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Physics Assessment 1 - Lab Report

Jessica Yam
Year 10 Peace

Experiment to investigate the effect of depth of water (m) on the velocity (m/s) of the


Investigation Question -Bi

How does the depth of water affect the velocity of the wave?

Background to the Investigation Question -Bi

Waves are produced by oscillation or vibrations. An example will be dropping a piece of

pebble into a puddle of water. It is the transfer of energy, without transferring the matter.

In science and mathematics, velocity is a vector quantity, which expresses both magnitude
and direction. Speed is a scalar quality showing magnitude only. As all the waves in this
experiment propagate in the same direction, it is logical to consider that direction as the
positive side.

The aim of this experiment is to investigate how the velocity of the water wave would be
affected when the water depth is varied, through dropping a marble to a tray of water at fixed

The velocity of the wave will be measured by a computer application called Logger Pro. This
will be done by filming the water surface of each trial. When the marble is dropped to the
tray of water, ripples (water wave) is produced. A point of a ripple is picked randomly and it
is followed by the Logger Pro through plotting its location at different time intervals. The data
will then be plotted on a graph, with y-axis as the distance travelled by the water wave and
the x-axis as the time taken.

Mathematically, velocity =

Alternatively, the slope of the line of best fit generated by Logger Pro can also determine the
(2 1 )
Slope =
(2 1 )

Aided by Logger Pro in finding out the changes in wave velocity corresponding to changes in
water depth, it will be able to determine whether water with deeper depth will generate
faster waves than shallow water.

1Russell, Daniel A. "What Is a Wave?" Acoustics and Vibration Animations. N.p., 18 Feb. 2015. Web. 23 Sept. 2016.

Keith Stowe author of Exploring Ocean Science has once conducted a research to explore
the relationship between water depth and velocity, and proved a positive correlation
between the depth and velocity of water.

Real Life Application

According to The National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, Tsunami are waves
with long period, as well as wave length 2. They are categorized as shallow water waves,
because both of them have similar characteristics Long period that ranges from 10 minutes
to 2 hours 4 and long wavelength that can reach up to 500 km.

If the result of my investigation proves that waves are slower in shallow water and vice versa,
one would be able to apply the finding in maritime science. A case in point is maritime
scientist will be able to confidently predict the speed and wave height of tsunami when it
travels from sea to land side. Essentially, tsunami reduces its speed as it comes closer to coast
where sea bed level and sea surface is declining. On the other hand, the change of total
energy in tsunami remains constant causing the height of wave to grow. Due to this shoaling
effect, a tsunami that was imperceptible in deep sea may grow to several feet or more in

This application is extremely useful to emergency services because they can plan rescue aids
ahead and advise coast lines residents in advance to take precautionary safety measures.

Hypothesis Bii

The deeper the water, the faster the velocity of wave and vice versa. Therefore, throwing a
marble to a tray of 0.05m deep water will generate a wave with higher speed than that of
0.01m deep water.

Explanation of Your HypothesisBii

Water waves are composed of surface waves and volume waves. The speed of surface waves
is dependent on the surface tension and gravity. Since water is incompressible, the surface
tension would remain constant. The gravity of the Earth is also constant. Thus, surface waves
are all of the same speed. For volume waves, its speed depends on friction, medium density
and pressure. They have a higher speed in deep water as the waves experience less friction.
In shallow water, the waves are closer to the bottom of the tank and thus experience a greater
frictional drag. Relatively more energy is required to overcome this frictional force and thus
less energy is left to propagate the waves. Therefore, water waves are slower in shallow water
and faster in deep water. An example to justify my explanation will be tsunamis. As

Program, Tsunami. "National Weather Service - Tsunami Hazards." National Weather Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept.
2016. <>.

mentioned in the background to the investigation, tsunamis are faster (more than 100 miles
per hour) in deep water and vice versa.

The graph below summarizes the hypothesis:


Independent Depth of water


Unit(s) of IV Meter (m)

Range of IV 5 data points:

measured 0.01m

Why did I choose to change the variable in this way?

Reason: This is because the tray is only 0.06 m deep, so the depth
of water must be less than 0.06 m. Fixed intervals of the water
depth is chosen for observing any change in the water wave.

Describe and Five different depths will be tested, namely 0.01m, 0.02m, 0.03m,
explain the 0.04m & 0.05m. 0.01m will be tested first by pouring water into a
procedure to shallow container (green water wave tray) until the depth reaches
change the 0.01m (a ruler will be placed at the side to keep track of the depth).
independent After 3 trials are done, I will pour 0.01m more of water into the tray.
variable. The experiment will be completed once I have done 3 trials for each
data point.

Dependent variable Distance travelled by the wave

Time taken

Unit(s) of DV Distance - meter (m)

Time - second (s)

Derived dependent The velocity of the water wave


Unit(s) of DV m/s

Describe and Measurement of the distance and time with the below formula to
explain the find the velocity:
procedure to ()
velocity =
calculate the ()
derived variable. However, Logger Pro has much simplified calculation work. The
distance between the points we plotted onto the video is basically
the distance and the time is the unit of time we plot the point on.

What we need to do is to find the line of best fit and use the
below slope formula to find out the velocity because the formula
for slope equals to the formula for velocity.

(2 1 )
Slope =
(2 1 )

(2 1 )
(2 1 )
Controlled Procedure to control it and explain why it
variable matters to the investigation.

Describe and The height the For every trial, the marble must be dropped from
explain the marble is 11 cm above the base of the wave tray. A ruler will
procedure to dropped from. be placed at the side to keep track of that.
control other
variables in the Whenever my lab partner Kaiser Kang is about
investigation. to drop the marble, I should ensure the marble is
dropped from the exact height as the previous
trials. Furthermore, he should place the marble
near the ruler in order to ensure the marble falls
vertically into the water.

If the height the marble is dropped from is

different for each trial, it will not be an fair
comparison because the kinetic energy carried by
the marble is not constantly maintained for every
Same source The water poured into the tray should all come
of water from the same tap source in the laboratory. This
is to ensure a fair and true comparison, because
the density and quality of water from each tap
may vary. If that is the case, then there will be
more than one independent variable density of
water. This will severely affect the reliability of
investigation because there cannot be more than
one independent variable in an experiment.

Depth of the There will be 5 different depths (5 data points)
water tested in this experiment. Each data point will be
tested 3 times (3 trials). A ruler will be placed at
the side of the tray to ensure the depth remains
the same for the 3 trials for the same data point.

If the depth is different during these three trials,

then results cannot be substantiated when data
obtained relate to not the same selected depth
The water tray The wave tray used should be the same for each
used trial. In order to control that, we will put a mark
on the tray (stickers, names) to ensure the same
tray for the entire experiment. Even if someone
accidently takes our tray, we will be able to find
it easily, because we know which one is ours.

If a different tray is used, my investigation will be

faulty because different containers have
different volumetric measurements
Additionally, the tray should be placed at the
same exact location on flat surface to prevent
water slanting to one side.
Same marble If a different marble is used, the validity of my
used results is questionable because of likely variation
in the mass of different marbles which carry
different amount of kinetic energy when they
impacted and submerged into the water.

In order to ensure we are using the same marble

for the entire experiment, my partner and I will be
putting a mark on our marble or use marbles with
some kind of mark on it (patterns, colors,
pictures), such that it will be easier to
differentiate the marble that belongs to us.

Materials / Equipment ListBiv

1) Lab Coats (Prevent water from getting onto our uniforms) x1

2) Lab goggles (Prevent water from getting into our eyes) x1

3) Wood ruler (50cm long) x1

4) Transparent ruler (20cm long) x1

5) Torch (To see the waves more easily) x1

6) Green wave tray x1

7) Marble (around 5-6 grams) x1

8) Tap water (5531.25 cm in total)


9) Scale (to measure the weight of the marble, ensure we are using the same marble for the
entire experiment) x1

Below are photos of the materials used:

Wooden ruler


Transparent ruler

Green wave/water

Tap water

Risk Assessment Biv

# Safety issues & precautions Ways to prevent these What to do in case of

hazards from happening? emergency?
(How to stay safe?)
1 Since the water tray is Wear lab coat and goggles Wash your eyes with
large and it can be quite so that water gets onto your the emergency eye
heavy once it is filled with safety wear, instead of your wash located in the
water, thus someone uniforms and eyes. science laboratory as
might accidentally drop the tap water might also
entire tray onto the floor, contain germs.
spilling water everywhere

2 If water is spilled onto the Keep the floor dry at all Consult the nurse from
floor, then someone might times. If someone accidently office. If the injury is
slip on it, causing injury spills water onto the floor, severe, call for
ask him/her to mop the floor ambulance for
immediately. transferring the
casualty to hospital
3 Since some of us are using The torch should face down Consult lab teacher to
torch to make the waves at all times. Turn it off when see if any damage has
more visible, thus we we are not using it. been caused. If yes,
might accidentally shine a depending on the
flash light into someones severity of the damage,
eyes. The severity of the consult the nurse or
damage depends on the seek medical care
lumen of the flashlight. elsewhere.
4 Since we are bringing our Computers should be placed Immediately turn off
computers with us to the under tables or in an area, the wetted computer
laboratory, therefore it is where water cant reach it. (cut off the power
possible for someone to source) so that it wont
spill water onto it, cause an electric shock.
damaging it. Depending on the
extent of water
damage, bring the
laptop to the 7th floor
technology assistance
department as soon as
possible who can revive

as much data as
possible. If water
spillage is light, then
just simply wipe it off
with a tissue.

Method / ProcedureBiv

Below is a photo of my assembled apparatus:

Kaiser (my lab partner) will be

holding the marble 11cm above
the base of the tray

Ruler placed at the side to keep

track of the water depth, as well
as the height the marble is
dropped from

Another ruler placed at the bottom

of the tray, In the direction of the
wave (diagonally), such that it
will be easier to set the scale in
Logger Pro.

* I will be holding the camera and torch from above.

1. Put on lab coat and goggles
2. Set up the apparatus as shown above
3. Fill the tray with water until the depth reaches 1 cm (double check with the ruler
placed at the side)
4. Put another ruler diagonally at the bottom of the tray
5. Ask lab partner to place the marble at a set height (11cm count starting from the
base of the tray)
6. Setup camera and torch (Hold it directly above the tray)
7. Film the process as your lab partner drops the marble
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for 2 more times
9. Fill more water until the depth reaches 2 cm. Again, double check with the ruler
placed at the side to ensure the water depth is exactly at 2cm
10. Repeat steps 5-7 for 3 trials
11. Repeat steps 5-9 for the remaining data points 3cm, 4cm and 5cm

Procedure after experiment

1. Insert the trial 1 video of the 1cm data point into Logger Pro
2. Set scale (Pull 1cm based on the ruler placed at the bottom, the purpose of this step
is to acknowledge the computer the length of 1cm in real life)
3. Set origin (Press at the point where the marble lands)
4. Move the origin, such that the big yellow dot is facing upwards
5. Select a point and press on it
6. Keep pressing and follow the point until it disappears
7. Press the line of best fit icon
8. Delete the red dots (the dots that are staying on the x axis)
9. Repeat steps 1-8 for all the remaining 14 videos

Results (Raw data) Ci

Table 1: A table that shows how changing water depth (cm) affects the velocity of the wave
Water depth (m) Velocity of wave (cm/s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
1 21.27 21.97 20.22
2 23.44 22.45 23.55
3 25.23 25.53 25.72
4 26.11 26.02 26.04
5 28.10 28.17 28.98
*Refer to appendix 1 for graphs of each trial
The above table is in centimeters (cm) as I chose to plot my graph in cm. I did this because it
is easier to ensure that I have set a correct scale on Logger Pro. (The ruler I used during my
experiment was in cm, so I can just simply pull a 1cm distance on Logger Pro with the help
of the ruler)

Processing data Ci
As mentioned in the background, the equation for velocity =
Since the unit for distance is in meters, and the unit I am currently using for distance is cm,
thus I have to convert it back to meters.

Table 2: A table that shows how changing water depth (m) affects the velocity of the wave
Water depth (m) Velocity of wave (m/s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
0.01 0.2127 0.2197 0.2022
0.02 0.2344 0.2245 0.2355
0.03 0.2523 0.2553 0.2572
0.04 0.2611 0.2602 0.2604

0.04 0.2810 0.2817 0.2898

Sample calculation of converting units (1cm, trial 1):

= 0.2127 /

Qualitative observations - Ci

Senses Descriptions

See - The ripples caused by dropping the marble

- Light coming out from the torch
- A small amount of water was spilled onto
the floor (the floor was wet)
- There are a small amount of corn starch on
the table, where we are conducting our
experiment on.
- I can see various apparatus such as tripod,
wave tray, marbles being laid on our table
- Computers are placed under desks
- There was some dirt inside my wave tray
(Forgot to wash the dirt away before I pour
water into it)

Hear - The tiny sound of marble being dropped into

a tank of water
- The sound of rulers being dropped onto the
- Water coming from the tap
- Conversations between lab partners

Smell - The smell of corn starch and salt

- Scent of grass coming from the animals
tanks placed on the laboratory benches
- Rotten eggs (Mr. Morrison was doing an
investigation on vinegar and eggs with his Y7
class the lesson before)

Feel - Hot (The torch that I was holding was

heating up. Maybe I have kept it turned on for
too long. My body temperature is also one of
the factors that affect the heat of the torch)
- The slippery texture of the marble
- My hand was wet

- My hand was powdery (For Kaisers
experiment, we have to use cornstarch)

Processed data- Ci

Table 3: A table that shows how changing Water depth (m) affects the average of the wave
velocity (m/s) and range of the wave velocity (m/s)
Water depth (m) Velocity of wave (m/s)
Average (m/s) Range(m/s)

Min Max
0,01 = 0.2115 0.2022 0.2197

0.02 0.2344+0.2245+0.2355 0.2344 0.2355

= 0.2315
0.03 0.2523+0.2553+0.2572 0.2523 0.2553
= 0.2550
0.04 = 0.2606 0.2602 0.2611
0.05 = 0.2842 0.2810 0.2898
*All decimals are rounded to the nearest 2 decimal places

Graph- Ci

The graph below shows the relationship between the water depth (m) and wave velocity
Average velocity (m/s)

Water depth (m)
Conclusion Cii

In conclusion, the results support my hypothesis. The wave velocity is 0.2115m/s, the lowest
when the water depth is 0.01m, which is the shallowest in the experiment. The wave velocity
rises to 0.2842m/s, the highest when the water depth is 0.05m, which is the deepest. It is
observed that the trend line is heading upwards (wave velocity increases as the water depth
increases). Thus, there is a positive correlation between the two variables.

Explanation of results Cii

Since the water level of 0.01m-deep water is closer to the bottom of the tray than that of
0.05m-deep water, the frictional force exerted by the bottom of the tray to the wave
produced in the 0.01m-deep water would be greater. Some energy is used to overcome the
frictional force and therefore less energy is left to transport the waves. Since the height where
the marble is released is the same, so the amount of energy supplied for each trial is also the
same. If more energy is used to overcome the frictional force, then less energy would remain
to move the waves and thus the wave would be slower.

Evaluation-Validity of the hypothesis - Ciii

My hypothesis is valid and reliable and here are a few reasons to justify my statement.

Firstly, my data within a set of trials are similar. Below is an example.

Water depth (m) Velocity of wave (m/s)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
0.01 0.2127 0.2197 0.2022
As you can see, the set of data collected when the water depth is 0.01m are all around
0.20,m/s 0.21m/s.

Secondly, I have compared my results with one of my classmates Noel, who has done a
similar experiment. Same as my hypothesis, her conclusion also stated that the higher the
water depth, the faster the wave velocity, vice versa. Furthermore, below is a table of her
results, which are quite similar as mine (Please refer to table 3 for a full copy of my results).

Table 4: Noels table that shows how changing Water depth (cm) affects the average of the
wave velocity (cm/s) and range of the wave velocity (m/s)
Depth of Water Velocity of the Wave (m/s) Derived Variable
independent Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average velocity
0.01m 0.2986 m/s 0.3100 m/s 0.2853 m/s 0.2980 m/s
(corr. 4 d.p)
0.02m 0.3561 m/s 0.3184 m/s 0.3180 m/s 0.3308 m/s
corr. 4 d.p)
0.03m 0.3897 m/s 0.3207 m/s 0.3651 m/s 0.3585 m/s
(corr. 4 d.p)

0.04m 0.3618 m/s 0.3929 m/s 0.3578 m/s 0.3708 m/s
(corr. 4 d.p)
0.05m 0.3935 m/s 0.4242 m/s 0.3930 m/s 0.4036 m/s
(corr. 4 d.p)

Both of our results are quite close. For me, my results range from 0.21m/s to 0.28m/s (corr.
2 d.p). Whereas her results range from 0.30m/s to 0.40m/s (corr. 2 d.p). It is reasonable that
her results are slightly higher than mines because she dropped her marble 15cm above, which
is 4cm taller than the height I dropped my marble from, which means she is suppling more
energy and thus the velocity should be higher if everything is kept constant.

Lastly, in order to further justify the validity of my hypothesis, I have crossed checked it with
the results written by Jaime Kvaternik, one of the candidates of the California States Science
Fair 3 and the author of Exploring Ocean Science Keith Stow, conducted similar
experiments as I did. Both of them concluded that the higher the water depth, the faster the
waves. In conclusion, my results are similar to my neighbors, as well as professors who have
conducted similar experiments, thus my results are reliable. Since my results supports my
hypothesis, so that implies my hypothesis are valid and reliable.

Evaluation - Validity of the method - Civ

Due to the rapid movement of the waves, it is hard to measure the wavelength with a ruler.
Even if we were able to measure it, the data collected might not be reliable, as the waves
were constantly moving, so it is hard to ensure if the wavelength recorded was correct or not.
Thus, it is valid to film the entire experiment and insert it into Logger Pro to find the distance
and time. This is because, Logger Pro allows us to watch the videos in slow motion to ensure
the points we plotted are accurate. Furthermore, it also records the time it took for the wave
to travel from point A to B.

However, the validity of my results might be affected if I didnt follow the same point when I
was plotting the graph. Since the waves were not that vigorous like the ones we see in the
sea, thus It was quite hard to track the same point for the entire plotting process.

In order to prevent that from happening, I have set up a torch to shine on the water surface
during the experiment. This can make the waves to be more visible, such that I can follow the
same point easily when I am plotting the graph.

Moreover, it is valid to manipulate my independent variable (depth of water) 0.01m each

time. This is because the shallow container is only around 0.06m. If we fully fill it, then some
of it may spill when we are carrying our water tray back to our table and this will affect the
accuracy of my result. This manipulation also allows me to observe the slight changes in speed
when I increase the depth of water.

3 Grace, James B. "Effects of Water Depth on Typha Latifolia and Typha Domingensis." American Journal of Botany 76.5
(1989): 762-68. Web.

Furthermore, the way I placed rulers along the side and at the bottom allows me to ensure
the accuracy of my data, as I can keep make use of the ruler at the side to keep track of the
depth of the water, as well as using the ruler placed at bottom to set a correct scale in Logger

Since all my steps allow me to ensure the accuracy and fairness of my experiment.
Therefore, my method is valid to collect sufficient and reliable data, which is required to
complete my research question on the relationship between water depth and wave velocity.

Evaluation of the Method and Suggested Improvements - Cv

Problems with the The effect caused by the Suggested improvements

experiment problem
When I was carrying my This might affect the To prevent the same
tray, which is filled with accuracy of my results situation from occurring
0.05m of water back to because the depth of water again, I should transport
the experiment table, was not exactly 0.04m. water by using a beaker.
some water accidentally Since the beaker is smaller
spilled out onto the floor. and lighter, thus it is easier
to handle and water wont
spill out easily.
The ruler that is used to The length I measured might Stick the ruler onto the side
measure the depth of the vary. For example, I was of the tray, such that it
might not be supposed to drop the ensures the ruler is
perpendicular to the tray. marble 11cm above the perpendicular to the tray and
base of the tray. However, if stays at the same spot for
the ruler is not the entire experiment, which
perpendicular to the tray, ensures a fair comparison
then the height where the between data because
marble is dropped from may controlled variables should
not be exactly 11cm. Then be kept constant.
there will be one more
variable force inserted
into the water, affecting the
wave velocity.
Sometimes, the water was This implies that extra I can place the tray on the
not stable because our energy is applied to the floor when conducting the
table was quite shaky. water, which might change experiment because it
the velocity of the wave. ensures my tray wont move
Furthermore, these extra at any circumstances.
waves will block/prevent me
from seeing the wave
caused by dropping the

Since my partner Kaiser The water dripped off Kaiser should dry his hand
didnt dry his hand after Kaisers hand would with a tissue or cloth before
picking up the marble, produce another wave in the next trial.
water dripped off from his the water tray, and thus
hands while he dropped blocking me to observe the
the marble for the next wave create by the marble
trail. properly and this will also
affect the wave velocity.

Extensions to the experiment:

1. We can look into whether other factors like density of the
medium or the height where the marble is released would
affect the velocity of the wave.
2. The container might be too shallow to represent the ocean.
If I have better resources, I would have used a deeper
container, such that I can test great depths (0.05m is
considered to be too shallow)

Works cited

1. By Scattering and Reflecting, and The Hall Effect. "Water Waves - Boundless Open
Textbook." Boundless. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.
2. "Functional EcologyVolume 22, Issue 5, Version of Record Online: 6 JUN 2008." Effect
of Water Depth, Velocity and Temperature on the Surfacing Frequency of the
Bimodally Respiring Turtle Elseya Albagula. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.
3. Grace, James B. "Effects of Water Depth on Typha Latifolia and Typha Domingensis."
American Journal of Botany 76.5 (1989): 762-68. Web.
4. Jan Parker, Teacher at Hinkley High School Follow. "Cause and Effect Relationship
between Wave Speed Frequency Wavelength." Cause and Effect Relationship
between Wave Speed Frequency Wavelength. N.p., 06 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Sept.
2016. <
5. Lab partner Kaiser Kang 10 Peace
6. "Line Graph Maker." Online Reference & Tools. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.
7. Program, Tsunami. "National Weather Service - Tsunami Hazards." National Weather
Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.

8. Russell, Daniel A. "What Is a Wave?" Acoustics and Vibration Animations. N.p., 18
Feb. 2015. Web. 23 Sept. 2016. <
9. "Surface Wave." SpringerReference (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
10. "The Science Behind Tsunamis: Study the Effect of Water Depth on Wave Velocity."
Science Buddies. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.
11. "Wave Velocity." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web.
26 Sept. 2016. <>.
12. "Waves." SpringerReference (n.d.): n. pag. Web.


Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

0.01m water depth (trial 1) 0.01m water depth (trial 2) 0.01m water depth (trial 3)

Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6

0.02 m water depth (trial 1) 0.02 m water depth (trial 2) 0.03 m water depth (trial 3)

Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9

0.03 m water depth (trial 1) 0.03m water depth (trial 2) 0.03m water depth (trial 3)

Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12

0.04m water depth (trial 1) 0.04m water depth (trial 2) 0.04m water depth (trial 3)

Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15
0.05m water depth (trial 1) 0.05m water depth (trial 2) 0.05m water depth (trial 3)

-End of report-


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