During Reading Text Clues

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DURING READING NAME________________________


As you read the selection Photosynthesis and Leaf Structure pay attention to the way the words are structured
on the page. Use the questions below to find clues on the pages to help you know what is important and how
the information is organized. Noticing these things will make you a better reader and more successful in your

1. What are the two main headings for this section? Copy them here:
a. Oxygenthe oxygen that we breatheis just a waste product of what
b. Factories for photosynthesis
2. What do you think this second heading means? What are the authors comparing to a factory?
a. A factory is a place where people make something like a shoe factory.
b. I think they are talking about a leaf because there is a picture of a
3. Look at the diagram. What does it show? Where would you find the things shown in the diagram?
a. The parts of a leaf? Inside a leaf?
4. Under the diagram are some dots in a column. What do these dots tell you?
a. The dots are showing a list. Before the dots is a sentence that says
the major tissues areand then the list comes.
b. The dots tell me there is a way to order these things.
5. Why are some of the words in bold type and some are not?
a. Bold type means they are vocabulary that is important.
6. Look at the second diagram. What title would you give this picture? Where would you find this on a
a. Stomata of a Plant Leaf
b. I think this is a picture of a leaf made very big.
7. Write a one sentence summary about this reading selection.
a. A leaf is like a factory that does photosynthesis.
8. Read the selection and write a three sentence summary adding any new information you learned.
a. A leaf is like a photosynthesis factory. It has all the parts it needs to
bring in raw materials like water and CO2 and sunlight and produce
glucose for energy. Leaves control the flow of water and CO2 by open
or closing their stomata.

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