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Literature Circles Discussion and Presentation

iPad Apps: Google Slides, Safari, & Dropbox

1. Students will be divided into groups of five.
2. I will assign each one of the themes previously discussed in class to each group.
a. Themes include: Old money vs. new money, role of gender, American dream,
society and class, and fixation on the past.
3. Within each group, each student will choose a role they will be responsible for:
a. Discussion Director: Creates a list of important questions that revolve around plot,
reasoning, explaining, and identifying key elements of the theme.
b. Literary Luminary: Finds important quotes from the text that reveal theme and/or
historical elements of the novel.
c. Summarizer: Explains what the theme is and how it is presented in the novel.
What happens to portray the theme? Why is this theme important?
d. History Connector: Connects the historical context of the 1920s to the novels
e. Vocabulary Enricher: Find unusual vocabulary words that you and the class may
not know and define them. Looking for slang and other terms from the text that
reveal the time period is also encouraged.
4. Each group will then create a Google slides presentation using the iPad. Each group will
have their own presentation that they will work on together.
a. Share the presentation with each member, so everyone can work together.
b. Each student will create a slide with their respective role/responsibility.
i. For example, the discussion director will create a slide with questions to
ask the class.
5. In addition to each slide, please look for at least two images to include. Videos, audio,
and other resources are also acceptable. Make your presentation exciting!
6. Create a slide including the title, members, and other necessary information.
7. Upload your completed presentation to the class Dropbox.

Scoring Guide for Literature Possible Points Points Earned

Circle Presentations
Presentation has each role clearly 10
defined, organized, and presented.
Presentation has at least two images 5
or other resources on each slide.
Theme is understandable as well as 5
its historical context.
Each member participates and is 5
Overall presentation is 5
understandable and appealing.
Total Points 30

Sample Presentation:

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