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Mr. Bill Vannett
Safety Specialist
Risk Management, 4 th Floor
City of Sacramento
915 "I" Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
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http :// 2/7/2007

McNary, Jennifer (CDPH-OHB)
From: McNary, Jennifer (CDPH-OHB)
Sent: Friday, July 06 , 2007 2:54 PM
To: 'Bill Vannett'
Subject: Exposure monitoring at James Mangan Rifle Range

Hi Bill ,

Thank you for sending the air sampling results taken while employees were cleaning the bullet
traps at James Mangan Firing Range . Since these 8-hour TWA sample results represent a three-
hour cleaning period, average exposures during the three hour cleaning were as high as 1666
ug/m3 or 33 times the permissible exposure limit for lead . These results confirm the need for full-
face respirators while cleaning the bullet traps.

Thank you for responding on behalf of the City of Sacramento to each of my recommendations
for its lead safety program and thank you for sending me the records I requested. I do have a
suggestion for your fit test record which is to list each of the elements required by the Cal/OSHA
respirator standard. You will find those elements in section m) recordkeeping here: In addition to the information in your training record sheet,
the fit test record needs to also include the specific make, model, style, and size of the respirator
fit tested and the type of fit testing performed .

I also reviewed the outline of your "Lead Hazard Training" . One item I didn't see listed was how to
care for and clean respirators, protective clothing and shoes. You may have covered this and it's
just not listed . I did want to mention, however, that when I was there I noticed that at least one
employee who worked at the range did not properly clean their respirator and it was quite dirty on
the inside. So, employees may need encouragement or ideas on how to make it easier to clean
their respirators so they don't get unnecessary exposure from their respirator. When I train our
employees here, I bring a bucket and cleaning solution and demonstrate how to clean a
respirator. We practice taking apart a respirator, cleaning it and putting it back together. Other
suggestions on the lead training are to cover the purpose and a description of the medical
surveillance program and to cover the results of the airborne lead exposure measurements and
what tasks result in exposures above the Cal/OSHA action level.

Have you looked into requiring only lead free ammo and primer at the range?

Thank you for your efforts to improve the lead safety program.


Jennifer McNary, MPH, CIH

Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
California Department of Public Health
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, Third Floor
Richmond , CA 94804
Phone (510) 620-5734 Fax (510) 620-57 43

Visit our website:

McNary, Jennifer (DHS-OHB)
From: McNary, Jennifer (DHS-OHB)
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 3:09 PM
To: ''
Cc: DiBartolomeis , Michael (DHS-OHB)
Subject: Blood Lead Testing Program

Hi Bill,

After we talked today on the phone, I thought of some publications of ours that may be helpful to
you . They are available on the internet here: .

I also wanted to make sure you knew that the City of Sacramento will need to have a licensed
physician acting as the medical supervisor to order the blood lead level tests and receive the
results . The medical supervisor should be informed of the types and levels of lead exposures that
employees receive and the fact that they will be wearing respiratory protection.

One publication that may be helpful to you is a Model Contract for a Lead Medical Program .
http://www.dhs pdf

Another is the "Medical Guidelines for the Lead-exposed Worker"

http://www.dhs These guidelines may be provided to the
physician .

We also have a list of OSHA-approved laboratories for blood lead analyses: TC/bloodlead/state list.html#states .

The Cal/OSHA Lead standard requires that the blood lead analyses be done by an OSHA-
approved laboratory.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

Regards ,

Jennifer McNary, MPH , CIH

Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
California Department of Health Services
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, Third Floor
Richmond , CA 94804
Phone (510) 620-5734 Fax (510) 620-5743
McNary, Jennifer (DHS-OHB)
From: McNary, Jennifer (DHS-OHB)
Sent: Tuesday, April 24 , 2007 5:00 PM
To : 'Bill Vannett'
Subject: Records - Lead Safety Program

Hi Bill ,

This is a friendly reminder to please send me records of respirator fit testing and training , medical
clearance reports for respirator use, and lead safety training records for maintenance workers
who clean the James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range. I also need the airborne exposure
monitoring report once the monitoring has been completed .

Thank you.

Jennifer McNary , MPH, CIH

Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
California Department of Health Services
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, Third Floor
Richmond , CA 94804
Phone(510)620-5734 Fax(510)620-5743

OLPPP Assessment Person(s): Jennifer McNary and Mary Deems

Date of Onsite Assessment: January 25 , 2007

Company Name:
City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822

Background Information

Adult poisoning :Yes Take-home: no

Date Case Opened : 12/11/2002 (Date of interview w employee)

Company Contact: Bill Vannett, Safety Specialist (916) 808-8598 and Greg Naramore, Parks and Rec Dept. (916)277-6095

Primary Operation: (description and relevant lead materials info)

This is a City-owned public firing range. City of Sacramento maintenance workers perform routine maintenance at the range about three times per
week. This includes cleaning the bathrooms and cleaning the range . Maintenance workers also clean the bullet traps periodically (every 4-6 weeks).

Number of Employees: Don 't know.

Number Exposed to Lead: maintenance worker. Scope of this assessment does not include range masters.


o Yes Don't know.

D No

Other Background Information:

BLL Testing : attach copy of stripped BLL report from ELVIS for one year prior to site visit.
City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822

Case Manager's Recommendations to Employer



Make sure no dry sweeping is M How is the floor cleaned? Employees clean either with wet mop or power washers. Also
done. Wet mop or use a HEPA- have squeegee. Include walls and sometimes ceilings. Frequency
filtered vacuum. How is the brass collected? is once every two to three months. Range users collect and sort
Do they sort the brass? the brass, not employees. Employees showed use trenching
Observe this process if shovels to shovel bullet collection trays. Employees tell us that
possible. bullet traps were cleaned once per quarter but now are cleaned
Determine range's own guideline NM once per month. Dust mop and two brooms observed on range.
for acceptable surface 1ead How do you decide if the Dust mop used to clean bathrooms.
contamination (case manager eating area is clean? Do
provided a method for this) . you do the same for the No. Employees do visual assessment.
public area? Do you use a
Check the cleanliness in eating NM specific guideline for
and public areas of the range. surface lead (de)-
Surface contamination levels contamination?
should not exceed 40 ug/ft2 or Did wipe sampling in March 2003 but not since that time.
your self-determined guideline. How do you check the
cleanliness of the range?
How often do you do that?


A shower is available across the

parking lot in another building. This
recommendation applies to
maintenance workers who clean the

* Remember to ask employer whether it was difficult to implement a specific recommendation or ifa recommendation wasn 't implemented, "why not?"
City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822
bullet trap. After cleaning the range
and before leaving the worksite:

Employees should remove tyvek M What is your policy Wear tyvek disposable suits. Remove suits and dispose of them .
suits , then walk to other building regarding changing out of
where shower is located . work clothes and shoes? (if
possible, observe
Ensure workers shower after NM lunchtime)
cleaning the range and before Jim Vannett is will ing to require them to shower from today
leaving the worksite. What is your policy onward . To this point, they have not had a policy to shower. Only
regarding showering? recently fixed water heater so can shower.
Employees should put on clean NM
work clothes. How do you ensure that I .Not applicable~ ot a policy to shower. Wash face and hands.
employees shower? I, w\\~ Y\OJ; "7L

How do you ensure that i' N-0-t-a-J:>pli~ ince don't shower.

employees change into
clean work clothing after
Protective Clothing:

Continue providing workers with M What protective clothing is Tyvek suits, rubber boots, disposable nitrile gloves (observed).
disposable Tyvek suits. required for cleaning the Plan to get tyveks with hoods because they are more protective.
range? For cleaning the
Ensure workers wear tyvek suits M bullet trap? Can I see it?
and gloves while cleaning bullet
traps. How do you ensure Honor system . Employer believes that
maintenance workers wear is conscientious. While employees do not change their
appropriate protective clothes, this evaluation team believes that wearing tyvek suits
Provide workers with separate M clothing? meets the intent of the recommendation .
shoes for cleaning the range or
disposable shoe covers. Does the City provide
shoes? Or shoe covers? City provides rubber boots.
Make sure shoes do not leave the M Can you show me?
range .
How do you ensure shoes Kept at range .
do not leave the range?
Can I see where they are

City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822

Lead Safety Training:

Provide lead safety training for the Need How often is lead safety Bill Vannett provided once in 2003. No refresher.
poisoned worker and the to see training provided? Who
maintenance workers. docum does the training?
entatio 2003
n When was the last time that
(Met training was provided?
initial Ask for training records
recom after site visit.
ion ;
er, do

City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822


Continue using the full-face NM Are respirators used by Yes, consistently. IJ .11./ }'\."'> ,\: cf.;. \\ - ~ I
respirators with P-100 filters for (1/2 maintenance workers?
maintenance workers when mask Observe .
cleaning the bullet trap. not full- For routine clea ning and cleaning the bullet trap wear _Half-mask
face) What type of respirator is respirator With P-1 00 filters
Maintenance workers should wear worn by maintenance MSA_
a mask respirator for routine INM workers for cleaning the Type _Half-mask respirator With P-100 filters
cleaning of the range. range? some maintenance workers do not wear respirators at all and rely
For cleaning the bullet trap? on wet methods.
Provide respirator training for the INM
maintenance workers. Did you provide respirator Training done in 2004. New employees not trained.
Ask for tra ining to respirator
Get medical clearance for 1 records wearers? When was the
respirator wearers. last training?
Yes, need to req uest records. Also have new workers who
I NM clean the range and bullet traps. They need medical clearances.
Provide respirator fit testing for Do maintenance workers
maintenance workers. have medical clearances
for respirator use? Could
you send that to me after
the visit?
Bill Vannett provi ded in 2004 but employees interviewed did not
Did respirator wearers receive fit-testing because Portacount was not worki ng properly.
receive fit testing for their Need to request records (in case they exist.) Also have new
respirators? When was the workers who clea n the range and bullet traps. They also need fit
last respirator fit test done? testing .
Could you send that to me
after the visit?
Blood Lead Level Testing:

Test maintenance workers every NM Are all workers being tested Last time was in 2003 and was "optional ". From now on, plans to
six months. and how frequently? do annually. Due now. Also have new workers who clean the

City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822
range and bullet traps. They need initial BLLs. Bill says they will do
within next month .
May I have a roster of all
workers (being tested) after Asked Bill Van nett for roster of employees. Probably need to
site visit. request from Mr. Naramore.

Check ELVIS for BLLs

against employee roster
after site visit.

City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822


Airborne Exposure Monitoring:

Conduct lead exposure monitoring M Airborne exposure Bill Vannett agreed to do additional exposure monitoring since
for maintenance workers. monitoring done and workers are clean ing bullet trap on a regular basis. Need to
documentation received by establish what level of respiratory protection is required . Employee
OLPPP in 6/03. No further remembered that air monitoring results were provided to
confirmation needed unless employees.
conditions or 12ractices have
changed since that time.

Open-ended questions for employer

Have you made any other 1. The City does not permit collecting and sorting of brass by
changes at the range to employees.
improve lead safety in 2. Maintenance checks the ventilation system once or twice
addition to the changes per year.
recommended by Pat 3. Bill Vannett reported that cleaning of the traps is not done
Coyle? but employees told us that they do clean the traps. Cannot
count this as a change)
Probes: Any changes in 4. Store lead in smaller containers now. Do not store in 55-
exhaust ventilation? gallon drums. Remove lead frequently from range by
Any changes in work contractor. Employees handle less?
Any changes in respirator
use? JM note: Another potential source of lead exposure is when
employees change the backdrops once or twice per year. These
Have your lead operations get bullet holes in them and are probably full of lead dust. Should
changed in any way since recommend air sampling during this task.
Pat Coyle made her
(Include this question if this
issue has not already come
up in the review of the

City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822

Worker Questions Concerning Recommendations to Employer



Make sure no dry sweeping is done. How do you clean the floor of the Employee reports misting the walls and ceiling of range
Wet mop or use a HEPA-filtered range? How do you pick up the and cleaning the range every two months. Traps are
vacuum . casings? What is done with the cleaned three times per year.
casings? Can you show me what you
use to clean?

Determine range's own guideline for Can you describe how you clean the
acceptable surface lead bullet trap? After we finish , can you
contamination . show me your tools?

Check the cleanliness in eating and How do you decide if the eating and
public areas of the range. Surface public area is clean enough?
contamination levels should not
exceed 40 ug/ft2 or your self- Does someone check the cleanliness of
determined guideline (case manager surfaces in the public and eating areas
provided a method for this) . in the range? How?

If the cleanliness of the range is

checked by someone else, are the test
results reported to you?
Protective Clothing

Continue providing workers with Do you use protective clothing when you What protection is worn for cleaning the range?
disposable Tyvek suits. clean the range? Will you show it to me? D Tyvek suit D Gloves
D Goggles D Hoods/hats
D Uniforms D Work shoes
Ensure workers wear tyvek suits and Do you use protective clothing when D Shoe covers
gloves while cleaning bullet traps . cleaning the bullet trap? Will you show it
to me? What protection is worn for bullet trap?
Provide workers with separate shoes D Tyvek suit D Gloves
for cleaning the range or disposable Does the range provide shoes or shoe D Goggles D Hoods/hats
shoe covers. covers? Do you use them? D Uniforms D Work shoes
D Shoe covers
City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822

A shower is available across the parking

lot in another building . After cleaning the
range and before leaving the worksite:
What do you do with your work clothes Dispose of tyvek ( employees)
Employees should remove tyvek suits, (tyvek) at the end of the shift?
then walk to other building where
shower is located. Do you shower before going home? Sometimes. Have shower at pool. Other employee said
How frequently do you shower? Always, never showers. Water is cold.
Ensure workers shower after cleaning sometimes, never?
the range and before leaving the
worksite. What is the range's policy for showering
at the end of the shift? How does your It's left up to us.
supervisor make sure you take a

Are showers on company time?

Are showers private and do they have
Not so private
adequate hot water? Observe on walk

Employees should put on clean work No. Use tyvek and dispose.
Do you put on a complete change of
clothes. clothes after showering?
After cleaning the bullet trap, do you
change out of your work clothes and
leave all clothing worn during the shift at
Yes. Observed in back area. Are bagged.
Do you leave your shoes at the range
Make sure shoes do not leave the when you leave? Where do you keep
range. them?
Do you wash up before breaks, lunch ,
and before leaving work? Observe if

City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
James Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822


Lead Safety Training:

Provide lead safety training for the Did your employer train you about steps Yes.
poisoned worker and the maintenance to take to prevent lead poisoning?
When were you trained? Lead safety training 2003 .

What do you remember from the One employee remembers airborne results. Other
training? employee remembers respirators , work clothes, and
cleaning methods.

Airborne Exposure Monitoring:

Conduct lead exposure monitoring for Your employer measured lead in air in One employee remembers receiving . Other employee
maintenance workers. 2003. Did they provide you with the doesn't remember getting results.
results of lead in air measurements?


Maintenance workers should wear a When do you wear a respirator? Will Yes, always.
mask respirator for routine cleaning of you please show it to me?
the range.
Do you wear a respirator for cleaning Yes for one employee: mask w HEPA filters.
the range? What kind? Observed. Note: was quite dirty and needed to be
cleaned . Other employee said does not always wear;
Continue using the full-face respirators Do you wear a respirator for cleaning usually not.
with P-100 filters for maintenance the bullet trap? What kind?
workers when cleaning the bullet trap. Yes. Same as above.

Provide respirator training for the Have you received respirator training? 1)Yes. Two years ago. 2)Yes for chlorine gas in 2003.
maintenance workers. When was the last training?

1)Not sure. 2)Not sure

Get medical clearance for respirator Have you had a medical exam to make
wearers. sure it's safe for you to wear a

City of Sacramento
Department of Parks and Recreation
Jar,nes Mangan Rifle and Pistol Range
2140 34 Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822
Provide respirator fit testing for Have you had fit-testing for your 1)Never for mask. 2) No.
maintenance workers. respirator to make sure it fits? When
was the last respirator fit test done?


Blood Lead Level Testing:

Test all workers twice a year. When was your last blood lead test? 1)2003 2) 2003

Did your employer provide you with the 1) Yes. Were really low. 2) yes
results of your last test?

How often are you tested? 1) Once. 2) once.

Open-ended question for workers

Did your employer do anything else to 1) No sorting of brass. Only XXX (case) did this. 2)
improve lead safety at the range? Worker would prefer if trap cleaning was contracted out.

03/30 / 2007 12:52 915-808-5150 CITY OF SAC RISK MGT PAGE 01 / 01

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Attn. Jennifer McNary
Here are the names and DOB for the employees going in for the blood lead tests.

Thank You,
Bill V annett
EH&S Specialist
City of Sacramento
Where is the lead in the work place
In the air
On all surfaces
On your clothes and skin after cleaning the

Routes of Entry
Small amount can be absorbed through the
Breathing air/dusUfumes
Ingestion :
Eating lead -contaminated food (not washing
hands after working with lead)

Symptoms of Acute Lead Poisoning
Cramping, abdominal pain
Nausea and Vomiting
Jaundice-Yellowing of skin and eyes


Symptoms of Chronic Lead Toxicity

I Fatigue
I Irritability
Memory Problems
Extreme Weakness

!Zy1~ptoms of Chronic Lead Toxicity

I <cont.)
I Anemia
j Renal Failure
i High Blood Pressure
Decreased Libido
I Miscarriage
Muscle and Joint Pain

Preventing Lead Poisoning

Good Housekeeping
Wet mopping
HEPA vacuum
Proper Hygiene
No consumption or use of food. beverages. cosmetics
(chap stick) or tobacco products 1n the work area
Wash hands and lace prior to eating. drinking . or smoking
Do not leave workplace with contaminated clothing

Preventing Lead Poisoning (cont.)
Protective Clothing
Disposable "Tyvek" suits
Disposable Gloves
Must be fit tested
Use only HEPA filters (magenta)

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City of Sacramento I-'

Department of Parks and Recreation I-'
Aquatics and Public Safety Division
Training Log
Subject: Lead Safety and Respirator Fit Testing and Training Date: April 5, 2007 CS)

Name Date Print Name Time ln Time Out Signature , fr!FZ~r

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Instructor: Bilt Vannett - Safety Specialists Signature~ gd~U--



.11 Dust
,12 FUme
q Smoke
9 Aerosols
?. Mists
.9 Gas
Q Vapor

There are four ways a contaminant
can enter the body:

({4'~ Ingestion ~
~ Absorption
/ Inhalation
,r;z oxvuen Deficient
l:l lOXIC
PEL 8hr/day 180 pounds
Pb = .05 mg/m3
CO = SO ppm

Oxygen Content Effects/Symptoms

JI Minimum permlsslble
o/ 19.5% oxygen level
o/ 15-19.9% JI Decrease ability to
&/ 12-14.9% JI Respiration Increases

o/ 10-11.9% JI Lips begin to tum blue

JI Mental failure, nausea,
o/ 11-9.99%
o/ 6-7.9% JI 50% 100% fata l after
68 minutes
o/ 4-5.9% J2 Coma In 40 seconds
then death

i/ Engineering
(, Administrative
Pr1duct Subsdtution

Q JVpes
- 'I Contaminant speclllc
'1 AtTestlno
1 Care/ Maintenance


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air In the area Is contaminated with gases,
vapors and dust.

~hu:r:n,~dno:"e'"n::~l~ator:; :~d~~henover
concentration of Yhe !o/rlome substance
present Is not Immediately Dangerous to Life
and Health {IDLH),

Reuulatorv Issues
9 PHCP Evaluation
,,1 Training
,1 AtTest
Change In face

04/20/2007 01:51 N0.422 Gl01

Mercy Medical Group

+Mercy a service or C't-N,/ M~ditnl Foundation

a member of CHW

Respirator Clearance

City of Sacramento


ate : 04.04.07

ls required by the California Code of Regulations, Title 8,

S~ction 5144, this employee submitted a completed OSHA
~:spirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire. Based on a review
of the completed questioMaire, there are not apparent
cbntraindications for this employee to use a Respirator as
rbquired by the employer.

1viewer: :;J., \o.e,..

date: 04.04.07
[upervising Occupational Health ,,.

Occupatior,al Health
3160 Folsom Bovle\/ard
Sacramento, CA 95816
1580 Creekside Drive,
Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630
8120 Timberlake Way
S;,cr;,mento, CA 95B23

Mercy Medical Group w~ formerly known a, I

eaClinic Medical Group
04/ 20/ 2007 01:51 N0.422 Gl02

+Mercy Mercy Medi~! Group

a seNice of CHW Med:c.;I Foundation

a member of CI-I\V

Respirator Clearance

City of Sacramento

Et ployee:

D te: 04.04 .07

As required by the Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 8,

Seption 5144, this employee submitted a completed OSHA
R~~pirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire. Based on a review
of fhe completed questionnaire> there are not apparent
contraindications for this employee to use a Respirator as
re4uired by the employer.

Rlliewer: J fl l.,.,...
Da; e: 04.04.07

subervising Occupational Health .,,.

Phtsician: _ __::4 ::=_....,.,4.:..___ __

Occupational Health
3160 Folsom B01.1levard
Sacramento, CA 95816
1580 Creekside Drive,
Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630
8120 Timbi;:dake Way
Sacramento, CA 95823
04/20/2007 01:51 N0.422 [;103

Mercy M~dical Group

+Mercy a service of CHW Med ical Foundation

a member of CHW

Respirator Clearance

E ,ployer: City of Sacramento . 1'

Dlte: 04.04.07

A required by the California Code of Regulations, Title 8,

Sebtion 5144, this employee submitted a completed OSHA
RJspirator Medical Evaluation Qttestionnaire. Based on a review
oflthe completed questionnaire, there are not apparent
cobtraindications for this employee to use a Respirator as
re~u:ired by the employer.

Rriewer;. _ _:J_._~_~_JA.__A_-._~->,-LV\.:_V\.r""
_ __

Date: 04.04.07

slpervising 0cc
l ..
P ys1C1an: __-""1~-,,,,....._---~-

Occup~tioniall Health
3160 Folsom So1,1lev~rd
S.icramento, CA 95816
1580 Creekside Drive,
Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630
8120 Timberlake Way
S.icramMto, CA 95823

Mercy Medical Group Wi1S formerly known as jedClinic Medical Group

McNary, Jennifer (CDPH-OHB)
From: McNary, Jennifer (CDPH-OHB)
Sent: Friday, July 06 , 2007 2:05 PM
To: Coyle, Patricia (CDPH-OHB) ; Deems, Mary (CDPH-OHB)
Subject: James Mangan Firing Range

As you know , Mary and I visited this range in January of 2007 for our case management
evaluation project and I subsequently made recommendations for improving the City of
Sacramento's lead safety program. Bill Vannett called me this week to update me on exposure
monitoring they did. Bill told me that a consultant from ASES, Inc. conducted personal airborne
exposure monitoring at the James Mangan Firing Range on May 24 while three employees
cleaned the bullet traps at the range . Employees clean the bullet traps approximately six times
per year. The 8-hour TWA results ranged from 130 ug/m3 to 625 ug/m3; however, the cleaning
lasted only three hours. These were worst case exposures because the traps hadn't been
cleaned in a few months . Normally, bullet trap cleaning takes 1 to 1 hours. Since lead
exposures were assumed to be zero during the time that the workers were not cleaning the bullet
traps, these results mean that exposures during the three hours of cleaning were as high as 1666
ug/m3 or 33 times the PEL for lead.

These results confirm the need for workers to wear full face respirators while doing the bullet trap
cleaning. I propose that I reiterate that recommendation in a close-out letter to Bill. Or do you
think a close out letter is a good idea? I'm wondering whether to recommend additional blood
lead testing . With exposures above the PEL, they are required to do BLL testing every six
months. The last BLLs were low. Since they were tested on April 6 , they are not due for BLL
testing until October.

Other items:
Bill Vannett will do additional air monitoring when workers clean the range They did not clean the
range floor and walls during this last monitoring session .
Bill says that fit testing of the full face respirators was done. I have asked for the fit-testing
records but have not received them. I'll ask him for the records again .

Jennifer McNary, MPH, CIH

Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
California Department of Public Health
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, Third Floor
Richmond , CA 94804
Phone(510)620-5734 Fax(510)620-5743

Visit our website:

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