Termet Juridike. Mesimet 3 Dhe 4

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Sources of law: common law Burimet e s drejts: e drejta zkonore

A. Common law in the UK E drejta Zakonore n Mbretrin e bashkuar

Convention Konvent
Judicial decisions Vendimet gjyqsore
Override refuzoj
Refinement Perpunim
Databases Bazat e t dhnave
Principles Parime
Binding Detyrues
Lower court Gjykat m e ult
Bound I detyruar
Apply Apeloj
pertinent pkats
Trial Gjykim
Counsel Avokat/Kshilltar
Distinguish Dalloj
Law reasoned Ligji I asrysetuar
Inevitably N menyr te pashmangshme
Instance Instanc
Rely Mbeshtet
Cite Citoj
Determining Percaktim
Outcome Rezultat
Statements of law Deklaratat e ligjit
Subsequent Pasues
Persuasive binds
Appropriate Pershtat
Human rights Te drejtat njerzore

B. Law reports Raportet e ligjit

Development Zhvillim
Pivots Mbeshtet
Comprehensive gjithperfshirs
The Council of law reporting Keshilli I raportimit te ligjit
Annually Cdo vit
Summaries Permbledhje
Revise Rishikoj/korrigjoj
4. The court system Sistemi i gjykatave

A. Civil courts Gjykata civile

Lawyer Avokat
Broadly Gjersisht
Undefended divorce Divorci I pambrojtur
Magistrates Gjyqtar
County Courts Gjykatat e Qarkut
Stipendiary Magistrate Gjyqtar me rrog
Lay magistrate Gjyqtar laik
Jury Juri
Disputes Konteste
Faulty goods Sherbimet me t meta
Bankruptcy cases Rastet e falimentimit
Plaintiff Padits
Legal remedy Mjet juridik
Circuit judges Gjyqtart e qarkut
Recorders Regjistruesit
Estate Patundshmeri
Land Tok
High Court of Justice Gjykata e lart e drejtsis
Divided I ndar
Divisions Ndarje
Chancery Gjykata civile
Appellate jurisdiction Juridiksion i apelit
Court of Appeal Gjykata e apelit
Reserve punishment Shqiptoj denim
Uphold Mbeshtes
Leapfrog Shmang
Bypassing Tejkalim
Appellants Ankuesit
Peers Koleg
Quorum Kuorum
Hearing Seanc
Petty crimes Krime te vogla
Crown Court Gjykata Mbretrore
Imprisonment Burgim
Homicide Vrasje
Minors T mitur
Branch Deg
Indictable offences Vepra t dnueshme
Theft Vjedhje
Assault Sulm
Alleged I supozuar
Charged I akuzuar
Defendant I pandehur
Circuit areas Zonat e qarkut
Conviction Fajsi
Criminal Division Ndarja penale
Leave Leje
Granted Dhn

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