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Monitoring your System Center

2012 R2
Datacenter with
System Center 2012
R2 Operations
Hands-on lab
System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager is central to
being able to monitor your datacenter and cloud, both public
and private. Using Operations Manager, you can better ensure
that your infrastructure meets its performance goals and
objectives; that you can quickly be notified of and remediate
any potential issues with infrastructure, application, and
service availability; and that you can plan for future growth.
In this Introductory lab, you will gain a basic understanding of
the features and benefits of System Center 2012 R2
Operations Manager. You will learn how to import
management packs, monitor the infrastructure, analyze data
using Excel PowerPivot and Power View, and how to create
visualization using the new Windows PowerShell Web Browser

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Version 1.0
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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

Estimated time to complete this lab
75 minutes

After completing this lab, you will be able to:

Review, select, and import management packs.

Monitor your infrastructure.
Make reports and visualization using Excel Power Pivot and Power View.
Create new Administrator roles (RBAC).
Use the Windows PowerShell Web Browser widget.

Before working on this lab, you must have:

Basic experience administering a Windows-based infrastructure.

A basic understanding of Excel.
A basic understanding of permissions and roles.

Overview of the lab

System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager is central to being able to monitor your datacenter and
cloud, both public and private. Using Operations Manager, you can better ensure that your infrastructure
meets its performance goals and objectives; that you can quickly be notified of and remediate any
potential issues with infrastructure, application, and service availability; and that you can plan for future

In this introductory lab, you will gain a basic understanding of the features and benefits of System Center
2012 R2 Operations Manager. You will learn how to import management packs, monitor the
infrastructure, analyze data using Excel PowerPivot and Power View, and how to create visualization using
the new Windows PowerShell Web Browser widget.

Virtual machine technology

This lab is completed using virtual machines that run on Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V technology. To
log on to the virtual machines, press CTRL+ALT+END and enter your logon credentials.

Computers in this lab

This lab uses computers as described in the following table. Before you begin the lab, you must ensure
that the virtual machines are started and then log on to the computers.

Virtual Machine Role

SCDC01 Domain controller
SCOM01 SQL Server database, System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager
SCVMM01 System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
All user accounts in this lab use the password Passw0rd!

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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

Note regarding user account control

Some steps in this lab may be subject to user account control. User account control is a technology which
provides additional security to computers by requesting that users confirm actions that require
administrative rights. Tasks that generate a user account control confirmation are denoted using a shield
icon. If you encounter a shield icon, confirm your action by selecting the appropriate button in the dialog
box that is presented.

Note on activation
The virtual machines for these labs may have been built by using software that has not been activated.
This is by design in the lab to prevent the redistribution of activated software. The unactivated state of
software has been taken into account in the design of the lab. Consequently, the lab is in no way affected
by this state. For operating systems other than Windows 8.1, please click Cancel or Close if prompted by
an activation dialog box. If you are prompted by an Activate screen for Windows 8.1, press the Windows
key to display the Start screen.

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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

Exercise 1: Preparing to Monitor your Infrastructure

As a first step, after the installation of System Center 2012 R2, you will need to configure Operations
Manager and other applications and services to provide the monitoring functionality you require. This
involves the installation of Operations Manager agents that collect data from servers, clients, and
applications to report to Operations Manager. Additionally, you will need to add management packs and
configure connectors for a number of services and applications.

In this exercise, you will install a management pack, configure a connector for System Center 2012 R2
Virtual Machine Manager, and review the pre-installed connector for System Center Advisor.

Importing management packs

Management packs are essential to the functionality and utility of Operations Manager. Management
packs contain the settings for monitoring applications and services; however, they can also contain tasks,
views, reports, Run As profiles, rules, and other parts.

By default, when Operations Manager is first installed, only a subset of the available management packs
are imported and installed. These management packs allow you to monitor the features of your
Operations Manager infrastructure, such as management servers, reporting servers, and databases. To
extend the reach and functionality of Operations Manager, you can import and install additional
management packs, available either from Microsoft or from third parties.

In this task, you will import a management pack.

Perform this task logged on to SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

1. On SCOM01, on the taskbar, click Operations Manager 2012.

2. In the workspace, click Administration.

3. Right-click Management Packs, and then click Import Management Packs.

The Import Management Packs wizard opens.

4. In the Import Management Packs dialog box, click Add, and then click Add from disk.
The Online Catalog Connection wizard opens.

You could also search the Microsoft catalog for management packs to download and then install.

5. Click No.
Some management packs you select may have dependencies that cannot be located locally. If that is the

case you can search the online catalog for these dependencies. For the purpose of this lab you can click

6. Browse to C:\LabFiles\Lab 1 Operations Manager\ManagementPacks\.

7. Select Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Dashboard.mpb and

Virtual.Machine.Manager.Dashboards.xml, and then click Open.

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The remaining management packs in this folder have already been installed as part of the lab setup.

The .mpb extension indicates a management pack bundle. A management pack typically contains a
single XML file, or in the case of sealed management pack, a binary file. A management pack bundle

contains the XML plus associated resources, such as images, workflow assemblies, scripts, and others.

A management pack with an XML extension indicates that it is an unsealed management pack and can
be modified. A sealed management pack usually has am .MP extension.

The Virtual.Machine.Manager.Dashboards.xml is a third-party management pack that is freely available

for download from


8. Click Install, and then click Close.

Configure the Operations Manager to Virtual Machine Manager Connector

The integration of System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager with System Center 2012 R2
Operations Manager allows you to monitor the health and availability of the virtual machines and the
physical hosts that Virtual Machine Manager manages. You can also monitor the Virtual Machine Manager
Management server, the Virtual Machine Manager database server, library servers, and Virtual Machine
Manager Self-Service Portal web servers, and you can see diagram views of the virtualized environment
through the Operations console in Operations Manager. Also, through the connections between Virtual
Machine Manager and Operations Manager, you can view reports on the health and utilization of your
private cloud infrastructure.

In this task, you will configure the connector that enables integration of System Center 2012 R2 Virtual
Machine Manager with Operations Manager.

Perform this task logged on to SCVMM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

1. From the taskbar, open the System Center Virtual Machine Manager console.

2. In the workspace, click Settings.

3. In the navigation pane, click System Center Settings.

4. In the Settings pane, double-click Operations Manager Server.

5. On the Introduction page, click Next.

6. On the Connection to Operations Manager page, enter the following information, and then click


Item Value
Server name SCOM01
Use the VMM server service account Checked
Enable Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) Checked
Enable maintenance mode integration with Operations Manager Checked

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7. On the Connection to VMM page, enter the following values, and then click Next.

Item Value
User name Contoso\Administrator
Password Passw0rd!

8. On the Summary page, review your settings, and then click Finish.
A job window opens showing the progress of the job. The job will take a few minutes to complete.

Please wait for the job to complete successfully before proceeding to the next exercise.

Review the System Center Advisor Connector

System Center Advisor is an online service that collects data from your infrastructure, analyzes it, and then
provides alerts based on potential issues, such as missing updates or configurations that do not align with
best practices. System Center Advisor can provide both and historical views of your infrastructure

The System Center Advisor consists of a web service hosted in Microsoft Azure and an on-premise
installation of a gateway and agent. The agent collects data from your environment and synchronizes it
with the web service. Administrators can log on to System Center Advisor to review information about the
environment and any alerts that require attention and remediation.

System Center Advisor can be attached to your infrastructure as a standalone service; however, it can also
be attached to Operations Manager. In this case, the agent communicates directly with the management
service, extending the value of Advisor to Operations Manager.

In this task, you will review the connector between Operations Manager and System Center Advisor.

Perform this task logged on to SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

This exercise requires that you use a personal Windows Live account. If you do not have a Microsoft Formatted: Caution

account, you can create one prior to performing or during the following steps. The lab instructions
assume that you either have a Microsoft account you can use or are able to create one in the absence of

specific steps. Before performing these steps, For the online System Center Advisor service, use the

username and the password Contos0!

1. From the taskbar, open Internet Explorer.

2. On the Favorites bar, click Microsoft System Center Advisor. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

3. On the System Center Advisor page, click Create account. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

4. In the Create System Center Advisor Account pop up, click Microsoft Account. Formatted: Font: Bold

5. Enter the credentials to log in to your Microsoft account.

Alternatively, you can create a new Microsoft account at this point. Formatted: Additional Information, No bullets or numbering

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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

6. When prompted to update Microsoft Silverlight, click Remind me later. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

7. In the Account Information page, enter a unique name for the account and your first and last


8. Click Create. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

9. On the Stay connected page, click Remind me later. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

10. On the Select the Advisor version to use page, click Load Current. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

Alternatively, you can try the Preview. Formatted: Additional Information, No bullets or numbering

11. On the Welcome to System Center Advisor page, check I accept the Subscription Agreement, Formatted: Intense Emphasis

and click Accept. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

12. On the Account Activated page, click Close. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

The connection has already been set up for you; however, you will need to reconfigure it for your Formatted: Additional Information, No bullets or numbering

particular lab instance. You will do this in the next steps.

13. Close Internet Explorer.

14. From the taskbar, open the Operations Manager console, if not already open.

1.15. In the Administration workspace, click System Center Advisor, and then click Advisor

The connection has already been set up for you; however, you will need to re-configure it for your

particular lab instance.

The Advisor Onboarding Wizard will open.

3.17. On the Sign into your Microsoft account page, log onsign in using the Microsoft Account

you associated with the System Center Advisor subscription in the previous steps as the username and Contos0! as the password.

4.18. On the Create or Select Advisor Account page, click the drop-down, click the name you

provided earlier in a previous step, Contoso, and then click Next.

5.19. On the Confirm the settings page, click Update.

6.20. Once the configuration is finished, click Close.

You have now successfully configured your System Center Advisor account in Operations Manager.

7.21. Open Internet Explorer.

In the next steps, you will verify that the agents are reporting correctly.

22. On the Favorites bar, click Microsoft System Center Advisor.

8. Navigate to

9.24. Click Remind me later, and then click Load Current. Formatted: Intense Emphasis
Formatted: Intense Emphasis

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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

10.25. Click Servers ( ).

You should see updates that report a last update time as less than hour ago. Because you have just

configured the subscription and the attached service in Operations Manager, it will take some time for

Operations Manager to populate data to System Center Advisor. You can leave the web page open as
you do the rest of the lab and then return to it upon completion of the lab.

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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

Exercise 2: Monitoring your Infrastructure

In the previous exercise, as preparation to this monitoring your infrastructure exercise, you installed
management packs, configured a Virtual Machine Manager connector, and reconfigured the System
Center Advisor connection. In this exercise, you will see how this preparation has extended your ability to
monitor your infrastructure.

Monitor Hyper-V and Virtual Machine Manager

In this task, you will examine the health state of your virtual infrastructure.

Perform this task logged on to SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

1. On SCOM01, open the Operations Manager console, if not already open.

2. Click Monitoring, and then, in the navigation pane, expand Microsoft System Center Virtual

Machine Manager Views.

3. Click Diagram View for SCVMM01.

4. In the Diagram View for SCVMM01, expand Managed Resources by clicking the plus sign ( ).
A list of Virtual Machine Manager managed resources appears. Some of these may show an unhealthy
state. This is expected in this environment.

5. Spend a few moments drilling down into the various resources to see the type of data that is

collected and reported on in Operations Manager.

6. Still in the Monitoring workspace, in the navigation pane, scroll down, and then expand Virtual

Machine Manager Dashboards.

7. Click VMM Server Service Level Objective.

This dashboard is a visualization that was created, along with others under this node, with the
installation of the Virtual.Machine.Manager.Dashboards management pack in the previous exercise. In a

later exercise, you will create your own dashboard.

8. Spend a few moments reviewing the dashboard and others that are available through the

management pack you installed earlier.

View System Center Advisor alerts

Attaching System Center Advisor to Operations Manager extends the benefits of Advisor to Operations
Manager. In this task, you will view Advisor alerts in the Monitoring workspace of the Operations Manager

Perform this task logged onto SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

1. Click Monitoring, and then expand System Center Advisor.

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2. Click Active Alerts to see the alerts.

You will see both critical and warning alerts. This is expected in this lab environment.

3. Click any critical alert to show the Alert Details in the bottom pane.
An Advisor alert contains information about the computer or instance where the alert was discovered,

and remediation information to address the issue.

4. In the Tasks pane, under Advisor Tasks, click View Solution/KB Article.
You may have to scroll down in the task pane to see the Advisor Tasks section.

Internet Explorer opens and displays the relevant knowledge base article.

5. Close Internet Explorer.

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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

Exercise 3: Role-Based Security Access

System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager relies on user roles to assign the necessary permissions to
view and monitor objects and to perform actions. You assign user roles to groups of users who require
the same type of administrative access. With the exception of the Operations Manager Administrator
account, all users must be assigned to an Operations Manager user role to view monitored data and
perform actions within the console.

In this exercise, you will learn how to create a new user role in System Center 2012 R2 Operations
Manager to implement Operations Manager role-based security access.

Create a new user role

In this task, you will create a new user role.

Perform this task logged on to SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

1. On SCOM01, open the Operations Manager console, if it is not already open.

2. Click Administration.

3. In the navigation pane, right-click User Roles, and then click New User Role.

4. Click Read-Only Operator.

5. On the General Properties page, in User role name, type Helpdesk.

6. Under User role members, click Add.

7. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, in Enter the object names to select field, type Support,

and then press ENTER.

You are assigning the account named support to the user role.

8. Click Next.

9. On the Group Scope page, accept the default settings, and click Next.

10. On the Dashboards and Views page, select Only the dashboards and views selected in each tab

are approved.

11. In Approved dashboards and views, check Windows Computers view and Microsoft Windows


12. In the Warning dialog box, click OK.

13. Click Next, and then click Create.

Verify role-based security access

In this task, you will verify role-based access.

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Perform this task logged on to SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

1. On the desktop, double-click the Operations Manager Support shortcut.

2. At the command prompt, type Passw0rd!, and then press ENTER.

The Operations Manager console opens in the context of the support user account.

Only Windows Computers and the Microsoft Windows Servers are visible in the Monitoring workspace.
The Administration, Authoring, and other workspaces, with the exception of My Workspace, are not


3. Close the support instance of the Operations Manager console.

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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

Exercise 4: Creating Visualizations

Dashboards provide value to the IT department by providing intuitive and easy-to-understand
visualizations of the infrastructure that can be consumed both within and outside of the IT department.

In System Center 2012 R2, the dashboard capability of Operations Manager has been extended. With
Update Rollup 2 for Operations Manager, the number and functionality of out-of-the box widgets that are
available for creating dashboards is significantly enlarged.

In this exercise, you will learn how to use one of the new widgets to create a dashboard that will assist you
to quickly and easily find knowledge on the Internet that is relevant to Operations Manager alerts you
may encounter in day-to-day operations. You will also create a three-grid dashboard to retrieve the alert
name from an alert widget and pass this information to the PowerShell Web Browser Widget to search for
a solution on Bing and TechNet.

Create a dashboard using the PowerShell Web Browser Widget

The new PowerShell Web Browser Widget displays the output of a web page URL and parameters that
have been generated by a Windows PowerShell script.

The new PowerShell Web Browser Widget displays the output of a web page URL and parameters that
have been generated by a Windows PowerShell script. Both GET and POST requests are supported. You
can also use the GlobalSelectedItems parameter in Windows PowerShell to get the details of selected
objects in other widgets.

In this task, you will create a two-cell dashboard that displays alerts and then performs a Bing search for
relevant information about the alert. At the end of the task, you will modify the code to restrict the search
to the site.

Perform this task logged on to SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

1. On SCOM01, in the Operations Manager console, click Monitoring.

2. At the top of the navigation page, right-click Monitoring, point to New, and then click

Dashboard View.

3. On the Select a dashboard layout or widget template, click Grid Layout, and then click Next.

4. On the Enter a friendly name and description page, in Name, type Alert Internet Search, and

then click Next.

5. On the Specify the layout of the dashboard page, click the drop-down arrow, and then select 2


6. In the Select a Layout Template area, click the layout that displays two horizontal cells, as shown

below, and then click Next.

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7. On the Summary page, click Create, and then click Close.

8. In the top widgetpane, click Click to add widget.

9. On the Select a dashboard layout or widget template, select Alert Widget, and then click Next.
You will only see this expanded, list of widgets if your System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

installation has been upgraded to Update Rollup 2 or higher.

10. On the Enter a friendly name and description page, in Name, type Alerts, and then click Next.

11. On the Specify the Scope page, click Next.

12. On the Specify the Criteria page, check the following criteria, and then click Next.

Item Value
Display alerts only with the specified severities Critical
Display alerts only with the specified resolution states New
Awaiting Evidence
Assigned to Engineering

13. On the Display page, accept the defaults, and then click Next.

14. On the Summary page, click Create, and then click Close.
The alert widget appears in the upper area of the details pane.

15. In the lower widget, click Click to add widget.

16. On the Select a dashboard or layout or widget template page, select PowerShell Web Browser

Widget, and then click Next.

This widget, among others on this page, is only available with Update Rollup 2 for System Center 2012
R2 Operations Manager.

17. On the Enter a friendly name and description page, type Bing Search Results, and then click


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The Script page appears. You now need to enter a script. For this lab, a script has been prepared for you.

You will copy the script in the next steps.

18. Open File Explorer, and then navigate to C:\Labfiles\Lab 1 Operations Manager\Scripts.

19. Double-click Bing.txt to open the file with Notepad.

20. Press CTRL-A, and then press CTRL-C to copy the following script to the clipboard.

$dataObject =
$dataObject["BaseUrl"]=" ; "
foreach ($globalSelectedItem in $globalSelectedItems)

$parameter["Name"] = "q"
$alert = Get-SCOMAlert -Id $globalSelectedItem["Id"]
$parameter["Value"] = "opsmgr alert `"" + $alert.Name + "`""
$dataObject["Parameters"]= $parameterCollection
ers"]= $parameterCollection

This source for this code is a TechNet Wiki article, Operations Manager Dashboard Script Widgets,
which is found at

dashboard-script-widgets.aspx, and is a part of the Operations Manager Management Pack Authoring


21. Switch to the New Dashboard and Widget Wizard, click in the PowerShell script area, and then

press CTRL-V to paste the script to the Script page.

22. Click Next.

23. On the Summary page, click Create.

24. In the Alerts cell, click any alert.

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In the Bing Search Results you will likely see a message stating that the web page does not exist. The

reason you see this is that the code causes the search terms to be enclosed in quotes, which requires
that the Bing search engine find an exact match for the string. The code does this to increase the

relevance of the search results.

25. In the Bing Search Results cell, scroll to the right, and then click Search (magnifying glass icon).
This will display a wider range of search results (the search results for the text string without any
restricting quotes).

26. Just above the right-hand corner of the Bing Search Results cell, right-click the gear icon ( ), and

then click Configure.

27. In the Update Configuration wizard, in Enter a friendly name or description, type TechNet Search

Results using Bing, and then click Next.

28. In the Windows PowerShell script, locate the following line toward the end of the script:

$parameter[Value] = opsmgr alert` +$alert.Name +`

1. At the end of this line, add a space, and then append the following text:


You are adding this string to restrict the Bing search scope to

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2. Click Finish.

3. In the navigation pane, right-click Alert Internet Search, and then click Open in new window.

4. Click any alert.

5. If necessary, on the Bing search results page, click the Search icon (magnifying glass) to search for

the terms without the quotes. Search to for the terms without the quotes.
The search now shows results from

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Monitoring your Datacenter with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager

Exercise 5 (optional): Analyzing Data

Given the complexity and quantity of applications and services within the datacenter that require
monitoring and action, depending on the health state of monitored entities, it is critically important to
have access to analytical tools that can assist you in getting a more complete and thorough
understanding of your environment, from the very specific to the very general, depending on your

Excel 2013 can integrate with the Operations Manager data sources to provide you with data analysis and
reporting capabilities. Using PowerPivot and Power View (an integrated visualization option available in
Excel 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and 2013), you have ability to extract relevant data and
visualize it for easier understanding. Furthermore, with Power Pivot and Power View, ad hoc reporting is

In this exercise, you will learn how to use PowerPivot and Power View to connect to an Operations
Manager data source and display the data in meaningful ways.

Analyze alerts with PowerPivot and Power View

In this task, you will use PowerPivot to connect to a data source and display the results in a pivot table
and then in Power View.

Perform this task logged on to SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

You can find the scripts used in this exercise in C:\LabFiles\Lab1 OperationsManager\Scripts\

6. Click Start.

7. On the Start screen, click Excel 2013.

8. In Excel, click Blank workbook.

9. In the blank workbook, on the menu, click PowerPivot.

10. On the ribbon, click Manage.

11. On the ribbon, click Get External Data, click From Database, and then click From SQL Server. Formatted: Intense Emphasis

Depending on your screen resolution, Get External Data may appear as an area on the ribbon, rather
than a drop-down selection. In this case, in the Get External Data area, click From Database.

The Table Import Wizard opens.

12. On the Connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database, in Friendly connection name, type


13. In the Server name, type SCOM01.

14. Ensure Use Windows Authentication is selected.

15. Click the Database name drop-down arrow, and then click OperationsManagerDW.

16. Click Next.

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17. On the Choose How to Import the Data page, select Write a query that will specify the data to

import, and then click Next.

18. On the Specify a SQL Query page, in Friendly Query Name, type SCOM Alerts.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure you enter this name. Other, subsequent steps in the lab may be confusing if
you leave the name at the default or type a different name.

19. From the taskbar, open File Explorer, and then navigate to C:\LabFiles\Lab1


20. Double-click SCOMAlerts.txt to open the SQL query in Notepad.

21. In Notepad, press CTRL-A, and then press CTRL-C to copy the contents to the clipboard.

22. Close Notepad, but leave File Explorer open for subsequent steps.

23. On the taskbar, click PowerPivot to switch to the Table Import Wizard.

24. On the Specify a SQL Query page, click in the SQL Statement area, and then press CTRL-V to

paste the following text.

FROM Alert.vAlert AL
--WHERE AL.RaisedDateTime > (GETUTCDATE() + 1) -- Dummy condition to
return no rows
WHERE AL.RaisedDateTime > (GETUTCDATE() - 35)

25. Click Validate, and then click Finish.

26. Click Close.

The PowerPivot for Excel Book 1 is populated with SCOM Alert Data.

27. Close the PowerPivot for Excel Book1 workbook.

28. Switch to File Explorer.

29. In the C:\LabFiles\Lab1 OperationsManager\Scripts folder, double-click PowerViewFix.reg,

click Yes when prompted, and then click OK.

You are performing these steps to avoid an time-out error when you open Power View in the
subsequent steps.

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30. Switch to Excel.

31. On the top menu, click Insert, and then on the ribbon, click Power View.

32. In the Power View Error dialog box, click OK.

33. In the Power View Fields pane, expand SCOM Alerts, and then check AlertName, RepeatCount,

and Priority, in that order.

You have now successfully created a Power View report to analyze the alerts within your environment.

Analyze performance data with Excel Power View

In this task, you will extend the report and visualization you created in the previous task to analyze
performance data.

Perform this task logged on to SCOM01 as Contoso\Administrator using the password Passw0rd!

1. On the menu, click PowerPivot, and then click Manage.

2. On the ribbon, click Get External Data, and then click Existing Connections.
Alternatively, depending on your screen resolution, in the Get External Data area on the ribbon, click
Existing Connections.

3. In the Existing Connections dialog box, under PowerPivot Data Connections, click

OperationsManagerDW, and then click Open.

The Table Import Wizard opens.

4. On the Choose How to Import the Data page, select Write a query that will specify the data to

import, and then click Next.

5. On the Specify a SQL Query page, in Friendly Query Name, type Performance Data.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure you enter this name. Other, subsequent steps in the lab may be confusing if
you leave the name at the default or type a different name.

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6. Switch to File Explorer, navigate to C:\LabFiles\Lab1 OperationsManager\Scripts, and then

double-click PerfData.txt.

7. In Notepad, press CTRL-A, and then press CTRL-C to copy the query to the clipboard.

8. Close Notepad.

9. On the taskbar, click PowerPivot to switch to the Table Import Wizard.

10. Click in the SQL Statement area, and then press CTRL-V to paste the following query from the


SELECT PERF.ManagedEntityRowId
,PR.RuleRowId ,PERF.DateTime ,PERF.AverageValue ,PERF.MinValue
,PERF.MaxValue ,PERF.SampleCount
,PR.ObjectName,PR.CounterName,PRI.InstanceName FROM Perf.vPerfHourly
PERF INNER JOIN vPerformanceRuleInstance PRI ON
PRI.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = PERF.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
INNER JOIN vPerformanceRule PR ON PR.RuleRowId = PRI.RuleRowId WHERE
PERF.DateTime > (GETUTCDATE() - 7)

11. Click Validate, and then click Finish.

12. Click Close.

The results from the query are returned and displayed.

13. On the ribbon, click Get External Data, and then click Existing Connections.

14. In the Existing Connections dialog box, under PowerPivot Data Connections, click

OperationsManagerDW, and then click Open.

The Table Import Wizard opens.

15. On the Choose How to Import the Data page, select Write a query that will specify the data to

import, and then click Next.

16. On the Specify a SQL Query page, in Friendly Query Name, type Performance Entities.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure you enter this name. Other, subsequent steps in the lab may be confusing if
you leave the name at the default or type a different name.

17. Switch to File Explorer, navigate to C:\LabFiles\Lab1 OperationsManager\Scripts, and then

double-click PerfEntities.txt.

18. In Notepad, press CTRL-A, and then press CTRL-C to copy the query to the clipboard.

19. Close Notepad.

20. On the taskbar, click PowerPivot to switch to the Table Import Wizard.

21. Click the mouse in the SQL Statement area, and then press CTRL-V to paste the following query

from the clipboard.

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select distinct ME.ManagedEntityRowId

,ME.Name,ME.DisplayName,ME.Path ,MET.ManagedEntityTypeDefaultName
from Perf.vPerfHourly PERF inner join vManagedEntity ME on
ME.ManagedEntityRowId = PERF.ManagedEntityRowId inner join
vManagedEntityManagementGroup MEMG on MEMG.ManagedEntityRowId =
ME.ManagedEntityRowId inner join vManagedEntityType MET on
MET.ManagedEntityTypeRowId = ME.ManagedEntityTypeRowId order by

22. Click Validate, and then click Finish.

23. Click Close.

The results from the query are returned and displayed.

24. On the ribbon, click Diagram View.

25. In the Performance Data dataset, click ManagedEntityRowID, and then drag a line to

ManagedEntityRowID in the Performance Entities dataset.

26. In the SCOM Alerts dataset, click ManagedEntityRowID, and then drag a line to

ManagedEntityRowID in the Performance Entities dataset.

IMPORTANT: Your diagram should resemble following:

27. Minimize the PowerPivot window.

28. In the Power View dialog box, click OK to acknowledge that the data model has changed.

29. In the Power View Fields pane, expand Performance Entities, and then drag and drop

ManagedEntityTypeDefaultName from Power View Fields to Filters.

30. In Power View Fields, expand Performance Data, and then check AverageValue and


31. In Filters, check VMware vSphere Host.

The Power View Fields and Filters pane should look like the following:

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32. On the ribbon, click Other Chart, and then click Pie.
You have now successfully created a Power View report to analyze Performance data.

33. Hover the mouse over the upper-right hand corner of the pie chart, and click Pop out.

34. Hover the mouse over the upper-right hand corner of the pie chart and click Pop in.

35. Close Excel without saving the workbook.

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This is the end of the lab

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