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Murder at the Manor Game Setting

This adventure should be good for a party of

THEY HURT ONE OF OUR OWN. But we'll get them back, 3-6 PCs, averaged at 5th level, and should take
Brain. I got'a plan to get back at that meddlin' little 4-6 hours to complete. The party can be
geeza, they'll never know what hit them. Well make
introduced to the adventure at any time in the
the Breekuza and Big Cheddar himself proud. You'll
city of Waterdeep. They can hear about whats
happened through a variety of paths. For
They'll curse the day they crossed us.
example, if they happen to ask about
happenings in town when they visit a tavern,
the barkeep may give them a tale such as
Barkeep: Oh! I guess you folks haven't heard! (hushed
tone) There's been strange happenings 'bout the city,
Adventure Summary everyone's riled up. Count Dawson, may [appropriate
diety] rest his soul, is dead. He was fine just last week, in
This lighthearted (in a Hot Fuzz kind of way)
the prime of his life with that pretty new wife o' his, an' now
mini adventure is set in Waterdeep at the
he's gone! I've heard talk that she did it I have, that she
Caralon Manor, the home of Count and
killed him for his money, but to tell you the truth (Leans
Countess Dawson. Count Dawson is a in and beckons to nearest adventurer) My cousin's a friend
respected member of the nobility in the city, of the Dawson family's cleric, Calder, an' he told me that
and his family has maintained residence at Calder was worried that it was a sickness or curse an' the
their manor for quite a long while. Due to like. The whole town could go under if thats what did the
unknown causes, he falls ill and dies suddenly poor man in. My cousin's already left town.
two days later.
Alternatively, if your party has a cleric who
The real cause of death is the head chefs has a temple or something in the city, upon a
apprentice accidentally using a mortal poison visit they could be brought in to talk about the
with an extremely similar appearance to a aforementioned sickness and be asked to help
common spice in the Counts dinner while the investigate and prevent a spread.
head chef is away. However, the apprentice
wasnt really at fault. The container for the Finally, if you have a paladin in the group of
spice and the container for the poison were player characters, the city guard could call on
switched by Peanut, a lady mousefolk member him and his cohorts to assist in an
of the Breekuza who was attempting to get investigation of the strange nature of Count
back at the head chef who had hurt some of Dawson's sudden illness and death. A friend
her friends. The head chef had been using the of the family who hates Count Dawson's new
poison to attempt to kill off what he thought wife because she's half his age, a half elf, and
was a simple large rat problem he had in the spoiled rotten, could demand an investigation,
kitchen. In reality, the Breekuza, the organized etc.
crime unit of mousefolk operating in
Waterdeep, had been stealing expensive
foreign cheeses and reselling them to
merchants on the black market, making quite a
profit at the Counts expense.
Cast of Characters Samson
Human boy, works in the manor stables.

Count Dawson Appearance:

Blond hair, green eyes, freckles and a round
Lord of Caralon Manor, the dead guy. face. Fairly thin but muscled from working in
Appearance: the stables. He often has a stray bit of straw
Handsome human man, had a kind smile, and occasionally manure stuck to him
cheerful laughlines around his eyes. Late 40s somewhere.
in age, with salt and pepper hair. Gray eyes. Voice:
Voice: Sounds like Angus the boy detective from the
Dead men tell no tales. Adventure Zone (just think a little boy trying
to impress you).
Countess Dawson Wants to help anyway he can, but can be a
Recently new wife of the Count. little too inquisitive and irritating. He has a
desire to please everyone, which can get him
Appearance: into trouble.
Extremely beautiful half elf, about the same
age as him but due to her race she appears What They Know:
much younger. He can help point PCs to a specific person,
and knows a lot about the personal lives of the
Voice: staff members of the manor. This includes the
Valley-girl-esque. head chef, Abacus, his daughter Addelaid, and
Personality: the groundskeeper Harvey.
She is hauty, and a bit vapid.
What They Know: Harvey
She did genuinely love the Count, and at the Grounds keeper at the manor.
risk of being charged with murder, she will try
to hire the party to prove she didnt kill him. Appearance:
She will be a good source of information on Old human man. He has white hair and light
the running of the household, members of the blue eyes, and a kind face.
staff, expected guests, enemies, friends, etc.
She does know that there was some vermin Voice:
issue in the kitchen, but was under the Soft, little old dude voice, speaks slowly, with
impression that it had been taken care of. She some pausing. (Similar to Gleb but older).
knows that she didnt do anything to harm the Personality:
count and would never want to harm him. She His demeanor is shy and quiet. He is wary of
is devastated by his death. new people and prefers the company of plants
and animals to people.
What They Know:
He is on good terms with the mousefolk who
have been stealing from the Count. He doesnt
really know what they do there, hes been mafia-ish.
mislead to believe that the mousefolk on the
manor land are simply kind inhabitants who Personality:
help him with gardening work and A sheep.
maintaining the grounds in exchange for some What They Know:
secretive lodging. He may not willingly give Will repeat anything he can remember, but
up this information. If he is really pressed he that isnt much. He is often deliberately kept
may speak of the blue one (Peanut) who talks out of the details on plans as a security
to him sometimes, he thinks shes a sweet little measure. He carries a lot of stuff for Peanut
housewife mouse sort despite her strange when she cant be bothered to transport a new
color. load of cheese.

Peanut Brain
Conniving mousefolk female, member of Mousefolk male, leader of the cheese pilfering
Breekuza. operations from the manors store room to be
Appearance: sold on the black market.
Bright blue fur (from wild mage stuff that she Appearance:
cant seem to get rid of), thin, but clean and Probably light grey fur.
Voice: Kinda like a little goblin, but more mafia-ish.
High pitched (I mean HIGH) cockny voice,
likes to say Yea! in agreement to lots of Personality:
things. Smart, cheeky, but quick to backpeddle when
in trouble.
She means well but doesnt think things What They Know:
through. Shes used to deferring to Brain, but He should technically be unconscious the
with him unwell/comatose from the chefs use entire time, unless hes healed at some point
of poisoned cheese, shes free to make bad during the adventure. If he does become
choices. She isnt fond of Pinky, but keeps conscious, he would know a lot about the
him around as an easy person to push over Breekuza but will try very hard to not share
when she runs. any information on them unless he is
threatened, or worse yet his family is
threatened. (he has three little mice kids
Pinky named Bree, little Cheddah, and Gouda (I
think, might have the last name wrong)).
Bruteish type, mousefolk dude, not very
Appearance: The Big Cheese
White fur, a bit fluffy and miskept, a tad bit Leader of the Breekuza, an organized crime
round. group of mousefolk that holds Waterdeep as
Voice: their base.
Kinda a big dumb guy voice, maybe a little
Appearance: Orinorae Rachvaeri
Dark grey fur save for one scar that streaks
Visiting Female Dragonborn diplomat.
across his face through one eye.
Voice: Copper Dragonborn, dressed in fine green
The most mafia boss voice you can muster.
velvet robes, has firey eyes.
Full on godfather, force extra air over vocal
cords to get some squeak to it. Voice:
Her voice is smooth and steady, carrying an
Personality: innate sense of calm.
Mostly just wants to steal and sell fine goods,
and by goods he means cheese. Cheese is his Personality:
lifeblood, and those who threaten that Genuinely a kind soul, but requires a certain
existence get curdled. level of compentency and civility from her
peers or underlings. Shes a tad racist. Follows
What They Know: decorum precisely to a fault. When this is not
He runs the Breekuza so he knows everything
followed, she has a temper that can be forced
about them. If the PCs manage to meet him,
out but only be a select few, such as her
they might be at risk of death or slavery pretty
estranged daughter.
quick. The big Cheese isnt above selling his
enemies for profit. Its less clean up than What They Know:
murder and no one will miss these fools, She is completely unaware of the murder. She
right? had a scheduled meeting with the Count
regarding presenting some sentient creature
trafficking prevention laws to the government
Onaan of Waterdeep, of which he was a member. She
Barkeep in Waterdeep tavern The Coppers was already on the way when he fell ill and
Bar and Inn, human male. then died, and did not know until she arrived,
so shes kind of just there. She is aware that
Appearance: the instigators of some of the disappearances
Balding on top, with a ruddy face and curious is due to organized crime, possible connected
eyes. to the lower races as she will describe them,
and if pressed she may recall the name of the
organization as being the Breekuza.
Russian, why not.
Gossip. Abacus Sweetwater
What They Know: The Head Chef of the Count
The initial hook to get the adventures Appearance:
interested. May direct them to the countess Old male halfling.
since she is looking for anyone to help her. It
seems the city has turned its back on her due
to unsavory news coverage of the death of the Voice:
beloved Count. Think Bilbo Baggins; excitable but oldish and
Personality: speak, not out.
Cross when accused of things, cant hear Personality:
incredibly well. Angry but on a leash.
What They Know:
He left town to go to his daughters wedding What They Know:
towns away just before the count fell ill. He Punchin and hurtin and curdlin. And
was supposed to be gone for 1 week, so he probably a little bit about the Breekuza, but
will return to the town in a few days. He mostly the murdery side of it, not the trade
doesnt know how the count fell ill, and trusts and black market side.
his apprentice completely. He also cant see
incredibly well due to his age. He bases his
cooking off of taste, so if he hadnt been gone,
its likely he would have tasted the poison on
the food and died first, which was Peanuts
intention all along.

Addelaid Sweetwater

Appearance: curly golden hair, cute

young adult female halfing

Voice: wont be speaking probably, but

think Rosie from LOTR.

Personality: kind and as sweet as can


What They Know: nothing

The Munster
Right hand of The Big Cheese, hulking
mousefolk who is a force to be reconed with.
Big. Furry. Angry.
Big brute. Jersey. Breathy, deep. Pull air in to
The Munster The Big Cheese
Armor Class: 15 Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 130 Hit Points: 110
Speed: 25 ft, size small Speed: 25 ft, size small
Proficiency: +2, Passive Perception 12 Proficiency:

16 17 15 8 11 11 8 10 12 16 14 14
(+3) (+3) (+2) (-1) (+0) (+0) (-1) (+0) (+1) (+3) (+2) (+2)

Skills: Intimidation +2, Athletics +5, Skills: History +5, Persuasion +4,
Perception +2 Deception +4, Investigation +5, Perception +4
Challenge Rating: 5 Challenge Rating: 4

Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the
Perception skill. Perception skill.
Nimble Dodge. When you are the target of an Nimble Dodge. When you are the target of an
opportunity attack, you may use your reaction opportunity attack, you may use your reaction
to impose disadvantage on that attack a to impose disadvantage on that attack a
number of times per short rest equal to your number of times per short rest equal to your
Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1). Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1).
Quick Reflexes. When you are hit by an Quick Reflexes. When you are hit by an
attack but before rolling for damage, you can attack but before rolling for damage, you can
perform a Dexterity (Acrobatics) saving throw perform a Dexterity (Acrobatics) saving throw
in which the DC is the enemies attack roll. On in which the DC is the enemies attack roll. On
a failed save, nothing happens. On a a failed save, nothing happens. On a
successful save, the attack is avoided. You successful save, the attack is avoided. You
may use this feature a number of times per may use this feature a number of times per
short rest equal to your Dexterity modifier short rest equal to your Dexterity modifier
(minimum of 1). (minimum of 1).
Squirm. You can move through tiny sized Squirm. You can move through tiny sized
spaces as if you were tiny size. spaces as if you were tiny size.

Actions: Actions:
Multiattack. The Munster makes four melee Multiattack. The Big Cheese makes 2 melee
attacks from due wielding crossbows. attacks from due wielding crossbows.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, 9 Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack +5
(1d12 +3) slashing damage. to hit, range 80/320, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +3
Javelin. Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range ) piercing damage.
30/120. Hit: 6 (1d6 +3)
Has two emergency Blink spell that he can
cast on an action.
Armor Class: 13 Timeline of Events
Hit Points: 30
Speed: 25 ft, size small Day 0:
Proficiency: +3 Head Chef Abacus realizes that the
disappearances of food stores from the manor
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA cellar were because of rodents. He didnt
12 16 13 11 8 15 know what kind, he just thought they were
(+1) (+3) (+1) (+0) (-1) (+2) rather large rats, so he put out poison with
some enticing goods on lower shelves.
Skills: Acrobatics +5, Performance +4,
Deception +4, Intimidation +5, Perception +2, Day 2:
Nature +3 Brain, while conducting a recon mission into
Challenge Rating: 2 the cellar to see what goods from a brand new
shipment was worth taking, tasted some odd
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Feta cheese, and fell ill as soon as he returned
Perception skill. to report to his team, which consisted of
Nimble Dodge. When you are the target of an Peanut and Pinky. They take him to The Big
opportunity attack, you may use your reaction Cheese, who has him looked after in the mean
to impose disadvantage on that attack three time. The Big Cheese instructs Peanut to look
times per short rest. into what could have hurt Brain and the goods,
Quick Reflexes. When you are hit by an while his best clerics start to try to heal Brain.
attack but before rolling for damage, you can Day 3:
perform a Dexterity (Acrobatics) saving throw Peanut and Pinky return to the manor and
in which the DC is the enemies attack roll. On Peanut very carefully discovers that the goods
a failed save, nothing happens. On a and cheese had been poisoned with rat poison.
successful save, the attack is avoided. You In anger and revenge, she transmutates the
may use this feature a 3 times per short rest. poison to look like one of the chefs favorite
Squirm. You can move through tiny sized spices he would be likely to eat and swapped
spaces as if you were tiny size. it out in the hopes that he too would
accidentally eat some and fall ill.
Actions: Day 4:
Spells: The chef goes on vacation, leaving his
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Minor Illusion, apprentice in charge of the cooking while he is
Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Shocking Grasp away to see his daughters wedding. He plans
1st Level (4 slots): Thunderwave, Expiditious to be gone for approximately 1 week.
Retreat, Mage Armor, Sleep
2nd Level (3 slots): Invisibility Day 5:
3rd Level (3 slots): Misty Step The apprentice accidentally uses the poison in
Acid Splash: DC12, 2d6 acid damage food he cooked for the Count. Unlike his
master, he learned largely to cook based on
measurement and not taste, and while
nervously following a confusing recipe, he
failed to notice anything wrong with his
ingredients. When he finishes cooking the employer, the Count.
dish, he tastes it but doesnt notice anything
wrong, and serves the whole meal to the Day 12:
Count. Within one hour, the count and the The Breekuza send condolences to the head
apprentice are feeling ill, but the count is chef in the form of dying flowers. There is a
much sicker. He passes out before midnight note that reads It didnt have to be this way.
and does not wake again. The apprentice, A strange emblem is on the note, it kind of
fearing something is wrong with his cooking, looks like a piece of cheese. (This last tidbit
hides his illness and manages to recover for isnt necessary if the group knows of the
the most part, since his exposure was so Breekuzas involvement at that point). The
minimal. party will not find out about this unless they
find the flowers or drag the info out of the
Day 6: chef.
The count still has not regained consciousness.
The familys doctor is called but it seems Day 16:
there is nothing he can do. A cleric is called Brain regains consciousness, assuming the
but her healing seems to be too little too late. party hasnt killed him, the healers, or the Big
The Counts family and cohorts are beginning Cheese.
to grow suspicious of his illness, and look to
cast blame on some foul play of his wifes
doing. Estate Locations
Day 7:
To the great sadness of Waterdeep, the Count
dies early that afternoon. An investigation into
his disliked wife is begun.
Day 8:
Countess Dawson begins looking for outsiders Dock
who can help her, as the citys gossip and
news has turned most of the inhabitants
against her. This is where the party will come
into it. They will arrive midday in a tavern on
the outskirts of town, hear about the murder Grounds Keepers Home
from the tavern keeper, and be approached by
a beautiful half-elf woman who is wearing a
hood and veil. She will reveal her identity to
them and beg them for help, pleading her Entrance Gate
innocence and offering them 100 gp each if
they find out who killed her husband.
Day 10:
Orinorae arrives in town and tries to speak to Caralon Manor
the count, only to find him dead.
Day 11:
The chef returns from his vacation to find out
about the death of his long time friend and
how much she loves him. The final entry is
Inside the Manor recent, tearstained, and incredibly sad. The
light has gone out of my life.
Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Servant Halls
South Parlor The halls act as access tunnels around the
manor, to allow servants to move about the
house without having to wander on the main
North Parlor floor where guests may see them.
Servant Living Quarters
Study The living quarters clean and tidy, not
crowded and have some high windows for a
little bit of natural light.
Dining Hall
The cellar is cool and dark. Stores of food:
Prep Room
exquisite wines, chunks of curing meats,
exotic cheeses, smoked and salted fish, grain.
Kitchen All this is stored on shelves. The PCs may
notice that most of the food is on high shelves,
and a ladder sits to the side, strapped to the
Back Stairway wall with a chain. A closer investigation may
reveal an empty cask, which is a secret door
into a tiny tunnel leading into the ground. The
tunnel will lead to a location beyond the
Second Floor estates walls quite close to Waterdeep proper
next to a storm drain that empties into the sea.
Upper Stairlanding

Guest Suites The Breekuza Sewer

Following the tunnel out of the cellar and then
Master Bedroom going through the storm drain to the sewer
Neat and tidy, nothing too odd to be found. A will lead to an ambush from the Breekuza.
letter expressing congradulations to his head
chef and his daughter on her marriage sits
partially written, as if it were in progress but
was interrupted.
Countesss Bedroom
Nothing to hold against her, ornate room, a
journal with many entries that tell the story of
how she and the count found eachother and

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