Presentation 1111

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1 identify the key duties and responsibilities associated with the project management of the

project. Explain how these are virtual for the project managers role

Proposals and Planning

Before a job begins, it must be planned. Project managers are often part of the planning team
because they need a solid understanding of the job's purpose as well as the details of how and why
specific choices are made. Project managers help select materials, vendors and participants and
often set the project timeline. They may also help develop the client proposal and may even assist at
the presentation.


Every project has a budget. It is set at the beginning of the job, tracked along the way and assessed
when the project is finished. The project manager is responsible for keeping the job on budget and
for documenting any changes that result in a budget deviation -- both positive and negative. If the
deviation is due to a client error or change in specification, the project manager should issue a
change order and have it signed so that the client can be billed.


Project managers often bear full responsibility with limited authority because they usually manage
cross-functional teams of individuals who report to another supervisor. For example, a project team
might include a designer who works for the art director, a buyer who works for the purchasing
manager and an accountant who works for the CFO. Yet a project manager's main job is to get
everyone else to do his or her job as it related to the project -- and to do so on time and on budget.

Client Interface

Once the initial sale is made, the project manager usually becomes the client's key point of contact.
The project manager must keep the client updated on the cost and status of the job and must answer
any questions and concerns the client might raise. Project managers must also hold clients
accountable for meeting their responsibilities in terms of deliverables, information and access and
must keep track of specification changes made at the client's request.

Tracking and Reporting

Most project managers maintain a project timeline with identified delivery milestones. This might be
accomplished with a simple spreadsheet or a more complex project management software program.
Throughout the life of the project, the manager will constantly track progress to ensure the job is on
schedule, on budget and is meeting all deliverables and expectations. He will run and deliver reports
on a set basis, often weekly or monthly and will complete a project report at the end of the job.
compares the contractual implications such as coordination and control, authority and
accountability, roles and responsibilities of involving external consultants or a team of in-
house staff for the management of the project.

Internal Consultants

Advantages Disadvantages
Clearer comprehension of the customers Preconceived ideas about design, method of
business and target construction and technology available
Experienced contactors Smaller field of experienced contactors
Good communication with team Less communications
Promotes opportunities within the business No fixed salary
Awareness of appropriate authority within the Unstable due to internal pressure from
team stakeholders
Clearer structure Current project design limited to previous

External Consultants

Advantages Disadvantages
Can be hired and fired depending on demand of Can refuse to carry out work if contract
work specification changes
No pension Pension depending on the company
Available whenever required No relationship with agency or consultancy
Less pressurized Less responsible to the project (especially when
coming towards the end of the project)
Wider range of experience and new ideas Less experienced in project
Fixed cost Higher hourly rates

roles and responsibilities of the design team and the construction team. Discuss the
project managers relationship with this team.

Roles and responsibilities of the design team

1. Architect

i) role is to design the building

ii) He has the artistic view of construction

2. Structural Engineer

i) He has to get a design can be constructed by a structure

ii) He has to consider the technical limitations

iii) This is a more technical view of design

3. Civil Engineer

i) They design and build in the area of civil engineering

4. Services Engineer

ii) They are responsible for all electrical, mechanical and services works for the project.

iii) They should be looking to design a cost efficient, environmentally friendly system.

Design team is a set of professionals, typically, appointed to by the client to perform expert tasks on
a project. This might include:

Providing advice on setting up and defining the project

Developing and coordinating the design

Preparing production information and tender documentation

Contract administration

Inspecting the work of contractors

A project manager is the key and most important mediator for the production and design team and
ultimately delivers success of a project. This is because a project manager brings all team players and
their work together by planning, organizing and controlling the project. Authority from the client or
an organization is given to the project manager to mobilize the necessary resources to complete a

The project manager is a mediator from the client to the team and vice-versa. He/she would feed
information from the client to the team and coordinate them appropriately but having input to the
design addressing the clients needs and requirements.

There are regular meetings between the design team and production team. The relationship
between the two teams is managed by the project manager. The design team consists or architects,
engineers, designers, specialty consultants, along with the clients representatives. The production
team would comprise of professionals, namely; site managers, supervisors, contractors, procurement
members etc...

The company employs a team of construction management professionals for the duration of the
project. The project manager is the head of the team and is responsible for all aspects of the building
project. He is assigned to act as the direct link between the design team and the building contractors.

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