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Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 35, No. 4, August 2012, pp. 693700.

c Indian Academy of Sciences.

Incorporation of fluorophosphate into zincaluminiumnitrate layered

double hydroxide by ion exchange


Laboratoire de Chimie Biomolculaire, Substances Naturelles et Ractivits, Unit des Matriaux,
Facult des Sciences Semlalia, Universit Cadi Ayyad, BP 2390, Marrakech 40000, Morocco
Centre des Classes Prparatoires Ibnou Taimya, Route dEssaouira, Marrakech 40000, Morocco
School of Science and Engineering, Al Akhawayn University, PO Box 104, Ifrane 53000, Morocco

MS received 7 May 2011; revised 11 October 2011

Abstract. The intercalation of fluorophosphate (PO3 F2 , FP) in the [ZnAl] layered double hydroxides (LDHs)
was investigated. A nitrate precursor was prepared by coprecipitaion at pH 9. An attempt to intercalate FP by direct
coprecipitation reaction led to a poorly crystalline LDH phase. The effects of pH, aging time and anion concentration
were studied and allowed to confirm that the best crystalline material, with high exchange extent, was obtained by
carrying out the exchange at 25 C in 01 M FP solution at pH 9 with at least 20 h of aging time.

Keywords. Layered double hydroxide; intercalation; fluorophosphate; ion-exchange.

1. Introduction The present work forms part of a wider investiga-

tion aimed at understanding the mechanisms of interaction
Layered double hydroxides (LDHs), also called anionic between LDHs and phosphates in view of LDH use in phos-
(anion-exchanging) clays and hydrotalcite-like compounds phate applications; Morocco being the first producer of these
(Allmann 1970) are layered compounds that are based natural substances in the worldand environmental applica-
in brucite, Mg(OH)2 . They have a stacking of positively tions. FP is expected to behave somewhat in a similar way

charged octahedral sheets with [MII1x MIIIx (OH)2 ]
compo- as the orthophosphate ions (PO3 2
4 , HPO4 , H2 PO4 ). The
sition. M and M are divalent and trivalent metal ions, orthophosphate ions have the same geometrical structure as
respectively. The net positive charge, due to substitution of FP (tetrahedral). The difference lies in the electronic struc-
trivalent by divalent metal ions, is balanced by an equal nega- ture and geometrical distortion that is due to the longer PF
tive charge of interlayer solvated anions [Xm x/m nH2 O] .
bond (Serafini et al 1976). The ZnAl matrix was chosen in
II III place of MgAl in order to be able to carry out comparison
These compounds are usually abbreviated as [M M X].
They are characterized by high charge density of sheets, between intercalation of FP and orthophosphates in the same
modulated via the MII /MIII ratio. The hydrated anions in the matrix. Badreddine et al (1999) used ZnAl for the study of
interlayer spaces can be replaced with almost any desired orthophosphate intercalation. A comparison between the two
anion, organic or inorganic, by utilizing simple ion exchange matrices is planned now.
methods. This paper presents synthesis and characterization of a
These compounds are of increasing interest because of fluorophosphate (PO3 F2 , FP) intercalated LDH, [ZnAl
their diverse potential applications in pharmacy, catalysis, FP], directly and by ion exchange via a nitrate precursor,
food industry, polymers, electrochemistry, separation tech- [ZnAlNO3 ]. Data on the preparation of the precursor and
nology, etc. These applications are due to their layered struc- the final product, as well as their characterization by XRD,
ture, combined with their high anionic exchange capacity IR spectroscopy, SEM, microanalysis and thermal analyses
(3 meq.g1 ), compared to cationic clays such as smectite are presented. The localization of FP in the interlayer space
and vermiculite (06516 meq.g1 ). The properties and is discussed from the determination of the apparent inter-
applications of these hydrotalcite-type compounds have been layer spacing of the LDH, by XRD, IR and TG. The results
the subject of a number of general and specialized reviews obtained were compared with the other phosphate ions of the
(Rives 2001; Braterman et al 2003). same geometry (Serafini et al 1976), which were intercalated
in the same LDH matrix (Badreddine 1999).
The influence of anion concentration in solution, aging
time, and pH were studied in order to determine the optimum
conditions under which the exchanged clay is obtained with
Author for correspondence ( good crystallinity and high exchange extent.

694 El Hassan Elkhattabi et al

2. Experimental Thermogravimetric (TG) and differential thermal analyses

(DTA) studies were performed with a Setaram TG-DSC 92
2.1 Materials instrument. Curves were recorded on 20 mg of the sample
over a temperature range of up to 900 C at a heating rate of
All experiments were carried out under a stream of N2 in 5 C/min. The weights were corrected for the small effect of
order to avoid, or at least minimize, the contamination by the gas flow as a function of temperature.
atmospheric CO2 .
The [ZnAlNO3 ] precursor was prepared by coprecipi-
taion at a constant pH. A homogeneous mixture of Zn(NO3 )2 3. Results and discussion
and Al(NO3 )3 aqueous solution, with a molar ratio of x =
033, was slowly introduced under stirring in a reactor which Direct intercalation by coprecipitation reaction was not suc-
contained 250 mL of freshly de-ionized water. The pH of cessful in producing a well crystalline LDH phase. This may
the solution was maintained constant at a value of 9 by the be due to the random orientation of LDH sheets (figure 1).
simultaneous addition of 10 M NaOH solution. The preci- We report below on the study of the ion exchange starting
pitate obtained was filtered, washed several times with water with nitrate precursor.
and then dried at room temperature.
Exchange reactions were carried out with 100 mg of [Zn
AlNO3 ] LDH suspended in 250 mL of 01 M PO3 F2 solu-
3.1 X-ray diffraction
tion, which was stirred. The pH of the mixture was 9. The
anion exchange reaction was achieved at ambient tempera- XRD pattern for the [ZnAlNO3 ] precursor (figure 1) indi-
ture (25 C) with 40 h of aging time. The solids were sepa- cates that the sample, which consists of a single phase, is very
rated from the solution by centrifugation and then washed well crystallized with its constituting crystallites of large
several times with water. They were then dried in air at size. This pattern is in agreement with that found for crysta-
ambient temperature (30 C). llites of the hydrotalcite-like minerals. The XRD powder data,
Direct intercalation of FP ions by coprecipitation was used refined on the hexagonal setting with a rhombohedral sy-
initially for the preparation of [ZnAlFP]. This method mmetry (space group: R(3)m), provided the lattice para-
consisted of slowly adding a mixture of dilute solutions meters for the sample: a = 0307(5) nm and c = 265(4) nm.
of Zn(NO3 )2 and Al(NO3 )3 into a reactor containing con- The interlayer distance, d = 088(6) nm, is in accordance
centrated PO3 F2 solution at a constant pH of 9, main- with a nitrate containing LDH (Badreddine 1999). The
tained by addition of NaOH, at 25 C with 40 h of aging nitrate precursor was used for the preparation of FP-
time. containing LDH by ion exchange. The separate effects of FP
concentration, aging time and pH were investigated in order
to determine the optimum conditions for complete exchange
2.2 Methods and best crystallized compounds.
XRD of the solids obtained by ion exchange of nitrate
XRD equipment used was a XPERT-MPD diffractometer. by FP corresponds to that of a hydrotalcite-type material.
Samples of unoriented powder were exposed to copper K Figures 2, 3 and 4 show XRD patterns for [ZnAlPF]
radiation ( = 015415 nm). Measurement conditions were: LDHs. The lamellar structure of the material is preserved
2 range: 570 , step size: 008 2 and step counting upon intercalation. However, the crystallinity is lowered, as
time: 4 s. Data acquisition was effected on a DACO-MP attested by the broadening of the lines and decrease in their
microcomputer. Unit cell constants were calculated using a intensity. In addition, intercalation is observed to cause a
least-squares refinement. displacement of the (003) line, denoting an increase in the
IR absorption spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer 16 interlamellar space which is due to the exchange of nitrate
PC FTIR spectrometer in the range 4004000 cm1 , using by the larger FP ions (Ookubo et al 1993, 1994; Reichele
KBr pellet method. 1986; Badreddine et al 1998, 1999). The cell parameters
Samples in the form of a dry powder were sprinkled onto for the best compound, in terms of crystallinity, were: a =
the surface of a very thin adhesive layer for examination 0307(8) nm, c = 345(7) nm and the interlayer distance, d =
in the SEM. They were then coated by vacuum deposition 115(6) nm.
with gold in order to minimize the severe charging effects Study of the effect of FP concentration indicates that the
that proved to be characteristic of the materials examined. best phase, in terms of crystallinity, was obtained for 01 M
They were run on a Cambridge Stereo scan 360 microscope (figure 2). The exchange can be considered as complete,
operated at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. since the lines of the nitrate containing LDH have disap-
X-ray microanalysis was carried out on a Pentafet Oxford peared. The presence of a shoulder for 001 M at d = 088(6)
apparatus. For homogeneity, the samples were pressed into nm indicates that the exchange is only partial in this case.
small disks and mounted on the sample holder. The results In addition, the interlayer distance varies slightly with ion
obtained constitute a mean of several analyses done on concentration. The values are of the order of 10519, 11267
different points of the disk. and 11500 nm for 001, 005 and 01 M, respectively. The
Fluorophosphate incorporation into ZnAlNO3 695

product obtained at 001 M concentration is interesting as it The effect of aging time was investigated in solution with
exhibits the third basal reflection of the FPLDH when the an FP concentration of 01 M. The evolution of the precipi-
first is not well developed. This may correspond to a mixture tate (figure 3) indicates that both the first lines, which corre-
of two phases, nitrate and phosphate containing LDHs. Clay spond to (003) and (006) reflections vary in intensity. The ion
mixtures usually produce irrational series of diffraction lines exchange occurs and after 4 h of aging time, the [ZnAlFP]
that occupy intermediate positions with respect to the parent phase coexists with the precursor. For the low aging time,
material according to the Mering rule. there is an incomplete intercalation of the PF anion leading to

Figure 1. DRX patterns of [ZnAlNO3 ] and [ZnAlFP] prepared by coprecipitation.

Figure 2. XRD patterns of FP-exchanged phases obtained in solutions with different FP

696 El Hassan Elkhattabi et al

Figure 3. XRD patterns of FP-exchanged phases obtained in solutions with different aging

Figure 4. XRD patterns of FP-exchanged phases obtained in solutions with different pH

Fluorophosphate incorporation into ZnAlNO3 697

Figure 5. Evolution of cell parameters a and interlayer space d with aging time and with
a solution pH.

Table 1. Cell parameters of ZnAlNO3 and phosphate


Anion a (nm) c (nm)

NO3 0307 265

PO3 F2 0307 345
H2 PO 4 0306 356
HPO24 0307 319
4 0307 279

the turbostatic stacking of the layers and lower crystallinity

affecting thus the intensity of the (003) line. Higher aging
time allows for complete intercalation and better crystallinity
as well an increased intensity of the (003) line. After 8 h
of aging time, XRD indicates the presence of a single phase
with well-defined reflection lines.
This shows that the exchange takes place by staging and
rearrangement of the matter. The shift of (003) and (006) Figure 6. IR spectra of [ZnAlNO3 ] and [ZnAlFP].
lines towards higher interlayer distances might be attributed
to the anion orientation and to the amount of anions in the
interlayer space. These results indicate that the most pre- between those of H2 PO4 and HPO4 . This can only be
ferred time for well-crystallized phase formation is within a explained by the electronic factors, given that the progres-
range of 2040 h. Below 8 h, there is only a partial exchange. sive substitution of oxygen by fluorine in the orthophosphate
Figure 5 shows the evolution of cell parameters as a function leads to smaller size of tetrahedron (Serafini et al 1976).
of aging time.
Study of the effect of pH, with an FP concentration of
01 M (figure 4), shows that the best crystallinity is obtained 3.2 Infrared spectroscopy
for a pH in the range of 759. Above 10 and below 7,
the (003) line disappears and the crystallinity is lowered. The FPnitrate exchange is supported by IR results. IR
Figure 5 shows evolution of the cell parameters (a, c) and spectrum of [ZnAlFP] compared with that of [ZnAl
interlamellar space (d) with pH. The highest interlayer space NO3 ] precursor is illustrated in figure 6. It can be noted
is obtained for a range of pH between 8 and 9. The lattice that the lattice vibrations are preserved and the new bands
parameter a, which is related to the metalmetal interatomic imply that the FP anion is present. The absorption centred
distance within layers, is not affected by the pH variation, as at 3448 cm1 , which results from the stretching vibration of
expected. hydroxyl groups and water molecules, is appreciably broad-
The cell parameters for the optimized sample com- ened by the presence of FP anion. This may be attributed to
pare well with those of orthophosphate (table 1). The FP- the interaction of the anion with water molecules as well as
intercalated LDH exhibits an interlayer distance that is the interlayer matter disorder (Bish and Brindley 1977).
698 El Hassan Elkhattabi et al

Figure 7. SEM photographs of [ZnAlNO3 ] and [ZnAlFP] obtained in solution of pH 9.

Figure 8. X-ray microanalysis spectra of [ZnAlNO3 ] and [ZnAlFP] obtained in a

solution of pH 9.

The absorption at 1637 cm1 is assigned to the bending The microprobe analysis of the sample before and after
vibration of water. The proof for the presence of fluo- exchange was carried out on different crystals and for
rophosphate groups results from their characteristic vibra- separate points in the same crystal for each phase. The
tions: 1200, 1023, 780, 617 and 550 cm1 corresponding to spectrum of the parent material exhibits characteristic emi-
(POH), 1 (PO), (PF), 2 (PO) and 3 (PO) vibrations, ssions for zinc, aluminium and nitrogen while that of the
respectively (Durand et al 1978). The band at 1363 cm1 , intercalated sample presents, in addition to the emissions
whose intensity increases after exchange, is assigned to the of zinc and aluminium, only those of fluorine and phos-
carbonate ion. phorus (figure 8) confirming the nitrateFP ion exchange.
This characterization also suggests that the samples have a
homogeneous chemical composition, whose average is given
3.3 Scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis
The examination of the parent and FP-intercalated materials   
by SEM (figure 7) reveals that the crystals present almost Zn205 Al (OH)605 (NO3 )105 ; 122H2 O and
the same morphological features. They tend to result from   
Zn195 Al (OH)59 (PO3 F)05 ; 143H2 O .
the superposition of several leaflets with dimensions of the
particles being about 7 m for [ZnAlNO3 ] and 5 m for
[ZnAlFP]. These particles constitute of crystallites whose 3.4 Thermal analyses
sizes are of 12 14 and 10 04 m, respectively. The
small morphological alteration of the layers, upon exchange, TG and DTA curves obtained for both [ZnAlNO3 ] and
can be due to the decrease in crystallinity observed by XRD [ZnAlFP] are reported in figure 9. The thermal evolution
in the sample. of the solids takes place in consecutive stages with weight
Fluorophosphate incorporation into ZnAlNO3 699

Figure 9. DTA and TG curves of [ZnAlNO3 ] and [ZnAlFP].

losses for which the inflection points coincide with the tem- previously reported for hydrotalcite-like materials (Rey and
peratures corresponding to minima and maxima in DTA Forns 1992).
The thermogram corresponding to the precursor is compa-
rable to previous data for LDH-like materials (El Malki et al
1989; Khaldi et al 1998). It presents a first mass loss (88%), 4. Conclusions
which takes place in two consecutive stages, by heating up
to 165 C, and can be attributed to the removal of adsorbed The [ZnAlFP] LDH phase can be prepared from a [Zn
and interlayer water. It is accompanied by an endothermic AlNO3 ] precursor, obtained by a coprecipitaion method at a
effect at 120 C and a shoulder at 100 C. The second constant pH, by ion exchange reaction in a (NH4 PO3 FH2 O)
loss (152%) observed between 180 C and 350 C, with an solution. The effects of pH, aging time and anion concentra-
endothermic peak at 275 C, corresponds to the dehydroxyla- tion were studied in order to determine the optimum condi-
tion and collapse of the layered structure. Beyond 350 C, the tions under which an FP-intercalated clay is obtained with
third loss (165%), with a large exothermic signal at 510 C, good crystallinity and high exchange extent.
may correspond to the elimination of the nitrate ions (De Roy XRD and IR spectroscopy revealed that, in all cases, the
et al 1988). crystallinity of [ZnAlFP] phases is lower than that of the
The thermal evolution of FP-intercalated LDH takes place precursor. Ion exchange was also observed to cause a certain
in three consecutive stages. The first weight loss of 148%, disorder in the layers without the destruction of the lamellar
which begins as soon as heating is applied with one endother- structure of the material.
mic effect at 150 C with a shoulder at about 80 C, The best crystalline material, with high exchange extent,
was attributed to the loss of adsorbed and interlayer water was obtained by carrying out the exchange at 25 C in 01 M
molecules. The second weight loss between 210 and 430 C FP solution at pH 9 with at least 20 h of aging time.
(112%), with an endothermic peak at 275 C and a shoul- Characterization of a sample, prepared under these con-
der at 240 C, was assigned to the dehydroxylation of the ditions, by X-ray microanalysis also proved that the ion
brucite-like layers. These two first stages are similar to those exchange had taken place.
700 El Hassan Elkhattabi et al

Thermal analyses of the optimised [ZnAlFP] phase led Braterman P S, Xu Z P and Yarberry F 2003 in Handbook of Lay-
to the loss of adsorbed and interlayer water, as well as to ered Materials (eds) S M Auerbach et al (New York: Marcel
dehydroxylation of the layers below 240 C. The decompo- Dekker)
sition of the fluorophosphate anion by combustion reactions De Roy A, Vernay A M, Besse J P and Thomas G 1988 Analysis 16
was observed after this point. 409
Durand J, Beys L, Hillaire P, Aleonard S and Cot L 1978
Spectrochim. Acta A34 123
El Malki K, De Roy A and Besse J P 1989 Eur. J. Solid State Inorg.
Chem. 26 339
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