11th Grade Summer Reading Assignment 2017

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You must read two books in English for the MODULE F program and submit a
written book task on each by September 2017.

A. The 1st book must be the English translated version of the book Night by Elie
Wiesel. This book can be found in libraries, book shops or can be freely downloaded:

BOOK TASK #1: After reading the book Night, write an opinion essay of 200 words
in which you discuss ONE of the issues below:

1) Do you think it is important for high school students in Israel and abroad to
read the book Night?

2) In what way is Elie Wiesel's personal account in the book Night relevant to
life today?

3) How do the events described by Elie Wiesel in the book Night influence your
understanding of human nature?

4) What message do you feel Elie Wiesel is sending to you personally in the book

* Make sure that you explain your opinion by referring specifically to the book.
Give supporting information (examples, details and facts) from the book.

B. The 2nd book is a book of your own free choice. Choose a book appropriate to
your level and prepare ONE writing task from the list on the following page.


For both book tasks, be sure to follow the instructions given below:

1. Provide a cover page: Include the title of the book; the author's name;
information on the book's level (Stage level ? / Unsimplified);where you got the book
(a store, the library...); your name; class; date of submission; teacher's name.
2. Make sure that your paper is handwritten.
3. Make sure that your paper is neat and aesthetic.
4. Make sure that you submit your paper on time. Points will be deducted for
late submission.
5. Check your spelling, grammar and use of vocabulary.
6. Try to be creative and original.
7. Provide specific information from the book.
BOOK TASK #2: For this book task make sure you do both parts a and b.

a) Give a short evaluation of the book. Write about 80 -100 words.

Refer to the book's contents (plot/ character(s)/ themes) and style of
writing. Do you recommend the book?
Specifically state what made it good or not.
It is not enough to write: "I liked the book because it was interesting".

b) Choose ONE task only from the list below and write 150-180 words.

1. Describe the most significant or moving part in the book. Explain why you
found it to be so meaningful. Support your explanation with specific details
and facts from the book which clearly prove your point.

2. Write the diary a main character might have written. Imagine you are that
person from the book. Write a diary for a few days or weeks covering 3
interesting events in the book as your character would have done. Give
specific details and facts from the book.

3. Books often have an emotional effect on the reader. Did your book influence
your opinions/ view point or affect you in any other way? Explain by giving
specific examples from the book and relating to yourself.

4. Imagine you had to share an apartment with a character from the book for a
whole year. Which character would you choose as your flat mate? Would you
set any conditions and why? Support your answer by referring to specific
events or developments in the book which reveal your character's personal
traits and qualities.

5. If you've read a book which has been turned into a movie, compare between
the film version and the original book version. Which do you think is better?
Explain by giving specific corresponding examples from the book and the film.

6. Use your creative talent to turn some of the book's scenes or dialogues into
comic strip form in which you incorporate drawings with the spoken text of
the book's characters. Add a brief essay describing the scene(s) and its


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