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Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Mitigating Measures

for Eligible Sub-projects under the KC-NCDDP

Name of Subproject: Improving the Delivery of Health Services and Increasing Resiliency to Disaster through Rehabilitation of Health
Center and Construction of Drainage.(Rehabilitation of Health Center)
(Solido Barangay, Municipality of __Nabas__ Province of __Aklan__, Region __VI__)

Cost and Remarks

Mitigation/ Enhancement Responsible Implementation
Potential Impacts Monitoring Parameter Source of
Measures Entity Schedule
Phase 1: Planning, Development, and Pre-Implementation/Pre-Construction Phase
1.1 In Compliance with: Govt. Policies on a) Program policies on participation of women, and Gender and Development, and; b) GOP: RA
9172 Women in Development and Nation Building;
1.1.1 Low participation of - Conduct consultative CEF will facilitate and - ACT & MCT / During Social Cost of There is an
Women meeting for womens monitor the activities. CEF Preparation, preparation of active
group, Ensuring that there is -MSWD Proposal and pre- activity, cost per participation
- Prior coordination with participation for every -Community implementation of dimes of of women in
the parent leader. sector represented. Relation officer. sub-projects. participants. terms of
Provided with proof; Planning and
minutes, LCC Pre
documentation, & MLGU/BLGU construction
attendance sheet. phase.
1.2 In compliance with RA 8371 Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) and NCIP AO No. 3 series 2012, and WB and ADB safeguards policies
on Indigenous Peoples
1.3 In compliance with PD 1067 Water Code of the Philippines, regulations on easements, and guidelines on No build, No dwelling, and Multi-
hazard risk areas.
1.4 In compliance with RA 8974 and RA 7279; EO 1035 Acquisition of Private Property, and latest issuances on WB and ADB safeguards
policies on involuntary resettlement
( The lot is property of RHU) CEF will facilitate in Securing a copy of RHU During Social Cost in Complete
It will cause a problem. It will securing and checking ( Repair of Health Municipal Preparation and transportation in requirements
cause delay in Request for social process documents. Center) Assessors Proposal as gathering social for Land
fund released & pre- Volunteer will gather this Tax Declaration (RHU Community attachment in RFR. process docs. Acquisition
implementation. social process documents owner), Certification Volunteer of Private
with the help of RHU and from the Municipal ACT/MCT CEF LCC BLGU Property.
the Municipal Assessors. Health Officer allowing
to repair a health
center, Certification
from the Municipal
health Officer of the
availability of Health
workers, Certification
from the assessor
Cost and Remarks
Mitigation/ Enhancement Responsible Implementation
Potential Impacts Monitoring Parameter Source of
Measures Entity Schedule
showing the no. of lot
and a sketch plan of lot
1.5 In compliance with PD 1144 Fertilizer and Pesticides Act, and ADB and WB regulations on the use of pesticides.
1.6 In compliance with other relevant laws and regulations
Phase 2: Implementation / Construction Phase
2.1 Physical Environment
2.1.1 Land
Increase in waste production Proper disposal of waste Awareness of skilled Skilled & Unskilled During SPI N/A Proper
of waste materials. materials. and unskilled workers Workers waste
Reuse, Recycle waste including the disposal of
materials. community regarding waste
these activities. materials.
2.1.2 Water Quality/Hydrology
2.1.3 Air Quality
Dust from Cement and Sand Watering the surroundings Awareness of skilled Skilled & Unskilled During SPI Barangay Grant The Skilled
will help to reduce the and unskilled workers Workers Allocation to be and unskilled
dust. including the use in SPI. workers
Workers should wear community regarding P 1,139,343.04 used mask
mask during SPI. these activities. as protection
for dust from
Cement and
2.2 Biological Environment
2.2.1 Forest and plant life
2.2.2 Wildlife
2.2.3 Fisheries, Aquatic life
2.3 Social Environment
2.3.1 Participation of women in paid labor and implementation management
Cost of Only skilled
Poor participation of Women Assigned light works for Conducting training Skilled & During Sub
preparation of men worked
in Labor force that will cause Women. The Foreman for Women in SPI. Unskilled Project
activity, cost per in repair of
of delay should be aware of work Equip with Workers Implementation
dimes of Health
that will be assigned to knowledge in
Less participation of women participants. Center.
Women. Encouraging construction during
because of workloads and
the women to work implementation.
household chores. Barangay Grant
during SPI
Allocation to be
use in SPI.
Cost and Remarks
Mitigation/ Enhancement Responsible Implementation
Potential Impacts Monitoring Parameter Source of
Measures Entity Schedule
P 1,139,343.04
2.3.2 impacts on indigenous peoples (IP), including participation in paid labor and implementation/management of the sub-project, participatory monitoring
2.3.3 Safety in construction
a. Exposure to hazard, Wear PPE Orientation in Skilled & Unskilled During SPI Barangay Grant Skilled and
resulting to injury and Signage, warning signs conducting safety Workers Allocation to be Unskilled
accident. and billboards. protocols during SPI in use in SPI. Workers
Skilled and Unskilled P 1,139,343.04. required to
workers. use PPE
during SPI.
2.3.4 Resettlement Impacts during construction, including access restriction, temporary impacts on livelihood
2.4 Other impacts
Phase 3: Operation and Maintenance Phase
3.1 Physical Environment
3.1.1 Land
Cleanliness of surroundings Community awareness of Providing garbage box BLGU During O & M N/A BLGU, CVs
proper disposal of waste with segregation of Community and
materials biodegrable and non community
biodegradable waste. will be
responsible in
cleanliness to
3.1.2 Water Quality/Hydrology
3.1.3 Air Quality
3.2 Biological Environment
3.2.1 Forest and plant life
3.2.2 Wildlife
3.2.3 Fisheries, Aquatic life
3.3 Social Environment
3.3.1 Participation of women The elected
in management of O&M O & M is
Less participation of women Encourage women to work CEF will ensure BLGU During O & M N/A genderized. It
because of workloads & during O & M Operation. participation of women Community is
household chores. sector. Provided with Volunteer represented
Cost and Remarks
Mitigation/ Enhancement Responsible Implementation
Potential Impacts Monitoring Parameter Source of
Measures Entity Schedule
proof; minutes, by men and
documentation. women
3.3.2 IP participation in O&M a.IP will encourage the community, and will learn.
1.3.3. Participation of Households affected by involuntary resettlement in O&M
3.3.4 Access and/or use restriction
3.3.5 Induced activities with negative cumulative effects
3.4 Other impacts
Phase 4: Abandonment Phase
No abandonment of the sub-project(s) (is) are programmed since the Operations and Maintenance Phase is considered to sustain the life and utility
sub-projects, unless natural catastrophic events such as anomalous magnitude of earthquake or flooding destroys the facility beyond use. In this case
engineering and design of the replacement facilities will integrate and handle the demolition of the damage structures.

Prepared by:


Date: ___________________

The LGU OF BRGY._SOLIDO_ is confirming its willingness and commitment to implement and allocate funds for the abovementioned ESMP.


Barangay Chairperson
Date: ___________________

Approved and noted by:

Municipal Mayor
Date: ____________________
Reviewed and Endorsed to the SRPMO by: Reviewed and Endorsed to the RPMO by:


Area Coordinator SRPMO Head
Date: _________________ Date: _________________

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