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Another EASY handout by Mr. Williams

1. We are happy today.

a. is b. are c. am d. was

2. It rained a lot yesterday.

a. rained b. rains c. is rain d. will rain

3. A bicycle has two wheels.

a. two b. three c. four d. five

4. I have two sisters.

a. has b. have c. is d. are

5. My father takes the bus to work every morning.

a. takes b. take c. taking d. is took

6. The bank is on 783 Franklin Street.

a. on b. in c. of d. at

7. We are studying English right now at DLI.

a. is b. are c. am d. be

8. Frank was not in class yesterday.

a. is b. am c. was d. are

9. I walk to class every morning.

a. walk b. walking c. walks d. is walk

10. Yesterday, we stayed inside because of the rain.

a. would stay b. will stay c. used to stay d. stayed

11. I cant drink this coffee. It is cold.

a. coldness b. cold c. coldest d. coldly

12. I dont like homework.

a. no like b. am no liking c. not like d. dont like

13. I am not sick. I am healthy.


a. sad b. healthy c. ill d. there

14. I ate an apple for lunch.

a. an b. mine c. a d. me

15. When I was a child, I could watch television eight hours each day.
a. must b. might c. may d. could
16. A soccer ball is round.
a. round b. square c. triangular d. rectangular

17. Dont shout when other people are in the library.

a. another b. other c. others d. any others

18. Last night, I saw a car accident.

a. seen b. saw c. seed d. was saw

19. Mary and Tom are happy today, arent they ?

a. arent they c. doesnt it c. isnt it d. can it

20. The plane will depart at 9:30. The plane will take off at 9:30.
a. take on b. take out c. take off d. take over

21. My father likes to watch soccer games from South America.

a. likes b. are like c. they like d. like

22. My brothers are studying right now.

a. is b. am c. was d. are

23. My advice is that you ought to eat more vegetables. You should eat those
a. must b. should c. have to d. would

24. I have been at DLI for seven weeks.

a. is b. were c. being d. have been

25. Mr. Williams writes these handouts all the time.

a. writes b write c. writing d. was write

26. Mary gave a excellent speech.

a. an b. some c. many d. a


27. Frank is taller than Joe.

a. tall b. tallest c. the taller d. taller

28. Mr. Williams wrote this handout in 1999.

a. write b. wrote c. written d. was wrote

29. The drill sergeants shouted at the privates all day long.
a. shouts b. shouting c. shout d. shouted

30. My brother works in a bank. He likes his job.

a. Him b. He c. They d. Her

31. My parents dont like rap music.

a. like b. likes c. is like d. liking

32. The next test will be easy.

a. am b. are c. be d. is

33. I was in Paris last year.

a. has b. have c. am d. was

34. My brother studies twelve hours every day.

a. studying b. studies c. have studying d. are studying

35. What do you think about the food in the Amigo Inn?
a. do b. has did c. done d. is doing

36. We have another test next week, dont we ?

a. does we b. dont we c. should we d. wouldnt we

37. The movie was boring, so we left after about thirty minutes.
a. bore b. bored c. boring d. boredom

38. He injured himself when he fell. He hurt himself.

a. killed b. saw c. hurt d. help

39. The children cant play outside because it is raining right now.
a. rain b. raining c. rains d. is raining


40. I need to put on my coat because Im cold.

a. Im hungry b. Im cold c. Im lonely d. Im rich

41. There will be another Houston tour next Saturday.

a. be b. is c. being d. to be

42. People are swimming in the river.

a. shelf b. deck c. clock d. river

43. Where did you buyed that CD?

a. bought b. buy c. was buy d. buyed

44. Saturdays are more fun than Mondays.

a. is b. am c. was d. are

45. Everyone is on Lab 5 right now.

a. in b. on c. to d. of

46. Lt Szysyzysky speaks eight languages.

a. speaks b. speaking c. can speaking d. speak

47. He is able to speak eight languages. He can speak all eight of them fluently.
a. can b. may c. might d. must

48. My uncle was born in 1968.

a. born b. borned c. bore d. been born

49. The test is about to start. It is about to begin.

a. begin b. quit c. stop d. repeat

50. Tom chose the Ferrari, not the Porsche. He sold the Porsche.
a. selected b. sold c. ironed d. made

51. I wrote two letters to my family last month.

a. write b. wrote c. writing d. he have written

52. Tom seldom does his homework. He always does it.

a. always b. never c. frequently d. rarely

53. We have to wear our uniforms to class.


a. wear b. wears c. will wearing d. will wore

54. Where will you be tomorrow?

a. tomorrow b. yesterday c. last week d. two days ago

55. I need to go to the barbershop.

a. to go b. go c. going d. for going

56. I like my hamburgers with mustard and onions.

a. to b. of c. by d. for e. with

57. My children swims in the pool every afternoon last summer.

a. swim b. swimming c. swam d. swims

58. The next test will be easy, isnt it ?

a. is it b. isnt it c. doesnt it d. wont it

59. Pvt Jones should do his homework. He must do it.

a. must b. may c. ought to d. would rather

60. I slept for thirty minutes. I took a nap before I went to the party.
a. an ache b. a bug c. an article d. a nap

61. I ate five eggs for breakfast yesterday.

a. eat b. ate c. eating d. has eaten

62. I ate a big breakfast. The breakfast was large.

a. small b. little c. expensive d. large

63. The next ECL will be on Wednesday.

a. at b. on c. to d. in

64. What movie did you see last night?

a. doing b. did c. done d. does

65. Joe was born on Aug 24, 1988.

a. at b. on c. of d. in

66. We will watch the game on channel 9

a. write b. postpone c. watch c. cancel


67. The police saw the robber and arrested him.

a. saw b. seeing c. was seen d. see

68. Joe likes basketball. He bought a ticket to the next game.

a. lunch b. hospital c. test d. game

69. Cats dont like dogs.

a. was b. is c. dont d. arent

70. My brother is older than my sister.

a. older b. oldest c. more older d. old

71. Joe doesnt work very fast. He is a slow worker.

a. slowly b. slowness c. slow d. slowest

72. I brought the wrong books to class yesterday.

a. bring b. brings c. bringing d. brought

73. The picture is very pretty. It is beautiful.

a. ugly b. beautiful c. my d. dead

74. I ran seven miles yesterday.

a. runs b. running c. ran d. run

75. That boy is little. He is small.

a. small b. huge c. large d. tall

76. My favorite season of the year is fall. The season I prefer is autumn.
a. summer b. autumn c. winter d. spring

77. My sisters like Ricky Martins videos.

a. like b. liking c. liked d. likes

78. I took a cab from the airport. I took a taxi from the airport.
a. taxi b. airplane c. train d. bus

79. Thanksgiving is in November.

a. in b. at c. on d. to


80. How many dimes are there in a dollar? In a dollar are ten dimes.
a. five b. ten c. four d. twenty

81. What is the tallest mountain in the world?

a. tall b. the tall c. the tallest d. the taller

82. You cant speak German, cant you ?

a. do you b. are you c. can you d. cant you

83. That bird looks odd. Theres a strange looking bird.

a. pretty b. strange c. large d. ugly

84. All of her answers were right. All of her answers were correct.
a. wrong b. long c. correct d. confusing

85. That piece of meat is not small. In fact, it is very big.

a. expensive b. narrow c. big d. thin

86. My parents went to England last summer.

a. go b. goed c. went d. gone

87. What is your rank? Im a lieutenant.

a. Im 22. b. Im from Italy.
c. Im married. d. Im a lieutenant.

88. The box was too heavy for me to carry.

a. so b. very c. too d. extremely

89. The buildings you can check books out of are called libraries.
a. mess halls b. avenues c. skyscrapers d. libraries

90. We have been here at DLI for 12 weeks.

a. has been b. am been c. will been d. have been

91. I woke up at 04:00 this morning. I got up at 04:10.

a. got up b. woke up c. brought up d. thought up

92. The teachers are happy about our test scores.

a. is b. was c. are d. have been


93. I want a cup of tea.

a. at b. of c. through d. to

94. The package was sent to Joe by his mother, not by his brother.
a. send b. sends c. sending d. was sent

95. Pvt Smith is the youngest person in the class.

a. young b. youngest c. the youngest d younger

96. The games were cancelled because of the heavy rain.

a. am b. are c. were d. is

97. I like my coffee with cream and sugar.

a. so b. but c. or d. with

98. You are a two-star general, arent you ?

a. are you b. is you c. cant you d. arent you

99. Pvt Jones likes to watch MTV during the long break.
a. like b. liking c. is like d. likes

100. Frank is hungry because he didnt eat breakfast or lunch.

a. so b. but c. because d. before

101. My brothers work in the automobile factory.

a. work b. working c. do work d. works

102. Mary did her homework last night before she went to the movie.
a. doing b. does c. do d. did

103. What did the children ate for lunch?

a. eat b. ate c. eaten d. eating

104. Although I am tired, I have to stay and work another hour.

a. Because b. However c. Since d. Although

105. This bus wont take you to the airport. You need to try that bus over there.
a. wont take b. didnt take c. no take d. took

106. Joe did not study for the test, but he got a good score on it.


a. but b. so c. for d. if

107. I have some problems. What should I do?

a. some b. much c. any d. such

108. Tom asks, Where is the Lido Theater? Tom wants to know where is the
Lido Theater.
a. Tom wants to know where is the Lido Theater.
b. Tom wants to know the Lido Theater where is.
c. Tom wants to know the Lido Theater is where.
d. Tom wants to know where the Lido Theater is.

109. Most of the math problems were very simple. They were easy.
a. difficult b. complex c. hard d. easy

110. Only a couple of the math problems were difficult. Just two of them were
a. easy b. short c. hard d. silly

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