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Lim Vs Comelec contention of Risos-Vidal and praying that he be

FACTS: proclaimed as Mayor of Manila.

On September 12, 2007, the Sandiganbayan
convicted former President Estrada, a former ISSUE:
President of the Republic of the Philippines, for the Whether or not the COMELEC committed grave
crime of plunder and was sentenced to suffer the abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
penalty of Reclusion Perpetua and the accessory jurisdiction in ruling that former President Estrada is
penalties of civil interdiction during the period of qualified to vote and be voted for in public office as
sentence and perpetual absolute disqualification. a result of the pardon granted to him by former
President Arroyo.
On October 25, 2007, however, former President
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo extended executive HELD:
clemency, by way of pardon, to former President No. The COMELEC did not commit grave abuse of
Estrada explicitly states that He is hereby restored discretion amounting to lack or excess of
to his civil and political rights. jurisdiction in issuing the assailed Resolutions. The
arguments forwarded by Risos-Vidal fail to
On November 30, 2009, former President Estrada adequately demonstrate any factual or legal bases to
filed a Certificate of Candidacy[7] for the position of prove that the assailed COMELEC Resolutions were
President but was opposed by three petitions issued in a whimsical, arbitrary or capricious
seeking for his disqualification. None of the cases exercise of power that amounts to an evasion or
prospered and MRs were denied by Comelec En refusal to perform a positive duty enjoined by law
Banc. Estrada only managed to garner the second or were so patent and gross as to constitute grave
highest number of votes on the May 10, 2010 abuse of discretion.
synchronized elections.

On October 2, 2012, former President Estrada once Former President Estrada was granted
more ventured into the political arena, and filed a an absolute pardon that fully restored allhis civil and
Certificate of Candidacy,[10] this time vying for a local political rights, which naturally includes the right to
elective post, that of the Mayor of the City of seek public elective office, the focal point of this
Manila. controversy. The wording of the pardon extended to
former President Estrada is complete, unambiguous,
Petitioner Risos-Vidal filed a Petition for and unqualified. It is likewise unfettered by Articles
Disqualification against former President Estrada 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code.
before the COMELEC because of Estradas Conviction
for Plunder by the Sandiganbayan Sentencing Him to OP vs Cataquiz
Suffer the Penalty of Reclusion Perpetua with Facts:
Perpetual Absolute Disqualification. Petitioner relied Respondent Cataquiz, then General Manager of the Laguna
on Section 40 of the Local Government Code (LGC), Lake Development Authority, was being ousted in a petition by a
in relation to Section 12 of the Omnibus Election majority of the members of the Management Committee and
Code (OEC) the rank and file employees of the LLDA, on the grounds of
corrupt and unprofessional behavior and management
In a Resolution dated April 1, 2013, the COMELEC, incompetence. In an investigation into the allegations
Second Division, dismissed the petition for against Cataquiz ordered by Secretary Gozun of the DENR, it was
disqualification holding that President Estradas right determined that respondent may be found guilty for acts
to seek public office has been effectively restored by prejudicial to the best interest of the government and for
the pardon vested upon him by former President violations of several pertinent laws and regulations. It was
Gloria M. Arroyo. recommended that the case be forwarded to the
Presidential Anti-Graft Commission. Later, a duly
Estrada won the mayoralty race in May 13, 2013 organized employees union of the LLDA, CELLDA,
elections. Petitioner-intervenor Alfredo Lim filed a complaint before the PAGC charging Cataquiz with
garnered the second highest votes intervene and violations of RA 3019 (The Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act),
seek to disqualify Estrada for the same ground as the The Administrative Code and The Code of Conduct
and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
Employees. The Office of the President adopted the findings Held : Court categorically ruled that the precipitate
and recommendations of PAGC, and dismissed the respondent resignation of a government employee charged with an
from service. The decision was amended by the OP imposing offense punishable by dismissal from the service does
the penalties of disqualification from re-employment and not render moot the administrative case against
forfeiture of retirement benefits because the penalty of dismissal him. Resignation is not a way out to evade administrative
was no longer available to him because of his replacement as liability when facing administrative sanction. The
General Manager of LLDA. The Court of Appeals reversed the resignation of a public servant does not preclude the
decision. Meanwhile, the Office of the Ombudsman finding of any administrative liability to which he or she
recommended the dismissal of the charges against respondent shall still be answerable. A case becomes moot and
for violation of RA No. 3019. academic only when there is no more actual controversy
Issue: between the parties or no useful purpose can be served in
Whether the dismissal of the charges against respondent by the passing upon the merits of the case.[22] The instant case is
Ombudsman serves as a bar to the finding not moot and academic, despite the petitioners separation
of administrative liability. from government service. Even if the most severe of
administrative sanctions - that of separation from service -
No. It is a basic rule in administrative law that public officials are
may no longer be imposed on the petitioner, there are
under a three-fold responsibility for a violation of their duty or for
other penalties which may be imposed on her if she is later
a wrongful act or omission, such that they may be held civilly,
found guilty of administrative offenses charged against
criminally and administratively liable for the same act. Obviously,
her, namely, the disqualification to hold any government
administrative liability is separate and distinct from penal and
office and the forfeiture of benefits.
civil liability. In the case of People v. Sandiganbayan, the Court
elaborated on the difference between administrative and
criminal liability: The distinct and independent nature of one Moreover, this Court views with suspicion the
proceeding from the other can be attributed to the following:
precipitate act of a government employee in effecting his
first, the difference in the quantum of evidence required and,
correlatively, the procedure observed and sanctions imposed; or her separation from service, soon after an
and second, the principle that a single act may offend against
administrative case has been initiated against him or
two or more distinct and related provisions of law, or that the
same act may give rise to criminal as well as administrative her. An employees act of tendering his or her resignation
liability immediately after the discovery of the anomalous

transaction is indicative of his or her guilt as flight in

Pagano vs Nazzaro criminal cases

Esther S. Pagano, Cashier IV of the Office of the Provincial

Public service requires utmost integrity and discipline. A
Treasurer of Benguet, it was discovered that in her
public servant must exhibit at all times the highest sense
accountabilities she had incurred a shortage
of honesty and integrity for no less than the Constitution
of P1,424,289.99. On 12 January 1998, the Provincial
mandates the principle that a public office is a public trust
Treasurer wrote a letter directing petitioner to explain why
and all public officers and employees must at all times be
no administrative charge should be filed against her in
accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
connection with the cash shortage and petitioner may still
responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency.[24] The
be held administratively liable for dishonesty, grave
Courts cannot overemphasize the need for honesty and
misconduct and malversation of public funds through
accountability in the acts of government officials.
falsification of official documents.

Petitioner was already deemed resigned when she filed

her Certificate of Candidacy on 16.



Beroa vs Sandiganbayan Section 13 reinforces the principle that a public
office is a public trust.Its purpose is to prevent
Petitioners were public officers and employees of the accused public officer from hampering his
the Provincial Health Office of Bangued, Abra prosecution by intimidating or influencing
(Health Office) .Dr. Demetrio Beroa (Dr. Beroa) witnesses, tampering with documentary evidence,
was Provincial Health Officer II, Dr. Romulo or committing further acts of malfeasance while in
Gaerlan(Dr. Gaerlan) was Provincial Health Officer office.Petitioners last feeble argument that the
I, Aurie Viado-Adriano (Viado-Adriano) was prosecution evidence is weak misses the
resident auditor and Vida Labios (Labios) was an point.They lose sight of the fact that preventive
accountant.Petitionerswere among the suspension is not a penalty.The accused public
seven3charged for violation of Section 3(e) of officers whose culpability remains to be proven
Republic Act No. 3019 or the Anti-Graft and are still entitled to the constitutional presumption
Corrupt Practices Act(RA 3019) before the of innocence.12The presence or absence of the
Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case No. 23521.The elements of the crime is evidentiary in nature
accusatory portion of the Information reads in which the court will pass on after a full-blown trial
part:chanroblesv irt ua1awli bra r
on the merits.

Committing the crime herein charged in relation

to and taking advantage of their official functions,
and through bad faith, conspiring and
confederating with each other did then and there
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously release to
Alexander Siddayao, the total amount
of P99,987.77 representing payment for the
improvement of the Main Health Center in
Malibcong, Abra when in fact, said Alexander
Siddayao is not the labor contractor for the
project, resulting to the non-payment of the
salaries due the laborers who worked for the
completion of the above-said project, causing
them undue injury.


Whether petitioners can still be held liable even if

they are no longer occupying the positions they
held when they were charged under RA 3019.


The petition is bereft of merit.

The Information charged petitioners under

Section 3(e) of RA 3019 forcausingundue injury to
any party, including the Government, or giving
any private party any unwarranted benefits,
advantage or preference in the discharge of his
official, administrative or judicial functions
through manifest partiality, evident bad faith or
gross inexcusable negligence.

In the event that such convicted officer, who may

have already been separated from the service,
has already received such benefits he shall be
liable to restitute the same to the government.

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