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When the contemporary church thinks of end day events they think of apocalyptic
scriptures from Revelation and images of beats, fire, brimstone, rapture, with cataclysmic events.
While the depictions from Revelation are certainly true and most definitely end time events
Revelation is only part of the story; a true student of the Bible cannot understand Revelation
without first understanding Torah and out of context of the prophetic books of the Old

"The book of Zachariah addresses both the first and second coming of Jesus, but clearly
the first advent is demonstrated to be a necessary preparation for the second (NAS
commentary)." This is true of all the old testament prophetic books; they all point to the first
advent as well as the second because the ultimate event is the purpose for the first advent is the
preparation of second. This is still true today, we have passed the point in God's timeline of the
first advent and now we are waiting for the second, but without the understanding and
knowledge of the Torah and old testament books we cannot hope to recognize the vents coming
to pass on the rest of God's time line.

Light for Darkness Ministries has stressed the importance of obedience to God and the
importance of the Torah, and now we are coming to the reason why our ministry emphasis the
Holy Feast days as often as we can in alignment with Torah. God's Feast days are His timeline,
everything discussed in apocalyptic scriptures is happening according to God's ordained timeline
for our benefit. By observing the Feasts we are being prepared by God for the events that are to
unfold and that are unfolding.

The Lord of hosts (armies) Jesus will be coming back, not as a babe but as commander of
the army. Jesus has always commanded the heavenly army and He is coming to earth with the
army commanding it, but for now He is calling us to join or not. We are in a war: "For we
wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12)." The time
to fight is now; evil influences control the masses and if possible they would deceive even the
elect (Matthew 24:24), the few, the chosen, the priesthood, the church of Philadelphia protected
by God because these are the ones who hold the whole testimony of the Lord (Revelation 14:12)
are the ones called to fight the dragon... Join us as we dive into this subject of war, soldiers, the
Holy Commander, the adversary, the spiritual realm, the time of fire and struggle, of remorse,
and an ultimate heroes who comes to save the few faith in the face of death and rejection. Join us
in looking into the mysteries of the two witnesses, the Book of remembrance, the roles of
demonic and Holy spirits colliding face to face as the masses of people on planet earth hang in
the Balance as we wait for the Holy one, the only one who can and will free the oppressed and
banish the evil one. The battle has commenced... Prepare for war!
... Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man
standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up
to him and asked, Are you for us or for our enemies?
Neither, he replied, but as commander of the army of
the LORD I have now come. Then Joshua fell facedown to the
ground in reverence, and asked him, What message does my
Lord[a] have for his servant?
The commander of the LORDs army replied, Take off your sandals,
for the place where you are standing is holy. And Joshua did so.

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