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Democratic Decentralization: - Democracy is considered as one of the best forms of government

because it ensures the liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship, equality of status and
opportunity, fraternity as well as the right to participate in political decision making. Participation and
control of governance by the people of the country is the essence of democracy. Such participation is
possible only when the powers of the state are decentralized to the district, block and village levels
where all the sections of the people sit together, discuss their problems and suggest solutions and plan,
as well as execute them.

Advantage of Democratic decentralization:

1) Closer contact b/w government officials and local population is possible

2) It can allow the better penetration of national policies to areas remote from the national capital
3) It will ensure the greater representation of political, religious, ethnic and tribal groups in
development decision-making
4) Capacity of local institutions and their managerial and technical skills will develop.
5) Top management would be relieved of routine jobs and devote time to more important jobs.
6) Ensure better coordination
7) Offset the influence of the elite people
8) Lead to a more flexible, innovative and creative administration
9) Increased political stability will be ensured by increasing the participation of the local people in
decision making
10) Reduce the cost of planning and increase the number of public goods
11) Local people can execute, monitor and evaluate better than the central agencies

-Democracy provides the best environment for nurturing the growth and realization of the

-Abraham Lincoln defined the democracy as the government of the people, by the people and for
the people.

-Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru and jai Prakash Narayan described the democracy as the government that
gives power to the people.

-Gandhi said True democracy could not be worked by some persons sitting at the top. It had to be
worked from below by the people of every village.

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