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Based On Memory PHASE-II EXAM
2. Which of the following statements correctly de-
FINANCE If MANAGEMENT scribe 360-degree evaluation? (2 marks)
a. Its primary objective is to pool feedback from
(There will be questiona carrying 2 marks each and all the employees
queationa carrying 1 mark each) b. It fits well into organizations that have intro-
Dlrectiona (1-3): Read the followingpassage and duced teams, employee involvement and To-
answer the given questions: tal Quality Management programs.
Job Enrtchment and job enlargement techniques c. It provides performance feedback from the
if given proper attention in the organization the im- fullcircle of daily contacts that an employee
balance can be changed to balanced work life. These might have.
two techniques have roots in motivational theories. Select the correct answer using the codes giv-
Job itself is motivating and if it is designed in such a en below:
manner that they are challenging, interesting and (1) Both a and c (2) Only c
meaningful the employees feel that the organization (3) Only b (4) Both b and c
owes them and ultimately boost their performance and (5) All of the above given as options
motivate them. Once, employees are motivated produc-
3. With reference to Job Enrichment and the Job
tivity as well as profitability of organization increases.
Characteristics Model,which of the followingcrit-
This would enhance their monetary benefits and final- ical psychological states is linked to the core job
ly their standard of livingwill be raised. They can also dimensions? (2 marks)
fulfill their basic needs along with it, can lead com-
a. Experienced meaningfulness
fortable and luxurious life. If their personal needs are
fulfilled the members of the family are satisfied, no b. Knowledgefor the actual results
more of conflicts arise hence can work tension free.On c. Experienced responsibility for improvement
the other hand, Job enrichment and job enlargement Select the correct answer using the codes given
increases responsibilities and autonomy in work. The below: .
feeling of employees towards job insecurity turns to (1) Only b (2) Both a and c
security feeling and employees feel that they are being (3) Only c (4) Both a and b
valued. The competencyofemployeesis improvedwhich (5) All of the above given as options
helps in their career development, career growth.and 4. Job-specific competencies that drive proven high-
ultimately job satisfaction. Autonomy in work helps performance, quality results for a given position,
them to be stress free as they have not to work under are called (1 mark)
undue pressure of their seniors rather have freedom in (1) Management competency
work and decision making. So by satisfying their high- (2) Organizational competency
er order needs they can make equtlibrtum in personal (3) Functional competency
and professional life. (4) Technical competency
1. Which of the followingstatements is/are not cor-
(5) Core competency
rect regardingperformanceappraisal at workplace?
5. Which of the followingis the full form of ICAAP?
(1 mark)
(1) An employee's performance appraisal is an
(1) Internal Capital Adequacy Process
example of something in the workplace that
(2) International Currency Asset Protocol
depends very much on the perceptual process
(3) Internal Currency Asset Process
(2) An employee's future is closely tied to his or
(4) International Capital Adequacy Protocol
her appraisal
(5) Internal Currency Adequacy Process
(3) Hiringand performance appraisals are the only
processes in organizations that are subject to Dlrectiona : Read the followingpassage and an-
swer the given question:
perceptual bias
Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO)is a sustain-
(4) Although the appraisal can be objective,many
able and competitive method to manage costs and al-
jobs are evaluated in subjective terms Iowa company's core resources to focus on strategic
(5) Both 1and 2 initiatives rather than managing transactional acttvt-
ties in HR operations. This has enabled HR profes- pUning by uninsured debtholders. Furthermore, it is
stonals in being more strategic people managers by calculatedhowthe optimalrisk-return trade-offchanges
outsourcing some ofthe administrative and operational in the presence of regulatory capital requirements and
tasks. Comprehensive Human Resource Outsourcing the restriction of a fixed portfoliovolume. The models
is achieved by offloadtngmultiple processes and tech- not only contribute to the answering of the research
nologies such as benefits and payroll. question, they also help in understanding risk man-
6. Which of the followingstatements does not cor- agement motives of banks, in particular, how market
rectly summarize the essential features of HR disciplineand capital requirements ofBasel I and Basel
outsourcing? (2_b) IIaffectthe optimal decision-making ofbanks with and
(1) Businesses that outsource HR are typically without the presence of deposits.
large firms 8. Consider the followingstatements regarding Beta
(2) Payroll outsourcing is commonly outsourced as a measurement of investment risk: (2 marks)
since it is a time-consuming administrative a. It is a measure of an asset's return on investment
task for employers compared to the risk adjusted expected return.
(3) HR outsourcing does not absolve the organi- b. In case of stock in a big technology company, the
zation of good people management practices beta is less than one.
nor of overall responsibility for the provision c. It is calculated using regression analysis.
of HR services d. It measures the risk of an investment held on a
(4) Outsourcing human resources or some of its stand-alone basis.
processes to an external provider is a major Which of the statements given above is/are not
business decision as, while it may be cost- correct? introduces new elements of risk Select the correct answer using the codes given
(5) Both 2 and 3 below:
7. Which ofthe followingis/are not the dimension(s) (1) Both a and d (2) Only b, c and d
of participative leadership? (1_k) (3) Both b and c (4) Only a, band d
a. Formal participation (5) All of the above given as options
b. Consultative participation 9. Which of the followingstatements is/are correct
c. Short-term participation regarding risk premium? (2 marks)
d. Representative participation a. It is the return on an investment minus the re-
Select the correct answer using the codes given turn that would be earned on a risk-free invest-
below: ment
(1) Both c and d (2) Only a b. The risk premium of the market is the average
(3) Both a and d (4) Only c return on the market plus the risk-free rate
(5) None of these c. The risk premium of a particular investment us-
Directions (8-10): Read the followingparagraph ing the capital asset pricing model is alpha times
and answer the questions given below: the differencebetween the return on the market
and the return on a risk-free investment.
Profitabilitymeasures such as the Sharpe ratio and
the reward-to-VaRratio are proposed for loan portfoli- Select the correct answer using the codes given
os although it is not assessed whether their risk-re- below:
turn trade-offs are optimal for banks. The profitability (1) Only c (2) Both a and b
measures are based on capital market models instead (3) Only a (4) Both b and c
and represent the optimal risk-return trade-off'oftndt- (5) Only c
vidual capital market investors. However,the optimal 10. Risk Return Trade-off (2marks)
risk-return trade-off of individual capital market in- a. Assumes that markets are efficientand no alpha-
vestors and banks do not need to be the same since profit could be found.
they have different targets and banks are confronted
with specific costs of risk-taking. Models of commer- b. Does not exist at the portfolio level.
cial banks are developedwhich are based on two capi- c. Is the balance between the desire for the lowest
tal market imperfections. They assume that equity- possible risk and the highest possible return.
funding is too costly to be profitable. and that insol- d. Assumes that higher risk equals greater return.
vency causes bankruptcy costs. The models derive op- Select the correct answer using the codes given
timal risk-return trade-offs by quantifying the effects below:
of the loan portfolio's risk-return profile on the mar- (1) Only c (2) Both a and c
ket price of equity. The models consider the limited (3) Only d (4) Both b and d
liability of shareholders. the risk premium of share-
(5) All of the above given as options
holders and market discipline in the form of the disci-
11. Which of the followingis true regarding Perpetu- 14. With reference to RBI's Open Market Operations.
al Bonds? (1 mark) which of the followingstatements is/are correct?
(1) These bonds are not issued on a private place- (2 mark)
mentbasis a. It directly controls the total money supply. in ef-
(2) These bonds are treated as security and not fect expanding money or contracting the money
as bond supply.
(3) They are bonds with long term maturity b. It is a stand-alone instrument for adjusting the
(4) They work like life-time. irredeemable fixed quantum and price of money in the system.
deposit c. In comparison to the CRR (Cash reserve ratio).
(5) These bonds protect the investor from credit the usage of OMOs has increased since the fi-
risk nancial sector reforms of 1991.
12. Two-factor theory was given by (1 mark) Select the correct answer using the codes given
(1) FrederickHerzberg (2) Abraham Maslow below:
(3) David McClelland (4) Edwin Locke (1) Both a and b (2) Only a
(5) Henry A. Landsberger (3) Only c (4) Both b and c
13. Which of the followingstatements is not correct (5) All of the above given as options
regarding NSDLand CSDL? (1muk)
115. Consider the followingstatements regarding the
. (1) NSDLis promoted by lOBI. lITI and Bombay Monetary Policy Committee: (2 marks)
Stock Exchange a. It has been given a statutory and institutional-
(2) CSDL is promoted by State Bank of India. izedframeworkby amendment ofthe RBIAct 1934
Union Bank of India. Bank of Baroda. Bank
through the MPCAct 2016.
of India. Standard Chartered Bank
b. It is entrusted with the task of fixing the repo
(3) CSDL is the pioneer electronic depository of
rate required to contain inflation within the spec-
securities established in India
ified target level.
(4) The total number of depository participants
in in NSDLis less than those in CSDL c. With the formation of the MPC. the RBI has lost
(5) The active investor accounts in NSDLare com- its discretion to surprise the market.
paratively higher than in CDSL d. The meetings of the MPC will be held at least 3
Dlrectio ... (14-18): Read the followingpassage and times a year.
answer the questions given below: Select the correct answer using the codes given
A core function of the Reserve Bank in the has below:
been the formulation and implementation of mone- (1) Only c (2) Both a and b
tary policywith the objectives ofmamtammg price sta- (3) Only b. c and d (4) Both b and c
bility and ensuring adequate flow of credit to produc- (5) None of these
tive sectors of the economy. To these was added. in
18. Which of the following statements correctly re-
more recent times. the goal of maintaining financial
flect the evolvingrole of the RBI Since the 1991
stability. The objective of maintaining financial sta-
bility has spanned its role from external account man- reforms? (2 marks)
agement to oversight ofbanks and non-banking ftnan- a. The RBIhas gradually started the practice ofpro-
cialinstitutions as also of money. government securi- viding concessional finance or refinance for spec-
ties and foreign exchange markets. The Reserve Bank ified sectors such as agriculture. industry and
designs and implements the regulatory policy frame- export. .'
work for banking and non-banking financialinstitu- b. Transfer of the balance of profits. after necessary
tions with the aim of providing people access to the provisions. to the Central Government has been
banking system. protecting depositors' interest. and rationalized as part ofthe reform process in 2005.
maintaining the overall health of the ftnanetal sys- c. De facto. RBI has not been accorded autonomy
tem. The last one-and-a-half decades have also seen on par with recent trends in some of the industri-
growing integration of the national economy and fi-
alized as well as emerging economies.
nancial system with the globalizing world. WhUeris-
ing global integration has its advantages in terms of Select the correct answer using the codes given
expanding the scope and scale of growth of the Indian below:
economy. it also exposes India to global shocks. Hence. (1) Only b (2) Only a
maintaining financial stability became an important (3) Both a and b (4) Only c
mandate for the Reserve Bank. This. in tum. has (5) All of the above given as options
brought forth the need for effective coordination and 17. Which of the followingstatements is/are not cor-
consultation with other regulators within the country rect regarding the repo rate? (1 mark)
and abroad.
(1) It is a means of short-term borrowing by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and SEBI to as-
(2) It is the discount rate at which banks borrow certain that those entrusted with the responsibility of
from RBI governingshareholder wealth are adequately regulated
(3) Before the launch of repo, the most impor- and made accountable. Over the past 15 years, there
tant monetary policy instrument used to have been many reforms in the corporate governance
counter inflation was CRR framework - starting from constitution of the Kumar
(4) Alongwith CRR,repo rate is used as a policy Mangalam Committee (1999), introduction of Clause
instrument to fight inflation 49 in the listing agreement (2000), revision in Clause
(5) None of these 49 on recommendations of the Narayana Murthy Com-
mittee (2006), issue of voluntary gutdelmes on corpo-
18. Which of the following is not a component of
MCLR? (1muk)
rate governance (2009), issue of guiding prtnciples on
corporate governance(2012)based on recommendation
(1) Minimum Rate of return of the Adi Godrej Committee, enactment of the revised
(2) Marginal cost of funds Companies Act (2013) and finally the new corporate
(3) Negativecarry on account of CRR governance norms by SEBI (2014).
(4) Operating costs 23. According to new corporate governance rules is-
(5) Tenor premium sued by the Securities and Exchange Board of
19. The First Five Year plan was started in (1mark) India (SEBI)in 2014, (2 mark)

(1) 1948 (2) 1949 a. Aperson can't be an independent director in more

(3) 1950 (4) 1951 than nine companies.
(5) 1952 b. Directors nominated by the company's promoter
can be classified as an independent director.
20. Which of the followingis/are correct regarding
c. Thenew rules restrict the tenure of independent
CSR Rules under Companies Act, 2013? (1mark) directors to two five-yearterms
(1) The CSR activities should be with respect to d. Companies will have to disclose remuneration
any of the activities mentioned in Schedule policies of CEOs and executive directors.
VIIIof the 2013 Act
Select the correct answer using the codes given
(2) The CSR activities should not be undertaken below:
in the normal course of business (1) Both a and b (2) Only c
(3) Only activities in India would be considered (3) Both c and d (4) Only d
for computing CSR expenditure
(5) All of the above given as options
(4) Both 2 and 3
24. Which of the followingstatements is/are correct
(5) All of the above given as options regardingthe revised Clause49 ofthe UstingAgree-
21. Which of the followingstatements correctly ex- ment between a company and the stock exchang-
plains Risk WeightedAssets? (1mark) es?(2mark)
(1) Its calculation is dependent on whether the a. Clause 49 was added to the Listing agreement
bank has adopted the IRBapproach under the consequent to the recommendations of the CII
Basel II framework (Confederation of Indian Industry) Code for De-
(2) It is expressed as a percentage ofa bank's risk strable Corporate Governance 1996.
weighted credit exposures b. Accordingto the 2014 rules, selling, disposing or
(3) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)is used in its leasing of more than 20% of assets of the matert-
calculation a~subsidiary will require approval of sharehold-
(4) Both 2 and 3 ers by way of special resolution.
(5) Both 1 and 2 c. Clause 49 under revised rules define an indepen-
dent Director as a Non-ExecutiveDirector who is
22. Mutual funds in India are regulated by (1mark) not a CEO/Director of a non-profit firm that re-
(1) RBI (2) IRDAI ceives 33% or more of its receipts from the Com-
(3) SEBI (4) FMC pany.
(5) Both 2 and 3 Select the correct answer using the codes given
DIrections (23-25): Read the followingpassage and below:
answer the questions given below: (1) Only c (2) Both a and b
During recent times, "corporate governance" has (3) Only a (4) Only b
gained significant attention and focus across tile globe. (5) All of the above given as options
Most evidently, the reason for this renewed focus has 25. Which of the followingwas/were the major find-
been a result of major corporate collapses and lack of ings of the OECD Corporate Governance Com-
governance standards cited in those instances. In In- mittee on Corporate Governance and the Finan-
dia also, various initiatives have been taken in the past cia~Crisis during 2009-1O? (2 marks)
a. One of the greatest shocks from the financial cri- 28. Management By Objectives (MBO)management
sis has been the widespread failure of risk man- Modelwas given,by (1 mark)
agement. (1) Peter Drucker (2) George S. Odiorne
b. It should be fully understood by regulators and (3) Mary Parker Follet (4) Frederick W. Taylor
other standard setters that effectiverisk manage-
(5) Henri Fayol
ment is not about eliminating risk taking. which
is a fundamental driving force in business and 29. As per India - Risk management in the Guidelines
entrepreneurship. on Corporate Governance for Central Public Sec-
c. Effective implementation of risk management re- tor Enterprises. which of the following policies
quires treating each business unit individually. should be implemented by the board? (1 mark)

d. It is a good practice that risk management and (1) Staff responsibilities in relation to fraud pre-
control functions be independent of profit cen- vention and identification
tres. (2) Responsibility of fraud investigation once a
Select the correct answer using the codes given fraud has been identified
below: (3) Process of reporting on fraud related matters
(1) Both a and d (2) Only b to management
(3) Both b and c (4) Only d (4) Both 2 and 3
(5) All of the above given as options (5) All of the above given as options
Directions (26): Read the following passage and DireCtioM (30}: Read the following passage and
answer the questions given below: answer the questions given below:
Theory x and theory y are still referred to common- If we talk in general terms. all relationships are
ly in the field of management and motivation. and based on communication. Whether it is personal or
whilst more recent studies have questioned the rigidi- professional. a healthy and effective communication
ty of the model. it remains a valid basic principle from becomes indispensable. Nowhereis this truer than when
which to develop positive management style and tech- it comes to business. Professional relationships are built
niques. The theory remains central to organizational on this pillar. If we want to expect the maximum prof-
development, and to improving organizational culture. its out of a venture. it becomes a prerequisite that there
26. Which of the following statements is/are correct should be a healthy rapport amongst the clients. part-
regarding Theory X-Y? . (2 marb) ners and employees (ifany). To put it simply. commu-
a. Theory X highlights the motivating role of job nication allows a process to take place.
satisfaction and encourages workers to approach 30. Which of the following statements is/are correct
tasks without direct supervision. regarding the various perspectives on the role of
b. Theory Y stresses the importance of strict super- communication in management functions?
vtston, external rewards. and penalties. (2marb)
c. Theory X generally proves to be most effective in a. Fayol defines planning as a crafted tool that will
terms of consistency of work examine complex issues and propose a set of so-
d. It is derived from Douglas McGregor's research lutions that serves as a bridge towards growth
over various leadership styles known as the con- and change.
tingency theory. b. According to Weber. effective leadership and the
Select the correct answer using the codes given creation of an environment conducive to motiva-
below: tion depend on communication.
(1) Both a and b (2) Only c c. Wolvindefines communication as a conscious or
(3) Both b and c (4) Only d unconscious. intentional or unintentional pro-
(5) Both a and d cess in which feelings and ideas are expressed as
27. The 360-degree feedback (1 marlr.) verbal and/or nonverbal messages. which are sent.
(1) Is based on soltcttmg information about the received. and comprehended.
employee from subordinate. lateral. and su- Select the correct answer using the codes given
pervisory sources below:
(2) Is a form of upward feedback (1) Both a and c (2) Only b
(3) Tools are customized to the needs of the orga- (3) Both a and b (4) Only c
nizations in which they are used (5) Both b and c
(4) Is useful in aU types of organizations and with Directions (31-32) : Read the following passage
all types ofjobs and answer the questions given below:
(5) Is widely used by the U.S. military due to its 'le ~..,.tyamscandal broke in January 2009. Sa-
Validity and rl"Hability 'a:... ';0' -uter Services was a publicly traded compa-
ny listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the 34. Whowas the first to propose a psychologicalthe-
National Stock Exchange (NS~ in India and on the ory of attribution? (1 JDaJ:k)
Nework Stock Exchange (NYSE)in the United States. (1) F. Heider (2) Dennis Daly
Rarnalinga Raju, Satyam Computer Services Ltd.'s (3) Wilson Aronson (4) B. Weiner
founder and formerchairman, and his brother B. Rama
Raju were found guilty of criminal breach of trust. This (5) Jones and Davis
scandal is often referred to as India's equivalent of the 35. Which of the followingstatements is/are correct
Enron scandal and marked a historical turning point regarding Job enrichment? (1 mark)
in corporate governance practices. From that point (1) It means increasing the scope ofajob through
onwards, the Indian government dectded to improve extending the range of its job duties and re-
the corporate governance main mechanisms related to sponsibilities generally within the same level
disclosure and accountability. and periphery
31. Which of the followingwas/were the highlights (2) It is a horizontal restructuring technique
ofthe GodrejCommitteeon corporate governance? (3) Job enrichment, as a managerial activity, in-
(2marb) cludes the technique of turning employees'
a. It aimed at transforming corporate governance effort into performance
from a "tick-box"exercise to an actual roadmap. (4) Both 2 and 3
b. The committee recommended the increase of Fa- (5) All of the above given as options
miliarity Quotient (FQ) to enhance the gender 36. The Four-WayTest ofH.B. Taylor was adopted by
diversity of Indian boards. which international organization? (1 mark)
c. The amended CompaniesBill20 11 CompaniesBill (1) International Monetary Fund
2012 were largelybased on the recommendations
(2) United Nations Organization
of this committee.
(3) Rotary International
Select the correct answer using the codes given
below: .. (4) WorldBank
(1)Onlyb (2) Both a and c (5) Amnesty International
(3) Only a (4) Both b and c Directions (37-38) : Read the followingparagraph
and answer the questions given below
(5) All of the above given as options
The concept of using the outdoors as a tool in
32. Consider the followingstatements on the features
management training was first developed by Dr. Kurt
of corporate governance under the CompaniesAct
Hahn, a philosopher outdoorsman who believed that
2013? (2marb)
the outdoors has many lessons for city people which
a. This act is applicable to only the listed compa- willenhance their personal thresholds as wellas group
nies, although some exceptions have been made thresholds. It was Dr. Hahn's beliefthat advancing civ-
in the act for small companies. ilizations and technologywere deprivingmany persons
b. The act allows class action suits to protect inter- the opportunities to develop self-reliance, physical fit-
est of investors. ness and a compassion for others. An established cor-
c. The act has provisions for a company to make an porate training tool in Western countries, Out Bound
investment through more than two layers of in- Training is gaining increasing popularity in India to-
vestment companies. day as more and more corporate houses discover its
d. The act includes a detailed code of conduct for ability to solve several issues that cannot be complete-
independent directors and providing them some ly addressed in classroom training situations.
relief from prosecutio~. . 37. Which of the followingstatements is/are correct
Which of the statements given above is/are cor- regarding outbound training? (2 marks)
rect? a. It was first tested in the turbulent waters of the
(1) Both a and d (2) Only b North Sea during WorldWar I. .
(3) Both b and c (4) Only a, c and d b. It is a technique used to enhance the efficiencyof
(5) Both a and d employees through Experimental learning.
33. Transactional analysis theory was developedby c. The game-like targets under outbound training
(lmarlt) increase resistance to negative feedback.
(1) Eric Berne (2) Claude Steiner Select the correct answer using the codes given
(3) Albert Mehrabian below:
(4) Wilder Penfield (1) Both a anc h (2) Only c
(5) Rene Spitz (3) Only b (4) Both b and c
5) None I " ; I ottons
------------------------ ---- --

38. Which of the followingstatements is/are correct 41. The Decision Tree Model of leadership was first
regarding the Outbound training methods of Ed- proposed by (1 mark)
ward de Bono? (2 marlul) (1) Vroom and Yetton
a. De Bono's tool for effective dectston making and (2) Tannenbaum and Schmidt
team thinking is known as Three Thinking Hats. (3) Fielder and Hart
b. Under his training method, users are required to (4) Weber and Foley
consider aspects of an issue even if they contra- (5) Gray and Schlesinger
dict their existing perspectives on the matter.
42. Which of the following methods is/are not used
c. Under De Bono's methods. the team practices in judgmental performance appraisal? (1 mark)
collective thinking.
(1) Graphic Rating scale
Select the correct answer ustag the codes given
(2) Employee comparison method
(3) Behavioral checklists and scales
(l) Both a and c (2) Only b
(4) Objective Production
(3) Both b and c (4) Only a
(5) None of these
(5) All of the above given as options
43. Which of the followingis not true about Zero cou-
Directions (39) : Read the followingparagraph and pon bonds? (1 mark)
answer the questions given below:
(1) These are bonds that do not make any inter-
Recent explosion of the digital platform industry est payments
led to an epiphany among the top executives and lead-
(2) When the bond reaches maturity, its investor
ership teams at large. on talent management. To in-
receives its par (or face) value
crease the level of attraction for young and exception-
ally skilled talent. the focus on leading edge practices (3) These bonds are not inflation indexed
has become critical. Thus. an innovativebucket of fringe (4) These bonds are traded at a deep discount
benefits is introduced in the market. Some of these are (5) None of these
voluntary and taxable in nature. but aid the employee Directions (44-45) : Read the followingparagraph
in different aspects of his/her life. and answer the questions given below:
39. Which of the followingis/are not correct regard- The most important step that can be taken totm-
ing Fringe benefits? (2 marlul) prove the effectiveness of recruitment and recruitment
a. Is any advantage in money's worth provided to an research is to develop and use fine-grained assessments
employee in respect of or in relation to his em- of the quality of applicants attracted. This single as-
ployment. sessment is the basis for evaluating the effectiveness
b. The Finance Act 2016 has introduced a new tax of current recruitment efforts, determining whether
called 'Income-tax on fringe benefits.' modifications of recruitment tactics is likelyto be worth
c. Fringe benefits commonly include health insur- the effort, and if meaningful improvement is possible.
ance. group-term life insurance coverage, educa- identifying where those efforts should be placed. Orga-
nization assessment is in the midst of a paradigm shift.
tional assistance, childcare and assistance reim-
The increasing use of integrated human resource in-
formation systems permits greater access to fata than
d. Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) come un- has ever been possible while dramatically reducing the
der fringe benefits tax. . marginal costs of assessment activities. This new ca-
Select the correct answer using the codes given pability has triggered increased interest in HR analyt-
below: tcs, reviewof recruitment evaluation mea-
(1) Both b and c (2) Only d sures will show, more extensive use of current mea-
(3) Both c and d (4) Only b sures is unlikely to lead to meaningful improvement in
(5) None of these recruitment effectiveness.
40. Which of the followingis an example of organiza- 44. Consider the following statements regarding the
tion structure having elements of the public sec- recruitment models and select the correct answer
tor. the private sector and the voluntary sectors? using the codes given below: (2 marks)
(1 mark) a. The Seven Point Plan of Munro is based on seven
(1) Social housing providers headings and each candidate is "judged" on the
(2) Public schools basis of those headings.
(3) Hospitals b. The FivefoldGrading System of Rodgers is intend-
ed to be a guide for recruiters.
(4) Both 2 and 3
c. The seven-point plan is split into essential and
(5) All of the above given as options , str=ble categories.
(1) Both b and c (2) Only a 48. Consider the followingstatements regarding Hu-
(3) Both a and b man Resource Management (HRM)and select the
(4) Only c correct answer using the codes given below:
(5) All of those given as options (2marlts)

43. Whicn of the followingstatements is/are correct a. HRMis a product of the human relations move-
regarding the problems in interview during the ment ofmid-19tth century. when researchers be-
recruitment process? (2_u) gan documenting ways of creating business value
through the strategic management of the work-
a. In the Halo Effect.-the interviewer takes a dislike
to the candidate. their personality. the way they
dress. etc. b. HRMconcerns itself with organizational change
. and industrial relations. that is. the balancing of
b. Affinityis where the interviewer's perception of a
organizational practices with requirements aris-
candidate alters because the individual is a
ing from collective bargaining and from govern-
c. woman. black. Asian or disabled. mental law.
d. In the Horns Effect. perceptions often cloud the c. Accordingto EdwinFlippo.HRMis concerned with
mind and judgement of the interviewer. the people dimension" in management.
Select the correct answer using the codes given (1) Both b and c (2) Only a
below: (3) Both a and b (4) Only b
(1) Only a
(5) All of the above given as options
(2) Only c 49. Which of the followingstatements is/are correct?
(3) Both a and b . (2 marks)
(4) All of the above given as options (1) Boxall and Purcell conceptualize workforce
(5) None of the above given as options performance as a function of ambition and
46. Which of the followingqualifies as personal at- rewards.
tributes of leaders? (I_It) (2) Human Resource Management is limited to
(1) Achievemeritdrive (2) Self-confidence manage and optimally exploit human intel-
lect; it leaves aide managing physical and
(3) Cognitive ability (4) Both 2 and 3
emotional capital of employees.
(5) All of the above given as options
(3) It is Human Resource Planning process which
47. Which of the followingis correct regarding sys- helps the management of the organization in
temic risk? (I_It) meeting the future demand ofhuman resource
(1) It is also known as undiversifiable risk in the organization.
(2) It affects the overall market (4) Both 1 and 3
(3) It was a major contributor to the financial (5) All of the above given as options
crisis of 2008 50. Which of the followingis/are not correct about
(4) Recessionis a common source ofsystemic risk Nostro accounts? (1 mark)

(5) All of the above given as options (1) Nostro accounts are mostly commonly used
Directions (48-49): Readthe followingparagraph for currency settlement
and answer the questions given below: (2) A bank counts a Nostro account with a debit
For any organization to function must balance as a cash asset in its balance sheet
have resource of men (Human Resource). money. ma- (3) A Nostro account is a record ofmoney held by
terials and machinery. The resources by themselves a bank or owed to a bank by a third party
cannot fulfill the objectives of an organization. they (4) In normal usage. a Nostro account will be in
need to be collected. coordinated and utilized through foreigncurrency
human resources. And. the effective management of (5) None of these
human resources is also vital. Hence. Human Resource 51. The value of the derivative is determined by flue-
Management (HRM)has emerged as a major function tuations in (1 marlt)
in organizations.Human Resource Management is the (1) Stocks and bonds
organizational function that deals with issues related (2) Commodities and currencies
to people such as compensation. hiring. performance
(3) Interest rates
management. organization development. safety. well-
(4) th 1 and 2
ness, benefits. ernp' ~ motivation. communication,
administration. and t ling. (5) of the above given as options
Directions (52-53 ): Read the followingparagraph 515. Which of the followingconcessions is/are gener-
and answer the questions given below: ally offered by banks and ftnancial institutions
Transactional analysis or TA is a branch of psy- as part of the package of rehabilitation assis-
chotherapy developedby Eric Berne. His definition of tance? (1mark)
it is "a theory of personality and a systematic psycho- (1) Sanction of additional loan to meet the addi-
therapy for personal growth and change". Based on tional capital expenditure
this theoryThomasAnthony Harris had written a beau- (2) FUnding of the overdue interest
tiful self-help book. "I am OK. You are OK." It is (3) Reduction 1n interest rate of existing loans
about how people interact with each other especially (4) Only 1 and 3
which ego state of the person is interacting with which
.(5) All of the above given as options
ego state. Knowing about TA can be very useful for
improving our interaction/communication skills. TA Directions (56-58) : Suppose you buy a 10 % cou-
is about how peopleare structured psychologicallyand pon bond today for Rs. 1.100.The bond has 10years to
is both a theory of communication and a theory of maturity. Answer the followingquestions:
child development. 56. What rate of return do you expect to earn on your
52~ Consider the followingstatements regarding Per- investment?
sonal Ego-Transactional Analysis and select the (1) 8.50 % (2) 7.30%
correct answer using the codes given below: (3) 5.30% (4) 6.35%
(2marb) (5) 9.25%
a. Harris defined an ego state as a consistent pat- 57. Twoyears from now. the YTMon your bond has
tern of feelingand experience directly related to a declined by 2.5 per cent. and you decide to sell.
corresponding consistent pattern of behavior. What is the realized yield on your investment?
b. Berne had originally defined two ego states: par- (1) 14.56% (2) 15.23 %
ent and Child. (3) 18.36% (4) 17.43%
c. In Berne's transactional analysis theory. the par- (5) 16.500;6
ent represents a massive collection of recordings 58. Compare this yield to the YTMwhen you first
in the brain of external events experienced or per- bought the bond.
ceivedin approximately the first fiveyears of life. (1) The realized yield is greater than the expected
(1) Only b (2) Both a and c yield when the bond was bought.
(3) Only c (4) Both a and b (2) The realized yield is less than the expected
(5) All of the above given as options yield when the bond was bought
53. Which of the followingis correct regarding the (3) The realized yield is equal to the expected
Transactional analysis theory ofThomas Harris? yield when the bond was bought
(4) The realized yield is half of the expected yield
a. Harris describes the mental state called the Par- when the bond was bought
ent by analogy. as a collection of "tape record- (5) The realized yield is three fourth of the ex-
ings" of external influences that a child observed pected yield when the bond was bought
adults doing and saying. .
b. In Harris' theory. the Adult is a simultaneous re-
cording of internal events. On-line Shopping
c. Harris defines Pollution of the Adult as how it is BOOKS AND MAGAZINES
safer for a person to believea lie than to acknowl-
edge the evidence in front of them. of Kiran Prakashan
Select the correct answer using the codes given
below: Get books
(1) Only b (2) Both a and c and magazines of
(3) Only a (4) Both b and c Kiran Prakashan
(5) All of the above given as options
54. Which of the models combines five financial ra- at your doorstep easily,
tios? (1 mark) log on our website:
(1) Altman's Z Score (2) Credit Metrics ,
(3) Credit Risk+\ (4) Univariate analysis
(5) None of these.given as options
Directions (59-61) : Based on the given financial statement answer the followingquestions:
Baker CorporatioDBalance Sheet
December 31, 2002
Cash and marketable securities $ 50 Accounts payable $ 250
Accounts receivable 200 Accrued liabilities 250
Inventory , 250 Notes payable 500
Total current assets $ 500 Total current liabilities $1.000
Net fixed assets 1,500 Long-termdebt 250
Common stock 400
Retained earnings 350
Total assets $2,000 Total liabilities and equity $2.000

59. What is Baker corporation's current ratio as on December 31, 2oo2?

(1) 0.35 (2)0.65 . (3)0.50 (4)0.55 (5)0.65
60. IfBaker uses Rs. 50 of cash to payoff Rs. 50 of its account payable, what is the new current ratio after this
(1) 0.47 (2) 0.44 (3)0.54 (4)0.23 (5)0.36.
61. If Baker uses its Rs. 50 cash balance to payoff Rs. 50 of its long term debt, what Willbe its new current
(1) 0.35 (2)0.50 (3)0.45 (4)0.55 (5)0.65

Directions (62-64) : Answer the followingquestions based on the 64. Determine the profit for com-
information given below: .. pany A assuming that the vol-
Assume that two companies make similar products, but that the ume dropped 20% from cur-
companies have adopted different cost structures. Company A's product rent levels of 10.000 units
is made in a labour-intensive operation Withrelatively high variable costs (1) 30% decrease on 100000
but relatively low fixed costs, and company B's product is made in a profit
capital intensive operation Withrelatively lowVariablecosts but relatively (2) 40% decrease on 100000
high fixed costs. Each firm presently sells 10000 units of product. Cost profit
structures are given below: (3) 45% decrease on 100000
Company A- CompanyB- profit
Lower operating leverage Higher operating leverage (4) 50% decrease on 100000
Per'Unit Per unit profit
$ $ (5) 60 % decrease on 100000
Revenue 50 ~oooo units sold 50 10000 units sold profit
Variable expenses 35 20 65. Aman deposited Rs. 1000 in a
Contribution margin 15 30% 30 60% bank. In return he got Rs.
Fixed expenses 50000 200000 1331. Bank gave interest 10%
per annum. How long did he
62. Profit for both Company A and Company B respectively is: kept the money in the bank?
(1) 1,000,00 and 1.000,00 (1) 2years
(2) 1,500,00 and 1,500,00 (2) 3years
(3) 2,000.00 and 2.000.00 (3) 4years
(4) 2.500.00 and 2.5000.00 (4) 5years
(5) 50.000.00 and 50.000.00 (5) 6years
63. Effect on profit of a l00f0increase in volume from 10000 to 11000
units on company B is : Read Every Month
(1) 15%increase on 100000 profit
(2) 30 % increase on 100000 profit REND GENERAL KNOWLEDGE
(3) 35% increase on 100000 profit
(4) 45% increase on 100000 profit & WORLD VISION
(5) 500Alincreaseon 100000 profit (Hindi & English Medium)
360-degree performance evaluation is to pool feed-
I ANSWERS I back from all of the employee's customers.
They fit well into organizations that have intro-
1. (3) 2.(4) 3. (4) 4. (3) 5. (1) duced teams. employee involvement. and Total
6. (1) 7. (2) .8. (4) 9. (3) 10. (2) QUalityManagement (TQM)programs. By relying
11. (4) 12. (1) 13. (3) 14. (3) 15. (4) on feedback from co-workers. customers. and
employees. these organizations are hoping to give
16. (1) 17. (4) 18. (1) 19. (4) 20. (4) everyone more of a sense of participation in the
21. (1) 22.(3) 23.(3) 24.(4) 25. (1) review process and gain more accurate readings
on employee performance. On this latter point,
26. (2) 27. (1) 28. (1) 29.(5) 30. (4) 360-degree evaluations are consistent with evi-
31. (3) 32. (3) 33. (1) 34.(1) 35. (3) dence that employee performance varies across
contexts and that people behave differently with
36~ (3) 37. (5) 38. (2) 39. (4) 40. (5)
different constituencies.96 The use of multiple
41. (1) 42. (4) 43.(3) 44. (4) 45. (5) sources. therefore. is more likely to capture this
46. (5) 47. (3) 48. (4) 49. (S) 50. (3) variety of behavior accurately.
3. (4)Richard Hackman from Harvard Universityand
51. (5) 52. (3) 53. (3) 54. (1) 55. (5) Greg Oldham from the University of Illinois ex-
56. (1) 157.(2) 58. (1) 159.(3) 60. (1) plored the nature of good jobs through their job
characteristics model (JCM).97The JCM identi-
61. (3) 62. (1) 63. (2) 64.(1) 65. (2)
fies five core job dimensions and their relation-
ship to personal and work outcomes. Job enrich-
EXPLANATIONS I ment. an application of the JCM. refers to the
1. (3)An employee's performance appraisal is anex- vertical expansion ofjobs. It increases the degree
ample ofsomething in the workplace that depends to which workers control the planning, execution,
very much on the perceptual process. An employ- and evaluation of their work. An enriched job or-
ee's future is closely tied to his or her appraisal- ganizes tasks so that an employee does a com-
promotions. pay raises. and continuation of em- plete activity. It expands employees' freedom and
ployment are among the most obvious outcomes. independence. increases responsibility. and pro-
Although the appraisal can be objective (for ex- vides feedback. so individuals will be able to as-
ample. a salesperson is appraised on how many sess and correct their own performance. Accord-
rupees of sales he or she generates in a given ter- ing to the JCM. any job can be described in terms
ritory). many jobs are evaluated in subjective offive corejob dimensions: skill variety. task iden-
terms. When managers use subjective measures tity. task Significance. autonomy and feedback.
in appraising employeesor choosingwhom to pro- The JCM links the five core job dimensions to
mote. what the evaluator perceives to be good or three critical psychological states:
bad employeecharacteristics or behaviors willsig- Experienced meaningfulness. The model predicts
nificantly influence the outcome of the apprats- that if an employee's task is meaningful, the em-
al. One recent study found that managers in both ployee will view the job as important, valuable,
Hong Kongand the United States were more like- and worthwhile. (Noticehow in Exhibit 5-7 skill
ly to promote individuals who were more similar variety. task identity, and task significance com-
to themselves. One's behavior may also be affect- bine to create meaningful work.)
ed by perceptions. Experienced responsibility for outcomes. Employ-
Hiring and performance appraisals are not the ees feel a sense of personal responsibility for re-
only processes in organizations that are subject sults when their jobs giV'ethem greater autono-
to perceptual bias. For instance. we evaluate how my.
much effort our co-workers are putting into their Knowledgeof the actual results. Feedback helps
jobs. When a new person joins a work team. he or employees know whether they are performing ef-
she is immediately "sized up" by the other team fectively.
members. ~cordin g to research, individuals even The model ,gests that the more employees ex-
make judgments about people's virtues based on perience .ntngfulness. responsibility, and
whether or r ; they exercise. knowler le actual results the "'eater their
ten technical or operational in nature (e.g., back- tion in work decisions; Consultative participation;
ing up database is a functional competency), tak- Short-term participation; Informal participation;
ing the form of specific skills, and are often man- Employee ownership; Representative participation.
aged at a workgroup level. Functional competen-
cies can be applied to different roles and func- S. (4)Alpha and beta are two common measurements
tions based on the function's maturity, Exam- of investment risk. Beta is a historical measure
ples of functional competencies include data anal- of volatility. Beta measures how an asset (i.e. a
ysis, programming, and risk analysis. stock, an ETF, or portfolio) moves versus a bench-
mark (i.e. an index). Alpha is a historical mea-
5. (1) ICMF stands for Internal Capital Adequacy
sure of an asset's return on investment compared
Assessment Process (ICMF), a result of Pillar 2 of to the risk adjusted expected return.
Baseill accords. Under ICAAPrequirements a bank
needs to have in place internal procedures and In finance, the beta ~ or beta coefficient) of an
processes to ensure that it possesses adequate investment indicates whether the investment is
more or less volatile than the market. In general,
capital resources in the long term to cover all of
its material rtsks, A banking institution should a beta less than 1 indicates that the investment
have an ICAAP in place for assessing its overall is less volatile than the market, while a beta more
capital adequacy in relation to its risk profile and than 1 indicates that the investment is more vol-
a strategy for maintaining appropriate capital lev- atile than the market.A beta greater than one gen-
els. In particular, ICMF aims to: erally means that the asset both is volatile and
tends to move up and down with the market. ~
Identify all material risks and measure those risks example is a stock in a big technology company.
that can be reliably quantified to determine how Negative betas are possible for investments that
such risks affect the banking institution's overall tend to go down when the market goes up, and
capital adequacy;
vice versa. Beta is important because it measures
Develop a strategy for maintaining adequate cap- the risk of an investment that cannot be reduced
ital levels consistent with the banking institu- by diversification. It does not measure the risk of
tion's risk profile, and taking into account its stra- an investment held on a stand-alone basis, but
tegic focus and business plans as well as its con- the amount of risk the investment adds to an al-
trol environment. ready-diversified portfolio.
6. (1) Businesses that outsource HR are typically 9. (3) Risk premium, sometimes referred to as de-
small-to-midsize firms with between 25 and 1,500 fault risk premium, is the return on an invest-
employees. These businesses view HR outsourc- ment minus the return that would be earned on a
ing as a strategic tool that relieves them of HR risk-free investment. The risk premium is the
responsibilities and enables them to focus on what amount that an investor would like to earn for
they do best. In addition to allowing such firms the risk involved with a particular investment.
to concentrate on their core business activities, The risk premium of the market is the average
outsourcing provides some key benefits, includ- return on the market minus the risk-free rate.
ing: The term "the market" in respect to stocks can be
Providing the firms with skilled professionals who connoted as an entire index of stocks such as the
are focused specifically on HR S&P 500 or the Dow. The market risk premium
Helping the firms reduce and manage operating can be shown =s:
costs Market Risk ~ nium = Rm - Rf
llarly. a security with too high risk relative to the 13. (3)The National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL
price. there will be a rush to sell and the price and the Central Depository Services India Ltd
will decrease until the risk matches the return of (CDSL)are both share depositories in India. NSDL
the stock and equllibrium is reached. This is the
is the Primary electrontc depository of securities
basic assumption of the risk-return tradeoff: the in India. that came into existence in the year
investor expects higher return when taking on 1996. based in Mumbat, Maharashtra. The pro-
securities with higher risk.
motion of NSDLis done by the country'S largest
~ common misconception is that higher risk banks and institutions. i.e. IDBI, UTI and Bom-
equals greater return. The risk/return tradeofftells bay Stock Exchange. Further. India's leadingbanks
us that the higher risk gives us the possibility of hold a stake in NSDL.CDSLis a depository that
higher returns. There are no guarantees. Just as holds securities in dematerialized form and facil-
risk means higher potential returns. it also means itates trading and settlement of securities to be
higher potential losses. The risk-return tradeoff processed by book entry. It is the second largest
also exists at the portfolio level. For example. a central depository of securities in India. based in
portfolio composed of all equities presents both Mumbai, Maharashtra. The depository began its
higher risk and the potential for higher returns. operations in February 1999. It is promoted by
Within an all-equity portfolio. risk and reward Bombay Stock Exchange in association with
can be increased by concentrations in specific prominent banks of the nation. i.e. State Bank of
sectors or single positions that represent a large India. Union Bank of India. Bank of Baroda. Bank
percentage of holdings. Conversely. a portfolio of India. Standard Chartered Bank. NSDLoper-
holding short-term Treasury's presents low risk ates in the NSE; conversely. CDSL operates in
levels combined with limited returns. BSE. The total number of depository participants
11. (4)Perpetual bond. which is also known as a per- in NSDLis 272 and in CDSLis 581. Account wise,
petual or just a perp, is a bond with no maturity the active investor accounts in NSDL are com-
date. Therefore. it may be treated as equity. not paratively higher than in CDSL.
as debt. Issuers pay coupons on perpetual bonds 14. (3) An open market operation (OMO)is an activ-
forever. and they do not have to redeem the pnn- ity by a central bank to give (or take) liquidityin
Cipal. Perpetual bond cash flows are. therefore. its currency to (or from) a bank or a group of
those of a perpetuity. Perpetual bonds are issued banks. Open market operations are conducted by
on a private placement basis. The usual investors the RBIby way of sale or purchase ofgovernment
in these bonds are provident funds and lead man- securities (g-secs)to adjust money supply condi-
agers to the issue who subscribe in bulk and sell tions. The central bank sells g-secs to suck out
them to HNIs. Perpetual period exposes the in- ltqutdtty from the system and buys back g-secs to
vestor to credit risk over an extended period of infuse ltqutdtty into the system. These operations
time. As time passes. bond issuers. including both are often conducted on a day-to-day basts in a
government owned and private corporations. can manner that balances inflation while helping
get into finanCial trouble and even fatI. banks continue to lend.The usual aim of 'open
A perpetual bond works like a life-time. irredeem- market operations is - aside from supplying com-
able fixeddeposit. with bond holders getting fixed mercial banks with hqutdtty and sometimes tak-
coupon everyyear. In India. due to rate volatility.. ing surplus ltqutdtty from commercial banks - to
issuers fix a call option. which could be activated manipulate the short-term interest rate and the
after 5 or 10 years. givinginvestors an exit. These supply of base money in an economy. and thus
bonds typically have a face value of Rs. 10 lakh indirectly control the total money supply, in ef-
and trade in the wholesale debt market in lots. fect expanding money or contracting the money
12. (1) The two-factor theory. also known as dual- supply. The RBIuses OMOalong with other mon-
factor theory. states that there are certain fac- etary policy tools such as repo rate. cash reserve
tors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction. ratio and statutory hqutdtty ratio to adjust the
while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfac- quantum and price of money in the system.
tion. It was developed by psychologist Frederick 15. (4)The Reserve Bank of India Act. 1934 (RBIAct)
Herzberg. who theorized that job satisfaction and has been amended by the Finance Act. 2016. to
job dissatisfaction act independently ofeach other. provide for a statutory and institutionalized
The theory was first published in form of an arti- framework for the MPC. The aim is to maintain
cle. titled "One More Time: How do You Motivate price stability. while keeping in mind the growth
Employees." in the 1950s. Herzberg's findings re- objective. The MPChas been entrusted with the
vealed that certain characteristics of a job are task offixingthe benchmark policyrate (reporate)
consistently related to job satisfaction. while dif- required to contain inflation within the specified
ferent factors are associated with job dissatisfac- target level. The main aim of the MPCis inflation
tion. These are: targeting. Accordingthe RBIand ~overnment have
agreed on a target of 4% for the duration starting 17. (4)Before the launch of repo, the most important
from August 5, 2016 to March 31. 2021. The 'up- monetary policy instrument used to counter in-
per tolerance' level for the target is 6%, while the flation was the CRR. After a few years of its in-
'lower tolerance' level is 2%. With the constitu- troduction, repo emerged as the most effective
tion of MPC, the RBI has lost its discretion to instrument to fight inflation sidelining conven-
surprise the market with out-of-policy rate ac- tional instruments like the CRR. Later with the
tions. Such surprises are eonsidered.a potent weap- 1ntroduction of tnflation targeting, RBIhas made
on in its arsenal. But the RBI is left with enough repo as 'the policy rate'. This means that it is the
means to surprise and even shock the market, if it only policy instrument used to fight inflation or
really wants to. The meetings of the MPC will be target inflation and thus to ensure price stabili-
held at least 4 times a year and it shall publish its ty.
dectstons after each such meeting.
18. (I) The marginal cost of funds based lending rate
16. (I) The RBI has gradually withdrawn from the (MCLR)refers to the minimum interest rate of a
practice of providing concessional finance Orrefi- bank below which it cannot lend, except in some
nance for specified sectors such as agriculture, cases allowed by the RBLIt is an Internal bench-
industry and export, though the legal provisions mark or reference rate for the bank.The MCLR
continue to enable it. In the same view, as part methodology for fixinginterest rates for advances
of strengthening monetary management, only was introduced by the Reserve Bank oflndia with
notional provisions are made out of RBI profits effect from April 1,2016. The main components
for Agriculture, Industrial and Housing Credit of MCLRare:
Funds. No doubt, there are persistent demands Marginal cost of funds: It is the novel element of
on RBI to reverse the process, but the RBI advo- the .l\1CLR. The marginal cost of funds will com-
cates direct fiscal support to development activi- prise of Marginal cost of borrowings and return
ties so as to be transparent, accountable and on networth;
quantifiable rather than through monetary oper-
Negative carry on account of CRR: It is the cost
ations of RBI, which would tantamount to qua-
that the banks have to incur while keeping re-
st-flscal operations. Transfer of the balance of serves with the RBI;
profits, after necessary provtstons, to the Central
Government has been rationalized as part of the Operating costs: It is the operating expenses in-
curred by the banks;
reform process in 1997. The present arrangement
is governed by the objective of reaching a stipu- Tenor premium: It denotes that higher interest
lated level of reserves in RBI's balance sheet over can be charged from long term loans
a period - though the timeframe to reach the lev- 19. (4) The first five-year plan was presented in the
el is extended by mutual consent to accommo- parliament by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
date 1mmediate fiscal compulsions. in December 1951.This plan promoted the idea of
self-reliant closed economy and was developedby
Harmonious relations between Government and
Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis. The plan had heavily
RBI have no doubt generally contributed to the
borrowed ideas from USSR'sfiveyear plans devel-
successful policy outcomes thus far, but it would
oped by Domer. Due to this, the first five-year
be appropriate to conclude that there are differ- plan is also called Domer-Mahalanobis Model.
ences in analysis, approaches, Judgements and
instrumentalities. In the given legal and cultural 20. (4)With effectfromApril 1. 2014, every company,
private limited or public limited, which either has
context, while making everyeffort to giveits views
a net worth of Rs 500 crore or a turnover of Rs
either informally or formally, the RBI generally
1,000 crore or net profit of Rs 5 crore, needs to
respects the wishes and final inclination of the
spend at least 2% of its average net profit for the
government. The RBI, however, has to accept the
immediately preceding three financial years on
responsibility for all its decisions and actions,
corporate social responsibility activities. The CSR
while being generally conscious of the impact of activities should not be undertaken in the nor-
its articulation and actions on the credibility for mal course of business and must be with respect
central banks operations. In sum, de jure, RBI to any of the activities mentioned in Schedule VII
has not been accorded autonomy on par with re- of the 2013 Act. Contribution to any political
cent trends in some of the industrialized as well party is not considered to be a CSR activity and
as emerging economies; but, de facto, the experi- only acttvtties in India would be considered for
ence reflects a growing degree of autonomy. Dur- computing CSR expenditure.
. mg the period ofreform since 1991, there has been 21; (I) Risk-weighted asset (also referred to as RWAj
a gradual and mutually agreed progress towards is a bank's assets or off-balance-sheet exposures,
greater autonomy in matters relating particularly weighted according to risk. Risk-weighted assets
to financial markets and, in the conduct of mon- are used to determine the minimum amount 'of
etary policy.
capital that must be held by banks and other in-
stitutions to reduce the risk of insolvency. The or directors. amounting to 2% or more of its total
capital requirement is based on a risk assessment
income or Rs. 50 lakh during the two immediate-
for each type of bank asset. In other words. RWA ly preceding flnaneial years.
is used in determining the capital requirement or
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)for a financial in- Who is/was NOTan employee of the Company its
stitution. The calculation of risk weights is de- holding. subsidiary. associate company in the any
pendent on whether the bank has adopted the ofthe three immediately preceding financial years.
standardized or IRB approach under the Basel II Is/has NOTbeen an employee/proprietor/partner
framework. of an audit /legal /consulting/any other firm
22. (3) A mutual fund is a trust made up of money which has transaction with the Company its hold-
ing. subsidiary. associate company, amounting to
collected from public or investors through the sale
of units for investment in securities such as 10%or more of gross turnover of that firm, in any
of three preceding financial years.
stocks. bonds. and money market instruments.
Mutual Funds in India are governed by the Secu- Is NOTa CEO/Director of a non-profit firm that
rities Exchange Board of India (Mutual Fund) receives 25% or more of'tts receipts from the Com-
Regulations 1996 with the exception of Unit Trust pany its holding. subsidiary, associate company,
. of India (UTI)as it was created by the UTI Act promoters or its directors, or holds 2% or more
voting power of the Company.
passed by the Parliament of India. All mutual
funds must be registered with SEBI. Is NOT a material supplier, service provider or
customer or a lessor or lessee of the company.
23. (3)According to 2014 corporate governance rules
issued by the SEBI. a person can't be an indepen- Is NOTless than 21 years of age.
dent director in more than seven companies and 25. (1) As per the recent findings of the e OECD Cor-
cannot accept stock options from them. The new porate Governance Committee on Corporate Gov-
rules restrict the tenure of independent directors ernance and the Financial Crisis durmg 2009-10:
to two five-year terms. Directors nominated by Perhaps one of the greatest shocks from the fi-
the company's promoter cannot be classified as nancial crisis has been the widespread failure of
an independent director. Companies willnow have risk management. Inmany cases risk was not man- '
to disclose remuneration pollctes of CEOs and aged on an enterprise basis and not adjusted to
executivedirectors. related-party transactions and corporate strategy. Risk managers were often sepa-
appointment and resignations of independent di- rated frommanagement and not regarded as an es-
rectors. These rules are aimed at aligning corpo- sential part of implementing the company's strate-
rate governance norms to best globalpractices and gy. Most important of all. boards were in a number
to the new Companies Act of 20 13. of cases ignorant of the risk facing the company..
24. (4)The term Clause 49 refers to clause number 49 It should be fully understood by regulators and
of the Listing Agreement between a company and other standard setters that effectiverisk manage-
the stock exchanges on which it is listed (the List- ment is not about eliminating risk taking, which
ing Agreement is identical for all Indian stock ex- is a fundamental driving force in business and
changes. including the NSEand BSE).This clause entrepreneurship. The aim is to ensure that risks
is a recent addition to the Ltstmg Agreement and are understood. managed and, when appropriate,
was inserted as late as 2000 consequent to the
recommendations of the Kumarmangalam Btrla Effectiveimplementation of risk management re-
COmmitteeon Corporate Governance constituted quires an enterprise-wide approach rather than
by the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) treating each business unit individually. It should
in 1999. Clause 49 defines an Independent Direc- be considered good practice to involve the board
tor as a Non-Executive Director who: in both establishing and overseeing the risk man-
agement Structure.
Is NOTa NOmineeDirector.
The board should also review and provide guid-
Js/Was NOTa promoter / relative of the promoter ance about the alignment of corporate strategy
of the Company or its holding. subsidiary or as- with risk-appetite and the internal risk manage-
sociate company. ment structure.
Has/had NO pecuniary relationship (apart from To assist the board in its work, it should also be
directorial remuneration) with the Company. its considered good practice that risk management
holding. subsidiary. associate company or the and control functions be independent of profit
promoters or directors during two immediately centres and the "chief risk officer" or equivalent
preceding finapcial years.
should report directly to the board of directors
Whose relatives DO NOT have/had any pecuni- along the .lines already advocated in the OECD
ary relationship with the Company its holding. 'Principles for internal control functions report-
subsidiary. associate company or the promoters ing to the audit committee or equivalent,
The process of risk management and the results or herself. It is so named because it solicits feed-
of risk assessments should be appropriately dis- back regarding an employee's behavior from a va-
closed. Without revealing any trade secrets, the riety of points of view (subordinate, lateral. and
board should make sure that the firm communi- supervisory). It therefore may be contrasted with
cates to the market material risk factors in a trans- "downward feedback" (traditional feedback on
parent and understandable fashion. Disclosure work behavior and performance delivered to sub-
of risk factors should be focused on those identi- ordinates by supervisory or management employ-
fied as more relevant and/or should rank materi- ees only, or "upward feedback" delivered to super-
al risk factors in order of importance on the basis visory or management employees by subordinates
of a qualitative ~election whose criteria should only.
also be disclosed. Many 360-degree feedback tools are not custom-
With few exceptions, risk management is typical- ized to the needs of the organizations in which
ly not covered, or is insufficiently covered, byex- they are used. 360-degree feedback is not equally
tstmg corporate governance standards or codes. useful in all types of organizations and with all
Corporate governance standard setters should be types ofjobs. Additionally, using 360-degree feed-
encouraged to include or improve references to back tools for appraisal purposes has increasing-
risk management in order to raise awareness and ly come under fire as performance criteria may
improve implementation not be valid and job based, employees may not be
26. (2) Theory X and Theory Y are theories of human adequately trained to evaluate a co-worker's per-
motivation and management. They were created formance, and feedback providers can manipulate
and developed by Douglas McGregor at the MIT these systems.The U.S. military has criticized its
Sloan School of Management in the 1960s. These own use of 360-degree feedback programs in em-
theories describe two contrasting models ofwork- ployment decisions because of problems with va-
force motivation applied by managers in human lidity and reliability.
resource management, organizational behavior, 28. (1) Management by objectives (MBa). also known
organizational communication and organizational as management by results (MBR), was first popu-
development. Theory X stresses the importance larized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book The Prac-
of strict supervision, external rewards, and pen- tice of Management. Management by objectives is
alties: in contrast, Theory Y highlights the moti- the process of defining specific objectives within
vating role of job satisfaction and encourages an organization that management can convey to
workers to approach tasks without direct super- organization members, then deciding on how to
vision. achieve each objective in sequence. This process
Overall, Theory Xgenerally proves to be most ef- allows managers to take work that needs to be
fective in terms of consistency of work. Although done one step at a time to allow for a calm, yet
managers and supervisors are in almost complete productive work environment. This process also
control of the work, this produces a more system- helps organization members to see their accom-
atic and uniform product or work flow.Theory X plishments as they achieve each objective, which
can also benefit a work place that is more suited reinforces a positivework environment and a sense
towards an assembly line or manual labor type of of achievement
occupation. For McGregor, Theory X and Y are 29. (5) Section 7.3 of the India- Risk management in
not opposite ends of the same continuum, but the Guidelines on Corporate Governance for Cen-
rather two different continua in themselves. In tral Public Sector Enterprises, which are estab-
order to achieve the most efficient production, a lished under the auspices of the Department of
combination of both theories may be appropri- Public Enterprises (DPE)and mandatory for Indi-
ate. This approach is derived from Fred Fiedler's an SOEs, makes the following stipulations:
research over various leadership styles known as The company shall lay down procedures to inform
the contingency theory. This theory is based on 3 board members about the risk assessment and
dimensions: Leader-member relationship, degree minimization procedures. These procedures shall
of task structure, and the leader's position pow- be periodically reviewed to ensure that executive
er. management controls risk through means of a
27. (1) 360-degree feedback is a process utilized by properly defined framework. Procedure will be laid
organizations to soltctt information from a vari- down forinternal risk management also. The board
ety of workplace sources on an employee's work- should implement policies and procedures which
related behavior and/or performance, Most often, should include:
tnformatton solicited in a 360-degree feedback staff responsibilities in relation to fraud preven-
process wi - feedbac n an empk :'s 1 and if iflcatton:
subordinates, .~olleagt, and supervis: 1), msiL f fraud investigation once a fraud
as well as a sel Iuatton ae employee m . been fied;
process of reporting on fraud related matters to amended Companies Bill2012 were largelybased
management; on the recommendations of the J.J. Irani com-
reporting and recording processes to be followed mittee and the Naresh Chandra committee.
to record allegations of fraud; 32. (3)The Companies Act 2013. enacted on 29 Au-
requirements oftratntng to be conducted on fraud gust 2013. is applicable to all companies in In-
prevention and identification dia. and not only to the listed companies, al-
30. (4) Berko, Aitken and Wolvin(2010) define com- though some exceptions have been made in the
municationas a conscious or unconscious, inten- act for small companies. There are specificprovi-
tional or unintentional process in which feelings sions for rotation of auditors. qualifications and
and ideas are expressed as verbal and/ or nonver- disqualifications for their appointment, prohib-
bal messages, which are sent, received, and com- ited non-audit services for auditors and penalties
prehended. Communication is a fundamental el- for auditors. Class action suits have been allowed
ement which contributes to the success of all to protect interest of investors. Many of the re-
business organizations. quirements under Clause-49-such as those for
Parks (1955 cited in Weihrich and Koontz 1993) board composition. independent directors and
defined planning as a crafted tool that will exam- audit committees-have been retained or strength-
ine complex'issues and propose a set of solutions ened in the Act. A detailed code of conduct has
that serves as a bridgetowards growthand change. been included forindependent directors. and they
Planning involvesthe setting of goals and targets have been given some relief from prosecution.
and since the objectives of a team cannot be set Speetflcprovisions regarding disclosure of related
by a single employee,management interacts with party transactions have also been made. The act
all related and concerned employeesto assign tar-
provides for restrictions on advancing any loan,
gets for team members and also set goals for the givingany guarantee or providing any security in
organization. connection with any loan to any director or to'
any other person in whom the director is inter-
Leading involves influencing others toward the ested. The act has new requirements that
attainment of organizational objectives. Effective pany cannot make an investment through more
leading requires the manager to motivate subor- than twolayers ofinvestment companies. and that
dinates, communicate effectively,and effectively a company will disclose to its members the full
use power.Ifmanagers are effectiveleaders, their particular of loans given, investments made or
subordinates will be enthusiastic about exerting guarantee given.or security providedand the pur-
effort toward the attainment of organizational pose for which loan or guarantee or security is
objectives.Fayol(1949)argues that, effectivelead- proposed to be utilized by the recipient.
ership and the creation of an environment con- 33. (1) Transactional analysis is a psychoanalytic
ducive to motivation depend on communication, theoryand method oftherapy wherein socialtrans-
moreover, it is through communication that one actions are analyzed to determine the ego state of
determines whether events and performance con- the patient (whether parent-like. child-like, or
forms to plans and therefore it is communication adult-like) as a basis for understanding behavior.
that makes leading possible. Eric Berne developed the concept and paradigm
31. (3)The Godrejcommittee, in its recommendations of transactional analysis in the late 1950s. pre-
submitted to the government in 2012. suggested sented transactional analysis to the world as a
'GUiding Principles of Corporate Governance" phenomenological approach supplementing
aimed at transforming corporate governance from Freud's philosophical construct with observable
a "tick-box"exerciseto an actual roadmap. The data. His theory built on the science of Wilder
committee listed the important principles and Penfield and Rene Spitz along with the neo-psy-
their rationales and advocated some practical choanalytic thought of people such as Paul Fed-
suggestions on strengthening the actual perfor- ern. Edoardo Weiss. and Erik Erikson.
mance of Indian corporate governance within the 34. (1)Attribution theory is concerned with how in-
existing legal framework.These principles ranged dividuals interpret events and how this relates to
from reducing the Familiarity Quotient (FQ) to their thinking and behavior. Heider (1958) was
increasing,the gender diversity of Indian boards. the first to propose a .psychological theory of at-
and included adoption of better and transparent tribution. but Weiner and colleagues developed a
processes for selection of independent directors. theoretical framework that has become a major
detailed recording of minutes of board meetings. research paradigm of social psychology. Heider
board evaluation. succession planning. risk man- discussed what he called "naive" or "common-
agement. crtsts management. whistle blowing. sense" psychology. In his view. people were like
investor activism and continuing board training amateur scientists, trying to understand other
and education.'T'heCompanies bill 2011 [ j e people's behavior by piecing together information
until they arrived at a reasonable explanation or taking the group of employees away from the ac-
cause.Attribution theory assumes that people try tual work environment into the outdoors and are
to determine why people do what they do. i.e. assigned some challenging task or activity that
attribute causes to behavior. needs to be completed by them within a given time
35. (3)Job enrichment can be described as a medium frame. The game-like targets also decrease resis-
through which management can motivate self- tance to negativefeedback and makes it more likely
driven employees by assigning them additional for it to be accepted and acted upon. The stakes'
responsibility normally reserved for higher level being low. further encourages risks involved with
employees. By doing this. employees feel like their changing behavior to effect performance arid en-
work has meaning and is important to the com- courages experimentation.
pany. This theory is based on the premise that 38. (2) Most errors in business decisions come from
employees have a natural tendency to want to errors in thinking. The Six Hats Process of Ed-
succeed and are eager to be trusted with a bigger ward De Bono ensures that thinking outcomes
role in the company.Job enrichment. as a mana- are sound and teaches teamwork at the most fun-
gerial activity includes a three steps technique: damental stage 'of work - the thinking process.
Tum employees' effort into performance; Link By engaging everyone to use the same mode of
employees performance directly to reward; Make thinking at the same time. the team practices
sure the employee wants the reward. parallel thinking. This speeds up the discussion
Job enrichment can be contrasted to job enlarge- process and saves precious time while increasing
ment which simply increases the number of tasks thinking output substantially. Individuals are able
without changing the challenge. Job enlargement to transcend their personal biases in the process
means increasing the scope of a job through ex- hence ensuring more well-thought out solutions
tending the range of its job duties and responsi- which incorporate not only critical thinking but
bilities .generally within the same level and pe- take into account tntuittve insights and the all
riphery. Job enrichment is seen as a vertical job enriching component of serious creativity. Under
restructuring technique where the focus is on giv- De Bono's methods.
ing the employee more authority. independence.
and control over the manner the activity is com- User/s (mdtvtdual or team) are required to move
pleted. On the other hand. job enlargement is seen away from stubborn limited perspectives of an is-
as a horizontal restructuring technique where the sue by being required to use the other modes of
focus is merely increasing the number of assign- thinking which offer different aspects of the issue
ments but does not change the overall authority. under review.
autonomy. and control of the projects. The users are required to consider aspects of an
36. (3)The Four-Way Test of the things we think. say issue even if they contradict their existing per-
or do is a test used by Rotarians world-wide as a spectives on the matter.
moral code for personal and business relation- Participants are required to apply the newly ac-
ships. The test can be applied to almost any as- quired insights into the method both to hypo-
pect of life. The test was scripted by Herbert J. thetical situations as well as to selected issues
Taylor an American from Chicago as he set out to from their own backyard. This will allow for cus-
save the Club Aluminum Products Distribution tomized learning applications.
Company from bankruptcy. It was later adopted 39. (4)A' fringe benefit' is any advantage in money's
by Rotary International. the global federation of worth provided to an employee in respect of or in
Rotary service' clubs. for its internal and promo- .relation to his employment. Fringe benefits com-
tional use. Taylor gave Rotary International the monly include health insurance. group-term life
right to use the test in the 1940s and the copy- insurance coverage.educational assistance. child-
right in 1954. He retained the rights to use the care and assistance reimbursement. cafeteria
test for himself. his Club Aluminum Company and plans. employee discounts. employee stock op-
the Christian Workers Foundation. tions. personal use of a company-owned vehicle
37. (5)Outbound Training was first tested in the tur- and others. The Finance Act 2005 Introduced a
bulent waters of the North Sea during World War new tax called 'Income-tax on fringe benefits' with
II to provide young Sailors with the experiences effect froml April 2006. This benefit in the form
and skills necessary to survive at sea. Dr. Kurt of additional income tax levied on fringe benefits
Hahn. founder of Outward Bound Methodology. provided or deemed to have been provided by an
a philosopher outdoorsman believed that the out- employer to his employees during the previous
doors provide a robust learning ground for city year. Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) was
professionals. The Outbound Training is a tech- brought under fringe benefits tax from the fiscal
nique used to enhance the efficiency of employ- year 2007-08.
ees through Experiential Learning. In other words,
40. (5)A hybrid organization is an organization that the majority of zero coupon bonds pay a set
mixes elements. value systems and action logics amount of money known as the face value 'ofthe
of various sectors of society. i.e. the public sec- . bond.
tor. the private sector and the voluntary sector. 44. (4) Seven Point Plan was developed by Professor
Examples include organizations employed in the Alec Rodger in the 1950s. The model is based on
provision of public services that were originally seven headings and each candidate is "judged"or
established by societal actors. such as most so- assessed under essential and destrable crtterta
cial housing providers. public schools and hospi- within each category.The seven-point plan is split
tals. Other examples are public sector organiza- into essential and desirable categories. The es-
tions that. due to the New Public Management sential criteria are what a candidate must pos-
revolution. behave in a more business-like' way sess, and the destrable criteria are the minimum
and organizations as the state-owned enterprise standard that will be accepted. FivefoldGrading
that also compete on the market place. In the Systemwas devisedby John MunroFraser in 1978.
context of social entrepreneurship. The criteria are very similar to those in Rodgers'
41. (1) The earliest version of DectstonTree Approach plan and the model is intended to be a guide for
for leadership was proposed by VictorVroom and recruiters.
Philip Yetton and later revised and expanded by 45. (5)During the interview, the Halo Effect is where
Vroom and Arthur Jago. Vroom's approach as- the interviewer or interviewers see the person in
sumes that the degree to which subordinates an "exalted"way because they have the same hob-
should be encouraged to partictpate in decision bies or interests, belong to the same golf club.
making depends on the characteristic of the situ- went to a top school. are smartly dressed. etc.
ation. In other words. no one decision making These perceptions often cloud the mind and judge-
process is best for'all situations. After evaluating ment of the interviewer and the candidate gains a
a variety of problem attributes (characteristics of halo whether they are good or bad at doing their
the problem or decision). the leader determines job. The Horns Effect is the opposite of the halo
an appropriate decision style that specifies the effect. The interviewer takes a dislike to the can-
amount of subordinate parttctpatton, didate. their personality. the way they dress. etc;
42. (4)A performance appraisal (PA)is a method by This alters the interviewer's perception ofthe can-
which the job performance of an employee is didate and. no matter how good that candidate
documented and evaluated. To collect PA data. may be at doing the job. s/he gains a set of
there are three main methods: objective produc- "horns"l Once the interviewer adopts this percep-
tion. personnel. and judgmental evaluation. Judg- tion of the candidate. it is very difficult to shake
mental evaluations are the most commonly used off.This is why. it is often important to have more
with a large variety of evaluation methods. The than one person interviewing; it helps to avoid
main methods used in judgmental performance scenarios such as the halo and horns effect hap-
appraisal are: pening. Stereotyping is where the interviewer's
Graphic Rating Scale: graphic rating scales are perception of a candidate alters because the indi-
the most commonlyused system in PA.On sever- vidual is a woman. black. Asian or disabled. etc.
al different factors. subordinates are judged on Some common SOCietalstereotypes or preconcep-
'how much' of that factor or trait they possess. tions about the above groups are:
Employee-ComparisonMethods:rather than sub- That a woman's place is in the home;
ordinates beingjudged against pre-established cri- That it will be difficult to get a group of white
teria. they are compared with one another. workers to work under a black or Asian team lead-
Behavioral Checklists and Scales: behaviors are er/ supervisor;
more definite than traits. The critical incidents That disabled people are difficult to employ
method (or critical incident technique) concerns 46. (5)The trait model of leadership is based on the
"specific behaviors indicative of good or bad job characteristics of many leaders - both successful
performance. and unsuccessful- and is used to predict leader-
43. (3) A zero-coupon bond, also known as an "ac- ship effectiveness.The resulting lists of traits are
crual bond," is a debt security that doesn't pay then compared to those of potential leaders to
interest (a coupon) but is traded at a deep dis- assess their likelihood of success or failure. Suc-
count, rendering profit at maturity when the bond cessfulleaders definitely have interests. abilities.
is redeemed forits full-facevalue. Some zero-cou- and personality traits that are different ftom those
pon bonds are inflation indexed, so the amount of the less effective leaders. Through many re-
of money that will be paid to the bond holder is earches conducted in the last three decades of
calculated to have a set amount of purchasing ! 20th century, a set of core traits ofsuccessful
power rather th: 1 a set amount of money out -s have been identified. These traits are not
responsible solelyto Identifywhether a person Will tal laws. HRM is a product of the human rela-
be a successful leader or not. but they are essen- tions movement of the early 20th century. when
tiallyseen as preconditions that endowpeopleWith researchers began documenting ways of creating
leadership potential. Among the core traits iden- business value through the strategic management
tified are: of the workforce. The function was initially dom-
Achievement drive: High level of effort. high lev- inated by transactional work. such as payroll and
els of ambition. energy and initiative benefits administration. but due to globalization,
Leadership motivation: an intense desire to lead company consolidation. technological advances,
others to reach shared goals and further research.
Honesty"and integrity: trustworthy. reliable. and Accordingto Decenzo and Robbins, "HRMis con-
open cerned With the people dimension" in manage-
ment. Since every organization is made up of peo-
Self-confidence: Belief in one's self. ideas. and
ability ple. acquiring their services, developing their
skills. motivating them to higher levels of perfor-
Cognitiveability: Capable ofexeretsing goodjudg- mance and ensuring that they continue to main-
ment. strong analytical abilities. and conceptu- tain their commitment to the organization is es-
ally skilled
sential to achieve organizational objectives. This
Knowledgeofbusiness: Knowledgeofindustry and is true. regardless of the type of organization -
other technical matters government. business, education, health or so-
Emotional Maturity: well adjusted. does not suf- etal actionn

fer from severe psychological disorders. 49. (3) Boxall and Purcell in their book Strategy and
Others: charisma. creativity and flexibility human resource management conceptualizework-
47. (3)Systemic risk is generally used in reference to force performance as a function of capabilities
an event that can trigger a collapse in a certain (the knowledge. skills and aptitudes which em-
industry or economy;whereas systematic risk re- ployees need to carry out their work), motivation
fers to overallmarket risk.Generally.systemic risk (the incentiveswhich employeesrequire to encour-
can be descrtbed as a risk caused by an event at age them to perform to the best of their abilities)
the firm level that is severe enough to cause in- and work organization (the way that work and
stability in the financial system. Systemic risk organizations are structured so as to allow em-
was a major contributor to the financial crtsis of ployees to perform well).To this we add employ-
2008. ment relations (thepolicies,programmes and prac-
Systematic Risk is the risk inherent to the entire tices which govern the relationship between em-
market or an entire market segment. Systematic ployees and employers) on the basts that employ-
risk. also known as "undtversiftable risk." "vola- ee relationship management is a key responsibil-
tility"or "market risk." affects the overall market. ity of the HRMfunction.
not just a particular stock or industry. Some com- Human Resource Management is not just limited
mon sources of market risk are recessions. wars. to manage and optimally exploit human intellect.
interest rates and others that cannot be avoided It also focuses .on managing physical and emo-
through a diversified portfolio.The Great Reces- tional capital of employees. Considering the in-
sion provides a prime example of systematic risk. tricaetes involved. the scope of HRMis Widening
Anyone who was.invested in the market in 2008 with every passing day. It cover" but is not limit-
saw the values of their investments change be- ed to HRplanning. hiring (recruitment and selec-
cause ofthis market-Wideeconomicevent. regard- tion). training and development. payroll manage-
less of what types of securities they held. The ment. rewards and recognitions. Industrial rela-
Great Recession affected different asset classes tions. grievance handling, legal procedures etc.
in different ways. however. so investors With Human Resource Planning (HRP)is the process
broader asset allocations were impacted less than offorecasting the future human resource require-
those who held nothing but stocks. ments of the organization and determining as to
48. (4) Human resource management (HRM) is the how the existing human resource capacity of the
management of human resources. It is a function organization can be utilized to fulfill these re-
in the organizations designed to maximize em- quirements. It is the HRP process which helps
ployee performance in service of an employer's the management of the organization in meeting
strategic objectives. HRMis primarily concerned the future demand of human resource in the or-
with the management of people within orgamza- ganization Withthe supply of the appropriate peo-
. nons, focusing on pohctes and on systems. It also ple in appropriate numbers at the appropriate time
concerns itself with organizational change and and place. Further. it is only after proper analysis
industrial relations. that is. the balancing of or- , ofthe HRrequirements can the process of recruit-
gamzational practices with requirements arising
from collective bargaining and from ~ :nm"-
I t and selection 'be initiated by the manage-
50. (3)The terms nostro and vostro are used. mainly
02. (3) In addition to the analysis of the interactions
by banks. when one bank keeps money at anoth-
between individuals. Berne's Transactional Anal-
er bank. Both banks need to keep records of how
ysis involves the identification of the ego states
much money is being kept by one bank on behalf
of the other. In order to distinguish between the behind each and every transaction. Berne defined
two sets of records of the same balance and set of an ego state as "a consistent pattern of feeling
transactions. banks refer to the accounts as nos- and experience directly related to a correspond-
.tro and vostro. Speaking from the point of view of ing consistent pattern of behavior. Berne ultimate-
the bank whose money is being held at another ly defined the three ego states as: Parent, Adult,
bank: and Child.
A nostro is our account of our money. held by the Parent - The parent represents a massive collec-
otherbank tion of recordings in the brain of external events
A vostro is our account of other bank money. held experienced or perceived in approximately the first
by us five years of life. Since the majority of the exter-
A vostro account is the same as any other bank nal events experienced by achild are actions of
account. It is a record of money held by a bank or the parent. the ego state was appropriately called
owed to a bank by a third party (an individual. Parent.
company or bank). The nostro account is a way of Child - In contrast to the Parent. the Child repre-
the bank whose money it is. keeping track of how sents the recordings in the brain ofinternal events
much is being held by the other bank. It is simi- associated with external events the child perceives.
lar to an individual keeping a detailed record of Stated another way. stored in the Child are the
every payment in and out of his or her bank ac- emotions or feelings which accompanied external
count so that she/he knows the balance at any events. Like the Parent. recordings in the Child
point in time. In normal usage: OCcurfrom childbirth all the way up. to the age of
A nostro account will be in foreign currency (it is apprOximately 5 years old.
a record of funds held by a bank in another coun- Adult - The Adult is the last ego state. Close to
try in the currency of that country) t.e, a bank in one year of age. a child begins to exhibit gross
country A keeping a record of money held by.a motor activity. The child learns that he or she
bank in country B. in the currency of country B. can control a cup from which to drink, that he or
A vostro account will be in the local currency of she can grab a toy. In social settings. the child
the bank where the money is being held t.e, it is can play peek-a-boo.
the bank in Country B's record of the money kept 53. (3) After describing the context for his belief of
by the bank from country A with it.
the Significance of Transactional Analysis (TA)..
A bank counts a nostro account with a debit bal- Harris describes TA. starting from the observa-
ance as a cash asset in its balance sheet. Con- tion that a person's psychological state seems to
versely. a vostro account with a credit balance
change in response to different situations. The
(i.e. a deposit) is a liabiltty. and a vostro with a
debit balance (a loan) is an asset. Nostro accounts question is. from what and to what does it
change? Harris answers this through a simplified
are mostlycommonlyused forcurrency settlement.
where l bank or other financial institution needs introduction to TA. explaining Berne's proposal
to hold balances in a currency other than its home that there are three states into which a person
accounting unit. can switch: the Parent. the Adult and the Child.
51. (5) DeIVatives are contracts which derive their Harris describes the mental state called the Par-
value f~m one or more underlying assets. The ent 'by analogy. as a collection of "tape record-
underl~g assets can be stocks. bonds. commod- ings" of external influences that a child observed
ities. curencres, interest rates. market indexes adults doing and saying. The recording is a long
or even tie weather. The value of the derivative is list of rules and admonitions about the way the
determinel by fluctuations in these underlying world is that the child was expected to believe
assets. Dtivatives are generally used as an in- unquestioningly. In parallel with those Parent
strument b hedge risk. Additionally. it can also recordings. the Child is a Simultaneous recording
be used fotthe followingpurposes: of internal events - how life felt as a child.
To speculas - to reflect a view on the future di- According to Harris. humans start developing a
rection of tie market third mental state. the Adult. about the time chil-
To enhance~quidity dren start to walk and begin to achieve some mea-
To change tIe nature of an investment without sure of control over their environment, Instead of
incurring thi costs of selling one portfolio and .lear ; ideas directly from parents into the Par-
br=tn anothr t. !Xperiencingsiw>:' ~ernotir-i as tho ('. Ie
the world and form their own opinions. They test 59. (3) Baker corporation's current ratio equals cur-
the assertions of the Parent and Child and either 500
update them or learn to suppress them. Thus, the rent asset/current liabilities ee : 1,000 = 0.50
Adult inside us all develops over time, but it is
very fragile and can be readily overwhelmed by 60. (1)Baker corporatton's new current ratio equals
stressful situations. Its strength is also tested
(500- 50) = 450 = 0.47
through conflict between the simplistic ideas of (1,000- 50) 950
the Parent and reality. Sometimes, Harris asserts,
it is safer for a person to believe a lie than to 61. (3)Only the current asset balance is affected by
acknowledge the evidence in front of them. This this action. Baker's new current ration
ts called Contamination of the Adult.
_ (500- 50) = 450 = 0.45
54. (1) Altman presented his model of multivariate - 1,000 1,000
analysis for predicting industrial sickness in the
year 1966. In his mode, he combined five finan- 62. (1)Company A: P = Sx - VCx - FC = 10000 (50
cial rations into a single index. He named his - 35) - 50,000 = 1,000,00
index as Z-score. The Altman's Z Score forecasts Company B: P = Sx - VCx - FC = 10000 (50-20)
the probability of a company entering bankruptcy - 20,000 = 1,000,00
within a 12~montpertod., the model combines five 63. (2)P = 11000 (50-20)-20,000 = 130000
flnanctalrattos using reported accounting infor- P increased by 30%
mation and equity values to produce an objective 1000 additional units contribution margin (50-
measure of borrower's financial health.
20) =30,000
55. (5)When a project that has long term debt com- Therefore, 30 % increase on 100000 profit
ponent in its capital structure becomes sick, it
become necessary to ease the burden of debt to 64. (1) P = x (S - VC)- Fe = 8000 (50-35) - 50,000
enable the sick unit to recover from its sickness. =70,000
This necessitates restructuring of the debts. In P has decreased by 30%
general, banks and ftnancial institutions offerthe OR
followmg concessions in their package of rehabtl- Loss of 2000 units ( 50 - 35) . = 30,000 there-
ttation assistance: . fore, 30% decrease on profit of 100000
Reduction in interest rate of extstmg loans 65., (2) Let the required time be n years. Then,
Conversion of short-term loans in to long term
Conversion of part of long term loans into equity
Funding of the overdue interest and making it
repayable in easy installments.
Offering a revised schedule of repayment for the
principal components of term loans
Sanction of additional loan to meet the addition-
al capital expenditure
Enhancement of working capital limits and regu-
larizing the irregular portion of working capital ( l1)n
Therefore, 1000 x 10 = 1331
finance already availed. [Since, amount =1331 (given))
156. (1) Po= Rs. 1,100 = Rs. 50(PVIFA"",.2J + Rs. 1000
(PVIFr%.~; r = 4.248% .
=> (1101)n 1331 11 x 11 x 11
YrM = 8.50 % = 1000 = 20x lOx 10
This is the rate of return you expect to earn on
your investment when you purchase the bond.
57. (2) P2 = Rs. 50 (PVIF~. ItJ + Rs. 1000 (PVIF3%.lS)
= 1,251.22
( 11)3
= loo0x -10
Po= Rs. 1,100 = Rs. 50 (PVIF~) + Rs. 1,251.22
(PVIFr%,4);r = 7.614%
'= 15.23%
(.!!.)n (!!.)3
=> 10

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