Learningsegment Identitypoem

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Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

Overview of Learning Segment:
English Language Proficiency Standard(s)
Content Curriculum Standard(s)

Towards which content area standards is this WHOLE Which language skills is this learning segment teaching,
learning segment driving? Choose no more than 2may be practicing, and assessing? Choose no more than 2use
from Common Core and/or NY State Standards. WIDA or NY State New Language Arts (ESL) Progressions.

[CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.4 Produce clear and [NYSESLAT Target of Measurements: W.912.2 Students

coherent writing in which the development, organization, can use grade-appropriate words and phrases,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.] including grade-level Tier 2 and Tier 3 words, to
precisely describe detailed ideas and facts in a written

Content Language Target Vocabulary Performance

Big Idea Understanding(s) Function Assessment
What essential What is the content What is the Content-specific: What will students
questions or big understanding you want language function What are the produce for you to
ideas does the larger to develop in this learning that students will be content/discipline assess both content
unit address? Where segment? Choose 1-2 working towards in words in this understanding and
does this learning clear and focused content this learning learning segment (1- language skills at the
segment sit within understandings. segment? Choose 1 3)? end of this learning
the larger unit of language function. segment? It should be
study? [Identity, Poem, in one modality-L, S, R
[SWBAT demonstrate an [SWBAT write a Details, Descriptive] or W.
[How is ones understanding of how to poem to describe
identity defined use descriptive details to their identity as Cross-content: [Students will write a
through their ideas develop their own shaped by their What are the words poem, approximately
and actions?] identity poems.] ideas, actions or in this learning 12 lines, to describe
people (nouns and segment that cross their own identity
adjectives).] disciplines (1-3)? using descriptive
details and
[Identity] adjectives.]

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

Lesson Plan Day 1:

Content Objective Language Objective
[SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of how the poet [SWBAT read and annotate the poem for details that
uses descriptive details to develop her identity as shaped by describe an idea, action or people (nouns and
ideas and actions.] adjectives) to identify the central idea of identity in the
SWBAT engage with their classmates and teacher and
build upon their own ideas through the discussions of
Power Point, Handout, Whiteboard and Markers
Do Now/Starter with Anticipatory Set / Motivation Time (approximated
in minutes)
[Do Now: Reading Comprehension Quiz] 7 minutes
Introduction to New Material (I Do/We Do)
Statement of Lesson Objectives Time
[Aim: How is ones identity defined through their ideas and actions?] 3 minutes
Guided Practice of Lesson Task Time
[Teacher will introduce the word identity is defined as the qualities and beliefs that define a 5 minutes
ASK: What defines you? Who influences you? How would you describe yourself? (Word Map)
Teacher will guide students to read and annotate the poem for specific details.]
Checking for Understanding of Task (Informal Assessment) Time
[Students will take part in the teachers mini-lesson by providing details that describe their 5 minutes
Independent Practice (You Do)
Differentiation of Lesson Task Time
[Students will be seated with at least one partner who may or may not share an L1. 20 minutes
Differentiation: Students will receive the same handout as this is an introductory lesson to
reading and annotating a poem. The following day they will receive differentiated material to
complete a CEA response.
Class Read & Annotation: Read the following poem and annotate for details that signal the
ideas, actions and people that define this poets identity.
Look at me,
it's not my true identity
I have a covert identity,
I wonder if you'd ever see,
my thoughts, my deeds
are all that makes me
but something I may do
may not describe me.
My true identity
has fled me,
fled me to another
to my friends and family.
My true identity
is all that makes me.
So lost deep inside
if its not for my soul
I would be lost again.
Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

My true identity
is hard to see.
Accept who you are.
Recognize your own beauty.
Identity isn't a need.
Your identity should be your own,
a better person you will be known.
This is me, this is my identity.
My true identity is all full of beauty.
Feedback on Lesson Task (Informal Assessment) Time
[Teacher will circulate to help students annotate the text to find details that describe an idea, During above
action or people (nouns and adjectives) in the text. Teacher predicts a few students may
struggle with identifying such details so she will guide their reading and annotating with
Reflection on Learning/Homework Extension Time
[Exit Slip: Brainstorm how you would describe your own personal identity.] 5 minutes
Impact on Student Learning (Informal Assessment)
[Teacher will assess students responses to the assessment to gauge students understanding of identity

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

Lesson Plan Day 2:

Content Objective Language Objective

[SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of how to use [SWBAT write a poem to describe their identity as
descriptive details to develop their own identity poems.] shaped by their ideas, actions or people (nouns and
adjectives). (1ST DRAFT)
SWBAT engage with their classmates and teacher and
build upon their own ideas through the discussions of
Power Point, Handout, Whiteboard and Markers
Do Now/Starter with Anticipatory Set / Motivation Time (approximated in minutes)
[Do Now: Complete the circle map below with descriptive details about 7 minutes
yourself. This will be used as a guide your own poem.]
Introduction to New Material (I Do/We Do)
Statement of Lesson Objectives Time
[Aim: How is ones identity defined through their ideas and actions?] 3 minutes
Guided Practice of Lesson Task Time
[Teacher will REVIEW the word identity is defined as the qualities 5 minutes
and beliefs that define a person.
Teacher will review the guidelines for writing their own identity
Checking for Understanding of Task (Informal Assessment) Time
[Students will take part in the teachers review by providing the 5 minutes
appropriate definition.]
Independent Practice (You Do)
Differentiation of Lesson Task Time
[Students will be seated with at least one partner who may or may not 20 minutes
share an L1.
Differentiation: Version A: Students will receive a handout with a
graphic organizer in which they can complete the 1st draft of their
identity poem. Version B: Students will receive the same handout but
with added guidelines that instruct students to use 5 of the
words/phrases provided in their poem.
Independent Work: Begin writing your draft for your poem below.
Your poem should include the following:
o Describe your actions, either in or outside of school (What do
you do to help the community?)
o Describe the people who influence you (Who do you care about
the most? Who is your role model?)
o Describe the kind of person you really are inside (What do you
think about when youre alone?)
o Your poem should have at least 3 stanzas of 4 lines each. (12
Version B Extension: Use the following word/phrase bank to guide
your writing. (Choose at least 5 words)]

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

Word/Phrase Bank
kind generous hard worker
dedicated motivated studious
friendly funny beautiful
lovely athletic intelligent

Feedback on Lesson Task (Informal Assessment) Time

[Teacher will circulate to help students write their poems using details During above
that describe their ideas, actions or people (nouns and adjectives).
Teacher predicts a few students may struggle with writing coherent
sentences so she will guide their reading and annotating with
Reflection on Learning/Homework Extension Time
[Exit Slip: When someone reads your poem, what is one word you 5 minutes
would expect them to use to describe you?]
Impact on Student Learning (Informal Assessment)
[Teacher will assess students responses to the assessment to gauge students understanding of identity.]

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

Lesson Plan Day 3:

Content Objective Language Objective
[SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of how to utilize [SWBAT speak and share grows and glows using the
revisions and comments from their partners to improve following talking stem: I liked how (Partners Name)
their identity poems for their final draft. . However they can add .
SWBAT begin revising and rewriting their identity poems SWBAT engage with their classmates and teacher and
by ensuring they have a variety of adjectives (at least 5) in build upon their own ideas through the discussions of
their poem and that each stanza has a defined theme (self, others.]
family, ideas, community, culture).
RL.9-10.10 / WL.9-10.4 / L.9-10.3]
Power Point, Handout, Whiteboard and Markers
Do Now/Starter with Anticipatory Set / Motivation Time (approximated in minutes)
[Do Now: Read your revised poems from the teacher. Write 2 next steps 7 minutes
that you will take for your next draft.]
Introduction to New Material (I Do/We Do)
Statement of Lesson Objectives Time
[Aim: How is ones identity defined through their ideas and actions?] 3 minutes
Guided Practice of Lesson Task Time
[Mini Lesson: Teacher will quickly review the rubric for the Identity 7 minutes
Poem. Teacher will guide students annotation by instructing students to
annotate for key parts of the task. ]
Checking for Understanding of Task (Informal Assessment) Time
[Students will take part in the teachers review by annotating for the key 3 minutes
parts of the task.]
Independent Practice (You Do)
Differentiation of Lesson Task Time
[Students will be seated with at least one partner who may or may not 20 minutes
share an L1.
Differentiation: Version A, for mid-to-high performing students, will
contain the following format that will instruct students to provide grows
and glows for their partner. Version B, for entering-to-low performing
students, will contain a guided graphic organizer for writing an identity
poem. (Format will also slightly vary to ensure students can perform
writing task.)
Peer Editing: Read your partners poem and write one grow and one
glow. (What did they do very well? What can they add or change to
improve their poem?)

Class Discussion: In a whole-class discussion circle, we will share our

responses to the Peer Editing process. Use the following stem to share
your thoughts.
I liked how (Partners Name) . However they can add
Feedback on Lesson Task (Informal Assessment) Time
[Teacher will circulate to help students peer edit their partners work by During above
listening to students read and react to their partners work. Teacher

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

predicts a few students may struggle with writing grows and glows so
she will interject with examples/leading questions.]
Reflection on Learning/Homework Extension Time
[Exit Slip: Based on the rubric and your poem, what do you anticipate 5 minutes
(think) you will earn as a grade for this project?]
Impact on Student Learning (Informal Assessment)
[Teacher will assess students responses to the assessment to gauge students understanding of the identity poem

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

DAY 1: Student Materials

Name: Date:
Aim: How is ones identity defined through their ideas and actions?
Do Now: QUIZ

Mini Lesson: Identity is defined as .

Class Read & Annotation: Read the following poem and annotate for details that signal the ideas, actions and
people that define this poets identity.
Look at me,
it's not my true identity
I have a covert identity,
I wonder if you'd ever see,
my thoughts, my deeds
are all that makes me
but something I may do
may not describe me.
My true identity
has fled me,
fled me to another
to my friends and family.
My true identity
is all that makes me.
So lost deep inside
if its not for my soul
I would be lost again.
My true identity
is hard to see.
Accept who you are.
Recognize your own beauty.
Identity isn't a need.
Your identity should be your own,
a better person you will be known.
This is me, this is my identity.
My true identity is all full of beauty.

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

DAY 2: Student Materials

Version A
Name: Date:
Aim: How is ones identity defined through their ideas and actions?
Do Now: Complete the circle map below with descriptive details about yourself. This will be used as a guide your
own poem.

Independent Work: Begin writing your draft for your poem below. Your poem should include the following:
o Describe your actions, either in or outside of school (What do you do to help the community?)
o Describe the people who influence you (Who do you care about the most? Who is your role model?)
o Describe the kind of person you really are inside (What do you think about when youre alone?)
o Your poem should have at least 3 stanzas of 4 lines each. (12 total)

Exit Slip: When someone reads your poem, what is one word you would expect them to use to describe you?

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

Version B
Name: Date:
Aim: How is ones identity defined through their ideas and actions?
Do Now: Circle the following words or details that you know that may describe you.
boy Yemen tall brothers student

Arabic football English funny smart

nice love family friends school

Mini Lesson: Lets review the rubric for the Identity Poem! Annotate for the key parts of the task.

Independent Work: Complete the following poem using the words from above or any detail that describe who
you are (identity = )

I am .
I am .

I am .
I am .

I am .
I am .

I am .
I am .

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

DAY 3: Student Materials

Name: Date:
Aim: How is ones identity defined through their ideas and actions?
Do Now: Read your revised poems from the teacher. Write 2 next steps that you will take for your next

Mini Lesson: Lets review the rubric for the Identity Poem! Annotate for the key parts of the task.

Peer Editing: Read your partners poem and write one grow and one glow. (What did they do very well?
What can they add or change to improve their poem?)


Class Discussion: In a whole-class discussion circle, we will share our responses to the Peer Editing
process. Use the following stem to share your thoughts.

I liked how (Partners Name) . However they can add .

Exit Slip: Based on the rubric and your poem, what do you anticipate (think) you will earn as a grade for
this project?

Learning Segment: Identity Poem // ENL-Emerging

Identity Poem Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Sentence Length Every stanza Almost all Some sentences Sentences
(Sentence Fluency) has sentences stanzas have vary in including include no
that include sentences that descriptive descriptive
descriptive include details. details
details. descriptive
Grammar & Writer makes Writer makes 1- Writer makes 3- Writer makes
Spelling no errors in 2 errors in 4 errors in more than 4
(Conventions) grammar or grammar or grammar or errors in
spelling that spelling that spelling that grammar or
distract the distract the distract the spelling that
reader from the reader from the reader from the distract the
content. content. content. reader from the
Descriptive Details Poet has used at Poet has used at Poet has used at Poet has used at
least 5-6 least 3-4 least 2-3 least 0-1
adjectives in adjectives in adjectives in adjectives in
their poems. their poems. their poems. their poems.
Focus on Topic There is one The topic for The topic is Topic is not clear
(Content) clear, well- each stanza is mentioned in each stanza
focused topic clear but has briefly in some and no details
per stanza and minimal details. stanzas but lacks are present.
is detailed. details.


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