous presidents. Which they just secretly formed the team, then sent it to Switzerland to UBS office
and was rejected. President Jokowi must announce it to the people of Indonesia and the world about the
existence of this team.

When President Jokowi has formed a Team, then President Jokowi not only saves the Indonesian people,
but also saves the people of the world. With the existence of this Team, the puzzle that is circulating all this
time will vanish. Many people in the world will be spared from the deceptions that are in the name of
Soekarno's treasures Mandate. That means, with the establishment of this Fact Finding Team of Soekarnos
Treasures Mandate Authority, President Jokowi will save the world. It is a carving of history that the people
in the world will never forget. Bravo Indonesia (Safari Ans).

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