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Introduction .............................................................................................................2
Assurance service ......................................................................................................3
types provide services CPAs..........................................................................................4
A audit .....................................................................................................................4
A review ...................................................................................................................5
A compilation ...........................................................................................................7
non-auditing services ....................................................................................................8
nine audit services ........................................................................................................9
bookkeeping or other services relating to the accounting records ...................................9
Financial Information System Design and Implementation ....................................... 10
provided to audit clients. ...................................................................................... 10
Appraisal or Valuation Services, Fairness Opinions or............................................... 10
Contribution-In-Kind Reports provided to audit clients............................................. 10
Actuarial Services provided to audit clients ............................................................. 11
Internal Audit Services provided to audit clients. ..................................................... 11
Management Functions provided to audit clients. ................................................... 12
Human Resources services provided to audit clients. .................................................. 12
Broker Dealer Services provided to audit clients ......................................................... 13
Legal Services provided to audit clients. ..................................................................... 13
Post employment benefits Plan and administration .............................................. 14
Tax Services provided to audit clients..................................................................... 14
Other Services provided to audit clients. ................................................................ 15
References ................................................................................................................. 16


The word, audit, has been derived from the Latin word Audire meaning to hear. Auditing is
a formal examination of accounting books, documents and vouchers of a business concern in
order to verify the profit and loss and the financial position of a business. Its a systematic
check or assessment of financial records of a business, department or organization to
establish accuracy or efficiency or effectiveness.

The need of audit arises due to the fact that a business enterprise needs to ensure the
correctness of all accounts pertaining to the business. It is also important to ascertain
whether or not, the financial statements, profit and loss account and balance sheet have
been prepared in a way as to show the summary of the flow of transactions for the whole
period and the true picture and position of a business enterprise. Besides, in order to ensure
the accuracy or the efficiency of the records, detection and prevention of errors is vitally
important. Hence, audit, under its main objectives and subsidiary objectives fulfills the

Audit is an effective tool for a Business Management, as internal audit is conducted in order
to ensure the policies are being followed. It enables to make valuable suggestions for
improvement and to formulate future policies of a business. Audit also helps management
to review the policies from time to time.

Since audit involves a detailed verification of accounting records, it helps greatly to discover
errors or frauds while it promotes a moral check on the employees through which their
efficiency may also be determined. To its more positive form, audit can motivate the
employee to maintain the efficiency leading to increase their performance level. Aside from
these, it is with the help of audit that misappropriation of goods and manipulation of records
may be identified.

Assurance service
Assurance service is: an independent professional service, typically
provided by Chartered or Certified Public Accountants or Chartered
Certified Accountant, with the goal of improving information or the
context of information so that decision makers can make more
informed, and presumably better, decisions. Assurance services provide
independent and professional opinions that reduce information risk (risk
from incorrect information)

Assurance services are a class of services provided by certified public

accountants (CPAs) in public practice. While the term is sometimes used
inconsistently among individual CPA firms, the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Special Committee on Assurance
Services defined assurance services as independent professional
services that improve the quality of information, or its context, for

Assurance services are rooted in the CPAs tradition of independent

verification of data prepared by others.

They differ from many services historically provided by CPAs in that they
represent an expansion of the information and forms of reports
provided. Indeed, they represent an evolution in the nature of services
provided by CPAs, as CPAs have begun to provide services not just on
accounting information but on many other types of information that
people need in order to make decisions.

types provide services CPAs

A audit

An audit is the highest level of financial statement service a CPA can provide. The purpose of
having an audit is to provide financial statement users with an opinion by the auditoron
whether the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the proper financial
reporting framework. An audit enhances the degree of confidence that intended users, such
as lenders or investors, can place in the financial statements.

The auditor obtains reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a
whole are free from material misstatement, and whether the misstatements are from error
or fraud.

To obtain reasonable assurance, items are observed, tested, confirmed, compared or traced
based on the auditors judgment of their materiality and risk. After gathering appropriate
evidence through this process, the auditor issues an opinion about whether the financial
statements are free from material misstatement.

As an additional benefit, the auditor may become aware of some deficiencies in internal
control or weaknesses in the organizations systems and offer suggestions for improvement.
Some of the more important auditing procedures include:

Inquiring of management and others to gain an understanding of the organization itself,

including operations, financial reporting and known fraud or error

Evaluating and understanding the internal control system

Performing analytical procedures as expected or unexpected variances in account balances

or classes of transactions appear

Testing documentation supporting account balances or classes of transactions

Observing the physical inventory count

Confirming accounts receivable and other accounts with a third party

Ideally, auditors will provide an unqualified, or clean, opinion on the companys financial
statements. An unqualified opinion will contain language such as the financial statements
present fairly in all material respects and in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted (GAAP) in the United States.

If an auditor is unable to render an unqualified opinion, a qualified opinion may be issued.

Some reasons opinions may be qualified include scope limitations and departures from

A qualified opinion due to a scope limitation alerts the reader that, except for the matter to
which the qualification relates, the financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the companys financial position. If the scope limitation is severe enough, the
auditors may disclaim an opinion on the overall financial statements.

When an auditor issues a qualified opinion, the auditor believes the financial statements are
fairly stated in all material respects except for a material departure from GAAP. But the
auditor has concluded not to express an adverse opinion.

However, if the auditor concludes that the departures from GAAP are so significant that the
financial statements as a whole are not fairly stated, an adverse opinion must be issued. An
adverse opinion will include language describing what the auditor believes is materially
misstated in the financial statements, and the effects of the misstatements. If the effects are
not reasonably determinable, the auditors will state that.

A review
A review engagement is conducted to provide limited assurance that there are no material
modifications that should be made to the financial statements for them to be in conformity
with the financial reporting framework.

A review differs significantly from an audit. Review engagements provide less assurance to
the reader of the financial statements because the CPA does not perform many audit
procedures. The broad review procedures required to be performed by the CPA are:

Inquiries as to the accounting practices and principles used by the business

Procedures for recording and accumulating financial information

Actions taken at owners or directors meetings

Written representations from management regarding the accuracy of all information given
to the CPA

Receipt of all relevant information by the CPA

Managements responsibility for internal control

Managements responsibility to prevent and detect fraud

Knowledge of fraud

Information related to any significant subsequent events

Analytical procedures regarding comparisons

Expectations developed by the CPA of recorded amounts

1. Ratios from recorded amounts

2. Plausible relationships of recorded amounts

These analytical procedures provide better understanding of key relationships among

certain numbers. This understanding gives more assurance about the reasonableness of the
financial condition presented in the financial statements.

Based on the inquiries and analytical procedures, the CPA is able to express only limited
assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial
statements for them to be in conformity with the applicable financial reporting framework.
Because a review engagement is substantially less intensive in scope than an audit, the CPA
cannot express an opinion on the fairness of the financial statements taken as a whole.

A compilation

In a compilation engagement, the objective is to assist management in presenting financial

information in the form of financial statements without undertaking to provide any
assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial
statements so they will conform to the acceptable financial reporting framework. Because of
the even more limited scope of compilation procedures, the CPAs report will not express an
opinion or provide any assurance regarding the financial statements.

A compilation involves (1) gaining a general understanding of your business, accounting

principles used and financial reporting system and (2) presenting financial information in the
accepted format of proper financial statements. The CPA expresses no assurance about the
accuracy of the financial statements presented. The report attached to the financial
statement emphasizes that the service is a compilation.

While independence is required at the other levels of service, the CPA does not have to be
independent of your organization to perform a compilation. The report must state that the
accountant is not independent.

Further options lie within the compilation level of service. The compilation report may be a
full disclosure report with complete footnote explanations of certain amounts and policies
contained in the financial statements. Or, these otherwise required disclosures may be
omitted. Omission of this information is not permissible under the other levels of service.

It is important to find the proper balance between the cost of the CPAs services and the
level of assurance the users of the financial statements require.

non-auditing services
Non-audit services may be any services other than audit provided by an auditor to an audit
client. Public accounting firms expanded the scope of their services to include corporate and
individual tax planning, internal audit outsourcing and consulting related to mergers and
acquisitions, information system (Salehi, 2009 s more economic for auditors to provide other
additional services to their clients, since the auditor already has a good knowledge of their
clients business (Islam et al., 2005a).

November 2002- -Prior to the adoption of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act ("SOA"), there was some
confusion over what types of non-auditing services the outside accountant could perform
for a public corporation. In fact, some of the major accounting firms sold their consulting
units in recent years in order to avoid any possible conflicts of interest

Non-audit services provided by auditors to their clients

fall into categories:

1. .Services required by legislation or contract to be undertaken by the auditors of the
business. These include:

regulatory returns e.g. to the Prudential Regulation Authority

legal requirements to report on matters such as share issues for non-cash consideration,
expenditure for grant application purposes, etc

contractual requirements, for example to report to lenders or vendors on net assets,

covenant requirements, etc.

2. Services that it is most efficient for the auditors to provide because of their existing
knowledge of the business, or because the information required is a by-product of
the audit process. These include:

services such as those listed in category (1) above that the auditors are not required by law
to undertake, but where the information largely derives from the audited financial records

tax compliance, where much of the information derives from the audited financial records

'short form' or other reports in acquisition or reorganisation situations where completion is

necessary in a very short time.

.3 Services that could be provided by a number of firms. In this case, the fact that the firm is
the auditor is incidental and it would generally only be chosen because, for example, it had
won a tender process. Examples of such services include:

nine audit services

Salehi and Moradi (2010) stated that the Sarbones Oxley Act of 2002 in the United
States of America implemented the ban of nine audit services which include:

Bookkeeping and other services related to the audit clients accounting records
Financial information systems design and implementation
Valuation services and fairness opinions
Actuarial services
Internal audit services
Management functions
Human resource planning
Broker-dealer services
As Legal services

bookkeeping or other services relating to the accounting records

A) Payroll Services.

B) Debt collection services.

C) Assistance or advice with preparation of the Financial Report.

D) Prepare source documents.

E) Create or change journal entries in parent

or consolidated entity.

F) Create or change journal entries in divisions or subsidiaries of the parent


G) Cash handling services.

H) Custody of assets.I) Audit firm staff secondments to the areas

responsible for preparation of financialrecords.

J) Corporate recovery (insolvency) services.

K)Debt recovery and management, such asbad debt assessment.

L) Independent business reviews.

Financial Information System Design and Implementation

provided to audit clients.

A) Is the auditor permitted to design financial Information Technology

B) Is the auditor permitted to implement financial IT systems

C) Is the auditor permitted to design or implement non-financial IT systems?

D) Is the auditor permitted to design and/or implement directly any of the


i. Impairment modelling software

ii. Post employment benefits calculation software.

iii. Net present value software.

iv. Tax effect accounting software.

v. People management software.

Appraisal or Valuation Services, Fairness Opinions or

Contribution-In-Kind Reports provided to audit clients.

A) Valuation services that are material may mean something different in

different jurisdictions and situations

B) Valuation services that are neither separately nor in aggregate material to

the Financial Report.

C) Any of the following valuation services that may be provided to audit clients:

i. Valuations for tax related items

i.e., tax value of inventory.

ii. Employee stock plans.

iii. Business combinations.

iv. Impairment testing valuations.

v. Debt.

vi. Equity shares in privately held


vii. Pricing studies.

viii. Financial investments.

ix. Tax allocations.

x. Derivatives.

Actuarial Services provided to audit clients

A) Financial Statement related services provided to the audit client:

i. Calculating post employment

benefit liabilities.

ii. Impairment modelling.

iii. Employee share plans.

iv. Share-based payments.

v. Prospective information .

vi. Self-insured workers compensation


vii. General and specific insurance


viii. Acquisition analysis including

fair value accounting.

ix. Superannuation/pension.

B) Non-Financial Statement related services to the audit client:

i. Forecasting cash-flow

ii. Preparing prospective information

iii. Preparing analyses/reports for due

diligence assignments Answer

Internal Audit Services provided to audit clients.

A) Performing internal accounting controls testing .

B) Providing assistance in implementation of internal controls.

C) Setting the scope, risk and frequency of the internal audit work.

D) Assisting in determining which recommendations from internal audit

the entity implements.

E) Coordinating and reporting internal audit's findings to management or the

Audit Committee.

F) Performing internal controls testing on non-accounting controls (i.e.controls system


G) Is the auditor staff providing the internal audit service permitted to assist in the Financial
Statement audit

H) Audit firm staff secondments to the internal audit division of the audit client

Management Functions provided to audit clients.

A) Is the audit staff permitted to act in the capacity of management for an audit client

B) Is the auditor permitted, in any circumstance, to approve or sign documents on behalf of

the audit client

C) Is the auditor permitted, outside of the statutory audit function, to delegate/supervise

work of staff of the audit client?

D) Is the auditor permitted, in any circumstance, to influence the client's accounts or

financial report(i.e. request journal entries and transactions)

Human Resources services provided to audit clients.

A) Reviewing the professional qualifications of a number of applicants and providing advice

on their suitability for the position.

B) Conduct and attend candidate interviews on behalf of the audit client.

C) Create selection criteria for candidate suitability for a position.

D) Undertake reference checks for potential candidates.

E) Act as a negotiator in determiningposition, status, compensation.

F) Draft employment contracts.

G) Sign an employment contract and engage the candidate to commence employment.

H) Assist in the performance appraisals of audit client staff.

I) Recommend bonuses and offer incentives (employee stock options.)

J) Attend and conduct performance counselling sessions.

K) Recommend the termination of audit client staff based on performance

L) Prepare and/or assist in termination remuneration/salary

M) Provide other Human Resource

Broker Dealer Services provided to audit clients.

A) Buy and sell shares on behalf of the audit client both on exchange and private sale.

B) Identify and introduce an audit client to acquisition target entities .

C) Identify and introduce an audit client to possible acquirers of audit


D) Promote or underwrite shares of an audit client's or its subsidiary.

E) Provide transaction advice on acquiring or disinvesting of divisions or entities.

F) Provide Due-Diligence services.

G) Provide acquisition analysis and advise on the basis of Fair Value

H) Provide analysis of accounting and financial reporting effects of transactions.

I) Provide opinions on corporate

Legal Services provided to audit clients.

A) Act as an expert witness.

B) Calculate estimated damages.

D) Contract support

E) Legal due diligence

F) Mergers and acquisition advice and support

G) Restructuring advice and support.

H) Act for the audit client in dispute resolution or litigation

I) Negotiate contract terms for the audit client

J) General advocacy services for client

Post employment benefits Plan and administration

services provided to audit clients.

A) Can the auditor act in a fiduciary duty capacity on the audit client's employment benefit
plan? ('theplan.)'

B) Can the auditor act as administrator of the plan?

C) Can the auditor make disbursements and calculate on behalf of the plan?

D) Can the auditor provide assurance services to the plan ?

Tax Services provided to audit clients.

A) Prepare and lodge of tax returns.

B) Assist in the resolution of tax disputes with Tax Authorities.

C) Prepare the calculation for taxes payable/receivable

Tax Opinions and Advice

D) Prepare advice on Tax Planning opportunities.

E) Prepare an opinion or reasonably arguable position papers on the

taxation treatment of a transaction .

F) Provide advice on tax implications for acquiring or selling investments

or subsidiaries.

G) Prepare the calculation of the tax effect accounting balances.

H)Prepare the income tax calculation for tax compliance and then use this

calculation for auditing the tax effect

Other Services provided to audit clients.

In addition to the other services listed below, please specify and
explain any service that

you permit or prohibit that has not appeared elsewhere in this survey.

A) Share-registry services

B) Company secretarial services including lodging documents with the Company's

Office and stock exchanges on behalf of the audit client.

C) Provide accounting advice on treatment or application of accounting

standards for the audit client.

D) Provide an audit on wages declarations which is given to third parties.

(i.e. Workers Compensation Audits)

E) Provide any service that involves client funds?

F) Corporate Recovery Services.

G) Regulatory Reviews or audits.

H) Independent Business Reviews.

I) Other Bankruptcy Services.

1. Survey On The Regulation Of Non-Audit Services Provided By Auditors To
Audited Companies MARCH 2007 OICU IOSCO
2. Salehi, M. and M. Moradi, 2010. Iranian angle to non-audit services: Some
empirical evidence. Managing Global Transitions
3. Islam, A., W. Karim, M. Khaled and T. van Zijil, 2005. Non-audit services and
auditor independence: An analysis using the informativeness of earnings.
4. https://en.wikipedia.org
5. http://accounting.smartpros.com/x35824.xml
6. https://www.linkedin.com/in/fareedsiddiqui1

An-Najah National University
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Master in Accounting
Search for other services provided by the
Under the kind supervision:
Dr: Muiz Abu Alia
Prepared By: Assi out


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