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Corey Ordonez

Mrs. Mulvey/Parrot

Eng. 1P/Per. 2

17 March 2017

Two Stories, One Heart Commented [1]: I like your title

Love is a very powerful emotion that people tend to experience a lot. Love conquers

everything, even if it involves death. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare, the

readers are introduced to a couple, named Romeo and Juliet. They are secretly married because

they live with different families that hate each other. The couple ends up dying at the end

because of the strong feelings they had towards each other and not wanting to live without each

other. Same for the myth, Pyramus and Thisbe, by Ovid. Pyramus and Thisbe is about a

couple that died after making a plan to secretly get together since they live with different families

that hate each other. From these two stories, we can learn that love can be a lot of joy, passion,

but also pain. Commented [2]: Nice thesis

Joy is the feeling that makes us happy, and what makes us happy is something or

someone that we love. So, love can be a lot of joy. For example, the text in Romeo and Juliet

state's Romeo and Juliet getting ready to marry each other, Ah Juliet, if the measure of thy joy Commented [3]: You need to work on your quote
integration. You are missing a lead-in here
be heaped like mine, and that thy skill be more to blazon it, then sweeten with thy breath this

neighbor air, and let rich musics tongue unfold the imagined happiness that both receive in

either by this dear encounter.(Shakespeare II/vi/24-29). This example shows how excited Commented [4]: punctuation after the citation only

Romeo feels because hes getting married to Juliet. This reveals that Romeo is not only feeling

love, but is also feeling joyful because hes happy that hes getting married. Furthermore, Commented [5]: good matters

Pyramus and Thisbe also has an example on how love can be a lot of joy. The text states
Pyramus and Thisbe using signs to show how much they love each other, The flame of love that

burned in both of them. They had no confidant and so they used signs such as with these each

lover read the others mind: when covered, fire acquires still more force.(Ovid 13-16). Even

though Pyramus and Thisbe cant be with each other, they can still communicate with each other

with signs. This reveals that not only do they love each other, but they also feel joyful that they

can still communicate with each other. Readers can come to the conclusion that when you

experience love, you also experience joy.

Passion is a strong and barely controllable emotion, just like how love is. So, love can be

a lot of passion. For example, the text in Romeo and Juliet Juliet is on the balcony talking to

herself about how much she loves Romeo, O Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo, Deny

thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and Ill no longer be a

Capulet.(Shakespeare II/ii/33-36). Juliet is saying that if Romeo doesnt give up being a

Montague, then shell give up being a Capulet. This reveals that Juliet consumes passion towards

Romeo since she was talking to herself about how much she adores him. Furthermore, Pyramus Commented [6]: Your matters does a good job
explaining how your evidence supports your thesis
and Thisbe also shows an example of how love can be a lot of passion. The text state that

Pyramus and Thisbe wanted to marry each other, but cant because of their parents. However,

theyre glad that they still get to communicate with each other by using signs, They owed their Commented [7]: This is a better lead-in

first encounters to their living close beside each other-but with time, love grows. Theirs did-

indeed they wanted to be wed, but marriage was forbidden by their parents: yet theres one thing

that parents cant prevent: the flame of love that burned in both of them.(Ovid 7-13). This

example is saying that Pyramus and Thisbes parents can prevent them from getting married, but

they cant prevent them from loving each other. This reveals that Pyramus and Thisbe are

showing passion towards each other because even though they couldnt get married, they still
have a strong feeling towards each other. Readers can come to the conclusion that when you

experience love, you also experience passion.

Pain is that feeling of suffering or discomfort, and we usually feel this when something

bad has happened to something we love. So, love can be a lot of pain. For example, the text in

Romeo and Juliet shows Juliet upset because Romeo has to leave Verona, It was the lark, the Commented [8]: good lead-in

herald of the morn, No nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks do lace the severing clouds

in yonder east. Nights candles are burnt out, and jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain

tops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die.(Shakespeare III/v/6-10). This evidence illustrates

that Juliet doesnt want Romeo to leave. This reveals that Juliet is feeling pain because her

husband, Romeo, has to leave Verona. Furthermore, Pyramus and Thisbe also shows an

example of how love can be a lot of pain. The text shows Thisbe finding out what happened to

Pyramus when she got back from running away from a beast, Dear boy, you died by your own

hand: your love has killed you.(Ovid 131-132). This evidence showcases that Thisbe is upset

because Pyramus killed himself. It is apparent that Thisbe is feeling pain because the guy that

she loved, Pyramus, has killed himself because he was misunderstood. Readers can come to the

conclusion that when you experience love, you also experience pain.

As I mentioned from the first paragraph, love is a powerful emotion that can also lead to

other types of emotions. Which is technically the lesson that we learned from the stories,

Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe. Love can cause us to want something so bad,

that we cant imagine life without it. Commented [9]: Very nice essay!! You did a great job
relating your matters sentences to your thesis
statement. You need to work on your quote integration
and proofread for punctuation errors. Nicely done!

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