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(3) NW
traction and '+' means multi-
plication. then which of the
equations is correct?
1. Select the related word from
9. A series is given.with one term
missing. Choose the correct (1) 16 x 5 + 10 + 4 - 3 = 19
the given alternatives:
Cytology: Cells :: ? : Birds alternative from the given ones (2) 16 + 5 + 10 x 4 - 3 = 9
that will complete the series. (3) 16 + 5 - 10 x 4 + 3 = 9
(1) Odontology
6.10. 18. 34.? 130 (4) 16-5x 10+4+3= 12
(2) Mycology .
(1) 78 (2) 52 15. If 4 x 5 x 2 = 524, 3 x 7 x 2 =
(3) Etymology
(3) 66 (4) 94 723 and 6 x 8 x 7 = 876 then 9
(4) Ornithology x4x5=?
2. Select the related letters from 10. Introducing Reeta, Monica
said. "She is the only daugh- (1) 495
the given alternatives:
ter of my father's only daugh- (2) 459
ter." How is Monica related to (3) 549
(1) PK.1Q (2) BYWD
Reeta? (4) 954
(3) DXWB (4) QK.1R
(1) Aunt 16. Select the missing number
3. Select the related number from
(2) Niece from the given responses
the gtven alternatives:
42 : 56 :: 110 : ? (3) Cousin
43 25 ?
(1) 18 (2) 132 (4) Mother
11.In a row of students. if John 21 40 35
(3) 136 (4) 140
who is 16th from the left. and 35 34 28
4. Find the odd word from the
given alternatives. Johnson, who is 8th from the
(1) 36 (2) 46
right. interchange their posi-
(1) Rupee (2) Pound (3) 40 (4) 26
tions. John becomes 33rd from
(3) Yen (4) Currency 17. Johnson left for his office in
left. How many students are
5. Find the odd letters from the there in the row? his car. He drove 15km towards
given alternatives. North and then 10km towards
(1) 38 (2) 39
(1) DAEH (2) KIMP West. He then turned to the
(3) 40 (4)41 South and covered 5km. Fur-
(3) HElL (4) FCGJ
12.From the given alternative ther he turned to East and
6. Find the odd number pair from
words. select the word which moved 8km. Finally he turned
the given alternatives.
cannot be formed using the right and moved 10km. Howfar
(1) 43 - 6 (2) 28 - 4
letters of the given word: and in which direction is he
(3) 50 - 7 (4) 36 - 5 from his starting point?
7. Arrange the followingwords as (1) 2 krn, West
per order in the dictionary (2) 5 km, East
1. Direction (2) DISMISS
(3) MASONS (3) 3 krn, North
2. Directed (4) 3 km, South
3. Director (4) NOMADS
18. Consider the givenstatement(s)
4. Directing 13. If in a certain code language to be true and decide which of
TEACHER is coded as QBX- the givenconclusions/ assump-
ZEBO.thenhowisSTUDENT tions can definitely be drawn
(2) 2.4. 1.3
coded in the same language? from the given statement(s).
(3) 4.2.3. 1
(1) PQRBAQK Statements:
(2) PQRABKQ 1. All stenographers are lazy.
8. A series is given.with one term
(3) PQRKBAQ 2. Some men are stenographers.
missing. Choose the correct
alternative from the given ones (4) PRKQBAQ Conclusions:
that will complete the series. 14. If 'x' means addition. '-' I.All lazy people are men.
IGT.JHS. KIR. WQ. MKP.? means divi; n.:+'means sub- II. Some men are lazy

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