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Marsden Ball

General Information: According to Optometry Times, the Marsden ball is a top 10 must have vision
therapy tool (Taub, 2014). The Marsden ball can be utilized to address oculomotor control, spatial
awareness, central/peripheral vision cooperation, vergence, accommodation, visual scanning and
tracking, as well as hand-eye coordination (Lane, 2005).

Procedure: The ball should be hung at clients chest level in an open space free of visual or auditory
distractions, client can be sitting, standing, or laying down (Mary Free Bed, 2015). Clients should be
directed to keep their eye on the ball at all times and wear glasses/corrective lenses if appropriate.


Three Catches -> Stand directly across from client,

instruct them to clap the ball between two open
palms and then to GENTLY release ball so it swings back
to you. Hold the ball in a ready position and have client
sit/stand with both arms out in a T-man position,
slightly pull back the ball and release.

To grade the activity:

Alternate speed of ball
Alternate direction of ball (angle)
Have client use fists or fingertips to catch ball
Have client balance on object during task
Use a metronome
Change starting position so arms are closer
Three Circles and a Catch -> Swing ball in circle, instruct
client to follow the circle with their eyes 3 times
around. As it gets to them the third time, instruct client
to catch it.

To grade the activity:

Alternate speed of ball
Alternate direction of swing
Change number of circles
Change hand client has to catch with
Have client sit/stand outside of circle or in
Bunt Ball -> Have client grasp bunting stick with both
hands, instruct client to GENTLY hit Marsden ball with
stick. Allow client to practice a few times. Then instruct
client to hit Marsden ball on color of stick that you call

To grade this activity:

Have client stand on balance board.
Use a metronome.
Have pattern chart hanging in front of client
that coordinates with colors on bunting stick.
Add/subtract colors on bunting stick.
Have client bunt ball at 1 or 2 targets hanging
on wall.
Letter Ball -> There are a variety of exercises that can
be performed on the Marsden Letter Ball! Below are a
list of suggestions:
1. Slowly spin the ball, have the client say now
every time they see letter ___.
2. Slowly spin the ball, have the client catch the
ball every time they see letter ___.
3. Have client alternate between tapping two
letters quickly.

Lane, K. A. (2005). Developing ocular motor and visual perceptual skills: an activity workbook.
Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
Marc B. Taub, OD, MS, FAAO, FCOVD. (2014, August 01). Vision therapy: A top 10 must-have list.
Retrieved from
Marsden Ball [Handout]. (2015). Grand Rapids, MI: Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital.

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