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Name of Student Tsui Yee

Grade Y10 Trust

Teacher Ms Yuki Wong

Experiment to investigate the effect of changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid on its rate of
reaction when having a chemical reaction with magnesium.
Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report


Investigation Question -Bi

How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect its rate of reaction with magnesium in the
chemical reaction of Mg(s)+2HCl(aq)-> MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)?

Background to the Investigation question -Bi

The aim of the experiment is to investigate the effect of changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid
on its rate of reaction when having a chemical reaction with 2 pieces of 3cm magnesium ribbon strips.

The rate of reaction of using different concentrations of hydrochloric acid can be indicated by the
amount of time it takes for the reaction to release 20cm3 of hydrogen gas. This is because the reaction
Mg(s)+2HCl(aq)-> MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) is
a single displacement reaction, where the more reactive magnesium

atom displaces the less reactive hydrogen atom in a HCl molecule. The product of this reaction is an
ionic compound - magnesium chloride (MgCl2) - in aqueous form, and hydrogen gas (H2) that is released
into the atmosphere. Theoretically, each displacement of hydrogen atom by a magnesium atom should
free a hydrogen atom from its covalent bond with a chloride atom, and then join up with another
hydrogen atom to form a diatomic hydrogen molecule (H2) (Diagram 1 below illustrates this reaction).
Therefore, the faster the reaction rate, the more displacement of hydrogen by magnesium will happen
in a set time period, and more hydrogen gas will be released.

Diagram 1: Displacement reaction between hydrochloric acid (aq) and magnesium (s)

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

After recording the time it takes for reactions using different concentration of HCl to release 20cm3 of
hydrogen, we can then calculate the rate of reaction using the following formula:

20cm 3 of hydrogen
T ime it takes f or 20cm3 of hydrogen gas to be released (in seconds)

For example, 2.9630cm3/s is the rate of reaction. A greater value indicates a faster rate of reaction.

It is known that the surface area of reactants, pressure in the environment and environment
temperature affects the rate of chemical reaction. A greater surface area exposes more of the molecules
for effective collision; a greater pressure pushes molecules closer together, increasing the chance for
effective collision; and a higher temperature makes molecules move more, increasing the force of
collision and the chance for effective collision.1

Being able to control and understand the rate of chemical reactions is a valuable skill in many fields. For
instance, the chemical industry may manipulate the concentration of different chemical substances to
speed up their production in a controlled manner, so that production process (chemical reaction) will
not overheat and explode. The pharmaceutical industry can also use the knowledge of rate of reaction
to better design their products, such as altering the dosage (concentration of active chemical

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

components in a unit of medication) of drugs, so that patients can safely and effectively use

Hypothesis Bii
When the concentration of hydrochloric acid increases, the rate of reaction of it reacting with
magnesium will increase.

Explanation of your HypothesisBii

A higher concentration of HCl solution contains more HCl molecules per unit of solution than HCl
solution of lower concentration, which will create more chances for magnesium atoms to collide into a
HCl molecule and resulting in a chemical reaction (termed as effective collision, which is a collision of
molecules that results in a chemical reaction).1 Consequently, as the frequency of effective collision
increase, the product of this chemical reaction will be formed faster as well, and hydrogen gas will be
released quicker. The graph below demonstrates this relationship.

When calculating the rate of reaction using the equation

20cm 3 of hydrogen
Rate of chemical reaction = T ime it takes f or 20cm3 of hydrogen gas to be released (in seconds) , the answer (rate of

reaction) will increase in value (indicating a faster rate of reaction) as the time it takes for 20cm3 of
hydrogen to be released decrease. The graph below illustrates this relationship.

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

Therefore, I hypothesize that HCl of a greater concentration will lead to a faster rate of reaction.

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

Independent variable The independent variable of our experiment is hydrochloric acid of
different concentrations. We will use 0.0M (no HCl), 0.4M, 0.8M, 1.2M,
1.6M and 2.0M of HCl in our experiment.
Unit(s) of IV Concentration: Mole (M)

Range of IV measured We will change the concentration of the reagent (Hydrochloric acid -
HCl) for 5 times. We will use:

0.0M HCl
0.4M HCl
0.8M HCl
1.2M HCl
1.6M HCl
2.0M HCl

*M=Mole, indicates molarity/ concentration. The greater the molarity,

the more concentrated a solution is.
Describe and explain Hydrochloric acid of 5 different concentrations (0.4M, 0.8M, 1.2M,
the procedure to 1.6M, 2,0M) will be ordered through the laboratory order form and
change the prepared by the lab technicians. For each trial, 20cm3 of HCl of the
independent variable. required concentration will be poured into a conical flask to react with
two pieces of magnesium ribbon strips. The hydrogen from the reaction
will then travel through the glass and rubber delivery tube into the
measuring cylinder. The time for 20cm3 of hydrogen gas to accumulate
will be recorded for further analysis.
Dependent variable The dependent variable of this experiment is the time it takes for 20cm3
of hydrogen to be released from the reaction and accumulate in the
measuring cylinder.
Unit(s) of DV Volume: cm3 or mL
Derived variable The derived variable of this experiment is the rate of reaction of
different concentrations of HCl reacting with 2 pieces of 3cm
magnesium ribbon strips.
Unit(s) of DV cm3 hydrogen/ seconds

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

Describe and explain The rate of reaction for each of the reaction can be calculated using the
the procedure to following equation:
calculate the derived
variable. Rate of reaction =
20cm3 of hydrogen
T ime it takes f or 20cm3 of hydrogen gas to be released and accumulate (in seconds)

For example, 2.9630cm3/s is the rate of reaction. A greater value

indicates a faster rate of reaction.

The rate of reaction should be calculated for all of the reactions for
comparison, making a conclusion and formulating the discussion.
Controlled Procedure to control it and explain why it matters
variable to the investigation.
Describe and explain Clean apparatus The measuring cylinder (for measuring 20cm3 of
the procedure to of room HCl) and conical flask should be washed
control other variables temperature thoroughly after each trial. It will then be wiped
in the investigation. should be used for with a tissue and be placed upside down for
every trial leftover water to drip down. After it has dried, it
can be used again.

Residue HCl from other trials and water will

tamper with the concentration of HCl poured into
the measuring cylinder and conical flask. It would
then affect the results (lower rate of reaction if the
solution is diluted, and greater rate of reaction if
the solution is more concentrated) and lead to an
unfair comparison.
The temperature The temperature of the environment where the
of the experiment is conducted will be kept constant. To
environment do this, the air conditioning system should not be
should be kept the tampered with when the experiment is being
same throughout conducted. In addition, the conical flasks that are
the whole used in the reactions should be given the time to
experiment cool down before being used again (this reaction is

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

an exothermic reaction, thus will heat up the

conical flask).

A higher temperature will increase the frequency

of effective collision because it causes particles to
move more (heat energy being transferred into
kinetic energy). It will then result in a higher rate
of reaction for affected data only, and make this
test unfair.
Only 2 pieces of No more and no less than two pieces of 3cm
3cm magnesium magnesium ribbon strips should be used in the
ribbon strip reaction for every trial. To do this, we should use a
should be used in ruler and a pen to measure and mark 3cm
the reaction for intervals on a roll of magnesium ribbon, then cut
every trial. magnesium strips using a pair of scissors. We
should also avoid using powdered magnesium and
ensure that the roll of magnesium ribbon used is
uniform in width.

The surface area of magnesium used in each of the

trial should be kept the same because increased
surface area means more magnesium atoms is
exposed to the HCl solution for reaction. This
would increase the chance of effective collision
and speed up the rate of reaction. Therefore, the
results would be affected if magnesium of
different surface area is used in each trial. It would
lead to inaccurate data being collected and an
unfair comparison in the conclusion and
The HCl used All equipments that comes in contact with the HCl
should not be solution should be cleaned properly and let dry
contaminated. before using. In addition, if too much HCl solution
is poured into the measuring cylinder, the excess

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

should be poured into a separate container (e.g. a

beaker), not back into the bottle.

Everytime HCl solution is transferred to another

container, it would risk contamination, which will
tamper with the concentration and effectiveness
of the solution when having a reaction with
magnesium. For example, pouring HCl into a
container damp with water will dilute the solution
and make the measured rate of reaction slower
than it was supposed to be. Pouring 0.4M HCl into
an unwashed measuring cylinder that was
previously used to measure 2.0M HCl will increase
the concentration of HCl in the originally 0.4M HCl,
and speed up the rate of reaction. It would
ultimately lead to an unfair comparison and
inaccurate conclusion and discussion.
The shininess of Magnesium strips are polished with a sandpaper
the magnesium before being used in a reaction. This is to minimise
ribbon strips the black magnesium oxide that coats the
should be as magnesium pieces and optimise the surface area
similar as possible. of magnesium available for effective collision.
However, students should ensure that each of the
magnesium pieces is polished for the same
amount of time with the same method.

Polishing the pieces of magnesium means

scraping off magnesium oxide from the surface
of the strips and potentially scraping off some of
the magnesium metal underneath the magnesium
oxide with the sand on the sandpaper. This would
affect the surface area of magnesium being
exposed to the HCl solution, and affect the
reaction rate depending on whether the surface

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

area is increased or decreased in comparison to

others (a greater surface area increases the
frequency of effective collision, thus speeding up
the rate of reaction). It would then affect the
accuracy of the results, conclusion and discussion.
The 3cm We should cut our magnesium strips from the
magnesium strips same roll of magnesium ribbon.
for all reactions
should be cut Magnesium strips cut from different rolls of
from the same roll magnesium might have different purities, which
of magnesium determines the amount of magnesium atoms
ribbon available for effective collision with HCl molecules,
thus rate of reaction. Therefore, if different rolls of
magnesium are used, the results would be
unreliable, and the conclusion and discussion will
be unfair.

Materials / Equipment ListBiv

Magnesium Ribbon strips (3cm) x 40
0.4M Hydrochloric acid x 150mL
0.8M Hydrochloric acid x 150mL
1.2M Hydrochloric acid x 150mL
1.6M Hydrochloric acid x 150mL
2.0M Hydrochloric acid x 150mL

Conical flask (250ml) x1
Rubber delivery tube x1
Glass delivery tube x1
Trough x1
Measuring cylinder (100cm3) x2
Single-holed rubber bung x1
Beehive Shelf x1

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

Sandpaper x2
Scissors x1
Retort Stand x1
Bosshead Clamp x1

Safety goggles x1 per person
Laboratory Coat x1 per person

Risk Assessment Biv

1. Hydrogen is extremely flammable and can cause an explosion when a large amount meets heat.
Therefore, all sources of ignition around the experiment (within at least 25m radius of the table
where the experiment is conducted) should be prohibited during the experiment. Because this
experiment is an exothermic reaction, students should use HCl and magnesium sparingly as well.
In addition, at least one student should stay by the experiment at all times. In case of fire or an
explosion, students should alert the teacher, break the glass of the fire alarm and evacuate.
2. The glasswares used in this experiment (measuring cylinder, glass delivery tube, conical flask) is
easily breakable. Therefore, it should be handled with care and be placed away from the edge of
the table. Students should also wear lab coat, safety glasses and closed-toe shoes at all times,
because pieces of broken glass can injure the eye and bare skin if it bounce off a surface. In case
of a broken glassware, students should notify the teacher and lab technicians, carefully sweep
the broken glassware with a broom and carefully pick up any pieces that cannot be swept with a
tissue. Then students should discard the all of the remains in the broken-glassware-bin. If a
student injured himself/ herself, they should apply pressure to the wound (or around the wound,
if pieces of glass is embedded into the wound) to stop the bleeding, notify the teacher and go to
the school nurse for treatment.
3. The acids used in this experiment is strong, and can cause irritation or chemical burns if it comes
in contact with bare skin or the eyes. Therefore, the concentration of HCl should not exceed
2.0M, and it should be handled with care. Students should also wear lab coat, safety glasses and
closed-toe shoes at all times. If a student touches acids, he/she should immediately wash his/her
hands with soap and water to neutralise the acid if no open wound is present. If an open wound
is present or if acid comes in contact with the eye, students should notify the teacher and lab
technician, and begin irrigating the wound/ eye with preferably saline (if not available, then pure

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

water or tap water). They should then seek proper medical care from the school nurse and
4. Water spill will be frequent in this experiment because it involves handling the upside-down
measuring cylinder being filled with water and placed on a beehive tray in the trough. Water
spills will potentially make the surface of the table slippery and increase the chance of glassware
slipping off to the floor and breaking. Therefore, water spills should be cleaned up as soon as
possible, and students should wipe down the table after every trial. If glassware is broken see
point number 2 above for directions for clean-up procedures and first-aid care.
5. The edges of the magnesium ribbon is sharp, and may cut bare skin if a great amount of force is
applied. Therefore, students should handle the magnesium ribbon strips with care and wrap the
strips with a tissue if needed. If a student cut his/her finger on a piece of magnesium, he/ she
should notify the teacher and lab technician, then rinse his/ her wound under preferably saline
(if not pure water or tap water) to remove all traces of metal. He/ she should then apply
pressure around the wound/ on the wound using a sterilized gauze or cotton ball to stop the
bleeding. If the cut is deep or runs more than 5cm in length, he/she should visit the school nurse
for proper medical attention.
6. Scissors is a sharp tool that can cause injury if a student cuts himself/ herself with it. Therefore,
students should be focused on the task if they are using a pair of scissors, and handle the scissors
with care. When carrying the scissors around, the blade side should point to the floor, and be
handed to another person in the same manner. If a student cut his/her finger with a pair of
scissors, he/ she should notify the teacher and lab technician, then rinse his/ her wound under
preferably saline (if not pure water or tap water) to remove all traces of metal. He/ she should
then apply pressure around the wound/ on the wound using a sterilized gauze or cotton ball to
stop the bleeding. If the cut is deep or runs more than 5cm in length, he/she should visit the
school nurse for proper medical attention.

Method / ProcedureBiv
1. Put on safety goggles and laboratory coat. Make sure that your group mates do so too.
2. Gather all materials.
3. Measure and mark 3cm intervals on a roll of magnesium ribbon. Cut the magnesium ribbon on the
markings, into 3cm pieces (have at least 90 pieces ready). Polish each of it equally with a sandpaper to
minimize the black coat of oxidized magnesium on the surface of the magnesium to optimize the rate of

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

4. Set up the apparatus as shown below. Check that: the upside down measuring cylinder on top of the
beehive shelf is filled with as much water as possible; the rubber delivery tube is inserted into the
upside down measuring cylinder; and the measuring cylinder is secured in place (either someone
holding it in place or using a retort stand and bosshead clamp), covering the hole on the beehive shelf.

5. Run the control test, following step 6-9. You should not be able to observe any reaction.
6. Put 2 pieces of 3cm magnesium stirp into the conical flask and quickly and securely shut the opening
with the single-holed rubber bung connected to the rubber delivery tube.
7. Start the timer once the pieces of magnesium comes in contact with the HCl. Observe for any reaction
(white smoke-like gas rising from the conical flask; bubbles travelling down the rubber delivery tube to
the measuring cylinder and rising to the top of the measuring cylinder, pushing water out; the bottom
of the conical flask heating up).
8. When the amount of hydrogen gas in the measuring cylinder reaches 20cm3, stop the timer and
record the time in seconds into the results table.

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

9. Clean out the conical flask used in step 5 by pouring the chemicals into the waste collection container
and rinsing it out with tap water. Wipe down the table with a towel if there is water on it.
10. In a clean/ new conical flask, pour 20cm3 (20 mL) of 0.4M HCl.
11. Repeat step 6-9.
12. Repeat steps 10 then 6-9 for HCl of 0.8M, 1.2M, 1.6M and 2.0M.
13. Repeat steps 5-12 for 4 more times for more trial results (repeat a minimum of 2 more times).
14. Process the data using the equation
20cm3 of hydrogen
Rate of Reaction = T ime it takes f or 20cm3 of hydrogen gas to be released (in seconds) and make conclusion about the


Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

Results - Ci
Table 1: Changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid reacting with 2 pieces of 3cm magnesium
ribbon and its effect on the time it takes for the reaction to release 20cm3 of hydrogen gas
Concentration Time it takes for the reaction to release 20cm3 of hydrogen gas (seconds)
of HCl Used (M) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Average (Mean)
0.0 No No hydrogen No No No hydrogen gas is
hydrogen gas is released hydrogen hydrogen released after 5 minutes
gas is after 5 minutes gas is gas is
released released released
after 5 after 5 after 5
minutes minutes minutes
0.4 185.47 Outlier - 163.24 181.64 176.78 (Result of trial 2
Possible determined as outlier,
contamination thus omitted)
0.8 30.48 34.60 Outlier - 32.54 32.54
Loose (Result of trial 3
stopper determined as outlier,
46.00 thus omitted)
1.2 15.94 13.10 12.39 14.26 14.92
1.6 7.59 6.75 8.38 7.75 7.62
2.0 6.75 4.43 5.72 5.29 5.55
*Note that all of the time is corrected to two decimal places
*Outliers are highlighted in blue
- The outlier 100.98cm3/s for 0.4M HCl is caused by possible contamination. We were using
multiple conical flasks, preparing several solution of different concentration at a time. We might
not have cleaned the conical flask used for this trial before using, and it might have been
previously used for trials of HCl of higher concentration. This increases the concentration of the
0.4M HCl in this trial, which possibly increased the frequency of effective collision, thus a shorter
amount of time for 20cm3 of hydrogen to be released from the reaction.
- The outlier 46.00cm3/s for 0.8M HCl is caused by a loose stopper. At the end of this trial, we
found that the stopper on the top of the conical flask is a bit looser than it is with other trials.
This indicates that some of the hydrogen gas released by the reaction might have escaped
outside the flask, which results in a longer time for 20cm3 to reach and accumulate in the
measuring cylinder.

Qualitative Observations- Ci
During the reaction, effervescence occurred when the magnesium comes in contact with the HCl. White
smoke then arise and collect in the conical flask. Some time later, big bubbles travel down the rubber

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

delivery tube (we broke the glass delivery tube in the middle of the experiment and changed to a
semi-transparent rubber delivery tube, so we were able to observe this) and float to the top of the
measuring cylinder, pushing water out from the bottom (opening of the measuring cylinder). We can
also hear the popping sounds bubbles rapidly rising to the top of the measuring cylinder when we
used the 2.0M HCl, because the reaction is very quick. When clearing out the conical flask after a trial, I
can feel the bottom of the flask is hot, indicating that this reaction is exothermic.

The observable reactions mentioned above is less frequent or less intensive when the concentration of
HCl decreases.

Processed data- Ci
Table 2: Changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid reacting with 2 pieces of 3cm magnesium
ribbon and its effect on its reaction rate
Concentration of Rate of reaction (cm3 hydrogen/second)
HCl Used (M) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Average (Mean)
20 20 20 20 0+0+0+0
0 0
=0 0
=0 0
=0 0
=0 4
20 20 20 20 0.1078+0.1225+0.1101
0.4 185.47 100.98 163.24 181.64 3
= 0.1135
= 0.1078 = 0.1981 = 0.1225 = 0.1101
20 20 20 20 0.6561+0.5780+0.6146
0.8 30.48 34.60 46.00 32.54 3
= 0.6162
= 0.6561 = 0.5780 = 0.4348 = 0.6146
20 20 20 20 1.2547+1.5267+1.6142+1.40251
1.2 15.94 13.10 12.39 14.26 4
= 1.2547 = 1.5267 = 1.6142 = 1.4025 = 1.4495
20 20 20 20 2.6350+2.9630+2.3866+2.5806
1.6 7.59 6.75 8.38 7.75 4
= 2.6350 = 2.9630 = 2.3866 = 2.5806 = 2.6413
20 20 20 20 2.9630+4.5147+3.4965+3.7807
2.0 6.75 4.43 5.72 5.29 4
= 2.9630 = 4.5147 = 3.4965 = 3.7807 = 3.6887
*Note that all of the answers for rate of reaction is corrected to four decimal places
*Outliers are highlighted in blue and omitted when calculating the average rate of reaction, because it
will significantly skew the calculation.

Table 3: Changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid reacting with 2 pieces of 3cm magnesium
ribbon and its effect on the average and range of reaction rate

Concentration of Rate of reaction (cm3 hydrogen/second)

HCl (M) Average - Mean (cm3/second) Range (cm3/second)

Min Max
0 4
=0 0 0

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

0.4 3
= 0.1135 0.1078 0.1225
0.8 3
= 0.6162 0.5780 0.6561
1.2 4
= 1.4495 1.2547 1.6142
1.6 4
= 2.6413 2.3866 2.9630
2.0 4
= 3.6887 2.9630 4.5147
*Note that all of the answers for rate of reaction is corrected to four decimal places
*Note that 0.1981 cm3/s is not used as the maximum value for 0.4M HCl because it is an outlier. The
next greatest value, 0.1225 cm3/s is used instead
*Note that 0.4338 cm3/s is not used as the minimum value for 0.8M HCl because it is an outlier. The next
smallest value, 0.5780 cm3/s is used instead.

Graph- Ci

*Note that the control test is not plotted on the graph because there is no reaction taking place, thus an
undefined rate of reaction.
*Note that the range bar is chosen to be plotted rather than the error bar, because the range of
reaction rate we recorded for each of the concentration of HCl tend to increase with the concentration.
Therefore range bars are better at showing the errors in our experiment.

Conclusion - Cii

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

The results collected from this experiment supports my hypothesis, because the rate of reaction
increases as the concentration of HCl used in the reaction increase. This trend can be seen on the graph,
where the trend line is a positive linear slope, indicating an increase in rate of reaction. In addition, the
rate of reaction for using HCl of 0.4M, 0.8M, 1.2M, 1.6M and 2.0M are 0.1135cm3/s, 0.6162cm3/s,
1.4495cm3/s, 2.6413cm3/s and 3.6887cm3/s respectively, which shows a progressive increase.

However, the increase in rate of reaction is not linear, as demonstrated by the points straying from the
trend line on the graph. This may be due to the fact that the method of this experiment is susceptible to
human and other uncontrolled variables. This can be shown by the increasing height of the range bars in
the graph as the concentration of HCl use increases. The possible explanations for this will be discussed
in the subsequent paragraphs.

Explanation of results - Cii

The collision theory of chemical reactions can be employed to explain the results of this experiment. The
collision theory states that in order for a chemical reaction to happen, there must be an effective
collision, which means that the two particles involved must:
- collide in the correct orientation, causing the reactive parts of the particle to collide
- collide with sufficient activation energy 2

A higher concentration HCl being used in the reaction results in a greater rate of reaction because it
increases the chance of effective collision, since it has more HCl molecules in comparison HCl solution
with a lower solution. The diagram below illustrates this statement.

Diagram 2: Types and amount of molecules in different concentrations of HCl

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

With more HCl molecules, the chance of effective collision (magnesium atoms colliding with a HCl
molecule in a orientation and force that is sufficient to break the covalent bond between hydrogen and
chlorine) increases, and thus, the rate of reaction increases. This can be proved by the decreasing time it
takes for the reaction to release 20cm3 of hydrogen (Table 1) and the increasing rate of reaction (Table 2
and Table 3) as the concentration of HCl used in the reaction increases.

The possible explanations for the graph of the results to appear to be exponential (the rate of reaction
does not increase at a regular interval) are below:
1. Since the reaction is exothermic, it will cause a rise in temperature in the environment where the
reaction is taking place (the bottom and side of the conical flask became hot to touch, so did the
HCl solution). An increase in temperature of the system is shown to lead to an increase in
reaction rate, because the heat energy is transferred into kinetic energy, which makes the
molecules move more and collide more effectively.4 This indicates that the results that we have
collected are not solely affected by the concentration of HCl, but also the uncontrollable variable
of change in temperature because of the heat released by the reaction.

The rise in temperature is especially greater and more obvious when we used HCl of a higher
concentration, which means that the disproportionate increase (interval of increasing rate of
reaction is becoming larger as the concentration of HCl increases) in rate of reaction as shown in
the results might be due to the fact that this is an exothermic reaction.

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

2. The range bars on the graph increases in height as the concentration of HCl increase. This
indicates that human error tends to get more potent when the reaction rate increase. This may
be due to the faster rate of effervescence in reactions that uses a higher concentration of HCl,
which made it harder for us to accurately press the stop button the the timer, resulting in a
greater range in results.

Evaluation-Validity of the hypothesis - Ciii

My hypothesis states that When the concentration of hydrochloric acid increases, the rate of reaction of
it reacting with magnesium will increase.

My data within a set of trials are similar, except for the outliers, which are justified with human errors
(check the explanation beneath Table 1 for details). It also clearly shows an increase in rate of reaction
as the concentration of HCl used in the trials increases, whether if you compare the individual calculated
rate of reactions, minimum rate of reaction, maximum rate of reaction or the average rate of reaction.

In addition, the results of a lab report found online that investigates the relationship between
concentration of reactants and rate of reaction using hydrochloric acid and magnesium strip5 are similar
to the results that we have collected. The inserted picture below is the graph from the lab report found

Diagram 3: Graph of lab report found online

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

Although the method of calculating the average rate of reaction in this lab report that is found online is
Change in pressure inside test tube
T ime N umber of trials , which is different from the method we use, the general
shape of the graph and the conclusion that the author of the lab report drew is essentially the same
with the one that I made, which is that as the concentration of hydrochloric acid increases, the rate of
reaction increases. Therefore, my hypothesis is valid.

Evaluation - Validity of the method - Civ

Our method devised for this experiment is appropriate and valid to investigate the research question. To
record the rate of reaction for our trials, we recorded the time it takes for the reaction in the trial to
release 20cm3 of hydrogen. We then divided 20cm3 of hydrogen with the recorded time to get the rate
of reaction in terms of cm3 hydrogen released/ second.

To measure 20cm3 of hydrogen being released, we plugged in a single-holed rubber bung (that is
connected to a glass and rubber delivery tube ending inside the opening of the water-filled upside-down
measuring cylinder in the trough) to the conical flask where the reaction is taking place, immediately
after the magnesium pieces are dropped in. This will stop hydrogen from escaping because it is lighter
than air, thus will float away if let free. It can also offer a way for observers to see hydrogen, since it
is a colourless, odorless gas. Once hydrogen accumulate and traveled down the rubber delivery tube
into the measuring cylinder, it will float to the top (because again, it is light in weight) and occupy space,
pushing water out of the measuring cylinder into the trough. Observers can now record the volume of
hydrogen being released by the reaction by marking down the amount of water that is pushed out as
indicated by the markings on the measuring cylinder.

This method is valid because hydrogen is one of the products of the chemical reaction Mg(s)+2HCl(aq)->
MgCl2(aq) + H2(g), and therefore is a good indicator of the rate of reaction - a reaction with higher rate of
reaction will produce more hydrogen in a set amount of time. We also assigned the same person to drop
the magnesium pieces into the conical flask and plugging in the rubber bung; and the same person to
time the time it takes for 20cm3 of hydrogen to be released so that the human reaction time in
conducting the experiment is minimized.

However, it is to be expected that this method will be subjected to some inevitable human errors. For
example, the exact time it takes for the reaction to release 20cm3 of hydrogen may be slightly
inaccurate, because the students reaction time of pressing the stop button on the timer when the
level of water is 20cm3 less than the original volume will vary.

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

Overall, the method of measuring the reaction rate of magnesium reacting with HCl of different
concentration is valid. Uncontrolled variables such as the reaction time it takes for the person in charge
to the press the stop button on the timer will undoubtedly affect the results, but since the range of
results that we collected are no more than 1.2cm3 hydrogen/ second of the average, the method used
to collect results should be valid.

Evaluation of the Method and Suggested Improvements - Cv

Problems with the The effect caused by the problem Suggested improvements
The glass delivery tube was Since the diameter of the new We could specifically ask for
broken after the 2nd trial for rubber delivery tube is a bit more the same type of rubber
the 1.6M HCl. We were then narrow, the pressure inside will be delivery tube when given a
given a delivery tube set. The slightly higher than the original replacement by the lab
new rubber delivery tube is one. It will create resistance, and technicians.
semi-transparent, and has a make it more difficult for the
slightly smaller diameter hydrogen gas to pass through. As a
than the original one. result, the recorded amount of
time it takes 20cm3 of hydrogen
gas may be greater than if we used
the original rubber delivery tube.
We did not take into account Because the averages calculated We could have done the whole
the outliers when calculating for the trials using 0.4M and 0.8M experiment more efficiently by
the averages. Therefore, the HCl is different from the others organising ourselves better, so
average rate of reaction for (one less data), it is less accurate that we can complete more
0.4M and 0.8M HCl is and more suspicable to errors. trials. More trials done will
calculated by the sum of the Therefore, the results are not as minimize the errors in the
individual rate of reaction accurate as it could have been. execution of method when the
(excluding the outlier) average rate of reaction is
divided by three; while the calculated.
average rate of reaction for
1.2M, 1.6M and 2.0M HCl is
calculated by the sum of all

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

individual rate of reaction

divided by four.
Our reaction time when The reaction time of pressing the We could make reference to
pressing the start and stop buttons on a phone will directly the lab report I found online for
button on the phone affect the recorded time it takes the Evaluation - Validity of
stopwatch and closing the for 20cm3 of hydrogen to be Hypothesis and measure the
conical flask with the rubber released; while a longer time change in pressure inside the
bung is variable. before the rubber bung is plugged conical flask instead using a gas
into the conical flask lets out more pressure sensor instead. This
hydrogen, indirectly delaying the will minimize the errors,
time it takes for 20cm3 of because human errors tend to
hydrogen to be released. These be more significant and
will then affect the calculated rate unpredictable than a machines
of reaction. errors.
It is impossible to polish the The action of polishing may We can either choose to not
magnesium pieces such that accidentally remove some of the polish the magnesium pieces at
each piece is uniformly shiny magnesium under the pure all, or use pure magnesium
magnesium oxide, slightly (can probably be soaked in oil
decreasing the amount of to preserve its pure state).
magnesium in the reaction. In
addition, since not each of the
piece of polished magnesium has
the same degree of shininess
(some may have more residue
magnesium oxide coating the
surface), the surface area of the
magnesium strips will be different.
It is known that the surface area of
reactants directly affect the rate of
chemical reaction. Therefore, the
results collected will be slightly
Some of the equipments Moisture inside the equipments We could have done the whole
were not able to be let that came in contact with the HCl experiment more efficiently by

Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

completely dry before being solution used in the trials will organising ourselves better, so
reused, because we did not dilute the concentration of HCl. that we can have more time to
have time to carefully wipe This will lower the supposed rate carefully clean and prepare all
every single apparatus dry. of reaction. equipments. We can also use a
new, clean conical flask for
each of the trial to avoid the
washing and drying step,
completely eliminating the risk
of diluting the HCl solution.
The end of the rubber The end of the rubber delivery We can fix the end of the
delivery tube is in not fixed in tube being higher in the measuring rubber delivery tube in the
the position in the measuring cylinder will decrease the time it measuring cylinder by either
cylinder. takes for the hydrogen air bubble holding it in place or securing it
to reach the top and push water with some strings (maneuver
out, thus increasing the calculated and tie it to the measuring
rate of reaction. The reverse cylinder so that it does not
applies to the end of the rubber move).
delivery tube being lower in the
measuring cylinder.

Extensions to the experiment:

1. I can conduct other experiments to examine whether increasing the concentration of the
reactants in other chemical reactions will change the rate of reaction, using a method similar
to the one used in this experiment. For example, altering the concentration of Na2S2O3 in
chemical reaction of 2HCl(aq) +Na2S2O3(aq) ->
2NaCl(aq)+SO2(g)+ S(s)+H2O(l). By doing so, I can
further validate my hypothesis, because it will show that the concentration of reactants
affects the rate of reaction in other chemical reactions as well, not just this one.
2. I can repeat this experiment and make references to the table Evaluation of the Method and
Suggested Improvements above for improvements, so that the results that I collect from the
experiment will be more accurate.

Works Cited
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Tsui Yee 10 Trust Chemistry Lab Report

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