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654 Arithmetic


Permutation and Combination

Introduction 1 1 x
or, 9! 109! 11 10 9!
In this section, we shall introduce the term and
notation of factorial which will be often used in 1 1 x 1
this chapter. or, 1
9! 10 11 10 9!
Factorial 1 x
or, 1
The continued product of first n natural numbers 10 11 10
is called the n factorial and is denoted by n! or 11 x
n 10 11 10
ie n! = 1 2 3 4 5 ... (n 1) n. x = 11 11 = 121
Thus, 3! = 1 2 3 = 6 Ex. 3: Find the value of n, if
4! = 1 2 3 4 = 24 (i) (n + 2)! = 2550 n!
5! = 1 2 3 4 5 = 120 (ii) (n + 1)! = 12 (n 1)!
6! = 1 2 3 4 5 6 = 720 etc. Soln: (i) (n + 2)! = 2550 n!
Clearly, n! is defined for positive integers only. or, (n + 2) (n + 1) n! = 2550 n!
or, (n + 2) (n + 1) = 2550

Zero Factorial or, n2 + 3n 2548 = 0
As we will require zero factorial in the later sections or, (n + 52) (n 49) = 0
of this chapter and it does not make any sense to or, n = 49 [ n 0]
define it as the product of the integers from 1 to (ii) (n + 1)! = 12 (n 1)!
zero. So, we define 0! = 1. or, (n + 1) n (n 1)! = 12 (n 1)!
or, n(n + 1) = 12
Factorials of proper fractions or negative or, n2 + n 12 = 0
integers are not defined. or, (n + 4) (n 3) = 0
Factor ial n is defined only for whole or, n = 3 [ n 0]
numbers. n! n!
Ex. 4: If 2! (n 2)! and 4 ! (n 4 )! are i n t he
Property of Factorial n!
ratio of 2 : 1, find the value of n.
We know that n! = 1 2 3 4 ... (n 1) n
= [1 2 3 4 ... (n 1) n n! n!
= n[(n 1)!] Soln: We have 2! (n 2)! : 4! (n 4)! = 2 : 1
Thus n! = n[(n 1)!]
n! 4! (n 4)! 2
For example, 8! = 8(7!), 6! = 6(5!), 4! = 4(3!) etc. or, 2! (n 2)!
The following examples will illustrate the use n! 1
of this property of factorial n. 4! (n 4)! 2
Ex. 1: Find the LCM of 4!, 5! and 6!. or, 2! (n 2) (n 3) (n 4)! 1
Soln: We have 5! = 5 4!
6! = 6 5 4!
4 3 2! 2
LCM of 4!, 5!, 6! or, 2! (n 2) (n 3) 1
= LCM of [4!, 5 4!, 5 6 4!]
= (4!) 5 6 = 6! = 720 or, (n 2) (n 3) = 6
1 1 x or, n2 5n = 0
Ex. 2: If , find the value of x. or, n(n 5) = 0
9 ! 10 ! 11!
or, n = 0, 5
1 1 x But for n = 0, (n 2)! and (n 4)! are not
9! 10! 11! meaningful. So n = 5
Permutation and Combination 655

Ex. 5: Prove that (n! + 1) is not divisible by any 25 33 < 26

natural number between 2 and n. s = 5
Soln: Let m be divisible by k and r be any natural So, E2 (33!)
number between 1 and k. If (m + r ) is
divided by k, t hen we obtain r as the 33 33 33 33 33
remainder. 2 22 23 24 25
Since n! = 1 2 3 4 ... (n 1) n, = 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 31
it follows that n! is divisible by ev ery Hence, the exponent of 2 in 33! is 31 ie
natural number bet ween 2 and n. So 33! is divisible by 231. But 231 is divisible
(n! + 1), when divided by any nat ural by 215 also. Hence, 33! is divisible by 215
number between 2 and n, leaves 1 as the and the largest integer n such that 33! is
remainder. Hence (n! + 1) is not divisible divisible by 2n is 31.
by any natural number between 2 and n. Ex. 8: Find the exponent of 15 in 100!
Soln: We have 15 = 3 5
Exponent of Prime p in n!
[On prime factorizing 15, we get 3 5]
Let p be a prime number and n be a positive integer, Now, E3(100!) = 48 [See Ex. 6]
n 100 100
then denotes the greatest integer less than E5(100!) =
p 5 52
[ 52 < 100 < 53 s = 2]
n = 20 + 4 = 24
or equal to p
Exponent of 15 in 100!
= min(24, 48) = 24
10 12 15 Ex. 9: Find the exponent of 6 in 33!
For example, = 3, = 2, = 5 etc.
3 5 3 Soln: We have 6 = 2 3
Let Ep(n) denote the exponent of the prime p in E2(33!) = 31 [See Ex. 7]
the positive integer n. Then, 33 33 33

E3(33!) =
n n n 3 32 33
Ep(n!) = p 2 ... s ; [ 33 < 33 < 34 s = 3]
= 11 + 3 + 1 = 15
Where s is the largest positive integer such that Hence, exponent of 6 in 33!
ps n ps + 1. = min(15, 31) = 15
The following examples will illustrate the above. Ex. 10: Find the number of zeros at the end
Ex. 6: Find the exponent of 3 in 100!. 100!?
Soln: Let Ep(n) denote the exponent of p in n. Soln: In t erms of pr ime f act or s 100 can be
written as 2a 3b 5c 7d ...
n n n
Then, Ep(n!) = p 2 ... s ; Now, E2(100!)
p p
100 100 100 100
Where s is the largest positive integer =
such that ps n ps + 1 2 22 23 24
Here, n = 100, p = 3 and
34 < 100 < 35 s = 4 100 100
5 6
2 2
100 100 100 100
So, E3(100!) = [ 26 < 100 < 27]
3 32 33 3 4
= 50 + 25 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 97
= 33 + 11 + 3 + 1 = 48
Ex. 7: Prove that 33! is divisible by 215. What 100 100
[ 52 < 100 < 53]
5 52
is the largest integer n such that 33! is E5(100!) =
divisible by 2n? = 20 + 4 = 24
Soln: Let Ep(n) denote the exponent of prime p Therefore,
in n. 100! = 297 3b 524 7d ...
Then, we know that = 273 (2 5)24 3b 7d ...
n n n n = 1024 273 3b 7d ...
Ep(n!) = p 2 3 ... s ; Thus, the number of zeros at the end of
p p p 100! is 24.
Where s is the largest integer such that
ps n ps + 1
Here, n = 33, p = 2
656 Arithmetic

Fundamental Principles of Counting The total number of signals when r

flags are used at a time from 5 flags is
In this section we shall discuss two fundamental equal to the number of arrangements of 5,
principles viz. principle of addition and principle taking r at a time ie 5Pr. Since r can take
of multiplication. These t wo pr inciples will v alues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hence by t he
enable us to under st and per mut ation and fundamental principle of addition, the total
combination. In fact these two principles form the number of signals
basis of permutation and combination. = 5P1 + 5P2 + 5P3 + 5P4 + 5P5
Fundamental Principle of Multiplication: If
there are two jobs such that one of them can be 5! 5! 5! 5! 5!
completed in m ways, and when it has been = (5 1)! (5 2)! (5 3)! (5 4)! (5 5 )!
completed in any one of these m ways, second job
can be completed in n ways; then the two jobs in 5! 5! 5! 5! 5!
succession can be completed in m n ways. 4! 3! 2! 1! 0!
Ex. 11: In a class there are 10 boys and 8 girls. = 5 + (5 4) + (5 4 3) + (5 4 3 2)
The teacher wants to select a boy and + (5 4 3 2 1)
a gi r l t o repr esent t he cl ass in a = 5 + 20 + 60 + 120 + 120 = 325
function. In how many ways can the Difference Between the Two Principles: As
teacher make this selection? we have discussed in the pr inciple of
Soln: Here the teacher is to perform two jobs: multiplication a job is divided or decomposed into
(i) selecting a boy among 10 boys, and a number of sub-jobs which are connected to each
(ii) selecting a girl among 8 girls. other and the job is said to be performed if each
The first of these can be performed in sub-job is performed.
10 ways and t he second in 8 ways. While in the principle of addition, there are a
Therefore by the fundamental principle number of independent jobs and we have to perform
of multiplication, the required number of one of them. So, the t otal number of ways of
ways is 10 8 = 80 completing any one of the sub-jobs is the sum of
In general, the above principle can be the number of ways of completing each sub-job.
extended for any finite number of jobs as

Ex. 14: There are 3 candidates for a classical,
stated below: 5 for a Mat hemat i cal , and 4 for a
If there are n jobs J1, J2, ..., Jn such that Natural science scholarship.
job Ji can be performed independently in mi (i) I n how m any ways can t hese
ways; where i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n. Then the total scholarships be awarded?
number of ways in which all the jobs can be (ii) I n how m any ways one of t hese
performed is m1 m2 m3 ... mn. scholarships be awarded?
Fundamental Principle of Addition: If there Soln: Clear ly, classical scholarship can be
are two jobs such that they can be performed awar ded t o, any one of t he t hree
independently in m and n ways, then either of the candidat es. So, t here are 3 ways of
two jobs can be performed in (m + n) ways. awarding the classical scholarship.
Ex. 12: In a class there are 10 boys and 8 girls. Similarly, Mathematical and Natural
The teacher wants to select either a Science scholarships can be awarded in
boy or a girl to represent the class in a 5 and 4 ways respectively.
function. In how many ways the teacher So,
can make this selection? (i) Number of ways of awar ding three
Soln: Here the teacher is to perform either of scholarships = 3 5 4 = 60
the following two jobs: [By Fundamental Principle
(i) selecting a boy among 10 boys, or of Multiplication]
(ii) selecting a girl among 8 girls And
The first of these can be performed in (ii) Number of ways of awarding one of the
10 ways and t he second in 8 ways. three scholarships = 3 + 5 + 4 = 12
Therefore, by fundamental principle of [By Fundamental Principle
addition, either of the two jobs can be of Addition]
performed in (10 + 8 =) 18 ways. Hence,
the teacher can make the select ion of Permutations
either a boy or a girl in 18 ways.
Ex. 13: How many different signals can be given A per mut ation is an arr angement in a
using any number of flags from 5 flags definite order of a number of objects taken some or
of different colours? all at a time. Consider the following examples.
Soln: The signals can be made by using at a time
one or two or three or four or five flags.
Permutation and Combination 657

Ex. 15: Write down all the permutations of the taken 3 at a time.
set of three letters A, B, C. So, required number of ways
Soln: The permutations of three letters A, B, C
7! 7! 7 6 5 4!
taking all at a time are: = 7P3 = (7 3)! 4! = 210
Clearly, there are 6 permutations. Alternative Method: First prize can be
Ex. 16: Write down all the permutations of the won in seven ways. Second prize can be
v owels A, E, I , O and U i n Engl ish won by any one of t he r emaining six
alphabet taking three at a time and athletes in 6 ways. Now, five athletes are
starting with A. left. So, third prize can be won by any
Soln: The permutations of vowels A, E, I, O, U one of the remaining 5 athletes in 5 ways.
taking three at a time and starting with A Hence by the fundamental principle of
are: counting, the required number of ways
AEI, AIE, AEO, AOE, AEU, AUE, AIO, AIU, = 7 6 5 = 210
AUI, AOU, AUO Ex. 19: The flag of a newly formed forum is in
Clearly, there are 12 permutations. the form of three blocks, each
Number of permutations of n distinct things to be coloured differently. If there are
taken r at a time: If n and r are positive integers 6 different col ours on t he whole to
such t hat 1 r n, t hen t he number of all choose from, how many such designs
permutations of n distinct things, taken r at a time are possible?
is denoted by P(n, r) or nPr and and it is equal to Soln: The total number of possible designs is
n! the number of arrangements of 6 different
colours taking 3 colours at a time.
(n r )!
Hence required number of designs
n! 6! 6! 6 5 4 3!
Thus, nPr or P(n, r) = (n r )! = Total number of = 6P3 = (6 3)! 3! 3!
= 6 5 4 = 120
permutations of n distinct things taken r at a time.

Alternative Method:
From the above we can have, the number of Since there are 6 colours to choose from,
all permutations n of distinct things, taken all therefore, first block can be coloured in 6
at a time is n!. ways.
Now, consider the following examples. Now, the second block can be coloured
Ex. 17: In how many ways three different rings by any one of the remaining colours in
can be worn in four fingers with at five ways. So, there are five ways to colour
most one in each finger? the second block.
Soln: The total number of ways is same as the After colouring first two blocks only
number of arrangements of 4 finger s, four colours are left. The third block can
taken 3 at a time. So, required number of now be colour ed by any one of t he
ways remaining four colours. So, there are four
4! 4! ways to colour the third block. Hence by
= 4P3 = (4 3)! 1! = 4! fundamental principle of multiplication,
the number of flag-designs = 6 5 4 =
= 4 3 2 1 = 24 120
Alternative Method: Ex. 20: How many different signals can be made
Let R1, R2, R3 be three rings. Since R1 can by 5 flags from 8 flags of different
be put in any one of the four fingers. So, colours?
there are four ways in which R 1 can be Soln: The total number of signals is the number
worn. Now, R2 can be worn in any one of of arrangements of 8 flags by taking 5 flags
the remaining three fingers in 3 ways. In at a time.
the remaining 2 fingers ring R 3 can be Hence the required number of signals
worn in 2 ways. So, by the fundamental 8! 8!
principle of counting the total number of = 8P5 = (8 5)! 3!
ways in which three different rings can
be worn in four fingers = 4 3 2 = 24. 8 7 6 5 4 3!
Ex. 18: Seven athletes are participating in a = = 6720
race. In how many ways can the first
three prizes be won? Ex. 21: In how many ways can 6 persons stand
Soln: The total no. of ways in which first three in a queue?
pr izes can be won is t he number of Soln: The number of ways in which 6 persons
arrangements of seven different things can stand in a queue is same as the number
658 Arithmetic

of arrangements of 6 different things taken Ex. 25: How many four-digit numbers are there
all at a time. with distinct digits?
Hence, the required number of ways = 6P6 Soln: The total number of arrangements of 10
digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 taking
6! 6!
= (6 6)! 0! = 6! 4 at a time is 10P4. But these arrangements
also include those numbers which have
= 6 5 4 3 2 1 = 720 0 at thousands place. Such numbers are
Ex. 22: I t is r equir ed to seat 5 m en and 4 not four-digit numbers.
women in a r ow so that the women When 0 is fixed at thousands place,
occupy the even places. How many such we have to arrange remaining 9 digits by
arrangements are possible? taking 3 at a time. The number of such
Soln: In all 9 persons are to be seated in a row arrangements is 9P3.
and in the row of 9 positions there are So, the total number of numbers having 0
exact ly f our ev en places viz second, at thousands place = 9P3.
fourth, sixth and eighth. It is given that Hence, t he t ot al number of four -digit
these four even places are to be occupied numbers
by 4 women. This can be done in 4P4 ways = 10P4 9P3
(ways of arr anging 4 women in 4 10! 9! 10! 9!
positions). The remaining 5 positions can = (10 4)! (9 3)! 6! 6!
be filled by the 5 men in 5P5 ways. So, by
the fundamental principle of counting the = (10 9 8 7 9 8 7)
number of required sitting arrangements = 5040 504 = 4536
Ex. 26: How many four-letter words with or
4! 5!
= 4P4 5P5 = (4 4)! (5 5)! without meaning, can be formed out of
the letters of the word LOGARITHMS,
= 4! 5! = 24 120 = 2880 if repetition of letters is not allowed?
Ex. 23: Three men have 4 coats, 5 waist coats Soln: Ther e ar e 10 let t er s in t he wor d
and 6 caps. In how many ways can they LOGARITHMS. So, the number of four-

wear them? letter words = number of arrangements of
Soln: The total number of ways in which three 10 letters, taken 4 at a time = 10P4
men can wear 4 coats is the number of 10! 10!
arrangements of 4 different coats taken 3 = (10 4)! 6!
at a time. So, 3 men can wear 4 coats in
P3 ways. Similarly, 5 waist coats and 6 = 10 9 8 7 = 5040
caps can be worn by three men in 5P 3 Ex. 27: A room has 6 doors. In how many ways
and 6P3 ways respectively. Hence, by the can a man enter the room through one
fundamental principle of counting, the door come out through a different door?
required number of ways Soln: Here a man has to do two jobs:
= 4P3 5P3 6P3 (i) entering the room and
(ii) coming out through the door.
4! 5! 6! 4! 5! 6!
= (4 3)! (5 3)! (6 3)! = Clearly, a person can enter the room
1! 2! 3! through any one of the 6 doors. So there
= (4 3 2 1) (5 4 3) (6 5 4) are 6P1 ways of entering into the room.
= 172800 After entering into the room, the man
Ex. 24: How many numbers lying between 100 can come out through any one of the
and 1000 can be formed with the digits remaining 5 doors. So, he can come out
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 if the repetition of digits is through a different door in 5P1 ways.
not allowed? Hence the number of ways in which a
Soln: Every number lying between 100 and 1000 man can enter a room through one door
is a three-digit number. Therefore, we and come out through a different door
have to find the number of permutations = 6P1 5P1
of five digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 taken 3 at a 6! 5! 6! 5!
time. = (6 1)! (5 1)! 5! 4!
Hence, the required number of numbers
= 6 5 = 30
5! 5! 5 4 3 2!
= P3 = (5 3)! 2!
5 Ex. 28: How m any wor ds ( wi t h or wi t hout
2! meaning) of three distinct letters of the
= 5 4 3 = 60 English alphabets are there?
Soln: Ther e ar e 26 let t er s in t he English
alphabet. The total number of words (with
Permutation and Combination 659

or without meaning) of 3 distinct letters Ex. 30: How m any di ffer ent words can
is the number of arrangements of 26 letters be form ed wi t h t he l ett er s of t he
taking 3 letters at a time. MISSISSIPPI?
Hence the required number of words Soln: Here, there are 11 objects (letters) of which
= 26P3 there are 4 Ss, 4 Is, 2 Ps and the rest M
is different.
26! 26!
= (26 3)! 23! So, total number of words is the number
of arrangements of 11 things, of which 4
= 26 25 24 = 15600. are similar of one kind, 4 are similar of
Alternative Method: second kind and 2 are similar of third
Here we have to fill up three places by 11!
distinct letters of the English alphabets. kind ie .
Since there are 26 letters of the English 4!4!2!
alphabet, the first place can be filled by Hence, the total number of words
any of these letters. So, there are 26 ways 11!
of f illing up the fir st place. Now, t he = = 34650
second place can be filled up by any of
the remaining 25 letters. So, there are 25 (ii) Permutations When Objects Can Repeat:
ways of filling up the second place. After The number of per mutat ions of n dif ferent
filling up t he first two places only 24 things, taken r at a time, when each may be repeated
letters are left to fill up the third place. any number of times in each arrangement, is nr .
So the third place can be filled in 24 ways. Ex. 31: Find the number of four-letter words,
Hence, the r equired number of wor ds with or without meaning, which can be
= 26 25 24 = 15600 formed out of the letters of the word
ROSE, where the repetition of the letters
Permutations Under Certain Conditions is allowed.
In this section we shall discuss permutations Soln: Accor ding to t he abov e r ule, since
where either distinction between some of the items repetition is allowed, the required number

are ignored or repetitions of items are allowed or a of words = 44 = 256
particular item occurs in every arrangement etc. Ex. 32: How many numbers of three digits can
Such t ype of per mutat ions ar e known as be formed with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
per mutat ions under cert ain condit ions as when digits may be repeated?
discussed below. Soln: The units place can be filled in 5 ways.
Since, the repetition of digits is allowed,
(i) Permutations when all the objects are therefore, tens place can be filled in 5
not distinct objects. ways and hundreds place can also be filled
(ii) Permutations when object can repeat ie in 5 ways. Therefore, by fundament al
when repetition is allowed. pr inciple of count ing, the requir ed
(iii) Permutations when particular object(s) number of three-digit numbers
occur(s) together or do(es) not occur = 5 5 5 = 53 = 125
together. Ex. 33: Find the number of numbers of five
di gi ts that can be form ed wi th t he
(i) Permutations When all the Objects are not digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 if the digits can be
Distinct Objects: repeated in the same number.
Soln: In a five-digit number 0 cannot be put in
The number of permutations of n objects, where
ten thousands place. So, the number of
p1 objects are of one kind, p2 are of second kind
ways of filling up the 10 thousands place
..., pk are of kth kind and the rest, if any, are of
n! 4! 4!
different kind is p ! p !...p ! . = 4P1 = (4 1)! 3! = 4
1 2 k
Ex. 29: Find the number of permutations of the Since the repetition of digits is allowed,
letters of the word ALLAHABAD. therefore, each of the other places can be
Soln: Here, there are 9 objects (letters) of which filled in 5 ways.
there are 4 As, 2 Ls and rest are all Hence, the required number of numbers
different. = 4 5 5 5 5 = 2500
Ther efor e t he r equir ed number of Ex. 34: How many four-digit numbers are there,
arrangements when a di gi t may be r epeated any
9! 98765 number of times?
= = 7560 Soln: In a four-digit number 0 cannot be placed
4!2! 2
660 Arithmetic

at thousands place. So, thousands place (iii) Since any one of the 4 boys may get all
can be filled with any digit from 1 to 9. the prizes. So, the number of ways in
Thus, thousands place can be filled in which a boy gets all the three prizes = 4
P1 = 9 ways. So, t he number of ways in which
Since repetition is allowed, therefore, each a boy does not get all the prizes = 64 4
of the remaining 3 places can be filled in = 60.
10 ways by using the digits from 0 to 9.
Hence, the required number of numbers ( i ii ) Permutation when particular object( s)
= 9 10 10 10 occur(s) together or do( es) not occur
= 9 103 = 9000. together:
Ex. 35: In how many ways 5 rings of different Ex. 38: In how many ways can the letters of
types can be worn in 4 fingers? the word PENCIL be arranged so that
Soln: The first ring can be worn in any of the 4 (i) N is always next to E?
fingers. So, there are 4 ways of wearing (ii) N and E are always together?
it. Similarly, each one of the other rings Soln: (i) Let us keep EN together and consider it
can be worn in 4 ways. as one letter. Now we have 5 letters which
Hence the requisite number of ways can be arranged in a row in 5P5 = 5! = 120
= 4 4 4 4 4 = 45 ways.
Ex. 36: In how many ways can 5 let ters be Hence t he t otal number of ways in
posted in 4 letter boxes? which N is always next to E is 120.
Soln: Since each letter can be posted in any (ii) Keeping E and N together and considering
one of the four letter boxes. So, a letter it as one letter, we have 5 letters which
can be posted in 4 ways. Since there are can be arranged in 5P5 = 5! = 120 ways.
5 letters and each letter can be posted in But E and N can put together in 2P2
4 ways. So, total number of ways in which = 2! = 2 ways.
all the five letters can be posted Hence total number of ways
= 4 4 4 4 4 = 45 = 5! 2! = 240
Ex. 37: I n how many ways can 3 pr izes be Ex. 39: How m any different wor ds can be

distributed among 4 boys, when formed with the letters of the word
(i) no boy gets more than one prize? EQUATION so that
(ii) a boy m ust get any number of (i) the words begin with E?
prizes? (ii) the words begin with E and end
(iii) no boy gets all the prizes? with N?
Soln: (i) The total number of ways is the number (iii) the words begin and end with a
of arrangements of 4 taken 3 at a time. consonant?
So, the requisite number of ways Soln: Clear ly, the giv en word EQUATION
= 4P3 = 4! = 24 contains 8 letter out of which 5 are vowels
Alternative Method: and 3 are consonants.
The first prize can be given away in 4 (i) Since all words must begin with E. So,
ways as it may be given to any one of the we fix E at the first place. Now, remaining
4 boys. The second prize can be given 7 letters can be arranged in 7P7 = 7! ways
away in 3 ways, because the boy who got So, total number of words = 7!
the first prize cannot receive the second (ii) Since all words must begin with E and
prize. The third prize can be given away end with N. So, we fix E at the first place
to anyone of the remaining 2 boys in 2 and N at the last place.
ways. Now, r emaining 6 lett er s can be
So, the number of ways in which all arranged in 6P6 = 6! ways.
the prizes can be given away = 4 3 2 = Hence the required number of words
24 = 6P6 = 6!
(ii) The first prize can be given away in 4 (iii) There are 3 consonants and all words
ways as it may be given to anyone of the 4 should begin and end with a consonant.
boys. The second prize can also be given So, first and last places can be filled with
away in 4 ways, since it may be obtained 3 consonants in 3P2 = 3! ways.
by the boy who has already received a Now, the remaining 6 places are to be
prize. Similarly, third price can be given filled up with the remaining 6 letters in
away in 4 ways. 6
P6 = 6! ways
Hence, the number of ways in which Hence the required number of words
all the prizes can be given away = 4 4 = 3! 6! = 6 720 = 4320
4 = 43 = 64
Permutation and Combination 661

Ex. 40: How many words can be formed with be in the second row. If the two corners
the letters of the word ORDINATE so of the second row are reserved for the
that vowels occupy odd places? two tallest students, interchangeable
Soln: There are 4 vowels and 4 consonants in only between them, and if the middle
the word ORDINATE. seat of the front row is reserved for
We have to arrange 8 letters in a row such the principal how many arrangements
that vowels occupy odd places. are possible?
There are 4 odd places 1, 3, 5 and 7. [MAT2006]
Four vowels can be arranged in these 4 Soln: Since the middle seat of the front row is
odd places in 4P4 = 4! ways. reserved for the principal, the remaining
Remaining 4 even places viz 2, 4, 6, 8 are 6 teachers can be arranged in the front
to be occupied by the 4 consonants. row in 6P6 = 6! ways
This can be done in 4P4 = 4! ways. The two corners of the second row are
Hence the total number of words in which reserved for the two tallest students. They
vowels occupy odd places = 4! 4! = 576 can occupy these two places in 2P2 = 2!
Ex. 41. In how many ways 5 boys and 3 girls ways.
can be seated in a row so that no two The remaining 18 seats may be occupied
girls are together? by the remaining 18 student s in 18 P 18
Soln: B B B B B = 18! ways.
The 5 boys can be seated in a row in Hence, by the fundamental principle of
(5P5 = )5! ways. counting the total number of arrangements
In each of these arrangements 6 places = 6! (18! 2!) = 18! 1440
are created, shown by the cross-mark, as Ex. 44: How many even numbers are there with
given above. three digits such that if 5 is one of the
Since no two girls are to sit together, so digits, then 7 is the next digit?
we may arrange 3 girls in 6 places. Soln: We have to determine the total number of
This can be done in 6P 3 ways ie 3 girls even numbers formed by using the given
can be seated in 6P3 ways. conditions.

Hence, t he t ot al number of seating So, at units place we can use one of the
arrangements digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. If 5 is at tens place
6! then, as per the given condition, 7 should
= 5P5 6P3 = 5! (6 3)! be at units place. In such a case the
number will not be an even number. So, 5
= 5! 6 5 4 = 14400
cannot be at t ens and units places.
Ex. 42: How many words can be formed from
Hence, 5 can be only at hundreds place.
the letters of the word DAUGHTER so
Now, two cases arise.
Case-I: When 5 is at hundreds place.
(i) the vowels always come together?
If 5 is at hundreds place, then 7 will be
(ii) the vowels never come together?
at tens place.
Soln: Ther e ar e 8 lett er s in the wor d
Hence unit s place can be f illed in
DAUGHTER, including 3 vowels (A, U, 5
P1 = 5 ways by using the five digits 0, 2,
E) and 5 consonants (D, G, H, T, R).
4, 6 and 8.
(i) Considering three vowels as one letter,
So, total number of even numbers
we have 6 letters which can be arranged
= 1 1 5 = 5
in 6P6 = 6! ways.
Case II: When 5 is not at hundreds
But corresponding each way of these
arrangements, the vowels A, U, E can be
Now, hundreds place can be filled in 8P1
put together in 3P3 = 3! ways.
= 8 ways
Hence, the required number of words
( 0 and 5 cannot be used at hundreds
= 6! 3! = 720 6 = 4320
(ii) The total number of words formed by using place)
all the eight letters of the word DAUGHTER In tens place we can use any one of the
is 8P8 = 8! = 4032 ten digits except 5. Hence tens place can
So, the total number of words in which be filled in 9P1 = 9 ways.
vowels are never together = Total numbers At units place we have to use one of the
of words Number of words in which even digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. So, units place
vowels are always together can be filled in 5P1 = 5 ways
= 40320 4320 = 36000 So, total number of even numbers
Ex. 43: When a group photograph is taken, all = 8 9 5 = 360
the seven teachers should be in the first Hence, the total number of required even
row and all the twenty students should numbers = 360 + 5 = 365.
662 Arithmetic

Ex. 45: A code word i s t o consi st of two is divisible by 4.

distinct English alphabets followed by The digits at units and tens places can
two distinct numbers from 1 to 9. For be arranged as follows:
example, DE45 is a code word. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units
(i) How m any such code words are 1 2
there? 2 4
(ii) How many of them end with an even 3 2
integer? 5 2
Soln: (i) There 26 English alphabets. Now, corresponding to each such way the
So, first two places in the code word remaining three digits at thousands and
can be filled in 26P2 ways. hundreds places can be arranged in 3P2
In last two places we have to use two ways.
distinct numbers from 1 to 9. Hence, last Hence, the required number of numbers
two places can be filled in 9P2 ways. = 3P2 4 = 3! 4 = 24
Hence, by the fundamental principle Ex. 48: Find the number of ways in which 5
of count ing, the total number of code boys and 5 girls be seated in a row so
words that
= 26P2 9P2 = 650 72 = 46800 (i) No two girls may sit together.
(ii) Number of code words ending with an (ii) All the girls sit together and all
even integer. the boys sit together
In this case, the code word can have (iii) All the girls are never together.
any of the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 at t he Soln: (i) Sitting arrangement of the 5 boys and 5
extreme right position. girls, as per the given condition, will be
Hence the extreme right position can as given below.
be filled in 4P1 = 4 ways. B B B B B
Now, next left position can be filled 5 boys can be seated in a row in 5P5
with any one of the remaining 8 digits in = 5! ways
P1 = 8 ways and the two extreme left Now, in the 6 gaps as shown above, 5 girls

positions can be filled by two English
alphabets in 26P2 ways. can be arranged in 6P5 = (6 5 )! = 6! ways.
Hence, the total number of code words
which end with an even integer Hence the number of ways in which no
= 4 8 26P2 = 4 8 650 two girls sit together = 5! 6P5 = 5! 6!
= 20800 (ii) The two groups of girls and boys can be
Ex. 46: How many numbers between 400 and arranged in 2P2 = 2! ways.
1000 can be formed with the digits 0, 5 girls can be arranged among themselves
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 if no digits is repeated in in 5P5 = 5! ways.
the same number? Similarly, 5 boys can be arranged among
Soln: Numbers between 400 and 1000 consist themselves in 5P5 = 5! ways
of three digits with digit at hundreds place Hence, by the fundamental principle of
greater than or equal to 4. counting, the total number of requisite
Hundreds place can be filled, by using seating arrangements = 2!(5! 5!) = 2(5!)2
the digits 4, 5, 6 in 3P1 = 3 ways. (iii) The total number of ways in which all
Now, tens and units places can be filled the girls are never together
by the remaining 5 digits in 5P2 ways. = Total number of arrangements Total
Hence the required number of numbers number of arrangements in which all the
= 3 5P2 girls are always together
5! Hence, total number of arrangements
= 3 (5 2)! = 10P10 = 10!
Total number of arrangements in which
all the girls are always together
= 3 = 3 5 4 = 5P5 6P6 = 5! 6!
3! required number of arrangements
= 60 = 10! 5! 6!
Ex. 47: How many four-digit numbers divisible Ex. 49: Five boys and five girls form a line with
by 4 can be made with the digits 1, 2, the boys and girls alternating. Find the
3, 4 and 5 if the repetition of digits is number of ways of making the line.
not allowed? Soln: 5 boys can be ar r anged in a line in
Soln: Recall that a number is divisible by 4 if 5
P5 = 5! ways.
the number formed by the last two digits Since the boys and girls are alternating,
Permutation and Combination 663

so, the corresponding each of the 5! ways As. Also there are 4 even places viz 2nd,
of arrangements of 5 boys we obtain 5 4th, 6th and 8th.
places marked by cross as shown below: So, these 4 even places can be occupied
(i) B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
(ii) B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 by 4 vowels in = =1 way
Clearly, 5 girls can be arranged in 5 places 4!
marked by cross in (5! + 5!) ways. Now, we are left with 5 places in which
Hence, the total number of ways of making 5 letters, of which 2 are alike (2 Ls) and
the line = 5! (5! + 5!) = 2(5!)2 others are distinct, can be arranged in
Ex. 50: (i) How many different words can be
formed with the letters of the word ways.
(ii) How many of these begin with H Hence the total number of words in which
and end with N? vowels occupy the even places
(iii) In how many of these H and N are 5! 4! 5!
together? = = 5 4 3 = 60
2! 4! 2!
Soln: (i) There are 7 letters in the word HARYANA
of which 3 are As and remaining all are (ii) Consider both L together and treat them
each of its own kind. as one letter we have 8 letters out of which
Hence, the total number of words A repeats 4 times and others are distinct.

7! 7 6 5 4 3! 8!
= These 8 letters can be arranged in
3! 3! 4!
= 7 6 5 4 = 840 ways.
(ii) After fixing H in first place and N in last So, the number of words in which both L
place, we have 5 letters out of which three come together
are alike ie As and remaining all are each 8!
of its own kind. = = 1680

So, total number of words
Hence the number of words in which both
5! 5 4 3! L do not come together
= = 20
3! 3! = Total number of words Number of
(iii) Considering H and N together we have words in which both L come together
(7 2 + 1 =) 6 letters out of which three = 7560 1680 = 5880
are alike ie As and others are each of its Ex. 52: (i) How many arrangements can be
own kind. These 6 letters can be arranged m ade wi t h l et ter s of the wor d
6! (ii) In how many of them vowels are
in ways.
3! together?
But H and N can be arranged amongst [MAT2005]
themselves in 2P2 = 2! ways. Soln: (i) Ther e ar e 11 let t er s in t he wor d
Hence, the requisite number of words MATHEMATICS of which t wo are Ms,
two are As, two are Ts and all others
6! are dist inct . So, r equir ed number of
= 2! = 120 2 = 240
3! arrangements
Ex. 51: How m any different wor ds can be 11!
formed by using all the letters of the = = 4989600
word ALLAHABAD? (ii) Ther e ar e 4 v owels v iz A, E, A, I.
(i) In how many of them vowels occupy Consider ing t hese f our vowels as one
the even positions? letter we have 8 letters (M, T, H, M, T, C,
(ii) In how many of them both L do not S and one letter obtained by combining
come together? all vowels), out of which M occurs twice,
Soln: Ther e ar e 9 lett er s in the wor d T occurs twice and the rest all are distinct.
ALLAHABAD out of which 4 are As, 2 are These 8 letters can be arranged in
Ls and the rest are all distinct. 8!
So, the requisite number of words ways.
9! But the four vowels (A, E, A, I) can be put
= = 7560
4!2! 4!
(i) There are 4 vowels and all are alike ie 4 together in ways.
664 Arithmetic

Hence, the total number of arrangements Ex. 55: How many num ber s gr eat er than a
in which vowels are always together million can be formed with the digits
2, 3, 0, 3, 4, 2, 3?
8! 4!
= Soln: Any number greater than a million will
2!2! 2! contain all the seven digits.
= 10080 12 = 120960 Now, we hav e to ar range these sev en
Ex. 53: If all the letters of the word AGAIN be digits, out of which 2 occurs twice, 3
arranged as in a dictionary, what is occurs thrice and the rest are distinct.
the fiftieth word? The number of such arrangements
Soln: In dictionary the words at each stage are
arranged in alphabetical order. Starting = = 420
with the letter A, and arranging the other 2!3!
four letters G, A, I, N we obtain 4P4 = 4! These arrangements also include those
= 24 words numbers which contain 0 at the millions
Thus, there are 24 words which start with place.
A. These are the first 24 words. Keeping 0 fixed at the millionth place,
Then, starting with G, and arranging the we have 6 digits out of which 2 occurs
other four letters A, A, I, N in different twice and 3 occurs thrice and the rest are
4! 22
ways, we obtain = 12 words
2! 2 6!
These 6 digits can be arranged in
Thus, there are 12 words which start with 2!3!
G. = 60 ways
Now, we start with I. The remaining 4 Hence the number of required numbers
= 420 60 = 360.
letters A, G, A, N can be arranged in
2! Circular Permutations
= 12 ways If we arrange the objects along a closed curve viz a
Hence, there are 12 words, which start

circle etc, the permutations are known as circular
with I. permutations. So f ar , we have discussed
Thus, we have so f ar constr uct ed 48 permutations of objects (or things) in a row. This
words. type of permutations are generally known as linear
The 49th word should be started with the permutations.
letter N. As we have seen in the earlier sections of this
So, the 49th word is NAAGI and hence chapter t hat ev er y linear ar r angement has a
the 50th word is NAAIG. beginning and an end, but there is nothing like
Ex. 54: If the different permutations of the beginning or end in a circular permutation. Thus
word EXAMINATION are listed as in a in a circular permutation, we consider one object
dictionary, how many items are there as fixed and the remaining objects are arranged as
in the list before the first word starting in case of linear arrangements.
with E? The number of circular arrangements (permutations)
Soln: In a dictionary the words at each stage of n different things taken all at a time is (n 1)! if
are arranged in alphabetical order. In the clockwise and anticlockwise orders are taken as
given problem we have to find the total different arrangements.
number of words starting with A, because Consider the following circular permutations.
the very next word will start with E. We observe that in both, the order of the circular
For finding the number of words starting arrangement is A1, A2, A3, A4.
with A, we have to find the number of
arrangements of the remaining 10 letters
E, X, M, I, N, A, T, I, O, N, of which there
are 2 Is, 2 Ns and the others each of its
own kind.
The number of such arrangements
= = 907200
Hence, t he required number of it ems Figure-1 Figure-2
= 907200. In Figure 1, the order is anticlockwise whereas
in Figure 2, the order is clockwise. Thus t he
number of circular permutations of n things in
Permutation and Combination 665

which clockwise and anti-clockwise arrangements Soln: Let B1 and B2 be two brothers among 20
give rise to different permutations is (n 1)!. persons and let M be a person.
For example, the number of permutations of 6 Clearly, person M can be chosen from 18
persons seated around a table is (6 1)! = 5!. persons (excluding B1 and B2) in
Because with respect to table, the clockwise and
anti-clockwise arrangements are distinct. 18
P1 = (18 1)! = 18 ways
If anti-clockwise and clockwise order of
arrangements are not distinct e.g. arrangements Considering the two brothers B 1 and B2
of beads in a necklace, arrangement of flowers in and person M as one person, we have
gar land etc. , t hen t he number of cir cular (20 3 + 1 = ) 18 persons in all.
1 These 18 persons can be arranged around
permutations of n distinct items is (n 1)! . a circle in (18 1)! = 17! ways.
2 But B 1 and B 2 can be arranged among
Ex. 56: (i) In how many ways can 5 persons themselves in 2P2 = 2! = 2 ways ie (i) B1MB2
be seated around a circular table? and (ii) B2MB1
(ii) I n how m any of t hese ar r ange- Hence, by the fundamental principle of
ments will two particular persons counting, the total number of ways
be next to each other? = 18 17! 2! = 2 18!
Soln: (i) 5 persons can be seated around a circular Ex. 59: In how many ways can a party of 4
table in (5 1)! = 4! = 24 ways m en and 4 wom en be seated at a
(ii) Considering two particular persons as one circular table so that no two women
person, we have 4 persons in all. These are adjacent?
4 persons can be seated around a circular Soln: The 4 men can be seated at the circular
t able in (4 1)! = 3! ways. But two table such that there is a vacant seat
particular persons can be arranged among between every pair of men in (4 1)! = 3!
themselves in 2! ways. ways.
Hence, the total number of arrangements Now, 4 vacant seats can be occupied by 4
= 3! 2! = 12 women in 4P4 = 4! ways

Ex. 57: (i) If 20 persons were invited for a Hence, the required number of sitting
party, in how many ways can they arrangements
and t he host be seated at a = 3! 4! = 144
circular table? Ex. 60: A round table conference is to be held
(ii) I n how m any ways wi l l t wo between 20 delegates of 2 countries. In
particular persons be seat ed on how many ways can they be seated if
either side of the host? two particular delegates are (i) always
Soln: (i) Clearly, there are 21 persons, including together? (ii) never together?
the host to be seated around a circular Soln: (i) Let D1 and D2 be two particular delegates.
table. These 21 persons can be seated Considering D1 and D2 as one delegate,
round a circular table in (21 1)! = 20! we have (20 1 =) 19 delegates in all.
ways. These 19 delegates can be seated round a
(ii) Let P1 and P2 be the two particular persons circular table in (19 1)! = 18! ways.
and H be the host. Number of arrangements But t wo part icular delegat es can be
of these two particular persons can be arranged among themselves in
seated on either side of the host = 2P2 = 2! 2
P2 = 2! = 2 ways ie D1D2 and D2D1.
= 2 ways ie (i) P1HP2 and (ii) P2HP1 Hence, the total number of ways
Consider the two particular persons and = 2 18! = 2(18!)
t he host as one person, we hav e 19 (ii) To find the number of ways in which two
persons in all. These 19 persons can be particular delegates never sit together, we
seated round a circular table in (19 1)! = subtract the number of ways in which
18! ways. they sit together from the total number of
But two particular persons can be seated sitting arrangements of 20 persons.
on either side of the host in 2 ways. So, Clearly, 20 persons can be seated round a
the number of ways sitting 21 persons at circular table in (20 1 =) 19! ways.
a circular table with two particular persons Hence, the required number of sitting
on either side of the host = 18! 2 arrangements
Ex. 58: There are 20 persons among whom are = 19! 2 18!
two brothers. Find the number of ways = 19 18! 2 18!
in which we can arrange them around = 18! (19 2) = 17(18!)
a circle so that there is exactly one Ex. 61: There are 5 gentlemen and 4 ladies to
person between the two brothers. dine at a round table. In how many
666 Arithmetic

ways can they seat themselves so that Ex. 64: Find the number of ways in which 10
no two ladies are together? di ffer ent beads can be arr anged to
Soln: Five gentlemen can be seated at a round form a necklace.
table in (5 1)! = 4! ways. Soln: 10 different beads can be arranged in
circular form in (10 1)! = 9! ways. Since
t her e is no dist inction bet ween t he
clockwise and ant iclockwise arr ange-
ment s. So, t he r equir ed number of
arrangements = (9! )
Ex. 65: Find the number of ways in which 8
different flowers can be strung to form
Now, 5 places are created (as shown in a garland so that 4 particular flowers
figure marked by cross-lines) in which 4 are never separated.
ladies can be arranged in Soln: Considering 4 particular flowers as one
5! flower, we have (8 4 + 1 =) 5 flowers
P4 = (5 4)! = 5! ways which can be strung to form a garland
Hence, the total number of ways in which = (5 1)! = (4!) ways
no two ladies sit together (Since the moment we fix 4 particular
= 4! 5! = 2880 flowers, the clockwise and anticlockwise
Ex. 62: In how many ways can seven persons arrangements in the garland are distinct.)
sit around a table so that all shall not But 4 particular flowers can be arranged
have the same neighbours in any two in 4P 4 = 4! ways. Thus t he r equir ed
arrangements? number of ways = (4!) 4! = 576
Soln: Clearly, 7 persons can sit at a round table
in (7 1)! = 6! ways Combination
But, in clockwise and ant iclockwise A combination is a grouping of selection of all or
arrangements, each person will have the part of a number of things without reference to the

same neighbours. ar rangement of t he things selected. Thus t he
So, the required number of ways number of combinations of the three letters A, B
1 and C taken 2 at a time are AB, AC and BC. Note
= (6! ) = 360
2 t hat AB and BA ar e 1 combinat ion but 2
Ex. 63: Three boys and three girls are to be permutations of the letters A and B.
seated around a table in a circle. Among n
them, the boy X does not want any girl The symbol nCr or C(n, r) or r represents the

neighbour and the girl Y does not want number of combinations (selections, groups) of n
any boy neighbour. How many such different things taken r at a time. Thus 9C4 denotes
arrangements are possible? the number of combinations of 9 different things
[MAT 2002] taken 4 at a time.
Soln: Let B1, B2 and X be three boys and G1, G2 Generally we use the word arrangement for
and Y be three girls. Since the boy X does per mutat ion and the wor d selection f or
not want any girl neighbour. Therefore combinations.
boy X will have his neighbours as boys B1
and B2 as shown in the figure. Similarly, Notation and Important Properties
girl Y has her neighbours as girls G1 and
G2 as shown in fig. ( i ) The number of all combinations of n distinct
objects, taken r at a time is given by
n! Pr
Cr =
(n r )! r ! r!
n (n 1)((n 2)...(n r 1)
( i i) Cn = nC0 = 1
But the boys B1 and B2 can be arranged ( i ii ) Cn r = nCr
among themselves in 2! ways and the ( iv) Cr + nCr-1 = n+1Cr
girls G1 and G2 can be arranged among (v) If n and r are non-negative integers such
themselves in 2! ways. n n 1
that 1 r n, then nCr = . C r -1
Hence, t he r equir ed number of r
n n
arrangements = 2! 2! = 4 ( vi) If Cx = Cy, then either x = y or x + y = n
Permutation and Combination 667

( vii) If n is even, then the greatest value of nCr (0 Ex. 72: If there are 12 persons in a party, and
r n) is nCn/2. if each two of them shake hands with
(viii) If n is odd, then the greatest value of nCr (0 each other , how m any handshakes
n n
happen in the party?
C n1 C n1 Soln: It is to note here that, when two persons
r n) is or .
2 2 shake hands, it is count ed as one
Ex. 66: If nC7 = nC4, find the value of n. handshake, not two. Because if X shaking
Soln: We have, nCx = nCy x + y = n or x = y hands with Y and Y with X will not be
So, nC7 = nC4 n = 7 + 4 = 11 two different handshakes. Here order is
Ex. 67: Find the value of 10C3. not important. So, this is a question of
n n 1 combination.
Soln: We have nCr = . C r-1 The total number of handshakes is
same as the number of ways of selecting
10 9
10C3 = C2 2 persons among 12 persons.
3 12! 12!
10 9 8 = 12C2 = (12 2)!2! 10!2!
= C1
3 2
12 11 10!
10 9 8 7 = 2 10! = 66
= C0
3 2 1 Ex. 73: A question paper has two parts. Part
10 9 A and Par t B, each cont ai ni ng 10
= 8 1 [ 7C = 1] questions. If the student has to choose
3 2 0

= 120 8 from Part A and 5 from Part B, in

Ex. 68: If nC15 = nC8, find the value of nC21. how m any ways can he choose t he
Soln: n
C15 = nC8 n = 15 + 8 = 23 questions?
[ nCx = nCy x + y = n] Soln: There are 10 questions in Part A out of
nC21 = 23C21 = 23C23-21 [ nCr = nCn-r] which 8 questions can be chosen in 10C8

23 22 Similarly, 5 questions can be chosen from
= 23
C2 = C1
2 Part B containing 10 questions in 10C 5
23 22 21
= C0 Hence, by the fundamental principle of
2 1 counting, the total number of ways of
23 22 selecting 8 questions from Part A and 5
= 1 [ nC = 1] from Part B
2 1
= 23 11 = 253 10! 10!
= 10C8 10C5 = (10 8)!8! (10 5)!5!
Ex. 69: If 10Cx = 10Cx + 4, find the value of x.
Soln: Cx = 10Cx + 4 x + x + 4 = 10 10! 10!
2x = 6 x = 3 = = 11340
2!8! 5!5!
Ex. 70: From a class of 32 students, 4 are to Ex. 74: In how many ways a committee of 5
be chosen for a competition. In how members can be selected from 6 men
many ways can this be done? and 5 women, consisting of 3 men and
Soln: The required number of ways 2 women?
32 32! Soln: 3 men out of 6 men can be selected in 6C3
= 28!4! ways. 2 women out of 5 women can be
Ex. 71: Three gentlemen and three ladies are selected in 5C 2 ways. Therefore, by the
candidates for two vacancies. A voter fundamental principle counting, 3 men
has to vote for two candidates. In how out of 6 men and 2 women out of 5 women
many ways can one cast his vote? can be selected in 6C3 5C2
Soln: Clearly, there are 6 candidates and a voter 6 5 4 5 4
has to vote for any two of them. So, the = = 200 ways
3 2 1 2 1
required number of ways is the number of Ex. 75: In how many ways can a cricket eleven
ways of selecting 2 out of 6 ie 6C2. be chosen out of a batch of 15 players
Hence, the required number of ways if
6! 6! (i) t her e is no r est r i ct i on on t he
= 6C2 = (6 2)!2! 4!2! selection?
(ii) a par ti cular pl ayer i s al ways
6 5 4! chosen?
= 4! 2 = 15
(iii) a particular player is never chosen?
668 Arithmetic

Soln: (i) The total number of ways of selecting 11 So, total number of committees in which
players out of 15 is men are in majority
C11 = 15C15-11 = 15C4 = (9C5 8C7) = (126 8) = 1008
Ex. 77: A committee of 5 is to be formed out of
15 14 13 12
= = 1365 6 gents and 4 ladies. In how many ways
4 3 2 1 this can be done, when
(ii) If a particular player is a ways chosen. (i) at least two ladies are included?
This means that 10 players are selected (ii) at most two ladies are included?
out of the remaining 14 players. Soln: (i) A committee of 5 persons, consisting of at
required number of ways least two ladies, can be formed in the
= 14C10 = 14C14-10 = 14C4 = 1001 following ways
(iii) If a particular player is never chosen. This (a) Selecting 2 ladies out of 4 and 3 gents
means that 11 players are selected out of out of 6. This can be done in 4C2 6C3
the remaining 14 players. ways.
required number of ways (b) Selecting 3 ladies out of 4 and 2 gents
= 14C11 = 14C14-11 = 14C3 = 364 out of 6. This can be done in 4C3 6C2
Ex. 76: A committee of 12 is to be formed from ways.
9 women and 8 men. In how many ways (c) Selecting 4 ladies out of 4 and 1 get
this can be done if at least five women out of 6. This can be done in 4C4 6C1
have to be included in a committee? In ways.
how many of these committees (i) the Since the committee is formed in any of
women are in majority (ii) and the men t he abov e ways, t her efor e, by t he
are in majority? fundamental principle of addition, the total
Soln: Ther e ar e 9 women and 8 men. A number of forming the committee
committee of 12, consisting of at least 5 = (4C2 6C3) + (4C3 6C2) + (4C4 6C1)
women, can be formed by choosing: = 120 + 60 + 6 = 186
(I) 5 women and 7 men (ii) A committee of 5 persons, consisting of at
(II) 6 women and 6 men most two ladies can be constituted in the
(III) 7 women and 5 men

following ways:
(IV) 8 women and 4 men (a) Selecting 5 gents only out of 6.
(V) 9 women and 3 men This can be done in 6C5 ways.
In (I), (b) Selecting 4 gents only out of 6 and one
Number of ways of choosing 5 women out lady out of 4.
of 9 women = 9C5 This can be done in (6C4 4C1) ways.
Number of ways of choosing 7 men out of (c) Selecting 3 gents only out of 6 and two
8 men = 8C7 ladies out of 4.
Number of ways of f or ming t he This can be done in (6C3 4C2) ways.
committee in this case = 9C5 8C7 Since the committee is formed in any of
Similarly, in (II), (III), (IV) and (V), we have, the above ways, so, the total number of
the number of ways of forming committee ways of forming the committee
are (9C6 8C6), (9C7 8C5), (9C8 8C4) and = 6C5 + (6C4 4C1) + (6C3 4C2)
(9C9 8C3) respectively. = 6 + 60 + 120 = 186
Since committee is formed in any of the Ex. 78: A box contains 5 different red and 6
above ways. di ffer ent whi te bal ls. I n how many
Hence, total number of ways of forming ways can 6 balls be selected so that
t he committ ee, by t he f undament al there are at least two balls of each
principle of addition colour?
= ( 9C 5 8C 7) + ( 9C 6 8C 6) + ( 9C 7 8C 5 ) Soln: The selection of 6 balls, consisting of at
+ (9C8 8C4) + (9C9 8C3) least two balls of each colour from 5 red
= (126 8) + (84 28) + (36 56) and 6 white balls, can be made in the
+ (9 70) + (1 56) = 6062 following ways:
(i) Clearly, women are in majority in (III), (IV) Red Ball White Ball
and (V) cases as discussed above. (i) 2 4
So, total number of committees in which (ii) 3 3
women are in majority (iii) 4 2
= (9C7 8C5) + (9C8 8C4) + (9C9 8C3) (i) By selecting 2 red balls, out of 5 and 4
= (36 56) + (9 70) + (1 56) white balls out of 6, this can be done
= 2702 in (5C2 6C4) ways.
(ii) Clearly, men are in majority in only (I) (ii) By selecting 3 red balls out of 5 and 3
case as discussed above.
Permutation and Combination 669

white balls out of 6, this can be done (i) Three par t icular student s join t he
in (5C3 6C3) ways. excursion party
(iii) By selecting 4 red balls out of 5 and 2 In t his case, we hav e t o choose 7
white balls out of 6, this can be done st udents f rom the remaining 22
in (5C4 6C2) ways. students. This can be done in 22C7 ways.
Since t he select ion of 6 balls can be (ii) Three particular students do not join
completed in any one of the above ways. the excursion party.
Hence, by the fundamental principle of In this case, we hav e to choose 10
addition, the total number of ways to select st udents f rom the remaining 22
the balls students. This can be done in 22C 10
= (5C2 6C4) + (5C3 6C3) + (5C4 6C2) ways.
= (10 15) + (10 20) + (5 15) Hence, by the fundamental principle of
= 425 addition, the required number of ways
Ex. 79: In how many ways can a cricket team = 22C7 + 22C10 = 817190
be selected from a group of 25 players Ex. 82: A boy has 3 library tickets and 8 books
containing 10 batsmen, 8 bowlers, 5 of his interest in the library. Of these
all rounders and 2 wicket keepers? 8, he does not want t o borr ow
Assume that the team of 11 players Chemistry Part II, unless Chemistry
requires 5 batsmen, 3 all-rounders 2 Part I is also borrowed. In how many
bowlers and 1 wicket keeper. ways can he choose the three books to
Soln: The selection of team is divided into four be borrowed?
phases: [MAT1999]
(i) Selection of 5 batsmen out of 10. This Soln: We have the following two possibilities:
can be done in 10C5 ways. (i) When Chemistry Part I is borrowed.
(ii) Selection of 3 all-rounders out of 5. In t his case, t he boy may bor row
This can be done in 5C3 ways. Chemistry Part II. So, he has to select
(iii) Selection of 2 bowlers out of 8. This now two books out of the remaining 7
can be done in 8C2 ways. books of his interest. This can be done

(iv) Selection of one wicket keeper out of in 7C2 ways.
2. This can be done in 2C1 ways. (ii) When Chemistry Part I is not borrowed.
The selection of team is completed by In this case, the boy does not want to
completing all the four phases. borrow Chemistry Part II. So, he has to
By t he f undament al pr inciple of select three books from the remaining
multiplication, the team can be selected 6 books. This can be done in 6C3 ways.
in 10C5 5C3 8C2 2C1 = 141120 ways. Hence, by the fundamental principle of
Ex. 80: A person wishes to make up as many addition, the required number of ways
different parties as he can out of his = 7C2 + 6C3 = 21 + 20 = 41
20 fr i ends such t hat each par t y Ex. 83: In how many ways can 7 plus (+) signs
consi sts of t he same num ber of and 5 minus () signs be arranged in a
persons. How many friends should he row so that no two minus () signs are
invite? together?
Soln: Suppose he invites r friends at a time. Soln: The plus signs (+) can be arranged in only
Then the total number of parties is 20Cr . one way, because all are identical, as
We have to find the maximum value of shown below:
Cr, which is for r = 10.
We know [See Property (vii) in the section + + + + + + +
Notation and Important Properties] that, A blank box in the above arrangement
n shows available space for the minus ()
if n is even, then nCr is maximum for r = . signs. Since there are 7 plus signs (+),
Hence, he should invite 10 friends at a the number of blank boxes is therefore 8.
time in order to form the maximum number The f ive minus signs are now t o be
of parties. arranged in the 8 boxes so that no two of
Ex. 81: From a class of 25 students, 10 are to them are together.
be chosen for an excursion party. There Now, 5 boxes out of 8 can be chosen in
are 3 students who decide that either C 5 ways. Since all minus signs ar e
all of them will join or none of them ident ical, so 5 minus signs can be
will join. In how many ways can they arranged in 5 chosen boxes in only one
be chosen? way.
Soln: We have the following possibilities: Hence, t he number of possible
arrangements = 1 8C5 1 = 56
670 Arithmetic

Ex. 84: In how many ways can 21 identical = Number of ways of selecting 2 out of n
books one English and 19 identical n (n 1)
books on Hindi be placed in a row on a = nC2 =
shelf so that two books on Hindi may Out of these lines, n lines are the sides of
not be together? the polygon.
Soln: In order that no two books on Hindi are Number of diagonals of the polygon
together, we must first arrange all books
on English in a row. Since all English n (n 1) n (n 3)
= n
books ar e identical, so t hey can be 2 2
arranged in a row in only one way as Ex. 88: A polygon has 44 diagonals. Find the
shown below: number of its sides.
E E E E E ..... E E [FMS-DU2002]
Here, E denotes the position of an English Soln: Let there be n sides of the polygon.
book and () that of a Hindi book. We know that the number of diagonals of
Since, there are 21 books on English, the
number places mark () are therefore 22. n (n 3)
n-sided polygon is
Now, 19 books on Hindi are to be arranged 2
in these 22 places so that no two of them
are together. n (n 3)
Therefore, = 44
Out of 22 places 19 places for Hindi books 2
can be chosen in 22C19 ways. or, n2 3n 88 = 0
Since, all books on Hindi are identical, or, (n 11) (n + 8) = 0
so, 19 books on Hindi can be arranged in or, n = 11 and -8 [ n > 0]
19 chosen places in only one way. n = 11
Hence the required number of ways Hence, there are 11 sides of the polygon.
= 1 22C19 1 = 1540 Ex. 89: I f m par all el l i nes i n pl ane ar e
Ex. 85: For the post of 5 teachers, there are intersected by a family of n parallel lines.
23 applicants, 2 posts are reserved for Find the num ber of paral l el ogram s

SC candi dat es and t here are 7 SC form ed.
candidates among the applicants. In Soln: A parallelogram is formed by choosing two
how many ways can the selection be straight lines from the set of m parallel
m ade? lines and two straight lines from the set
Soln: Clearly, there are 7 SC candidates and 16 of n parallel lines.
other candidates. Two straight lines from the set of m
We have to select 2 out of 7 SC candidates parallel lines can be chosen in mC2 ways
and 3 out of 16 other candidates. and two straight lines from the set of n
This can be done in 7C2 16C3 ways parallel lines can be chosen in nC2 ways.
The number of ways of making t he Hence the number of parallelograms
selection = 7C2 16C3 = 11760 formed
m (m 1) n (n 1)
Application of Combinations in = mC2 nC2 =
2 2
Geometrical Problems
mn (m 1)(n 1)
Ex. 86: How many triangles can be formed by =
joining the vertices of a hexagon?
Soln: There are 6 vertices of a hexagon.
One triangle is formed by selecting a group
Mixed Problems on Permutations and
of 3 vertices from the given 6 vertices. Combinations
This can be done in 6C3 ways Ex. 90: Out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels, how
6! 6! many wor ds of 3 consonants and 2
Number of triangles = (6 3)!3! 3!3! = 20 vowels can be formed?
Ex. 87: How many diagonal s are ther e in a Soln: Three consonants out of 7 and 2 vowels
polygon with n sides? out of 4 can be chosen in 7C3 4C2 ways.
Soln: A polygon of n sides has n vertices. Thus there are ( 7C3 4C 2) groups each
By joining any two vertices of a polygon, containing 3 consonants and 2 vowels.
we obtain either a side or a diagonal of Since each gr oup cont ains 5 let t ers,
the polygon. which can be arranged among themselves
Number of line segments obt ained by in 5P5 = 5! ways.
joining the vertices of a n-sided polygon Hence the required number of words
taken 2 at a time = (7C3 4C2) 5! = 25200
Permutation and Combination 671

Ex. 91: How many four-let ter wor ds can be selected objects is immaterial whereas in
formed using the letters of the word permutation, the ordering is essential. For
FAILURE, so that example, (A), (B) and (B), (A) are same as
(i) F is included in each word? combinations but different as permutations.
(ii) F is not included in any word? ( i ii ) Practically to find the permutations of n
Soln: There are 7 letters in the word FAILURE. different things taken r at a time, we first
( i ) To include F in every four-letter word, select r items from n items and then arrange
we first select four letters from the 7 them. So, usually the number of permutations
letters of the word FAILURE such that exceeds the number of combinations.
F is included in every selection. This ( iv) Each combination corresponds to many
can be done by selecting three letters permut at ions. For example, t he six
from the remaining 6 letters, A, I, L, permutations ABC, ACB, BCA, BAC, CBA
U, R and E in 6C3 ways. Now, there are and CAB corr espond t o the same
4 letters in each of 6C3 selections. combination ABC.
Consider one of these 6C 3 selections. Note: Generally, we use the word arrangements
This selection contains 4 letters which for permutations and the word selections
can be arranged in 4P4 = 4! ways. Thus, for combinations.
each of 6C3 selections provide 4! words. Ex. 93: How m any words can be form ed by
Hence the total number of words taking 4 letters at a time out of the
= 6C3 4! = 480 letters of the word MATHEMATICS?
(ii) If F is not to be included in any word, [MAT2005]
then we first select 4 letters from the Soln: There are 11 letters viz MM, AA, TT, H,
remaining 6 letters. This can be done E, I, C, S. All these letters are not distinct,
in 6C4 ways. so we cannot use nPr . We can choose 4
Now, ever y select ion has 4 let ter s letters from the following ways:
which can be arranged in a row in 4P4 (i) All the four distinct letters.
= 4! ways. (ii) Two distinct and two alike letters.
Hence, the total number of words (iii) Two alike of one kind and two alike

= 6C4 4! = 360. of another kind.
Ex. 92: How many five-letter words containing (i) All the four distinct letters: There
3 v owel s and 2 consonant s can be are 8 distinct letters viz M, A, T, H, E,
formed using the letters of the word I, C, S out of which 4 can be chosen in
EQUATION so that the two consonants C4 ways. So, the total number of groups
occur together? of 4 letters = 8C 4. Each such groups
Soln: There are 5 vowels E, U, A, I, O and 3 has 4 letters which can be arranged in
consonant s Q, T, N in the given word (4P4 =)4! ways. Hence the total number
EQUATION. of words = 8C4 4! = 8P4 = 1680
3 vowels out of 5 and 2 consonants out of (ii) Two distinct and two alike letters:
3 can be chosen in (5C3 3C2) ways There are 3 pairs of alike letters viz.
Hence, there are ( 5C3 3C2) groups each MM, AA, TT, out of which one pair can
containing 3 vowels and 2 consonants. be chosen in 3C1 ways. Now we have
Now, each group contains 5 letters which t o choose t wo let ter s out of the
are to be arranged in such a way that 2 remaining 7 different types of letters
consonants occur together. which can be done in 7C 2 ways. So,
Considering 2 consonants as one letter, the total number of groups of 4 letters
we have 4 letters which can be arranged in which two are different and two are
in 4P4 = 4! ways. But 2 consonants can be alike in 3C1 7C2. Each such group has
put together in 2! ways. Therefore 5 letters 4 let t er s of which 2 are alike and
in each group can be arranged in 4! 2! remaining two distinct and they can
ways. 4!
Hence, the required number of words be arranged in ways. Hence the
= (5C3 3C2) (4! 2!) = 1440 total number of words in which two
Difference between a Permutation and a letters are alike
Combination 4!
= 3C1 7C2 = 756
( i ) In combinat ion only selection is made
(iii) Two alike of one kind and two alike
whereas in permutation not only a selection
of other kind: There are 3 pairs of 2
is made but also an ar rangement in a
alike letters out of which 2 pairs can
definite order is considered.
be chosen in 3C 2 ways. So, there are
( i i) In a combinat ion, t he or der ing of t he
672 Arithmetic

C2 groups of 4 letters each. In each Hence, t he t otal number of words
group there are 4 letters of which 2 consisting of two alike letters of one
are alike of one kind and 2 are alike of type and 2 alike letters of second type
other kind. These 4 let t er s can be
4! = 3C2 2! 2! = 18
arranged in ways. Hence, the total
number of words in which two letters (iii) 2 alike and 2 different letters: Out
are alike of one kind and two alike of of 3 sets of two alike letters one set
other kind can be chosen in 3C1 ways. Now, from
4! the remaining 6 distinct letters, 2 letters
= 3C2 2! 2! = 18 can be chosen in 6C 2 ways. Thus, 2
alike letters and 2 distinct letters can
From (i), (ii) and (iii), the total number of be selected in (3C1 6C2) ways. So, there
four-letter words are (3C1 6C2) groups of 4 letters each.
= 1680 + 758 + 18 = 2454 Now, let t er s of each gr oup can be
Ex. 94: How many four-let ter wor ds can be
formed using the letter of the word 4!
ar ranged among t hemselves in
Soln: Ther e ar e 11 let t er s in t he wor d ways.
INEFFECTIVE viz. EEE, FF, II, C, T, N, V. Hence, t he t otal number of words
The four-letter words may consist of: consisting of two alike letters and 2
(i) 3 alike letters and 1 distinct letter. distinct letters
(ii) 2 alike letters of one kind and 2 alike
letters of the second kind. 4!
= 6C1 6C2 = 540
(iii) 2 alike letters and 2 distinct letters. 2!
(iv) all different letters. (iv ) All different letters: There are 7
Now we will discuss these four cases distinct letters E, F, I, T, N, V, C out of
one by one: which 4 can be selected in 7C4 ways.
(i) 3 alike letters and 1 distinct letter: So, there are 7C 4 groups of 4 letters

There is one set of three alike letters each. The letters in each of 7C4 groups
viz. EEE. So, three alike letters can be can be arranged in 4! ways. So, the
selected in one way. Out of t he 6 total number of four-letter words in
different letters F, I, T, N, V, C one which all letters are distinct = 7C4 4!
let ter can be select ed in 6C 1 ways. = 840
Thus, thr ee alike and one differ ent Hence, the total number of four-letter
letter can be selected in 1 6C1 = 6C1 words
ways. So, there are 6C1 groups each of = 24 + 18 + 540 + 840 = 1422
which contains 3 alike letters and one
different letter. These 4 letters can be Derangement
4! If there are n different things and n assigned
arranged in 3!1! ways.
places then total number of arrangements of n
Hence, t he t otal number of words different things such that none of the things goes
consisting of three alike and distinct to assigned places. This is called derangement.
letters Number of derangements
4! 1 1 1 1

= 6C1 3!1! = 6C1 4 = 24 = n !1 ... ( 1)n
1! 2! 3! n!
(ii) 2 alike letters of one kind and 2 alike
letters of second kind: There are three Ex. 95: There are 4 letters and 4 addressed
sets of two alike letters viz. EE, FF, II. envelopes corresponding to each of the
Out of these three sets 2 can be selected letters. Find the number of ways in
in 3C2 ways. So, there are 3C2 groups which all letters can be put in wrong
each of which contains 4 letters out of envelopes.
which 2 are alike of one type and two Soln: Required number of ways
are alike of second type. Now, 4 letters 1 1 1 1
= 4! 1
in each group can be ar r anged in 1! 2! 3! 4!
4! = 22 24 + 12 4 + 1 = 9
2! 2!

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