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Advanced Psychotherapy Treatment in Norway, Oslo: By

Grethe Lied (Psychotherapist)

Psychotherapy is an umbrella term for many different therapy-forms. Suffering is a part of being human,
but when the suffering exceeds a threshold for what we manage to cope alone, we need the help so
that the pain we carry on can meet, be taken against and be understood.

Psychotherapy is a business where the purpose is to better mental health, and emotional or
adferdsmessige problems. Certain patterns can often make it difficult for people to cope with everyday
life or achieve personal goals. The ability to see and use your own opportunities, and make choices, can
be severely limited. Feelings, thoughts and actions can have a painful and repeating pattern that is
outside its own control.

When psychotherapy often treat very personal and sensitive topics and issues, are all
psychotherapists are bound by professional secrecy.

Psychotherapy is intended to rectify these difficulties through different approaches and techniques.
Regular psychotherapy involves a psychotherapist and one or more clients that work with these issues in
an effort to find out what they consist of, and how they can be handled.

Increased self-knowledge, self-esteem and mastery

There are many forms of psychotherapy, but common to all is the purpose to contribute to the help that
leads to increased self-knowledge and mastery, new experiences which in turn can lead to learning.

Psychotherapy is not normative; It's not about right or wrong. It is a development project where what
once stiffened, the tears you never had a place to add, that laugh and that smile you never showed
anyone, the shame that time and again destroys your self-esteem, can find an expression, and where
you want to be seen, heard and met, no matter who and what you are.

Change old patterns

We get people in touch with other people. It is through other people we understand ourselves. In the
first place, it is our mother and our father or our primary caregiver that tells us who we are, and then we
use the rest of your life to confirm or deny our basic assumptions about ourselves. If we at an early age
have been ignored or criticized, it is easy to interpret it as that we are not particularly significant.

Often live people out this hypothesis by to behave humbly and shy, and thus confirmed themselves
as rather insignificant.

People put simply not notice you, and forget about your existence. In the book of mumietrollet there is
a child who almost becomes invisible because of such dynamics. In psychotherapy, you will attempt to
change on such fundamental misunderstandings about self worth and competence, and by uncovering
negative patterns, which prevents further development; one can change these so that people can create
new significant narratives about themselves. This requires that the psychotherapist has knowledge, but
also is capable of empathic immersion in the patient's universe. The ability of empathy is one of the
most important tools in psychotherapeutic treatment.
Thoughts and feelings
In psychotherapy makes one that is a deliberate attempt to reflect on their own feelings and thoughts.
Of and to hit one of the powerful emotions that puts all the rational way of thinking out of the game.
There is nothing wrong with the feelings, the one should not fight, for they are there whether you want
it or not. But it is not the same as to live and share them with the world. In psychotherapy, one can learn
techniques to separate the thoughts and feelings and learn to deal with both in the best possible way.

What is a psychotherapist?
Psychotherapist is not a protected title, and thus, there are no specific requirements for who can call
themselves a psychotherapist. It is required that is not of the therapist that he or she has a medical or
psychological qualification or education. It can be very different education levels at different
psychotherapists. A psychotherapist may be a psychologist, psychiatrist, and nurse with additional
education, social worker e. i. doctors and psychologists, however, is the only one in Norway who
through his education has the expertise to investigate, diagnose and treat mental disorders in humans.

There are several educational centers in Oslo, including the Institute for psychotherapy. Here's the
premise a basic education as a doctor or psychologist and approval in Norway.

Research has shown that psychotherapy is more effective, and provides a more long-lasting
improvement than drug therapy alone. The advantage of psychotherapy in relation to drug therapy, is
that the patient can learn coping strategies that can prevent a possible relapse after completing
treatment (something that often occurs when drug therapy).

Grethe Lied is a doctor and a member of The Norwegian Medical Association, with additional education
in psychology and Psychiatry, and the entire 30 years of experience in call therapy, psychotherapy,
counseling and coaching. Mindfulness is also one of her areas of expertise. Grethes experience,
combined with the broad interdisciplinary expertise, make up a solid and safe platform that forms the
basis for qualified, good help.

Psychotherapist, a doctor and Coach Lied has offices in Grete Oslo (Show map), but also assists clients by
phone and Skype. Phone: 932 66 959

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