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A set of tools for stakeholders at different levels which will help in assessing and
improving quality interventions in secondary education under Rashtriya Madhyamik
Shiksha Abhiyan(RMSA)
Quality Assessment Tools NCERT

Table of Contents
1. Context ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Quality Dimension ................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Assessing Quality under RMSA ............................................................................................................ 4
4. Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 5
5. Guiding Principles ................................................................................................................................. 6
6. Monitoring Modality ............................................................................................................................ 6
7. Tools and Methods ............................................................................................................................... 7
8. Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 8
9. Use of Findings ................................................................................................................................... 10
Annexures ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Annexure 1: RMSA Quality Dimension ...................................................................................................... 12
Annexure 2: School Quality Assessment Format ...................................................................................... 13
Annexure 3: Teacher Quality Assessment Format .................................................................................... 25
Annexure 4: Classroom Process Assessment Format ............................................................................... 31
Annexure 5: School Development and Management Committee Quality Format .................................. 35
Annexure 6: District Quality Assessment Tool (DQAT) ............................................................................. 37
Annexure 7: State Quality Assessment Format ........................................................................................ 44

Figure 1: Indicative Reporting Framework .................................................................................................. 9

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NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

1. Context
The Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) has the vision to make good quality
education available, accessible and affordable to all young persons in the age group of 14-18
years. In order to achieve this vision RMSA has been working with some key objectives, one of
which is to improve the quality of education being imparted at secondary level by making all
secondary schools conform to prescribed norms.

To achieve this goal RMSA has made a number of quality provisions since the inception of the
programme, for e.g., recruitment of secondary stage teachers, training of teachers, setting up of
integrated science laboratories, art and craft rooms, libraries and computer rooms, administering
extended teaching, etc.

Quality in education has assumed great significance throughout the world; at the same time it
continues to be an issue of great complexity. While there is a growing acceptance that focus on
quality is the key to successful education system, an outstanding difficulty is that there is much
less agreement on what the term educational quality actually means in practice. There is
currently a significant deficit seen in terms of having a common understanding and a common
set of vocabulary/language for conversations within and among the various stakeholders. The
concept of educational quality is hence a complex one.

Quality is at the heart of education and is neither a standalone entity nor a sequential element. It
is integral to all the components; be it input, process, output or outcome. There is an emerging
understanding among the different stake holders that there is a need for a mechanism to be in
place that takes charge of the total quality requirements of the service being provided.

The monitoring and supervision of aspects of secondary education, which are easily quantifiable,
have generally received the attention of the planners, implementers and supervisors. Monitoring
of quality dimensions, especially of learning and learning conditions of every child, has to be
given equal attention. The RMSA Framework clearly says that field visits, inspections and
sample checks must be undertaken on a regular basis to ensure comprehensive and
continuous assessment of the scheme.

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In order to be continuously informed about the parameters and issues specifically related to quality of
secondary education, both at the classroom level as well as at the systematic functioning level, some
monitoring and assessment systems needed to be put in place.

2. Quality Dimension
Quality education through school improvement is best carried out by understanding a set of
dimensions that are to be improved within each school, i.e. students learning outcomes (what
students learn) and the governance of schools (how schools are run). The third dimension for
school improvement is through provisioning (providing the resources the school needs to

Over the past two decades, governments around the world have been successful in their efforts to
improve educational outcomes by asking key questions about the provision and outcomes of
schools. Such governments include those of the United Kingdom, South Africa, Hong Kong,
Jamaica, The Netherlands, New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates.

The key questions that have been asked include those about the academic progress and social
development of students; the quality of teaching; the assessment of learning; the physical
resources available; students' health and safety; and, the quality of leadership. Each of these
questions are answered by looking at their key aspects, laid out in a 'framework' of quality
indicators. Broadly, this framework can be divided into the three dimensions: provision,
management, leadership and learning outcomes.

3. Assessing Quality under RMSA

As per the RMSA Framework, NCERT as the advisory body to MHRD has been entrusted with
the responsibility of developing a system for assessing and supporting the quality aspect of
secondary education in India by developing Quality Assessment Tools (QAT) and its reporting

The goal of QAT is to improve the quality of the education system by building the capacities of
school stakeholders and officers at district and state levels to transform the system into one that
is responsive and committed to the learning needs of children. It also proposes to measure the
changes in quality and timeliness of implementation support to the quality interventions
approved in the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) at state and district level. At each

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level of school, district and state, the tools would assess the quality and provide reporting
systems that lead to reflection. The tools will broadly provide information on quality of
provision, governance and the processes that help in improving students learning outcomes.

The NCERT undertook the development of QATs through a series of workshops with the
representation of the states/UTs. The first workshop was held on June 16-18, 2014 with the
objective of perspective building of the team identified for developing the tools at New Delhi. It
was conducted by the NCERT in collaboration with the RMSA-TCA. Forty seven participants
attended the workshop and represented a number of organizations, including the NCERT,
RMSA-TCA, state RMSA functionaries, EdCIL, MHRD etc., thereby building a common
perspective amongst varied institutions.

The second workshop in the series was held from 21st to 23rd July, 2014, in collaboration with
RMSA-TCA and included 42 participants mainly from the RIEs and the state RMSA
functionaries. The management cycle was used to represent the implementation stages of the
RMSA interventions. The participants were engaged in the preparation of items of various tools
(questionnaires, checklists and interview questions), dividing them into planning, organizing,
executing and monitoring stages for state, district and school levels.

4. Objectives
To promote understanding of various dimensions of quality of secondary education.
To assess the provision made under CSS of RMSA
o Adequacy
o Appropriateness
o Utilisation
o Effectiveness
To inform policy planning, practice and implementation under RMSA
To enable usage of QAT tools and reporting structures by the state system for monitoring
To improve the quality of secondary education as envisaged in the RMSA Framework.

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5. Guiding Principles
As part of the exercise, some guiding principles were identified to inform
stakeholders/investigators. These are:

There should be honesty of purpose leading to transparency and openness in all

communication, i.e. communication effectiveness.

The QA process should provide meaningful feedback to the schools and the system for

The QA exercise should not be seen as an inspection; it is not intended to provide

judgement and should not lead to punitive action.

The findings should be presented in a manner that it informs future plans and practice.

The QAT results should not to be used for comparison with other schools, districts or
state- no ranking.

The entire assessment process needs to be respectful to all.

6. Monitoring Modality
The QAT can potentially be canvassed at two systemic levels. One, through the Monitoring
Institutions (MIs), as these institutions are already functional under RMSA. Two, through the
State system.

Monitoring Institutions: These QATs will be rolled out in all the States and UTs initially
through Monitoring Institutions (MIs) (as these institutions are already functional under RMSA).
Key Resource Persons (KRPs) from the MIs in all States/UTs will be oriented to take up the task
in their respective States/UTs. These MIs will take up the assessment at different levels, viz.,
state, district and school. The assessment process will involve assessment of progress, diagnosis
of strengths and weaknesses and suggesting corrective measures according to needs of teachers,
schools and concerned educational functionaries at district and state levels through their
respective reports.

In this six-monthly exercise, data will be collected by the KRPs from a sample of districts and
schools and analysed. The sampling will be decided by the monitoring institutions in

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consultation with the state. The district reports will be collated and a state level report will be
prepared and sent to MHRD. Then, a quality analysis of all state reports can be undertaken by
Technical Support Group (TSG) to generate a national report.

State system: The Programme Monitoring System(PMS) reports physical and financial progress
on a bi-monthly basis. In addition, a quality report will be generated basis the use of the QAT by
the State system.

It is envisaged that the States and UTs will also make use of QATs through the states own
monitoring system of DEOs, BEOs and others tasked with responsibility of monitoring and
supporting schools. Educational functionaries at different levels will start using findings to
improve the quality of educational processes and outcomes. As a result of this initiative, an
attitude of reflection on their own processes and practices will be developed, thereby promoting
self-assessment amongst the schools for improving quality in secondary education in their own

7. Tools and Methods

The following formats have been designed as part of the QAT:

1. School Level Quality Assessment Formats (SQAF)

a. School Quality Assessment Format

b. Teacher Quality Assessment Format
c. Classroom Process Quality Assessment Format
d. SDMC Quality Assessment Format
2. District Level Quality Assessment Format
3. State Level Quality Assessment Format

Respondents Methods

School Head Teacher, Teachers, SDMC members Interviews

Document review

District DEO, District RMSA coordinators Interview

Document review

State SPD/SPO, RMSA coordinators (MIS, Interview

planning, quality ) Document review

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These assessment formats adopt a multi-pronged approach covering many specific concern areas
such as availability and training of teachers, subject-specific curricula and assessment, and other
concerns including guidance and counseling components, vocational education, inclusive
education, etc. More importantly, the tools retain a holistic view on quality and have potential to
initiate bottom-up solutions to quality concerns. The formats cover the following quality areas:
Infrastructural Facilities
School Environment (safe, healthy and inclusive)
Learning Resources (including curriculum and teaching-learning materials)
Classroom and laboratory processes
Leadership and school management
Teaching and non-teaching staff
Teacher development
Learners assessment
Sections of the formats for which data is already being collected under U-DISE may be pre-
filled and merely verified in the field.

8. Reporting
One of the main objectives of the QAT is to monitor quality trends in secondary education over
time. In order to do this, indicators will be developed for each of the quality dimensions, which
correspond to questions in the various formats designed for the purpose (assessment formats
given in annexures). This would allow scoring in an objective manner. The scoring of indicators
categorises school as red, amber or green in a particular quality dimension. The school scores by
quality dimension are then collated at the district level, and at the state level (indicative sample
scoring sheet is appended). The scoring sheet along with its interpretation will become the basis
for the reports at each level. These reports will highlight areas of concern and quality parameters
where action is required at different levels.

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Figure 1: Indicative Reporting Framework

Single School( SC1) DISTRICT
Sample Schools

Level Level
Core Standards and indicators 1 Level2 3 UDISE School Codes
SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 Leve Le Le
l 1 ve vel
I Infrastructural facilities

II School environment
Learning resources
IV Classroom and laboratory processes
V Leadership and school management

VI Teaching and non-teaching staff

VII Teacher development

VIII Learners assessment

Distict wise report card
Core Standards Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

I Infrastructural facilities # of schools # of schools # of schools

II School environment # of schools # of schools # of schools

Learning resources # of schools # of schools # of schools

IV Classroom and laboratory processes # of schools # of schools # of schools

V Leadership and school management # of schools # of schools # of schools

VI Teaching and non-teaching staff # of schools # of schools # of schools

VII Teacher development # of schools # of schools # of schools

VIII Learners assessment # of schools # of schools # of schools

National Report card: State wise
Core Standards Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

I Infrastructural facilities # of schools # of schools # of schools

II School environment # of schools # of schools # of schools

Learning resources # of schools # of schools # of schools

IV Classroom and laboratory processes # of schools # of schools # of schools

V Leadership and school management # of schools # of schools # of schools

VI Teaching and non-teaching staff # of schools # of schools # of schools

VII Teacher development # of schools # of schools # of schools

VIII Learners assessment # of schools # of schools # of schools

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9. Use of Findings
The QAT tools serve the purpose of identification of the strengths and weaknesses at different
levels of the system. It is believed that the results from this assessment would ultimately be used
in designing school development plans and would also feed into the Annual Planning and
Budgeting (AWP&B) documents of the state. It is expected that such an approach would lead to
a collaborative environment that initiates a culture of self-assessment towards quality and
creation of learning community on the whole. These tools will help national and state level
organizations to identify quality issues and correct them from the macro level through changes in
policy or methods of implementation support.

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Annexure 1: RMSA Quality Dimension

RMSA Quality Dimension
Tool Infrastructural
m and Leadership g and Teacher Learners
School Learning
Facilities and school non- development assessment
Environment Resources laboratory
management teachin
processes g staff





State Level


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Annexure 2: School Quality Assessment Format

(To be completed by the Head of the School)

Date 1st time/2nd time/3rd time

General Guidelines
1. Please answer all questions.
2. Unanswered questions or blank spaces left will mean that the activity was not carried out or the
information is nil.
3. Information provided should belong to the current duration only, unless otherwise mentioned.
4. Completed SQAF should be submitted to DEO. One copy should be retained by the school.
5. Sections where data is available in U-DISE or state education portal maybe pre-filled and verified

I. Information about the school

1. Name and Address of the School: ______________________________________________
2. CRC ____________ BRC ____________ District ____________ State _________
3. School Code (As per U-DISE) _______________
4. School type I-X I-XII IX X Any Other
5. Total number of working days in the last year
6. Timings of the school
7. Subjects and their distribution in the time table

Subjects offered at secondary stage Periods per Week Periods per Week
Languages I
Social Sciences
Health and Physical Education
Arts and Aesthetics
Computer lab
Science lab
Any other

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II. Student related data

Student strength
8. Average student strength of class IX and X
Class No. of sections Total No. of students Average student strength per

ii) How many students with special needs (CWSN) are there in your school?
Sl. No. Type of disability No. of students

Enrolment and attendance

9. Please fill in the details below.
Cl Enrolment Percentage of attendance in Dropouts (so far in the
as the last one month current year)
s Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls






















10. What measures is the school taking to curb the dropout rate? Describe the measures undertaken.
11. Are there any known reasons for low attendance, if at all? Yes/No
a. If yes, please mention the reasons.
12. Is the school taking any measures to increase attendance? Yes/No
a. If yes, mention the same.
13. What role do teachers, students and SDMC members play in these efforts?
III. Infrastructural Facilities
14. Are there separate toilets for boys and girls at your school? Yes/No
i. If yes, how many toilets are there for
a. Girls :
b. Boys :
ii. Do you think that the toilets are adequate? Yes/No
If No, what initiative did you take on this?
iii. Are all the toilets in working order? Yes/No
If no, what initiative your school did take to improve the situation?

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15. Are classrooms rooms adequate and comfortable in size? Yes/No

a. If no, how classes are being managed?
16. Do you have continuous electricity supply in your school in day-time? Yes/No
i. If no, does it affect your school functioning in any way? Yes/No
ii. If yes, how does it affect the class room processes?
iii. What do you do in case of power outages?
iv. Do you receive and use school grant amount for paying electricity bill? Yes/No
v. Are the grants received sufficient? Yes/No?
vi. If no, from where school manages the funds for routing expenditures?
17. Does the school have a proper boundary wall? Yes/No. If no, does it require? If yes, what initiative
is being taken to get boundary wall constructed in the school?
18. Do you have clean drinking water facility in the school? Yes/No
19. Where is the drinking water supplied from? Is there a working purification mechanism in place?
20. a. Is there sufficient space for children for physical activities including games and yoga? Yes/No
If no, where do adolescents do their physical activities including yoga?
b. Do you have a sports kit in your school? Yes/No
c. If yes, from which agency have you received the kit? RMSA/State
d. Are the sports and games equipment utilized by the students? Yes/No
e. If yes, how many periods a week do the students play in the ground?
f. Do you have a regular physical education teacher? Yes/No. If no, who conducts health and
physical education activities?
IV. School Environment (Safety, Health and Inclusion)
21. Are there sufficient working fire extinguishers in the school? Yes/No. If yes, do students and staff
have been given training on the operation and function of these extinguishers? Yes/No.
22. In case of emergency situations (like a fire, any natural calamity, etc.), is there a document
detailing the evacuation plan/plan of action so as to minimize casualties? Yes/No
i. Is this document known to all staff and students? Yes/No. If no, what initiative you will take
to share this document with all.
ii. Have your ever wrote to your authorities for orienting/training your students and staff on
disaster management
23. Have you had any instances of corporal punishment in your school? Yes/No
i. What action has been taken in this regard?
24. Have you had any incidents of physical violence in the school? Yes/No
i. Please give an instance, including what measures were taken by the school to solve the
issue and prevent future instances of violence.
25. Have you had any incidents of drug abuse in the school? Yes/No
i. Please give an instance, including what measures were taken by the school to solve the
issue and prevent future instances of drug abuse.
ii. Do your teachers play a role of counselor for their students regularly? If no, do you think
every teacher need to understand his/her student well? For this, what measure can the
system take?
26. Are health and safety measures discussed at staff meetings? Yes/No
27. Are the school facilities and premises clean and orderly? Yes/No
28. Do you have any facilities for emergency medical assistance for children or staff in the school?

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29. Does the school environment (staff rooms, class rooms, labs etc.) allow for interaction between
staff and students and amongst the staff outside the classroom? Yes/No.
30. Is there any provision for counseling and guidance services in your school? Yes/No? If yes,
i. Do you have regular or part time counselor?
ii. If yes, please quote any cases where this has had a positive impact.
31. Is the school infrastructure friendly to children with special needs? Yes/No
i. If yes, what facilities are provided for their learning at school?
32. Are the laboratories and other formal environments modified to suit the needs of children with
special needs? Yes/No
i. If yes, please give one instance.
ii. Are these facilities used frequently?
iii. Are teaching learning processes modified to suit children with special needs? Yes/No. If
no, do you think, this is the reason for non-enrolment of CWSN at the secondary stage.
iv. If yes, please specify any one instance.
V. Learning Resources
33. Is there Audio/Video Room or Projector Room in the school? Yes/No
i. If yes, how frequently do your teachers use the equipment?
34. Is there Art and Craft Room or a Resource Room in the school? Yes/No
i. If yes, how frequently do your teachers use the equipment?
35. Do you have display corners to display the talents of your students in your School? Yes/No
If yes, how frequently do they update the display boards?
Science lab
36. Do you have science laboratory? Yes/No
i. If yes, is it separate for Biology, Chemistry, Physics or is it integrated?
ii. Was the science lab set up by the state under RMSA recently or it was in the school since
its inception?
iii. Is the science lab equipped with the necessary chemicals and equipments as per the
requirement of the secondary stage science syllabus?
iv. Are equipments/chemicals in proportion with the number of students in class IX and X?
Yes/No. If no, how practical are conducted?
v. Do you maintain the equipments of the lab? Yes/No. If yes, do you get any grant for the
maintenance of the labs? Yes/No. If yes, is the grant sufficient for the maintenance of the
lab? Yes/No
vi. Is Science and Mathematics kit available in the school? Yes/No
vii. If yes, how many science and mathematics kits are there in the school? Are they
sufficient for the students enrolled at the secondary stage?
viii. Have you received the kits under RMSA recently? Yes/No
ix. Are the students allowed carry out experiments in the lab or using kits?
x. How many periods are allotted per week for class IX and X students for lab work?
xi. How frequently do the teachers use the lab materials/kits for conducting
activities/experiments in their classes?

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Computer lab
37. Does the school have a working computer laboratory? Yes/No
i. What is the average computer:student ratio for each batch of students that uses the
computer lab?
ii. Do you have adequate space and seating arrangement for the students in the computer
lab? Yes/No
iii. How do your teachers use computers:
a) For making question paper
b) For teaching abstract concepts
c) For entering marks
d) Any other
iv. Do you face problems with electricity supply? Yes/No. If yes, how do you manage it?
v. Is the internet facility there in the computer lab? Yes/No. If no, from where do you manage
internet, if you require it for any official or teaching purpose?
vi. Does the school have a computer lab assistant who maintains the computers? If no, does
teachers take this responsibility? Yes/No.
School Library
38. Do you have a school library? Yes/No
i. If yes, is there a provision for Library visit in the time table? Yes/No
ii. If yes, how many periods in a week are allotted for library for students of
a) IX :
b) X :
iii. Are the students allowed to use library in the extra periods? Yes/No
iv. Does the library have enough books of various types to fulfill the students reading
requirements and interests? Yes/No
v. Does your school receive funds from the states/RMSA for updating the library?
Please give details.
vi. Do children have easy access to all the required textbooks, supplementary material, lab
manuals etc. that are required? Yes/No
Vocational Education
39. Does your school possess facilities to provide vocational courses as per the demand of community
or state? Yes/No.
i. Are you aware of recent National Skill Qualification Framework and changes in the
scheme of vocational education? Yes/No.
ii. Are you making any effort in this regard? Yes/No. If yes, please give the details. If no,
what is your opinion about vocational education?
Student benefits
40. Are the text books supplied free of cost to all the students? Yes/No
If no, are these supplied free to specific categories of students? If yes, please give the details.
i. Does the state provide free uniform to the students in your school?
ii. If yes, is it supplied to
a) all the students
b) Girls only
c) Students belonging to SC/ST or OBC category only

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iii. Are they supplied in time? Yes/No? If No, what measures do you take for its timely supply?
iv. a. Do any of your students receive scholarship or free ship? Yes/No.
b. If yes, please give the details about the types of scholarship and its value the school has
provision to give and also mention which state/national agency provides the scholarship?
c. What problems your school faces to provide scholarship in time?
41. a. Which agency supplies the school textbooks to the students?
b. Are they supplied in time to the students?
c. If no, what measures do you take to manage the situation?
42. Do all the students in your school bring personal learning resources like textbooks, notebooks,
practical record book, pencils, pen, etc.? Yes/No
If no, what do you do to help the students?
Quality Interventions/ Programmes
43. Please fill in the table below with data related to interventions, either organized at school level or at
higher levels, in the last one year w.r.t. secondary school.
Name of Date Duration Objective Organizin No. of Outcomes/
Programme/In held g Body Participants from Impact
tervention your school
(T = Teachers; S
= Students)
Book Fairs T: S:
Science T: S:
Arts and T: S:
Crafts mela
Science Fair T: S:
Excursion T: S:
Book Fair
44. Do you get enough time to plan for a book fair? If yes, what role your school play in planning for a
book fair? Please give the details.
i. How many books (approximately) were purchased for the school in the last book fair?
ii. Were these books purchased after a needs assessment/consulting teachers and students?
iii. Are all the purchased books available in the library?
iv. How do you find book fairs influencing classroom processes/childs reading
habits/teachers reading habits?
v. If you have any best practice with regard to enhancing reading habits of students at the
secondary stage, please mention the same.
Science Exhibition
45. How do you start preparing students for science exhibition?
i. Do your students or school get funds for making models? Yes/No.
ii. How many models from your school were selected for the most recent science exhibition in
your district?
iii. Do you find science fairs/exhibitions affecting classroom processes/childs
experimentation/ childs curiosity/ interest in science?

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iv. How do you motivate the staff and students to participate in science fairs?
v. What difficulty do you face in the context of conducting/participating in science exhibition?
vi. If you have any best practice with regard to enhancing interest of students towards science
at the secondary stage, please mention the same.
Art and Craft Mela
46. How do you encourage your students to participate in these Melas?
i. In what way do you find Arts and Craft Melas impacting classroom processes, students
interests and aesthetic sense?
VI. Leadership and School Management
47. Total years of teaching and administrative experience of the principal:
48. Principals vision about secondary education:
49. Do you get guidance from district level functionaries for annual school planning? Yes/ No. In either
i. Do you prepare a school plan for the secondary school? Yes/No.
ii. If yes, describe the process of formulating the plan in brief (give details of who is involved,
when the plan is made, etc.) (Please enclose the current school year plan)
iii. Is School Development and Management Committee (SDMC) also gets involved in the
preparation of school plan? Yes/No. If yes, how many members of the committee take
active part in planning and on what specific aspects they show their concerns during
planning? Does your plan include these concerns? Yes /No.
50. Do you receive the general School calendar from the district officials? Yes/No
i. If No, do you develop school calendar according to the context and requirements?
ii. Are classes and activities held consistent with the school calendar? Yes/No
51. Does the school receive any document from district on rules and regulations for the smooth
functioning of the school? Yes/No
i. If No, do you prepare any document that clearly details the rules and regulations? Yes/No
ii. Is this document shared and understood by teachers, principal, learners, and parents?
52. Did you receive any training on leadership aspects after becoming Principal of this school? If yes,
how is that training helping you in school administration? What more do you want for better
administration and success of the school?
Academic Monitoring
53. Do you go on rounds to observe the classes taken by the teachers?
i. If yes, how many times a day do you go on rounds?
54. Do you give feedback and discuss with the teachers on improving measures?
55. How frequently are staff meetings held?
a) Weekly b) fortnightly c) monthly
i. Is the agenda given prior to the meeting? Yes/No
ii. Are the teachers actively involved in the decision making processes for school
development? Yes/No
iii. If yes, please give some examples of ideas suggested by the teachers.
56. How do you motivate the teachers in your school?
a) Arranging guest speakers

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b) Organizing workshops/ seminars, etc.

c) Periodic discussions with all the staff members
d) Recognizing the talents and recommending them for awards
e) Praising on and often during assembly or in staff meeting
f) Through any other initiative
57. How frequently do you supervise the correction work of the teachers?
i. Fortnightly(in fifteen days) b)monthly c)quarterly
58. How do you involve the students in maintaining the school property?
Community support
59. How often do you have Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) in a year? Please describe in brief the
conduct of the PTM.
60. Are parents involved in the improvement of the school in any way? Yes/No
If yes, please give details.
61. Has the school taken any measures to educate parents about school activities, rules, school
schedules, adolescents problems, etc? Yes/No
62. Is the SDMC constituted for your school? Yes/No.
i. If yes, are the SDMC members actively involved in school processes? Yes/No.
ii. If yes, please quote some instances of their involvement.
63. Are any external agencies (NGOs etc.) involved in providing any learning opportunities to your
students? Yes/No
i. If yes, please describe these activities.
VII. Teaching and Non-teaching staff
64. Total number of teachers teaching classes
IX :
65. Please fill in the table below for teachers of secondary classes only.
Subjects Regular Temporary/Contractual Required Posts
taught (as per CTR

66. Are the teachers regularly attending school? Yes/No

i) If yes, on an average what percentage of teachers is regular to school?
a. Below 50% b. between 60 and 80% c. 80% and above
iii) How frequently teachers are transferred or take long leave in your school?
Often.. SometimesRarely..
67. What strategies do you employ to improve regularity among the teachers?
68. On an average how many hours per week a teacher is expected to spend on teaching?

20 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

69. On an average how many hours per week does each teacher spend on teaching?
70. In general, what mechanism is employed by the school to manage the classes handled by teachers
when they are absent?
71. Total number of non-teaching staff at secondary level:..
72. Do you have a full-time
a) Librarian / Library assistant Yes/No
b) Lab attendant Yes/No
c) Clerk Yes/No
d)Office assistant Yes/No
e) Any other Yes/No
If No in any case (a-e), who takes over the above responsibilities?
VIII. Teacher Development
73. Do you receive the intimation of In-Service Teachers Training programmes ahead of time?
74. Please specify the criteria on which teachers are selected for In-Service Teachers Training
a. Teacher selection is done by the district/state authorities
b. Senior teachers/coordinators are sent
c. Junior teachers are sent
d. Teachers who need the specific training are sent
e. Teachers who can further train other teachers in the school are sent
f. Subject-specific teachers are sent
75. Is there any impact of teachers training on the skills, abilities and attitudes of teachers? Please give
specific instances.
76. Are your teachers updated with recent methods or techniques of teaching and assessment?
Yes/No. If no, what do you suggest for them?
77. Is there a regular way of disseminating the information gained during training programmes in your
78. Fill in the details of the in-service teacher training programmes participated by the teachers
S.No. Programme Year No. of teachers Focus areas
deputed addressed

79. Please also mention about the programmes, in which you took part in last three years.
S.No. Programme Year Duration of Focus areas
programme addressed

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IX. Learners Assessment

80. Do you follow Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) pattern in your school? Yes/No
i. If yes, what is the structure / pattern of CCE followed? Please give the details.
ii. Has the school received any standard formats for recording and reporting of CCE from the
state? Yes/No
iii. Do you think CCE has improved the quality of the teaching-learning process? Yes/No
iv. If yes, please quote a few examples from your school.
81. Please fill in the table on learners achievement
Note: If available, kindly provide results of two years (IX-X) of the same batch including board results to
see subject-wise improvement of students from class IX. Please also enclose a copy of the CCE format
used in your school.
Class Subject Grade* Boys Girls Total
No. % No. % No. %
IX Language 1 A
(________) B
Total 100
Language 2 A
(________) B
Total 100
Science A
Total 100
Social Science A
Total 100
Mathematics A
Total 100
Arts Education

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Health and
Physical Education
Grades A= 80% and above, B= 65%-79%, C= 50%-64%, D=35%-49%, E= below 35%
Class Subject No. of children Grade* Boys Girls Total
assessed No. % No. % No. %
Language 1 C
Total 100
Language 2 B
Total 100
Science B
Total 100
Social A
Science B
Total 100
Mathematics A
Total 100
Health and

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Grades A= 80% and above, B= 65%-79%, C= 50%-64%, D=35%-49%, E= below 35%

Practices and reflections
82. What can be done, in your view, to improve overall quality of your school, the learning process
etc.? Please list out any specific ideas you have as these may be useful to many other schools as
83. Please list out any good practices in your school that can be shared with other schools.

24 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

Annexure 3: Teacher Quality Assessment Format

(To be completed by the Teacher)

Date 1st time/2nd time/3rd time ...

General Guidelines
1. Please answer all questions.
2. Unanswered questions or blank spaces left will mean that the activity was not carried out or the
information is nil.
3. Information provided should belong to the current duration only, unless otherwise mentioned.
4. Completed QAT-TF should be submitted to Principal of the School. One copy should be retained by the
5. Sections where data is available in U-DISE or state education portal maybe pre-filled and verified

I. General information
1. Name ...
2. Post ...
3. Name, Address and UDISE code of the

4. No. of students (average) in a class/section whom you teach.
5. How many teaching periods do you take per week?......................
II. Teacher related data
6. Academic and professional qualification:
7. Which classes do you teach?
IX.. IX and X .. VI-X IV-XII IX-XII.
8. Which subjects do you teach?
9. What other activities are you involved in apart from teaching?
10. Do your administrative activities hamper your teaching in any way? Yes/No
If yes, how do you compensate for the classes missed?
a) Take special classes (beyond school hours)
b) Compensate in other periods where essential parts of syllabus are already covered
c) Compensate in other periods (lab period, games class etc.)
d) Give brief about the uncovered themes and leave on children to cover the chapter in home
e) Give notes from the portions not covered
11. Do you have adequate support staff in your school? Yes/No
If no, please specify which staffs are required.
12. Which of the following activities do you participate in /coordinate:
13. Complete the details of the programmes :

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Name of the Year Duration Theme/ topics Organizing Outcome

Programme covered Body
Book fair

Science Exhibition


Art and Craft Mela


Annual day

Health and Hygiene



Career guidance


III. School Environment (safety, health and inclusion)

14. Have you ever faced any pressure from community members/other school staff to follow socially
unjust practices? Yes/No. How do you manage them?
15. Are you aware of the policy documents on child rights? Yes/No.
16. Does the school take any initiative to make all stakeholders aware of their rights and
responsibilities? Yes/No. If yes, please give details.
17. What initiatives does your school take for promoting education among:
a. Girls
b. Students belonging to SC/ST categories
18. Do you find any gender biases in students or in their parents? Yes/No. If yes, how do you address
19. Are there any CWSN in your classes? Yes/No. If yes, have you made any special arrangements in
your class to accommodate such students? If yes, how do you change your usual teaching
methods to include them in your class?
20. What will you do when any student falls sick in the school?
a) Send to the sickroom/school nurse
b) Refer to a doctor from outside the school
c) Communicate directly with the parents
21. Have you ever received any first aid training? Yes/No.
22. Do you send the student to a counselor if needed? Yes/No. If no, do you play role of counselor
whenever required by your students?

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23. Have you ever received any training on disaster management (Fires, floods, earthquakes etc.)? If
yes, please give details.
IV. Learning Resources
24. Does your school provide you comfortable conditions for teaching? Yes/No
If no, what are the basic requirements which you think need to be made better in the school?
a) well ventilated classrooms
b) black/white boards
c) Seating arrangement for students
d) Display boards
e) Projectors/display screens
f) Any other
25. Do you have easy access to laboratories? Yes/No
26. How many periods do you spend in science/language/mathematics laboratory with your students?
27. Do you have easy access to the library? Yes/No
28. Do you visit the library frequently? Yes/No
If yes, how do you utilize library for your day-to-day teaching activity?
a) Updation of knowledge
b) Preparing of notes for the lesson
c) Planning of activities for the lesson
d) Planning library-based projects for students
e) Taking students to the library for library-based activities
29. Is there enough time allotted to the use of audio/video technology and computers in the school
timetable? Yes/No
30. Do you have access to ICT facilities in the school? Yes/No
31. Do you have easy access to computer lab? Yes/No
If yes, how frequently do you use these facilities for improving teaching-learning processes?
a) Every day
b) weekly once
c) fortnightly
d) monthly once
e) only during computer periods
32. Have you prepared learning materials using computers or other ICT? Yes/No
If yes, please mention some examples of prepared materials.
33. Are you given access to internet? Yes/No
If yes, do you direct the students to use the resources identified? Yes / No
34. What learning materials have you prepared for the secondary stage?
a) Charts
b) Models three dimensional and working models
c) Improvised teaching aids
d) Worksheets for students
35. Do you get some seed money for that? Yes/No
36. Have you ever involved the students in preparation of learning materials? Yes/No
If yes, please mention how you have done so.
37. Have you ever used community resources to enhance your teaching? Yes/No
If yes, mention a few of them.
a. Historical monuments

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b. Garden
c. Any factories/Workshops (e.g. Water purification plant, paper factory etc.)
d. People in various occupations
e. Any other ..
V. Classroom and Laboratory Processes
38. Do you plan for the year before the commencement of the classes? Yes/No
If yes, mention some of the factors that you keep in mind while preparing the plan.
39. How do you motivate the students in the classroom?
a) Introducing a class with a puzzle
b) Telling stories of great people
c) Praising whenever required
d) Asking introductory questions
e) Others (please describe)
40. Rate the following methods of teaching in terms of how frequently you use them in your classes.
a) Chalk and talk method
b) Lecture cum demonstration
c) Problem solving method
d) Discussion method
e) Using power point presentations
f) Structural and functional approach
g) Constructivist approach
h) Any other (please describe)
41. Do you organize group activities in your class? Yes/No. If yes, how do you group the students for
activities? How do you assess the students learning during group activities?
42. Do you give graded assignments to the students based on their abilities? Yes/No.
43. What type of home assignments do you give?
a) Questions given after each unit in the textbook
b) Activity based questions
c) Higher order questions
d) Projects
44. Do you correct and give feedback on assignments to the students in time? Yes/No.
45. Is there any formal mechanism to handle slow learners? Yes/No. If no, how do you help them
46. Do you carry out remedial teaching? Yes/No. If yes,
i. How many students out of total students in your class attend remedial teaching classes?
ii. What is the time and duration of these classes?
iii. What activities do you conduct during remedial teaching?
iv. How this is different from regular teaching classes?
47. Do you follow CCE pattern in your school? Yes/No. If yes, do you feel it is helping improve learning
levels amongst students? Yes/No.
48. How do you think CCE can be made better? Please elaborate.
49. What are the methods/techniques that you use to assess the students learning?
a) Quiz
b) Written test
c) Surprise test
d) Activity/Work sheets

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e) Projects
f) Any other (please describe)
50. How do you check absenteeism of students in the class?
a) Marking daily attendance
b) Checking with parents
c) Finding out the real problem
d) Motivating the students to school
e) All of the above
51. Do you take feedback from the students regarding your teaching methods? Yes/No.
52. Are you an active member of any teachers association? Yes/No. If yes, what is your contribution?
53. Do you have any platform where you can share your innovative ideas and experiences? If yes,
please give an example of any best practice or innovation which you implemented and shared on
this platform?
54. Did you get any award in your teaching career? If yes, please give the detail about the award.
VI. Leadership and School Management
55. How frequently are staff meetings held in your school? (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
56. Is your opinion valued in the staff meetings? Yes/No
57. Are major school decisions (administrative/academic) taken after consulting teachers? Yes/No
58. Were you any time involved in preparation of school development plan? Yes/No. If yes, what role
do you play in it?
59. Is the school calendar followed? Yes/No/Partially
60. Do you actively participate in the evaluation of activities of an academic year? Yes/No
61. Have you been involved in school clubs/committees/events in a leadership or organizational role?
If yes, please specify your role and the activities organized by you.
62. Do you discuss school issues with SDMC members ?Yes/No
63. Are there any instances where in SDMC members helped in solving academic or student related
social problems? Yes/No. If yes, please mention the instance briefly.
64. Do you welcome and encourage parent involvement in the school activities? Yes/No
65. How frequently are PTMs conducted?
Monthly once /Quarterly/ Half yearly / annually
66. How are the issues related to students addressed in PTMs?
67. Is there a continued interaction with the parents as a follow up to PTM? Yes/No
68. Have you ever contributed in awareness programme/dropouts to school etc? Yes/No
If Yes, Mention them
VII. Teacher Development
69. Did you attend any training programme since 2011? Yes/No. If yes, please provide the following
Name of Year Duration Theme/ Organizing No. of Overall Suggestion
the topics Body Resource comments for the
Programme covered Persons about the improvement
programme of training

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70. To what extent are knowledge and skills acquired in the training programmes being used in the
71. What are the areas in which you feel you could improve as a teacher?
72. Are you aware of RMSA? Yes/No. If yes, what changes do you observe in school or school
activities due to RMSA?
73. Have you ever come across a visit made by district/state officials to see how do you teach?
Yes/No. If yes how do find these visits useful for the schools?

30 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

Annexure 4: Classroom Process Assessment Format

To be filled in by the Field Investigator/Monitoring Institution Official during and after the classroom
State District
Name of the School
UDISE code of the school
Class IX/X Period Subject
No. of students enrolled No. of students present
I. Infrastructural Facilities
1) The class was being held in:
a. Classroom b. Veranda c. Open space d. Other : ________
2) Was the classroom sufficiently lit? Yes/No
3) Did the classroom have enough space for:
i. Students (including CWSN) to sit comfortably? Yes/No
ii. Teacher to physically reach any student in the class? Yes/No
iii. Students to be able to sit in groups for any group activity? Yes/No
4) Did the classroom have enough wall space/ display space for charts, maps, pictures, models etc.
to be displayed? Yes/No
i. If yes, were these spaces used?
ii. If yes, were the displayed items relevant and appropriate for the secondary level?
iii. If yes, were the displayed items made in the current session?
iv. If yes, were at least some of these items prepared by the students?
5) Did the classroom have a black/white board of sufficient size? Yes/No
i. If yes, was the board and chalk/marker of good quality?
ii. Was the written matter visible from all parts of the classroom?
6) Did the classroom have a library/library corner? Yes/No
i. If yes, approximately how many books were there?
ii. If yes, what kinds of books were present?
a. Fiction b. Non-fiction c. Textbooks d. Reference
7) Was the classroom clean? Yes/No
8) How many dustbins were easily accessible in or just outside the classroom?
9) Was the classroom neat and orderly? Yes/No
10) Boys and girls were seated
a. Separately b. Together c. Not Applicable

II. Classroom and Laboratory Processes

Teacher Strategy
11) Did the teacher use language appropriate to the level of the students? Yes/No
12) Did the teacher use any language apart from the medium of instruction? Yes/No
13) Was the lesson well planned? Yes/No

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14) Did the teacher create readiness amongst the students in the beginning of the class? Yes/No
15) Was the lesson introduced to the students effectively? Yes/No
16) Were the students day-to-day experiences linked with the concepts learnt in the class? Yes/No
17) How did the teacher assess whether students were following the lesson?
i. Asked questions to some students
ii. Asked questions to the whole class
iii. Gave a written assignment/questions based on the lesson
iv. Checked class-work copies for correctness of written material/solutions
v. Other: _____________________________________________
18) The teacher asked questions that encouraged higher-order thinking. Yes/No
19) The teacher gave homework appropriate to the level of the class in terms of quantity and quality.
20) The homework given encouraged creativity and innovativeness in the students. Yes/No
21) The teacher discussed mistakes or shortcomings in the homework previously submitted. Yes/No
Student Engagement
22) Did the students converse with the teacher or amongst themselves in any language apart from the
medium of instruction? Yes/No
23) Did the board work evoke the students interest in any way? Yes/No
24) The students were actively engaged in the activities carried out in the class. Yes/No
25) Students interacted with the teacher and were comfortable to ask questions. Yes/No
26) Students interacted amongst themselves actively. Yes/No
27) Students raised questions/doubts. Yes/No
If yes, these were answered/addressed by the teacher effectively. Yes/No
Classroom Management
28) Teacher was giving individual attention to all the students. Yes/No
29) The teacher gave special attention/help to :
i. Socially disadvantaged children
ii. Students with different linguistic background
iii. Students with learning difficulties
iv. Students with special needs
30) Answers given by all students were encouraged and valued by the teacher. Yes/No
31) Wrong answers given by the students were ignored/not handled properly/ not clarified. Yes/No
32) The teacher was supervising the childrens work throughout the class. Yes/No
33) The students were engaged in a group activity. Yes/No
34) The teachers behavior with the students was:
a) Strict and restrictive
b) Friendly but firm
c) Lenient and permissive
35) Generally the class was
i. Undisciplined
ii. Well disciplined
iii. Fearful of the teacher
iv. At ease with the teacher
36) Most of the students carried their own personal learning materials and textbooks. Yes/No
37) The teacher was:

32 Draft August 2015

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i. Audible and clear

ii. Grammatically correct
iii. Acceptably correct in pronunciation and accent
iv. Proficient in the subject taught
38) Students were engaged in solving numerical exercises given in the textbook
39) The teacher gave problems designed to clarify the concept being taught
40) The appropriate terminology and notation was used and explained
41) The teacher was relating the topic and problems given to real-life experiences and examples
42) The logic behind each step of any calculation was shown clearly
43) The students were given the opportunity to discuss and argue about the approach to solve
44) Patterns in data were explored
45) Skills of estimation, approximation and optimization were being developed
46) Measurements that can be seen in everyday life were emphasized
47) Various tactics of problem solving were discussed
48) The teacher used an innovative or novel method for concept attainment
49) Students were engaged in improving reading skills
50) Activities were performed to explain/ clarify literary concepts
51) The teacher related concepts or situations in the lesson to real-life experiences and situations in
current society
52) Students were engaged in improving formal grammar competency
53) The teacher corrected the students language usage in terms of syntax and semantics
54) Students were engaged in a creative task (essay writing, poetry writing etc.)
55) The teacher used classroom activities like role plays and drama as discussion starters
56) Students were engaged in development of formal document writing skills (letters, cover notes,
requisitions etc.)
57) The teacher encouraged the use of dictionaries, thesaurus and other learning materials.
58) Students were engaged in solving exercises given in the textbook
59) The teacher gave problems designed to clarify the concept being taught
60) The appropriate terminology and notation was used and explained
61) The teacher was relating scientific facts to real-life experiences and examples
62) The logic behind each step of any problem solution was shown clearly
63) The students were given the opportunity to discuss and argue about the approach to solve
64) Patterns in data were explored
65) Skills of estimation and approximation were being developed
66) Measurements that can be seen in everyday life were emphasized
67) Various tactics of problem solving were discussed
68) The teacher used an innovative or novel method for concept attainment
69) The students were engaged in practical activity/ simple experiments in or outside the classroom
August 2015 Draft 33
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70) The students were watching a demonstration

71) Students experiences of daily life were linked to the situations/concepts being studied
72) The teacher gave students questions to answer orally or in writing
73) Students were engaged in finding answers from the textbook
74) Students were sent to find other sources of information for answers
75) Students were engaged in project work
76) Map reading skills were being developed in the class


77) Mention anything special noticed during the classroom observation with respect to the teacher,
students or the teaching-learning process.

34 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

Annexure 5: School Development and Management

Committee Quality Format
(To be filled by the SMDC members)

Date. 1 st time/2nd time/3rd time..

General Guidelines:
Please answer all questions. Unanswered question or blank space left will mean that the activity is not held
or the information is nil. Information provided will be used for research purpose only.

I. General Information:
1. Name of school with address _________________________________________________
2. Name of CRC ______________ BRC __________ District __________ State __________
3. Number of Members in SDMC:
Total ______ (b) Women ______ (c) Parents ______ (d) Others ______
II. SDMC Constitution and functioning
4. (a) How many meetings of the SDMC were organized during past one year?
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4.)
(a) Write dates ________________________________________________
(b) How many members of SDMC generally attend these meetings?
(c) What was your contribution in these meetings?
5. (a) Have SDMC members been provided training? Yes/No
If yes,
(b) How many training programmes were organized in past one year?
(c) What are the issues discussed in the training provided?
6. (a) Have you ever attended any meeting in the school/district where you found people discussing
about bringing improvement in the school in coming years? Yes/No
(b) If yes, what was your role or contribution in that meeting?
7. In your opinion, what improvements are needed in the school functioning?
(i) _______________________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________________
8. Major initiatives of SDMC for improving functioning of school.
(i) _______________________________________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________________________________
9. Is your ward/child studying in this school? Yes/No
If yes, what is your opinion about your childs progress and also about schools overall activities?

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10. How do you motivate the community members get involved in supporting the school activities?
11. Are you aware of the quality interventions under RMSA? Yes/No
If yes, do you find that these have brought about any improvement in the school? Yes/No
If yes, please specify how.
If no, why do you think these have not worked?

36 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

Annexure 6: District Quality Assessment Tool (DQAT)

(To be completed by DEO)
Date . -
General Guidelines
1. This format will be completed by the DEO on the basis of his/her experiences.
2. Please answer all questions. Unanswered questions or blank spaces left will mean that the activity
was not carried out or the information is nil.
3. Information provided should belong to the last and current year only.
4. Completed DQAT should be submitted to the SPO.
5. Sections where data is available in U-DISE or state education portal maybe pre-filled and verified

I. District Information
1. District ____________ State _____________
2. (a) Number of schools in the district

I-X IX -X I - XII Any other Total

Regular Temporary
3. No. of school Teachers teaching at Secondary level:
No. of higher secondary teachers teaching at secondary schools:

4. Information about enrolment and attendance of students during current session in the cluster:
Enrolment as per register
Boys Girls Total

Number of schools with average attendance of :

Boys Girls Total
Above 60% - Below Above 60% - Below Above 60% - Below
80% 79% 60% 80% 79% 60% 80% 79% 60%

5. Number of Children with Special Needs (CWSN) in the district.

6. Steps taken by the district to improve students enrolment and attendance in schools:
7. Does your district provide free textbooks to secondary stage children?
If yes, is this provision for all or for girls only, or for girls and for the children belonging to marginalized

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8. By when, the district provides textbooks to all the schools in the beginning of the session?
Within one week Within one month After one month

9. If there is late distribution of books, please give reasons for late distribution of text books :
10. Do majority of school buildings in your districts have minimum infrastructure arrangement?
If yes, provide the following details:
i. Number of schools without safe drinking water facilities
ii. Number of schools without separate toilets for boys/ girls
iii. Schools without barrier free access
iv. Schools without boundary wall
v. Schools without laboratory facilities
vi. Schools without adequate classrooms
vii. Schools without library facilities
viii. Schools without computer labs and computer equipment

If no, what efforts district has been making to improve this situation?
11. Do you provide scholarships to the students of your district? Yes/No
i. If yes, on what basis?
ii. How many students are getting the scholarship?
iii. Is it given on time to the students?
Is there any improvement in the enrolment, retention and achievement in the students as a result of these
scholarships? Yes/No
12. How many RMSA funded girls hostels are there in your district?
i. How many girls are residing in them?
ii. Are the hostels adequate to accommodate the Girls who do not have alternate accommodation?
13. Do you have any hostel facility for the teachers?
If yes, how many hostels are there and how many teachers are availing the facility?
14. Do you provide transport facility to the students whose hostels are very far from the schools?
15. Do you provide ICT facilities to the secondary schools? Which is the funding agency?
Please mention the details of the facilities provided.
16. Number of schools having School Management and Development Committees
(SDMCs) in the district.
17. (a) Number of schools where School Development Plans have been prepared
(b) Number of schools involving SDMCs in preparation of this plan
18. Number of SDMCs which were given training about their roles and functions.
19. Do you confer Award/Rewards to the students or teachers who are highly talented or have special
If yes, give details.
II. Leadership and School Management
20. Does your district provide annual calendar for schools?
If yes, do all the schools follow this annual activity calendar?

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NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

21. Do you provide dates for the completion of syllabus and also for the conduct of tests /examination in
your district?
If yes, is there any scope of flexibility? If yes, do teachers complete syllabus in-time?
22. Do you receive any guidelines/instruction from the state to plan certain kinds of activities for the district
for improving access, equity and quality of secondary education? Yes/No
If yes, how do you plan for this?
Which agencies in the state provide you help for planning?
23. Do you collect requirement from every school for making annual plan and budget for the district?
If yes, what method do you follow for the same?
If no, how do you propose annual plan for the district?
24. Has any state authority provided any guidelines for the DEO to visit schools and observe classroom
processes or overall quality of school education in the district? If yes, provide information on the
(a) Minimum number of schools to be visited in a quarter
(b) Minimum number of classes (teaching learning processes) to be observed in a school
25. How many schools did you visit in the last year? What are the major suggestions you have given to
them for school improvement?
26. Do you have a quality assessment/management mechanism at the district level?
If yes,
(a) The institutions involved __________________________________________
(b) Members of quality management ____________________________________
(c) Role of Block level functionaries in quality management______________________________
(d) Role of District level functionaries in quality management
(e) Role of School level functionaries in quality management
27. Do you organize meetings of concerned block level officials and Head Teachers to see the conduct of
Yes No
If yes,
(a) Once in a month
(b) Once in two months
(c) Once in three months
(d) Once in four-six months
(e) Other, please specify
28. Have the school principals/SMDC members been given adequate training for assessing school needs
and make a plan for school development? Yes/No
If yes, please provide details of training programmes conducted in this regard?
29. What quality interventions were provided at district level in the last year?
Name of Date Duration Objective Organizing No. of Participants Outcomes/Impact
Programme/I held Body from your district
ntervention (T = Teachers; S =

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30. What interventions do you think will be appropriate for your district in view of improving quality of
students learning?

31. (i) No. of schools which received school Grant

(ii) No. of schools which utilized school Grant
32. Do all the schools receive same amount of grant or do you have any mechanism for re-appropriation
/distribution of the grant as per the schools requirement?
33. Do you issue any guidelines to the school for the utilization of this grant? Yes/No
If yes, please give details of the guidelines?
15. What initiatives/ strategies are adopted by schools in your district for improving teaching learning
34. Specific efforts made by schools in the district for making classrooms inclusive :
III. Teacher Development
35. Please give details about the mechanism in place for teacher training? How entire district is covered for
the training of secondary stage teachers?
36. How does your district make plan for teacher training in the entire district?
37. What mechanism does your district use for identifying teachers needs?
38. Do you have pool of :
a. Resource Persons
b. Key Resource Persons
c. Master Trainers
39. Is their number adequate for covering all the teachers in all the subject areas?
40. Do you have training modules developed at the district/state level? If yes, do you think quality of these
modules is good? If not, what are your suggestions?
41. How many training programmes did you conduct in the last years? Please give details in the following
a) Mathematics

40 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

(b) Science
(c) Social Science
(d) Languages
(e) Arts Education
(f) Health and Physical Education
(g) Any other area
42. What problems did you face conducting these programmes?
43. Did you inform state level authorities about these problems? What measures did the state take?
44. Suggestions for upcoming training programmes provided at the district level.

(i) Are there any innovative practices that your district has taken up? If yes, give details.

IV. Learners' Assessment

45. Achievement of class IX and X students
Note: If available, kindly provide results of two years of (IX-X) of the same batch including board
results to see subject-wise improvement of students from class IX. Please also enclose a copy
of the CCE format used in your district:

Class Subject Grade* Boys Girls Total

No. % No. % No. %
IX Language 1 A
(________) B
Total 100
Language 2 A
(________) B
Total 100
Science A
Total 100
Social A
Science B

August 2015 Draft 41

Quality Assessment Tools NCERT

Total 100
Mathematics A
Total 100
Health and PE
A= 80% and above, B= 65%-79%, C= 50%-64%, D=35%-49%, E= below 35%
Class Subject No. of children Grade* Boys Girls Total
assessed No. % No. % No. %
Language 1 C
Total 100
Language 2 B
Total 100
Science B
Total 100
Social Science A
Total 100
Mathematics A

42 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

Total 100
Arts Education
A= 80% and above, B= 65%-79%, C= 50%-64%, D=35%-49%, E= below 35%
46. What efforts does your district make towards the improvement of students achievement in subject
47. How have your efforts made an impact on students learning? Describe, with evidence.

August 2015 Draft 43

Quality Assessment Tools NCERT

Annexure 7: State Quality Assessment Format

(To be completed by SPD/SPO)

Date . -
General Guidelines
1. This format will be completed by the SPD on the basis of his/her experiences.
2. Please answer all questions.
3. Unanswered questions or blank spaces left will mean that the activity was not carried out or the
information is nil.
4. Information provided should belong to the current cycle only.
5. Completed DQAT should be submitted to the SPO.
6. Sections where data is available in U-DISE or state education portal maybe pre-filled and verified

I. State Information
1. State ____________ Number of District _____________
2. (a) Number of schools in the state

I-X IX -X I - XII Any other Total

3. No. of Teachers: In Position
Yes No
Required Posts
(as per state need)

(a) Sec. Stage Teachers (i) Regular

(ii) Temporary
(b) Higher Sec. Teachers (i) Regular

(ii) Temporary

II.Enrolment and Attendance

4. Information about enrolment and attendance of students
during current session in the state:
Enrolment as per register
Boys Girls Total

44 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

Number of schools with average attendance of :

Boys Girls Total
Above 60% - Below Above 60% - Below Above 60% - Below
80% 79% 60% 80% 79% 60% 80% 79% 60%

5. Number of Children with Special Needs (CWSN) in the

6. Number of Children with Special Needs (CWSN)
7. (a) Number of out of school children in the state
Boys Girls

(b) Number of centres where these children are undergoing secondary education:
Own schools Other centres (NGO) Residential centres Any Other

8. Steps taken by the state to improve students

attendance and enrolment in schools:
9. Does your state provide free textbooks to secondary stage children?
If yes, is this provision for all or for girls only, or for girls and for the children belonging to marginalized
10. By when, the state provides textbooks to all the schools in the beginning of the session?
Within one week Within one month After one month

11. If there is late distribution of books, please give reasons for late distribution of text books :

12. Do majority of school buildings in your state have minimum infrastructure arrangement?
If yes, provide the following details:

August 2015 Draft 45

Quality Assessment Tools NCERT

a. Number of schools without safe drinking water facilities

b. Number of schools without separate toilets for boys/ girls
c. Schools without barrier free access
d. Schools without boundary wall
e. Schools without laboratory facilities
f. Schools without adequate classrooms
g. Schools without library facilities
h. Schools without computer labs and computer equipment
If no, what efforts district has been making to improve this situation?
13. Do you provide scholarships to the students in your state at the secondary stage? Yes/No
a. If yes, on what basis?
b. How many students are getting the scholar ship?
c. Is it given in time to the students?
d. Is there any improvement in the enrolment, retention and achievement in the students as a result of
these scholarships? Yes/No
14. How many RMSA funded girls hostels are there in your state?
a. How many girls are residing in them?
b. Are the hostels adequate to accommodate the Girls who do not have alternate accommodation?
15. Do you have any hostel facility for the teachers?
If yes, how many hostels are there and how many teachers are availing the facility?
16. Do you provide transport facility to the students whose hostels are very far from the schools?
17. Do you provide ICT facilities to the secondary schools? Which is the funding agency?
Please mention the details of the facilities provided.
18. Number of schools having School Management and Development Committees
(SDMCs) in the state.
19. (a) Number of schools where School Development Plans have been prepared
(b) Number of schools involving SDMCs in preparation of this plan
20. Number of SDMCs which were given training about their roles and functions.
21. Do you confer Award/Rewards to the students or teachers who are highly talented or have special
achievements? If yes, give details.
III. Leadership and School Management
22. Does your state provide annual calendar for schools?
If yes, do all the schools follow this annual activity calendar?
23. Do you provide dates for the completion of syllabus and also for the conduct of tests /examination in
your state?
If yes, is there any scope of flexibility? If yes, do teachers complete syllabus in-time?
24. Do you receive any guidelines/instruction from the Centre to plan certain kinds of activities for the state
for improving access, equity and quality of secondary education? Yes/No
If yes, how do you plan for this?
Which agencies in the state provide you help for planning?
25. Do you collect requirement from every district for making annual plan and budget for the state? Yes/No
If yes, what method do you follow for the same?
If no, how do you propose annual plan for the state?

46 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

26. Does DEOs have been given adequate training for assessing schools needs and make a plan for the
improvement of school education in a distreict? If yes, please provide details of training programmes
conducted in this regard?
27. Has the state provided any guidelines for the DEO to visit schools and observe classroom processes
or overall quality of school education in the district? If yes, provide information on the following:
i. Minimum number of schools to be visited in a quarter
ii. Minimum number of classes (teaching learning processes) to be observed in a school
28. Do state officials make visits to schools? If yes, how many schools did state officials visit in the last
year? What are your major observations about schools in the state?
29. Do you have a quality assessment/management mechanism at the state level level?
If yes,
(a) The institutions involved __________________________________________
(b) Members of quality management ____________________________________
(c) Role of Block level functionaries in quality management______________________________
(d) Role of District level functionaries in quality management _________________________________
(e) Role of School level functionaries in quality management

30. Do you organize meetings of concerned state officials, district officials and Head Teachers to monitor
the conduct of interventions?
Yes No
If yes, how frequently?
(a) Once in a month
(b) Once in two months
(c) Once in three months
(d) Once in four-six months
(e) Other, pls specify
31. Have the school principals/SMDC members been given adequate training for assessing school needs
and make a plan for school development in the state? Yes/No
32. What quality interventions were provided at the state level in the last year?
Name of Date Duration Objective Organizing No. of Participants Outcomes/Impact
Programme/I held Body from your district
ntervention (T = Teachers; S =

August 2015 Draft 47

Quality Assessment Tools NCERT

33. What interventions do you think will be appropriate for your state in view of improving quality of
students learning? What problems do the state face in conducting these quality interventions? What
measures, the state take to address these?
34. Do all the schools in your state receive same amount of grant or do you have any mechanism for re-
appropriation /distribution of the grant as per the schools requirement?
35. Please give the following information:

(i) No. of schools which received school Grant

(ii) No. of schools which utilized school Grant

36. Do you issue any guidelines to the school for the utilization of this grant? Yes/No
If yes, please give details of the guidelines?
37. What initiatives/ strategies are adopted by schools in your state for improving teaching learning
38. Do you take support of NGOs in your state for improving quality in your schools? /If yes, please provide
the details of involvement of different NGOs for different quality interventions in your state?
39. Please mention any specific efforts made by state for making classrooms inclusive in terms of teaching

V. Teacher development
40. Please give details about the mechanism in place for teacher training? How entire state is covered for
the training of secondary stage teachers?
41. How does your state make plan for teacher training in the entire state?
42. What mechanism does your state use for identifying teachers needs?
43. (i) Do you have pool of :
State level Resource Persons
Key Resource Persons
Master Trainers
(ii) Is their number adequate for covering all the teachers in all the subject areas?
44. Do you have training modules developed at the district/state level? If yes, do you think quality of these
modules is good? If not, what are your suggestions?
45. How many training programmes did you conduct in the last years? Please give details in the following
a) Mathematics
(b) Science
(c) Social Science
(d) Languages
(e) Arts Education
48 Draft August 2015
NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

(f) Health and Physical Education

(g) Any other area
46. What problems did districts face conducting these programmes? What measures did the state take?
47. Suggestions for upcoming training programmes provided at the state/district level:
48. Are there any Innovative practices that your district has taken up? If yes, give details.
VI. Learners' Assessment
49. Achievement of class IX and X students
Note: If available, kindly provide results of two years of (IX-X) of the same batch including board
results to see subject-wise improvement of students from class IX. Please also enclose a copy
of the CCE format used in your statet:

Class Subject Grade* Boys Girls Total

No. % No. % No. %
IX Language 1 A
(________) B
Total 100
Language 2 A
(________) B
Total 100
Science A
Total 100
Social A
Science B
Total 100
Mathematics A

August 2015 Draft 49

Quality Assessment Tools NCERT

Total 100
Health and
A= 80% and above, B= 65%-79%, C= 50%-64%, D=35%-49%, E= below 35%
Class Subject No. of children Grade* Boys Girls Total
assessed No. % No. % No. %
Language 1 C
Total 100
Language 2 B
Total 100
Science B
Total 100
Social Science A
Total 100
Mathematics A
Total 100
Arts Education

50 Draft August 2015

NCERT Quality Assessment Tools

A= 80% and above, B= 65%-79%, C= 50%-64%, D=35%-49%, E= below 35%

50. What efforts does your state make towards the improvement of students achievement in subject areas?
51. How your efforts have made an impact on students learning? Describe, with evidence.

August 2015 Draft 51

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