Friday Natasha

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In the Name of Allah,

The Most Beneficent,

The Most Merciful.
In This Issue:
Repel the Evil with Good
Productive Morning
Subscription Drive
July 23, 2010 - Shaban 11, 1431
Friday Nasiha: Issue 591 |

Living The Quran

Repel the Evil with Good
Al-Rad (Thunder) Chapter 13: Verse 22 (Partial)
"... and (those who) repel the evil with good."
This phrase has several meanings:
Whatever evil people have done, or whatever sin they have committed, they repel
(its effect) immediately by repentance.
Whatever evil they have done, they immediately do a good deed in atonement for i
They repel the evil done to them by doing good to those who did evil to them.
"When they are deprived (of anything), they give; and when they are wronged, the
y forgive."
Fethullah Gulen writes about this matter:
The most distinctive feature of a soul overflowing with faith is to love all typ
es of love that are expressed in deeds, and to feel enmity for all deeds in whic
h enmity is expressed. To hate everything is a sign of insanity or of infatuatio
n with Satan.
Accept how God treats you. Make it the measure by which you treat others, so tha
t you may represent the truth among them, and be free from the fear of lonelines
s in either world.
Compiled From:
"The Quran: Annotated Interpretation in Modern English" - Ali Unal, p. 506
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Understanding the Prophet's Life
Productive Morning
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) asked Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta ala) to bless us
in the early morning hours, he said: O Allah, bless my Ummah in its early hours [
If you find yourself not doing much during Ramadan because you re tired most of th
e time or feel sleepy because you re fasting, here s a little cool productivity tip
to get lots of work done during a Ramadan day:
Get ONE of your most important tasks done first thing in the morning right after
fajr prayer.
Here are 2 reasons why this technique would work:
1. You just had suhoor before fajr, therefore, your energy levels should be at i
ts highest (note: assuming here that you have suhoor as late as possible).
3. If you get this ONE important task done after fajr, guess how you ll feel rest
of the day? Super productive! This feeling will propel you to be productive rest
of your day and just hack through your workload so effortlessly!
Compiled From:, ProductiveMuslim
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The civilization of unbelievers is mostly founded upon five negative principles:
It is based upon power, and power is inclined toward oppression.
It seeks to realize individual self-interest, even though this causes people to
rush about madly trying to earn possessions.
It considers life as a struggle, which causes internal and external conflict.
It unifies through national and/or racial separatism, and feeds this selfish sol
idarity by swallowing the resources and territories of "others," both of which e
ngender terrible conflict.
It strives to satisfy novel caprices or aroused desires (whether the satisfactio
n is real or not), and so brutalizes people's tastes and aspirations.
Islamic civilization on the other hand is founded upon five positive principles:
It rests upon right (not power), which requires justice and balance.
It encourages virtue, which spurs mutual affection and love.
It considers life as consisting of mutual help, which leads to unity and solidar
It unifies people through a common religion in a common state, leading them to i
nternal peace, and brotherhood and sisterhood, and it creates a willing self-def
ence against external enemies, guiding people to the truth.
It elevates people, through knowledge and moral perfection, to higher ranks of h
Compiled From:
The Words, "The 12th Word," Said Nursi, p. 147
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Maintainer's Message
Subscription Drive
By the grace of Allah, Friday Nasiha has continued to remind readers all over th
e world on a weekly basis for over 10 years! From our humble beginning of 300 su
bscribers we are now reaching over 70,000 readers worldwide.
We have set an ambitious but attainable goal of reaching 100,000 readers worldwi
de by the end of Ramadan 1431, insha Allah. That s 6,000 subscribers a month!
Please take a moment to invite at least 5 friends and families to join Friday Na
siha. If you want to invite multiple email addresses to Friday Nasiah please sen
d the email addresses to us and we will invite them on your behalf. With the gra
ce of Allah and the reach of your personal network we will be able to meet our g
A small amount of your time will lead to a massive amount of reward from Allah a
nd will benefit Friday Nasiha and its readers immensely. Remember, you have the
potential to gain reward for every additional reader who joins and implements so
mething which they learn from Friday Nasiha!
Don't let this opportunity pass you by! May Allah reward you for your time!
Donate to support the projects and activities of Young Muslims Canada. May Allah
accept your donation.

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