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Kristi Wong 10 Peace

The Crucible: Goody Putnams Diary Entries


My task is linked to The Crucible because my creative writing piece is written from Goody Putnams
perspective. The diary entries will show how Goody Putnam develops a strong sense of vengeance for
Rebecca Nurse over time a feeling led by unjustified reasoning that ends up clouding her judgement.
This is linked to the theme the destructive power of vengeance.

I have chosen to write from Goody Putnams perspective because I find her story with the
miscarriages and blame to be incredibly fascinating. As well as this, it will be challenging for me to
assume the role of a mother that has lost so many children.

I have chosen to create a series of diary entries, because diary entries are one of the most personal
forms of non-literary text, as they are written by someone for their eyes only. This text type is fitting
because it allows Goody Putnam to openly grieve for her dead babies, and secretly plot against
Rebecca at the same time. It is also the best way to show how her grief slowly develops into a
destructive sense of vengeance against Rebecca.

The diary entries will show a series of tones. First, devastating this will be shown after Putnam loses
her seventh baby, by using ellipses to show how her thoughts barely make sense. Second, questioning
this will be shown through long sentences that attempt to justify what happened to her babies.
Third, revelatory this will be shown through insults hurled at Rebecca after meeting her at
Reverend Parris house. Fourth, accusing this will be shown through short sentences and
exclamation marks portraying Putnams sudden, explosive anger towards Rebecca.
July 24 1692

Dear diary,
It happened again today

Hope passed away in my arms early this morning.

She barely cried the night that we brought her home Thomas and I took this as a
sign that maybe this time she was going to be good but no.

We buried her in the yard along with Jared, Eleanor, Judith, Helen, Enoch, and

Ruth sleeps in the bedroom next door. Its going to be her twelfth birthday soon, and
I have wished nothing else but a sibling to keep her company since she was born but
I believe my time is coming to an end. The doctor told me before that "it might
probably be too much to ask for a woman nearing fifty." Blasted physician what does
he know about being a mother? I refused to believe him

But now, I think I have no choice.

Ann Putnam
August 16th 1692

Dear diary,
I am a fish without fins, sinking in the large seas I still havent gotten over Hope
nor have I gotten over the others.

How could this have happened to Thomas and me? We are good Christians. Our souls
are pure and clean. God has no hatred for us. Im certain of it.

But who else could have put this curse upon us? Who has the power to condemn us
like this, but God himself?

Ive been thinking, and I realize that no matter how much Thomas or I pray to God,
and ask for answers, we will receive none. I realize that the only way that I will
find out how my babies have died over and over and over is to ask them.

Rumor has it that Reverend Parris servant is a witch Titubas her name. Ive
seen her around town and she must be one Ive heard her chant and sing in some
foreign, alien language too many times. I confronted her once, but she said that she
was merely speaking the language of her people back home in Barbados if that is her
home in the first place.

I arranged a playdate for Ruth with Betty Parris on Wednesday. That witch must
be there I know. I will send Ruth to ask Tituba to speak to my babies for me. She
must have some connection with the dead spirits. And only the spirits of my babies
will be able to tell me why they keep withering in my arms.

Soon, I will know the murderer of my beautiful, beautiful children.

God will pardon me for this.

Ann Putnam
August 22 1692

Dear diary,
Ruth has fallen ill. My beautiful daughter lies in bed, unconscious. And no one
knows why. There must only be one answer witchcraft. I knew there was a witch in
Salem. How else could my babies have fallen one by one? How could I have sent my
only baby to see the witch of Salem?

Oh, darling Ruth, please forgive me.

I went to see Reverend Parris today, thinking he would know what to do. Instead,
I found that Betty is unwell, too, with the same illness.

Rebecca Nurse was there as well. That woman dismissed Ruth and Betty like they
meant nothing to her. She said, verbatim, we ought to rely on the doctor now, and
good prayer. Does she not realize the crisis that is upon us? There is witchcraft in
this village, and its taking our children. It has been taking my children for years
now, but no one believed me, of course. Until now.

I couldnt fathom ever losing children, said she. Such mockery! Right in front of
me. Me, who has lost so many. Me, who may be losing my only child. Me! That
inconsiderate, arrogant woman. How could she? She may have a merry band of seven
children and even more grandchildren but that doesnt mean

She has seven children. I have lost seven.

That woman

Ann Putnam
August 26 1692

Dear diary,
I knew there was witchcraft! I knew it!

John Proctors former servant I believe Abigail Williams is her name is now
running around with a cluster of other girls accusing people of witchcraft.

I still cant overlook the coincidence that Rebecca and I share. Nor the look on her
face, nor the sharp tone of her voice, nor the spark in her eyes as she spoke to me that
day at Reverend Parris house. Her look especially has been haunting me ever since.
She may be the angel of the community, but there was just something so dark in her
eyes. It was like she was preying on me.

I talked to Thomas about all of this during the sobremesa, and it all makes sense!
The doting, generous Nurses have always hated us. They hate our land, our power,
our name, and most of all our babies. She knows we have wanted children forever.
She knows our hearts ache. So she continues to kill them off, one by one by one, to
punish us for her hatred!

I would say that this is unexpected, but that would be a lie. I knew it was that
treacherous woman from the beginning.

Rebecca is the brick and mortar of the Church. She has the strongest connection
to God out of all of us and now I know that her connection to the devil is equally as

And now, its time for me to expose her to the rest of Salem as what she truly is - a
murderer. Then she will have the rest of her life to rot in that jail cell with that
heinous womb of hers. My children! You might not return, but your spirits shall
haunt that demon spawn forever, until the very last drop of her fertility dries in her

Dont worry my babies, mother will ensure justice is served.

Ann Putnam

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