Bioresource Technology: Ronald Halim, Brendan Gladman, Michael K. Danquah, Paul A. Webley

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Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 178185

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Oil extraction from microalgae for biodiesel production

Ronald Halim *, Brendan Gladman, Michael K. Danquah, Paul A. Webley
Bio Engineering Laboratory (BEL), Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study examines the performance of supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) extraction and hexane
Received 25 March 2010 extraction of lipids from marine Chlorococcum sp. for lab-scale biodiesel production. Even though the
Received in revised form 23 June 2010 strain of Chlorococcum sp. used in this study had a low maximum lipid yield (7.1 wt% to dry biomass),
Accepted 25 June 2010
the extracted lipid displayed a suitable fatty acid prole for biodiesel [C18:1 (63 wt%), C16:0 (19
Available online 23 July 2010
wt%), C18:2 (4 wt%), C16:1 (4 wt%), and C18:0 (3 wt%)]. For SCCO2 extraction, decreasing tempera-
ture and increasing pressure resulted in increased lipid yields. The mass transfer coefcient (k) for lipid
extraction under supercritical conditions was found to increase with uid dielectric constant as well as
uid density. For hexane extraction, continuous operation with a Soxhlet apparatus and inclusion of iso-
Lipid extraction propanol as a co-solvent enhanced lipid yields. Hexane extraction from either dried microalgal powder or
wet microalgal paste obtained comparable lipid yields.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction for microalgal biodiesel production needs to be not only lipid

specic in order to minimize the co-extraction of non-lipid con-
The rate of depletion of fossil fuels and the effect of greenhouse taminants but also selective towards desirable lipid fractions (neu-
gas emissions on global climate change are creating much interest tral lipids containing mono-, di-, and trienoic fatty acid chains)
in biodiesel (Lang et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2010). Commercial pro- (Fajardo et al., 2007; Medina et al., 1998). Microalgae are cultivated
duction of biodiesel or fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) usually in- in an aqueous environment and removing water content beyond a
volves alkaline-catalysed transesterication of triglycerides found paste consistency (typically 1030 wt% dry biomass) is energy
in oilseed crops (mainly rapeseed in Europe and soybean in US) intensive. As a consequence, the selected lipid extraction technol-
with methanol. However, escalating demand for these crops as a ogy needs to be effective when applied directly to a wet feedstock.
food source coupled with the nite availability of arable land Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) extraction is a promising
makes their cultivation for biofuels unsustainable (Chisti, 2007). green technology that can potentially displace the use of tradi-
Microalgae have been recognized as a promising alternative tional organic solvents for lipid extraction. Advantages associated
source for biodiesel-convertible lipids. They are a group of with SCCO2 extraction include tuneable solvating power, low tox-
diverse photosynthetic organisms that can accumulate substantial icity of the supercritical uid, favourable mass transfer equilibrium
amounts of lipids up to 50% of dry cell weight in certain species due to intermediate diffusion/viscosity properties of the uid, and
(Chisti, 2007; Sheehan et al., 1998). Many microalgal species can the production of solvent-free extract (Macias-Sanchez et al., 2007;
grow in brackish water or seawater, thereby avoiding demand for Mendes et al., 2006; Pourmortazavi and Hajimirsadeghi, 2007;
fresh water, a limited resource in many parts of the world (Umdu Taylor, 1996; Thana et al., 2008). The main disadvantage of the pro-
et al., 2009). cess is high cost associated with its infrastructure and operation.
Despite the routine use of lab-scale extraction to determine Even though the classic Folch chloroform-based lipid extraction
microalgal lipid content, the variables affecting lipid extraction protocol is effective for the majority of microalgal lipid analyses, an
from microalgae are not well understood, making scale-up for alternative organic solvent method that is more user-friendly is
commercial production of microalgal biodiesel difcult. Further- needed for scale-up. Hexane, despite being reported to be less ef-
more, most studies investigating microalgal lipid composition fail cient than chloroform when extracting from microalgae, is less
to assess the suitability of the extracted lipids for biodiesel produc- toxic, has minimal afnity towards non-lipid contaminants, and
tion as they instead focus on nutraceutical/maricultural applica- apparent higher selectivity towards neutral lipid fractions (Lee
tions (De Angelis et al., 2005; Herrero et al., 2006; Ramadan et al., 1998; Medina et al., 1998).
et al., 2008; Sajilata et al., 2008). An ideal lipid extraction process In this study, the performance of SCCO2 extraction and hexane
extraction was evaluated based on the yield and the fatty acid
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 3 9905 3420; fax: +61 3 9905 5686. composition of the lipids extracted from microalgae under differ-
E-mail address: (R. Halim). ent conditions. The suitability of the extracted microalgal lipids

0960-8524/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Halim et al. / Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 178185 179

for biodiesel production was assessed and the extraction kinetics of 2.5. Supercritical CO2 lipid extraction
the two systems was compared. Preliminary studies that evaluated
the feasibility of applying each extraction system to wet miroalgal Speed SFE-2 from Applied Separations, Inc. (USA) was used for
paste were also conducted. Finally, a mass transfer model was t- SCCO2 extraction (Fig. 1). The extraction unit can be divided into
ted to the SCCO2 extraction data to understand the effect of process three separate parts. Part I consists of a feed pump which com-
variables on extraction kinetics. presses and delivers liquid CO2 to the extraction vessel. Part II com-
prises a 24 mL stainless steel extraction vessel installed inside an
oven module. Once the oven is heated, the compressed CO2 enters
2. Methods the vessel in a supercritical state and performs lipid extraction
from the microalgae. Part III of the unit consists of a heated
2.1. Chemicals and reagents micrometering valve to depressurize incoming SCCO2. Once com-
pletely decompressed, CO2 evaporates as gas to the ambient, forc-
FAME standards and methylation catalysts (10 wt% H2SO4 in ing the extracted lipid to precipitate out in the adjoining lipid
methanol and 25 wt% KCH3O in methanol) were obtained from collection glass vial (Sajilata et al., 2008).
SigmaAldrich Pty. Ltd. (Australia). All organic solvents (n-hexane, Microalgal powder (20 g) or paste (8 g) was mixed with inert
isopropanol, and methanol) were analytical grade. diatomaceous earth (d.e.) at specic ratios (powder: d.e. =
2:1 w/w and paste: d.e. = 1:2 w/w). The addition of d.e. or celites
2.2. Strain and cultivation (diameter = 35 lm, specic surface area = 30720 cm2/cm3) as an
anchoring co-matrix enhanced contact surface area between the
The microalgal strain used for this study was a Chlorococcum sp. microalgal cells and the eluting supercritical uid. The resulting
cultivated in outdoor bag bioreactors. The species had a high homogeneous mixture was tightly packed into the extraction ves-
growth rate, survived well in outdoor conditions (Danquah et al., sel and the vessel was sealed with metal frits at both ends to avoid
2009), and displayed wide temperature tolerances over the period entrainment of the microalgal biomass. Once the vessel was placed
of the study. in the oven, the extraction unit was operated as previously
A modied F medium was used in this study. The medium was described.
composed of 150.0 mg/L NaNO3, 22.7 mg/L Na2SiO35H2O, All SCCO2 extractions were carried out in dynamic mode with a
11.3 mg/L NaH2PO42H2O, 9.0 mg/L C6H8O7xFe, 9.0 mg/L C6H8O7, constant decompressed CO2 ow rate of 400 mL/min (residence
0.360 mg/L MnCl24H2O, 0.044 mg/L ZnSO47H2O, 0.022 mg/L time between 4.9 and 14.1 min depending on uid density). The
CoCl26H2O, 0.020 mg/L CuSO45H2O, 0.013 mg/L Na2MoO42H2O, pressure was varied from 10 to 50 MPa between experiments
trace vitamin B12, biotin, and thiamine dissolved in synthetic and the temperature was set to either 60 or 80 C. Extractions
seawater. Each bioreactor held approximately 100 L of microalgal lasted between 80 and 120 min. For each extraction, a new pre-
culture and was aerated with compressed air. Temperature and weighed glass vial for lipid collection was used every 20 min. The
illumination intensity were dependent on day-to-day weather crude lipid in each vial was gravimetrically quantied and ana-
conditions. lysed for FAME proles.

2.3. Dewatering 2.6. Static hexane lipid extraction

Microalgal cultures from multiple bioreactors (1200 L with a For straight hexane extraction, 300 mL of n-hexane was added
concentration of 0.7 g dried microalgae/L) were harvested at the to either 4 g of microalgal powder or 13.3 g of microalgal paste
same time and dewatered using a Westfalia disk stack centrifuge. (equivalent to 4 g of microalgal powder). For extraction evaluating
The concentrate (10 L with a concentration of 80 g dried microal- the addition of alcohol on hexane extraction, a 3/2 v/v single-phase
gae/L) was thoroughly mixed to average out any potential discrep- mixture of n-hexane and isopropanol (also 300 mL) was added to
ancies in lipid content between cultures harvested from the 4 g of microalgal powder. The conical asks were sealed with alu-
different bioreactors. minium foil to reduce solvent evaporation and all extraction mix-
A portion of the concentrate (2.5 L) was dewatered further tures were agitated at 800 rpm at ambient conditions for 7.5 h. Cell
using a bench top centrifuge (Heraeus Multifuge 3 S-R, Kendro, residue was removed by ltering through Whatman GF/C paper.
Germany) at 4500 rpm for 10 min. The centrate was discarded
and the resulting microalgal paste (0.67 L with a concentration
of 300 g dried microalgae/L) was rinsed once with deionised water
to remove residual salts. The microalgal paste provided all the
biomass needed for the study (200 g of dried microalgae).

2.4. Extraction pre-treatment

In experiments where dried microalgae was used, the microal-

gal paste was dried at 85 C in an oven (Model UNE 500 PA,
Memmert GmbH+Co., Germany) for 16 h. A ring mill was then used
to grind the dried biomass into powder. In experiments involving
wet microalgae, the microalgal paste obtained from bench top cen-
trifugation was used directly without further treatment. The solid
concentration of the paste was 30 wt%. This was determined by
drying a portion of the paste and comparing its pre-dried mass
to that of the corresponding dried biomass. Both microalgal
powder and paste were stored at 5 C for no longer than
1.5 months before they were used for lipid extraction. Fig. 1. Schematic of SCCO2 extraction unit.
180 R. Halim et al. / Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 178185

In the case of straight hexane extraction from microalgal paste, DBWax polyethylene glycol capillary column (30 m  0.25 mm id
the ltrate was transferred into a separating funnel to partition the and 0.25 lm lm thickness). Helium was used as the carrier gas
hexane from water. For hexane/isopropanol extraction from dried at a constant ow rate of 1.5 mL/min and a split ratio of 20:1. A sol-
microalgae, the ltrate was transferred into a separating funnel vent delay period of 1.5 min was assigned. Both the injector and
and sufcient hexane and water (approximately 40 mL each) were detector temperatures were maintained at 150 C. The oven tem-
added to induce biphasic layering. After settling, the solvent mix- perature was raised from 140 C at 5 C/min to 240 C and main-
ture partitioned into two distinct phases: a top dark-green hexane tained for 5 min. Each sample was analysed in triplicates.
layer containing most of the extracted lipids and a bottom light- Individual FAME was identied by comparison of its retention time
green aqueous-isopropanolic layer containing most of the co-ex- with that of mixed FAME standards as well as positive mass spec-
tracted non-lipid contaminants. The hexane phase from each trum identication from the GC-MSD library. Concentrations of
extraction was collected in a pre-weighed ask before it was FAMEs (g/mL) in the injected hexane solution were quantied by
heated to dryness in the oven (60 C) to enable gravimetric quan- comparing their peak areas with those obtained from the stan-
tication of the lipid extract. The crude lipid was re-dissolved in dards of known concentration. Mass of FAME in the post-methyl-
hexane (approximately 20 mL) and transferred into a sealed glass ated lipid extract (g) was calculated as the product of the sum of
vial for storage. concentrations of individual FAMEs (g/mL) and the volume of hex-
ane used in re-dissolution. FAME yield (g FAME extract/g dried
2.7. Dynamic hexane lipid extraction microalgae) measured the actual amount of biodiesel produced
from a unit mass of dried microalgae.
To compare the performance of hexane extraction with SCCO2, a Extraction performance was evaluated by two key indicators:
Soxhlet apparatus was used. Description of a typical Soxhlet unit lipid yield and FAME composition of the post-methylated lipid
can be found elsewhere (Wang and Weller, 2006). Microalgal pow- extract. Lipid yield measured the extraction efciency and was
der (4 g) was packed in a cellulose thimble inside the extraction calculated by dividing mass of crude lipid extract with mass of
chamber of the Soxhlet unit. Pure n-hexane (300 mL) was used to dried microalgae. Where a wet paste was used, the corresponding
extract the lipid for 7.5 h at the rate of 10 reuxes per hour. The ex- amount of dried biomass was determined. FAME composition is
tracted lipid was gravimetrically quantied at 5.5 and 7.5 h. The derived by dividing mass of individual FAME with collective FAME
crude lipid was then re-dissolved in hexane (approximately mass, and is an indicator of the selectivity of the extraction process.
20 mL) and transferred into a sealed glass vial for storage.
2.11. Mass transfer modelling for SCCO2 extraction from dried
2.8. Storage of lipid extracts microalgae

The vials containing the dry lipid extracts or the lipid extract In order to describe the mass transfer behaviour of lipid mole-
solutions were stored in the dark at 5 C for less than 1 month. cules during SCCO2 extraction, the following kinetic model (Ozkal
et al., 2005) was used:
2.9. Fatty acid methylation
kms;t  ms;t 1
Dried lipid from SCCO2 extraction was re-dissolved in 20 mL of
hexane in order to enhance the reaction kinetics during methanolic where me is the lipid yield at time t (g lipid extract/g dried microal-
alkylation. A two-step protocol was used for the methylation pro- gae), t is the extraction time (min), k is the lipid mass transfer coef-
cess of all extracted lipids (from both SCCO2 extraction and hexane cient from the microalgal cells into the SCCO2 (min1), ms,t is the
extractions) and all reagents were added in stoichiometric excess. amount of extractable intracellular lipid that remains unextracted
The rst step used an acid catalyst to methylate free fatty acids at time t (g lipid/g dried microalgae), and m*s,t is the amount of
(FFA) and to transmethylate acylglycerols (Christie, 2007). Twenty unextracted intracellular lipid when there is equilibrium in the lipid
millilitre methanol and 10 wt% H2SO4 in 1 mL methanol were concentration between the microalgal cells and the SCCO2 (g lipid/g
added to the lipid in hexane solution stored in each vial. The mix- dried microalgae). This model is a lumped version of Ficks Law of
ture was transferred into a ask, heated to 50 C, and moderately Diffusion in which spatial proles have been averaged by lumping
agitated for 2 h. Evaporated methanol was frequently replenished. these into the mass transfer coefcient. The difference between
In the second step, 25 wt% KCH3O in methanol was added drop- ms;t and ms;t serves as the driving force for diffusion of lipid mole-
wise to the gently stirred reaction mixture until a pH value of 13 cules from the solid cellular phase into the bulk uid phase and rep-
was attained. The inclusion of an alkaline catalyst was intended resents the departure from equilibrium. However, since fresh SCCO2
to serve four purposes (Lang et al., 2001): (1) to neutralize acids was continuously swept across the extraction vessel, the equilib-
from the previous step; (2) to quench any interfering water con- rium concentration of lipid molecules ms;t theoretically approaches
taminants; (3) to further transmethylate acylglycerols; and (4) to 0.
transmethylate phospholipids. The mixture was heated to 55 C dme
and moderately agitated for 2 h. Evaporated methanol was fre- kms;t  0 k  ms;t 2
quently replenished. The mixture was evaporated in the oven
(60 C) to obtain the dried post-methylated lipid extract. When Since ms;t is equal to the difference between the original amount of
the lipid was re-dissolved in 20 mL of hexane for FAME analysis, extractable intracellular lipid, ms;0 (g lipid extract/g dried micro-
some fractions had become insoluble and formed precipitates algae), and the amount of lipids that have been extracted at time
(comprising mainly glycerol and chlorophyll). t, me:

2.10. Analytical methods kms;0  me 3
Analyses of the FAME compositions of the post-methylated lipid Eq. (3) is a rst-order linear ODE. Together with the initial condition
extracts were carried out using an HP 5973 gas chromatography me(t = 0) = 0, it can be solved to give (Andrich et al., 2005, 2006):
unit equipped with a mass spectrometry detector (HewlettPack-
ard Company, USA). One microlitre sample was injected into a me ms;0 1  ekt 4
R. Halim et al. / Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 178185 181

ms;0 is assumed to be equal to the highest nal lipid yield obtained of the strain of Chlorococcum sp. used in this study is considerably
in all SCCO2 extractions from dried microalgae (0.060 g extract/g lower than reported for other oleaginous microalgal species, such
dried microalgae). Through rearrangement of Eq. (4), k is deter- as Nannochloropsis sp. (reported at 0.250 g lipid extract/g dried
mined as the slope of the straight line passing through the origin microalgae) and Botryococcus braunii (reported at 0.286 g lipid
of the plot of ln(ms,0/(ms,0 me)) against t. extract/g dried microalgae) (Andrich et al., 2005; Lee et al.,
ms;0 1998). As such, the use of this particular strain of Chlorococcum
ln kt 5 sp. for commercial biodiesel production appears unattractive.
ms;0  me
An increase in the temperature of SCCO2 extraction was
observed to decrease the mass transfer coefcient (k60C = 0.052/
3. Results and discussions min versus k80C = 0.019/min). A temperature increase during
supercritical extraction results in two simultaneous competing ef-
3.1. Supercritical CO2 lipid extraction fects. The decrease in uid density reduces uid transport rate
which retards extraction kinetics while the increase in solute vol-
3.1.1. Effects of extraction time and temperature atility enhances mass transfer (Cheung, 1999; Taylor, 1996). Since
Lipid extractions were conducted for 80 min at 60 and 80 C. the extractions were carried out at a relatively low pressure where
The pressure was constant at 30 MPa and 20 g of dried microalgal the supercritical uid was highly compressible (q60 = 0.83 g/mL
powder was used in each experiment. Table 1 (under Experimen- while q80 = 0.74 g/mL), the experimental temperature increase
tal lipid yield) shows that lipid was extracted most rapidly in the lead to a considerable density reduction that more than offset
beginning of the extraction (before 20 min) and that the rate of li- the increase in lipid volatility resulting in a lower overall lipid mass
pid extraction decreased with experimental time. The asymptotic transfer rate.
prole obtained was characteristic of most SCCO2 extraction re- For both extractions, the amounts of FAME after methylation of
ported in other microalgal studies (Cheung, 1999). The model cor- the crude lipids were found to be roughly between 0.23 and 0.44 of
related well with the experimental data for lipid evolution the masses of extracted crude lipids (Table 1 under FAME yield/
(compare Theoretical lipid yield with Experimental lipid yield, experimental lipid yield). Even though this result agreed with
r 260 C 0:93, r 280 C 0:92) and was consistent with the expected dif- the analysis reported by Cheung (1999), the majority of previous
fusion-driven nature of the SCCO2 process, where the extraction work on microalgal lipid extraction did not report on the purity
rate was directly proportional to the amount of unextracted intra- of the extracted lipids. Despite the low afnity of SCCO2 for polar
cellular lipids (Ozkal et al., 2005). compounds, the high concentration of polar lipids known to make
The nal experimental lipid yields (0.058 g lipid extract/g dried up the cell membrane (up to 90% of lipids) made concurrent leach-
microalgae for 60 C and 0.048 g lipid extract/g dried microalgae ing during supercritical extraction of neutral lipids inevitable. As
for 80 C) are in agreement with those reported for Chlorococcum such, polar lipids that were unsuccessfully esteried with the
sp. in previous studies (Ota et al., 2009). However, the lipid content applied methylation techniques (complex phospholipids and

Table 1
Effects of extraction time and temperature during SCCO2 extraction on lipid yield and on FAME composition of the post-methylated lipids. Mass of dried microalgae = 20 g,
P = 30 MPa, T = 60 and 80 C. Lipid yields (both experimental and theoretical) and FAME yields are shown as functions of time (020 min lists the total yield of lipid and of FAME
obtained from 0 to 20 min, while 040 min lists the total yield of lipid and FAME obtained from 0 to 40 min). Theoretical lipid yield is the lipid yield predicted by the kinetic
model. FAME composition, on the other hand, is shown as a function of 20-min time interval rather than as a function of time (2040 min lists the FAME composition of only the
lipid extracted from 20 to 40 min). FAME composition is reported as weight percent of all FAMEs that can be analysed in the lipid extracted within the given time interval and is
an average of three analyses.

60 C 80 C
020 040 060 080 020 040 060 080
min min min min min min min min
Experimental lipid yield 0.035 0.056 0.058 0.058 0.025 0.032 0.035 0.048
(g lipid extract/g dried microalgae)
Theoretical lipid yield 0.038 0.052 0.057 0.059 0.018 0.031 0.040 0.046
(g lipid extract/g dried microalgae)
FAME yield (g FAME/g 0.010 0.013 0.013 0.014 0.011 0.013 0.014 0.015
dried microalgae)
FAME yield/experimental 0.29 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.44 0.40 0.40 0.31
lipid yield
020 2040 4060 6080 080 020 2040 4060 6080 080
min min min min min min min min min min
(overall) (overall)
FAME (wt% of FAME) C14:0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6
C16:0 19.0 16.8 25.9 21.6 18.8 19.2 16.8 20.8 20.4 19.1
C16:1 4.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 3.3 5.2 1.8 0.0 0.0 4.1
C16:1t 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6
C16:2 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6
C17:0 0.3 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.4 1.4 0.0 4.6 0.8
C18:0 1.8 5.0 8.9 5.9 2.8 1.2 5.0 4.0 5.7 2.2
C18:1 66.3 56.2 52.7 60.5 63.6 64.3 56.2 62.1 58.2 62.8
C18:2 0.0 18.7 12.4 12.0 4.7 0.0 18.7 13.1 11.1 3.8
C20:5 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4
No. of double bonds in 0 21.8 23.2 34.8 27.5 22.6 21.6 23.2 24.8 30.7 22.7
FAME (wt% of FAME) 1 73.6 58.1 52.7 60.5 69.4 73.0 58.1 62.1 58.2 69.5
2 3.1 18.7 12.4 12.0 6.9 3.5 18.7 13.1 11.1 6.4
3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
P4 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4
182 R. Halim et al. / Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 178185

glycolipids) were assumed to be major constituents of the contam- In terms of overall FAME compositions (Table 1 under 0
inants in the extracted lipids. The unidentied portion of the crude 80 min (overall)), C18:1 (63.2 wt% of FAME), C16:0 (19.0 wt%
lipids might also comprise non-saponiable neutral lipids (hydro- of FAME), C18:2 (4.3 wt% of FAME), C16:1 (3.7 wt% of FAME),
carbons, alcohols, and aldehydes) and non-lipids (protein and car- and C18:0 (2.5 wt% of FAME) were identied as the principal fatty
bohydrate). The dark green appearance of the extracted lipids also acids in SCCO2-extracted lipids. Other fatty acids, such as C14:0,
suggested chlorophyll presence. As such, without further rening C16:1t, C16:2, C17:0, and C20:5, were also present in smaller
to remove these unusable components, the extracted lipids cannot quantities. The extracted lipids appeared to have an appropriate
be considered a viable biodiesel feedstock. fatty acid composition for biodiesel. The lipids contained only
modest amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) with 4 or
more double bonds (C20:5 being the only one at 1.3 wt% of
(a) FAME). Highly unsaturated PUFAs are known to be responsible
for the poor volatility, low oxidation stability, and tendency for
gum formation observed in some oilseed-derived biodiesel. Addi-
tionally, the relatively low proportion of saturated fatty acids
(22.7 wt% of FAME) together with a minimal presence of trans-
conjugated unsaturated fatty acids (C16:1t being the only one at
2.5 wt% of FAME) was preferable. The crystal packing ability of
these fatty acid classes produces biodiesel with undesirable cold
ow properties such as high cloud point and high pour point
(Christie, 2007; Lang et al., 2001). The fatty acid composition dis-
played in Table 1, however, is different to the prole presented
by Ota et al. (2009). Despite similar results regarding the respective
proportions of C16:0, C16:1, and C18:2, the authors reported Chlo-
rococcum sp. to contain particularly high levels of C16:4 (>20 wt%
of FAME) and C18:3 (>30 wt% of FAME), with a corresponding
reduction in C18:1 (<13 wt% of FAME). Fatty acid prole of a mic-
roalgal species is known to be a function of its culturing conditions
(Andrich et al., 2005; Guzman et al., 2010; Rao et al., 2007).
The collection of extracted lipids into a fresh vial every 20-min
intervals facilitated the evaluation of FAME composition as a func-
(b) 70
tion of time interval (Table 1). The observed changes in the FAME
30 MPa 40 MPa 50 MPa
60 proportions of the post-methylated lipids as a function of
extraction duration (the absence of C18:2 before 20 min and the
Wt% of total FAME

50 disappearance of C16:1 after 40 min) suggest a possible time-

facilitated variation of SCCO2 selectivity (Ozkal et al., 2005; Pour-
40 mortazavi and Hajimirsadeghi, 2007; Soares et al., 2007). However,
the variation in fatty acid solubilities appeared rather fraction-
specic and no correlation based on chain length or degree of
20 unsaturation can yet be identied. In agreement with Andrich
et al. (2006) who performed SCCO2 extraction on Spirulina platensis,
10 no meaningful difference was found in the overall FAME composi-
tion of lipids extracted at 60 and 80 C.
3.1.2. Effect of pressure and dielectric constant















In order to evaluate the effect of pressure on the efcacy of



SCCO2 extraction, two different stepped pressure congurations

70 (30, 40, and 50 MPa against 10, 20, and 30 MPa) were trialed. For
10 MPa 20 MPa 30 MPa the higher-pressure extraction, the initial pressure of 30 MPa was
60 increased to 40 MPa at 80 min, followed by a further increment
to 50 MPa at 100 min. The lower-pressure extraction was carried
Wt% of total FAME

out in a similar arrangement, although pressure increments
40 occurred at different times: 40 and 80 min (see Fig. 2a). Each
extraction was performed at 60 C for 120 min using 20 g of dried
30 microalgae.
Fig. 2a shows the positive effect of pressure on extraction
20 performance, where the nal lipid yield of higher-pressure

Table 2
0 Effect of SCCO2 dielectric constant on lipid mass transfer coefcient along an isotherm
(T = 60 C). Density and dielectric constant values extracted from Zhang et al. (2005).












Extraction SCCO2 density SCCO2 dielectric k (min1) r2



pressure (MPa) (g/mL) constant

Fig. 2. Effect of pressure during SCCO2 extraction (a) on lipid yield; (b) on overall 10 0.32 1.17 0.004 0.98
FAME composition of the post-methylated lipids. j higher-pressure experiment, 20 0.73 1.43 0.013 0.92
N lower-pressure experiment. Mass of dried microalgae = 20 g, T = 60 C, 30 0.83 1.49 0.052 0.93
duration = 120 min.
R. Halim et al. / Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 178185 183

extraction (0.060 g lipid extract/g dried microalgae) was almost This behaviour was anticipated since an increasing solvent polarity
twice the nal lipid yield of lower-pressure extraction (0.034 g would enhance the disruption of membrane-lipid bilayer and facil-
lipid extract/g dried microalgae). This is expected as the dielectric itate the extraction of membrane-bound lipids.
constant or the solvent polarity of a supercritical uid directly de-
pends on the uid density which increases with pressure elevation 3.1.3. Performance on wet microalgal paste
at a constant temperature (refer to Table 2) (Cheung, 1999; Taylor, For SCCO2 extraction technology to have any chance of being
1996). The pronounced increase in the lipid yields of both congu- practically implemented for industrial-scale microalgal biodiesel
rations upon pressure ramping demonstrated how a sudden shift production, it has to extract lipids effectively from dewatered mic-
in the uid solvation power could trigger the solubilisation of lipid roalgal paste (30 wt% solid) just as it does from dried biomass. In
fractions which were insoluble at reduced pressure. The rst pres- this section, an identical protocol to the dry extraction was used
sure change (after 80 min for higher-pressure extraction and after to study wet SCCO2 extraction process (T = 60 C, P = 30 MPa).
40 min for lower-pressure extraction) was only carried out when However, the immiscibility of water and CO2 resulted in highly
the lipid yield at the original pressure had reached an asymptote. compacted particle bed which restricted ow of the uid through
Only slight variations in fatty acid compositions of lipids ex- the column. Different ratios of paste to d.e. were trialled and
tracted at different pressure levels were observed (Fig. 2b). The increasing amount of d.e. in the mixture was observed to improve
same dominant fatty acid molecules were identied in all lipid ex- CO2 ow. The d.e. adsorbs water and provides the additional poros-
tracts, with C18:1 and C16:0 being the most abundant. The slight ity needed for CO2 permeation. At a paste-to-d.e. ratio of 1:2, a CO2
changes in FAME compositions allude to the differential selectivity ow rate equal to that used for dry extraction (400 mL/min) was
that SCCO2 is known to display towards specic lipid fractions at achieved. At this ratio, the vessel contained a paste equivalent to
different pressures (Cheung, 1999). 2.4 g of dried microalgae, substantially less than the 20 g used pre-
The dielectric constant or the solvent polarity of a supercritical viously for dry extraction.
uid measures the degree of interaction between the solvent and From Fig. 3a, extraction from the wet paste obtained a higher
the organic molecules (Zhang et al., 2005). Table 2 shows the expo- nal lipid yield than from dried biomass (lipid yieldwet = 0.071 g
nential dependence of lipid mass transfer coefcient (k) during our lipid extract/g dried microalgae, while lipid yielddry = 0.058 g lipid
SCCO2 extractions on uid dielectric constant along an isotherm. extract/g dried microalgae). Despite the common view that resid-
ual water in the cells acts as a barrier which impedes mass transfer
(a) of the analyte molecules into the bulk uid, a few studies on SCCO2
0.08 extraction of miscellaneous analytes from moist samples (caffeine
(g lipid extract / g dried microalgae)

from green coffee beans and essential oil from Origanum vulgare
0.07 leaves) have demonstrated that residual water in the feedstock
does not reduce extraction performance. Water was found to aid
extraction through its swelling of the cellular matrix and its natu-
0.05 ral role as a polar co-solvent (Pourmortazavi and Hajimirsadeghi,
Lipid yield

2007; Schwartzberg, 1997). The lipid extracts from the wet paste
0.04 comprised higher quantities of C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, and C18:2 than
0.03 the corresponding extracts from the dried biomass (Fig. 3b). The
increased co-extraction of polar lipids due to the presence of water
0.02 in the cells could have potentially contributed to this composi-
tional discrepancy.

0.00 3.1.4. Comparison with dynamic hexane lipid extraction (Soxhlet)

0 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 3a shows SCCO2 extraction to be more efcient than
Time (hour) dynamic hexane extraction. Eighty minutes of SCCO2 extraction
achieved a higher lipid yield than 5.5 h of Soxhlet extraction (lipid
(b) 80 yield of SCCO2 after 80 min = 0.058 g lipid extract/g dried micro-
SCCO2 - dried microalgae algae, lipid yield of Soxhlet after 5.5 h = 0.032 g lipid extract/g
SCCO2 - wet paste dried microalgae). This observation was expected due to the
60 hexane (soxhlet) - dried microalgae
favourable physicochemical properties of the supercritical uid
Wt% of total FAME

(Cheung, 1999; Mendes et al., 2003). Despite demonstrating that

50 both extractions eventually obtained equivalent lipid yields from
40 Nannochloropsis sp., Andrich et al. (2005) also measured a lower
mass transfer coefcient for extraction with hexane than with
30 SCCO2. Future comparison between the two methods should take
into account the energy requirement for each respective extrac-
tion. Fluid compression represents the largest energy requirement
10 for SCCO2 extraction (Taylor, 1996), while downstream extract
purication remains the primary energy obstacle for large-scale
organic solvent extraction.
















3.2. Static hexane lipid extraction

Fig. 3. Comparison between different extraction systems. (a) lipid yield; (b) overall
FAME composition of post-methylated lipids. j SCCO2 extraction from dried The effects of operation mode and addition of alcohol on the
microalgae: mass of dried microalgae = 20 g. s SCCO2 extraction from wet micro- performance of hexane extraction from dried microalgae were as-
algal paste: mass of paste = 8 g, solid concentration = 30 wt%. For both SCCO2
extractions, T = 60 C, P = 30 MPa. N Hexane extraction from dried microalgae using
sessed. The feasibility of applying hexane extraction straightaway
Soxhlet apparatus: mass of dried microalgae = 4 g, P = ambient, number of on wet microalgal paste was also evaluated. The nal lipid yield
reuxes = 55. for each of the above hexane extraction system is discussed in
184 R. Halim et al. / Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 178185

80 interacts with neutral lipid molecules, the micelle-type structures

A B C1 D that triacylglycerols frequently form in their natural state prevent
70 quantitative lipid extraction and often require the assistance of an
alcohol for their rapid destruction (Medina et al., 1998).
Wt% of total FAME

50 3.2.3. Performance on wet microalgal paste

Hexane extraction from wet paste (D) resulted in 33% less lipid
40 yield than its dry counterpart (A) (nal lipid yield of A = 0.015 g li-
pid extract/g dried microalgae, nal lipid yield of D = 0.010 g lipid
30 extract/g dried microalgae). Despite its reduced wet yield, hexane
extraction remains a promising option for microalgal biodiesel par-
20 ticularly since its wet extraction protocol, unlike SCCO2 process,
does not require additional cost-intensive pre-treatment step.

0 4. Conclusions


















The Chlorococcum sp. used in this study was found to have a low



maximum lipid yield (7.1 wt% to dry biomass) compared to other

Fig. 4. Comparison of the overall FAME composition of post-methylated lipids lipid-rich microalgal species, e.g. Nannochloropsis sp. (reported at
extracted by different hexane extraction systems. (A) hexane extraction from dried 25.0 wt% to dry biomass) and B. braunii (reported at 28.6 wt% to
microalgae. (B) hexane extraction using Soxhlet apparatus from dried microalgae. dry biomass). For SCCO2 extraction, lipid yield was found to de-
(C) hexane/isopropanol (3:2 v/v) extraction from dried microalgae (C1: hexane
phase, C2: isopropanol phase). (D) hexane extraction from wet microalgal paste. For
crease with temperature and to increase with pressure. No signif-
(A, B, C) mass of dried microalgae = 4 g. For (D) mass of paste = 13.3 g, solid icant differences were found in the FAME compositions of lipid
concentration = 30 wt%. For (A, B, C, D) volume of solvent = 300 mL, T = ambient, extracts obtained under different SCCO2 extraction parameters.
P = ambient, duration = 7.5 h. (A, C, D) are static extractions. The success of the proposed model in correlating lipid evolution
during SCCO2 extraction (r2 > 0.92) enabled further analysis that
demonstrated lipid mass transfer coefcient (k) to increase with
the text. Fig. 4 shows the fatty acid proles of the lipids extracted solvent polarity. Soxhlet extraction using hexane was found to be
by the different hexane extraction systems together with the signicantly less efcient than SCCO2 extraction, achieving a com-
operating conditions of each system. parable lipid yield (0.058 g lipid extract/g dried microalgae) in
5.6 the required time.
3.2.1. Effect of dynamic operation
Operating the extraction system in a dynamic mode (B) rather
than a static mode (A) increased the lipid yield by roughly 280% (-
nal lipid yield of A = 0.015 g lipid extract/g dried miroalgae, nal li-
This work was supported by an Australian Research Council
pid yield of B = 0.057 g lipid extract/g dried microalgae). This
(ARC) Linkage grant between the Department of Chemical Engi-
improvement was expected since Soxhlet operation, through sol-
neering in Monash University (Victoria, Australia) and Bio-Fuel
vent reuxing, constantly exposed a fresh batch of hexane to the
Pty Ltd (Victoria, Australia). The authors also thank Dr. Craig Davis
cellular matrix and enabled continuous re-establishment of mass
from the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (Queens-
transfer equilibria (Wang and Weller, 2006). Despite its enhanced
land, Australia) for use of SCCO2 apparatus.
yield, Soxhlet procedure is unlikely to be implemented in an indus-
trial scale due to the high energy requirement for continuous
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