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Teacher: Kristen Magner

Subject Area: Math Grade Level: Kindergarten

Unit Title: Numbers six to ten Lesson Title: Reading and Writing 8 and 9
Objectives: SWBAT recognize and write the numerals that describe the quantities 8 and 9.

-Mini whiteboard/expo marker
-Interactive video
-Active board
-Student math mat (1/student)
-Brown paper bag

-SWBAT recognize and write the numerals that describe the quantities 8 and 9.
-This will allow students to communicate through writing when they need to express the numbers
8 and 9.

-It is essential that students can count up to the number 9.
-We will use building blocks to count the numbers 8 and 9.

Anticipatory Set:
-Have students volunteer to help tell a math story about 8 and 9. Call on 8 students to stand at the front
of the room. Say to the class A few students in Miss Magners class will be drinking chocolate milk
during our beverage break. Lets count to see how many students will be having chocolate milk. Count
aloud with the class how many students are standing. Have the students sit down and call on 9 different
volunteers to stand in the front of the room. Say to the class A few students in Miss Magners class will
be drinking apple juice during our beverage break. Lets count to see how many students will be having
apple juice. Count aloud with the class how many students are standing. Have the students sit back

-Explain to the class that we know how to count to 8 and 9 and today we will learn how to write these
two numbers. Using the mini whiteboard, draw a snowman (with arms, a hat and a face). Ask the class
what they see [snowman]. Have the students turn and talk with a partner. Ask the class What will
happen if I remove the snowmans hat, arms and face? Call on 2-3 volunteers to share with the class.
Erase these features and reveal the number 8. Tell the class that you have a trick to remember how to
write the number 8. Ask the class What letter does snowman start with? [S] Demonstrate writing the
letter 8 as you say your poem Make and S and then dont stop. Make a line from bottom to top.

-Next, draw what looks like the number 9, but with a face and hair. Ask the class what they see [a face/a
person]. Have the students turn and talk with a partner. Ask the class What will happen if I remove the
hair, eyes and mouth from the face? Call on 2-3 volunteers to share with the class. Erase these features
and reveal the number 9. Tell the class that you have a trick to remember how to write the number
9. Demonstrate writing the letter 9 as you say your poem Draw a circle up on top. Straight line down
and then you stop.
-Direct students attention to the active board and play Pearsons interactive video for chapter 3.4. Ask
questions when video allows.
~15 minutes

-Model writing the numbers 8 and 9 on the mini white board.
-Model how to complete the first 2-3 problems on the math mats.

Check for Understanding:

-Observation and math mats
-Thumbs up to check work

Guided Practice
- Guide the class through each problem on the math mats so everyone is on the same number at the
same time. For each problem, count the number of objects as a class before students practice writing
the number on their math mats. Have volunteers complete the worksheet on the active board. Have the
remaining students check their answer with the answer on the active board.
-Do not have students go ahead until everyone is ready to move on. Complete the first few problems
together as a class on the active board.
~10 minutes

Independent Practice:
-Allow students to complete the last 2-3 problems on their math mats independently. At the completion
of each problem call on a volunteer to complete the problem on the active board before moving on.
Have students check their work with the problem on the board and give you a signal (thumbs up) if their
paper looks like the worksheet on the active board.
~10 minutes

-Class discussion
-Math mats
- Number sorting and active board
-While students are finishing the last problem of their math mats walk around the room and
allow each student to choose piece of paper from a paper bag. Each paper has an 8 or 9 written on it
that they need to trace. Tell the class to trace their number and then to keep their number a secret until
you tell them to reveal it to the class.
-Write the number 8 on a mini white board. Show it to the class and ask anyone to stand up if
the number on their paper looks like the number on your white board. Repeat with the number 9.
~ 5 minutes

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