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Higher Education Department
Naga City, Philippines, 4400
A/Y 2012-2013

Days With The Lord

August 17, 2013

Dear Mr. & Mrs. ______________,

We wish to invite your son_____________________, to spend a team building activity on

August , 2013. Which will be held at Ecology Park San. Felipe Naga City from 8 am to 5 pm.
During these team building activities your son will pray, sing, listen to and reflect on the talks
and discuss among themselves areas that they feel they need to grow as good Vicentian Leader.
They will also be doing a lot of thinking, planning and praying in order to obtain the strength and
confidence they need to face the challenges of a mature Christian.

The team building activity will help your son understand the importance of working together,
help develop sense of trust, confidence, energy and creativity, learn personal information about
each other, and learn more about Leadership.

Sincerely yours,

Reynan Borja
Lettermen, Head

Gabriel Callao
Rector, DWTLBatch18

Noted by:

Jeffrey Pante Jr.

President, Days With The Lord

MR. Randy P. Iniego

Moderator, Days With The Lord

---------------------------------------------------------R E P L Y S L I P--------------------------------------------------------

__________ YES, I am allowing my son to join the Team Building Activity

__________ NO, I am not allowing my son to join the Team Building Activity

_______________________________ _____________________________
Students Name, Course & Year Level Parents Signature OPN

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