Derivation of E - Eccentric Anomaly and M Mean Anomaly

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ASEN 5050

Two-Body Motion

Prof. Jeffrey S. Parker

University of Colorado Boulder

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 1

Homework #1 is due right now!
Either handed in or uploaded to D2L
Late policy is 10% per school day, where a day starts at
9:00 am.

Homework #2 is due Friday 9/12 at 9:00 am

Concept Quiz #4 will be available M-W.

Reading: Chapters 1 and 2

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 2

Space News
Visiting asteroid this Sunday. Maybe 60 feet in diameter?

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 3

Space News
Itll take a small
Visiting asteroid telescope to see it.

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 4

Concept Quiz #3

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 5

Concept Quiz #3

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 6

Concept Quiz #3

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 7

Concept Quiz #3

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 8

Challenge #2

For those of you who are very familiar with the

properties of conic sections:

Consider planar orbits (elliptical, parabolic, hyperbolic)

What do you get if you plot vx(t) vs. vy(t)?

vy Anyone have a guess,

who didnt email me?

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 9
Challenge #2
Anyone who suggested a solution
even remotely similar earned a point.
Circles and circular arcs! Which was 3 people.

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 10

Homework #1

Darn orbital dynamics. The ISS is not cooperative at

the moment. Here are the last and next passes, as
viewed from Boulder:

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 11

ISS Passes

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 12

ISS Passes

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 13

ISS Passes

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 14

Todays Lecture Topics

Converting between the anomalies

Then: More two-body orbital element computations

Our toolbox:
Newtons law of gravitation

r = 3r = Specific Energy
r 2 r
Vis-Viva Equation
v= Most everything else comes
r a
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem
straight from these. 15
Properties of Conic Sections

v e a
Ellipses < <0 0e<1 a >0
Parabolas = =0 e=1 a =
Hyperbolas > >0 e>1 a<0
r h2
Since = a(1 e 2 ) is positive

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 16

Orbital Period

Last time we proved Keplers 2nd and 3rd laws and

arrived at an expression for the orbital period of an
a3 km3
P = 2 units = 3 2 = seconds
km /s

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 17

Mean Motion

We also arrived at an expression for the mean motion:

2 radians a3
n= P = 2
P sec

2 2
n= = q
P 2 a3


= rad/s
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 18
Where are we in an orbit?
We have:
Our position in an orbit relative to Earth
The time
The true anomaly,

We want to know:
How long it will take to get
The time profile of (t) r

We pose the answer by
determining how much
area is swept out in some
amount of time.

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 19

The Anomalies
The true anomaly,
The actual, measured angle
Notice that this does not advance at a constant rate in an elliptical orbit

Mean anomaly, M
An angle that does
advance at a constant
rate in an elliptical orbit.
M = n(t tp )

Eccentric anomaly, E
An angle that helps
translate from the true
anomaly to the mean

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 20

The Anomalies
The true anomaly,
The actual, measured angle
Notice that this does not advance at a constant rate in an elliptical orbit

Mean anomaly, M
An angle that does
advance at a constant
rate in an elliptical orbit.
M = n(t tp )

Eccentric anomaly, E E
An angle that helps
translate from the true
anomaly to the mean

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 21

The Anomalies
Some quick mental exercises:

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 22

The Anomalies

Satellite is at periapse

True Anomaly = 0 deg

Mean Anomaly = 0 deg

Eccentric Anomaly = 0 deg

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 23

The Anomalies

Satellite is at = 80 deg e = 0.3

True Anomaly = 80 deg
Mean Anomaly = 48 deg

Eccentric Anomaly = 63 deg

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 24

The Anomalies

Satellite is at = 120 deg e = 0.3

True Anomaly = 120 deg
Mean Anomaly = 87 deg

Eccentric Anomaly = 104 deg

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 25

The Anomalies

Satellite is at apoapse

True Anomaly = 180 deg

Mean Anomaly = 180 deg

Eccentric Anomaly = 180 deg

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 26

The Anomalies

The true anomaly advances quickly away from periapse

The mean anomaly advances steadily
The eccentric anomaly is in between

At apoapse, they all catch up.

Beyond apoapse, its all in reverse (i.e., symmetric)

True anomaly advances the slowest away from apoapse
Mean anomaly advances steadily
Eccentric anomaly is in between

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 27

The Anomalies

Lets see
some math!

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem (Vallado, 2013) 28

The Anomalies

True Anomaly
Note: c = a rp
Mean Anomaly = a a(1-e)
Eccentric Anomaly

For a coordinate system centered on Earth, write the location of

the satellite in terms of E
X SAT = a cos E ae
2 2
Eq. of Ellipse 2
+ 2 = 1 YSAT = b sin E
a b
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 29
Derivation of Keplers Equation

2 2 2 a 1 e2
= (a cos E ae)2 + (bsin E)2
= a 2 "#cos2 E 2ecos E + e2 + (1 e2 )sin 2 E $%

= a 2 "#1 2ecos E + e2 (1 sin 2 E)$%

= a 2 "#1 2ecos E + e2 cos2 E $%

= a 2 (1 ecos E ) r = a(1- ecos E)

Now we will derive Keplers Equation

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 30
Derivation of Keplers Equation

Remember r =
1+ ecos
p (esin ) p ( esin ) r 2 hesin
r = 2
= =
(1+ ecos ) p2 p
But also r = a (1 ecos E )
r = aesin EE
So, aeE sin E =
p Note b sin E = r sin
he " b % b
aeE sin E = $ sin E ' sin = sin E
p #r & r

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 31

Derivation of Keplers Equation

Remember r =
1+ ecos
p (esin ) p ( esin ) r 2 hesin
r = 2
= =
(1+ ecos ) p2 p
But also r = a (1 ecos E )
r = aesin EE
So, aeE sin E =
p Note b sin E = r sin
he " b % b
aeE sin E = $ sin E ' sin = sin E
p #r & r

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 32

Derivation of Keplers Equation

rE =
a (1 e 2
) a 1 e 2
pa a(1 e 2 )a

rE =
a a (1 e ) 2

a 2

a 2 (1 e 2 ) a2 a

Thus, a(1 e cos E )E =

E e cos EE = 3 =n
a 2

Integrating, E e sin E = nt + constant

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 33
Derivation of Keplers Equation

rE =
a (1 e 2
) a 1 e 2
pa a(1 e 2 )a

rE =
a a (1 e ) 2

a 2

a 2 (1 e 2 ) a2 a

Thus, a(1 e cos E )E =

E e cos EE = 3 =n
a 2

Integrating, E e sin E = nt + constant

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 34
Derivation of Keplers Equation

rE =
a (1 e 2
) a 1 e 2
pa a(1 e 2 )a

rE =
a a (1 e ) 2

a 2

a 2 (1 e 2 ) a2 a

Thus, a(1 e cos E )E =

E e cos EE = 3 =n
a 2

Integrating, E e sin E = nt + constant

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 35
Derivation of Keplers Equation

If reference time is perigee, E = 0,

0 0
Et esin Et = nt p + constant constant = -nt p
p p

E esin E = n(t t p ) M Kepler's Equation

Angle swept out at the M = Mean Anomaly

mean angular velocity,
n, the mean motion

M = n(t tp ) = E e sin E
Keplers Equation relates the Mean
Anomaly to the Eccentric Anomaly
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 36
Derivation of Keplers Equation

Can we relate either the Mean or Eccentric Anomaly to the True


Yes! r = a(1 e cos E)

1 + e cos
Useful Formula:
p a(1 e2 )
r = a(1 e cos E) = =
1 + e cos 1 + e cos
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 37

Any issues with these relationships?

M = n(t tp ) = E e sin E
p a(1 e2 )
r = a(1 e cos E) = =
1 + e cos 1 + e cos

Quadrants! Two satellites with = 10 deg and =

-10 deg will be impossible to distinguish.
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 38
Quadrant Checks

True Anomaly Eccentric Anomaly (Eq 2-9)

Eccentric Anomaly True Anomaly

(both and E are either 0 180 deg or 180 360 deg)

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 39
More Quadrant Checks

True Anomaly Eccentric Anomaly (Eq 2-14)

Eccentric Anomaly True Anomaly (Eq 2-13)

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 40

If we have and need more:

If is given: p
1 + e cos
r cos + ae
cos E =
r sin
sinE =
Solve E-e sin E = M for t (or M)
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 41
If we have t and need more:

If t is given: M = n(t - tp)

Solve E-e sin E = M for E
r = a( 1-e cos E)
a cos E ae
and cos =
sin = sin E
a 1e
= sin E
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem
r 42
Derivation of Keplers Equation

If t is given: If is given:
M = n(t - tp) p
Solve E-e sin E = M for E r=
1 + e cos
r = a( 1-e cos E) r cos + ae
cos E =
a cos E ae a
and cos =
r r sin
b sinE =
sin = sin E b
Solve E-e sin E = M for t (or M)
a 1e
= sin E

1+e E
Another Useful Relation: tan = tan
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem
2 1e 2 43
Solving Keplers Equation

Want to use Newton-Raphson Iteration.

Assume we want to solve f(y) = 0 for y.
Assume y = x+, where x is an approximate guess, and is a
small correction. Expanding in a Taylor Series:
f ""(x) 2
0 = f (y) = f (x + ) f (x) + f "(x) + +
Neglecting 2nd order terms and higher,
we can solve for : f(x0)
f (x)
f "(x)
x0 x
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 44
Solving Keplers Equation

We need to iterate this since we have neglected higher order

terms: f (X )
Xn+1 = Xn + n = Xn n Iterate until n is
f "(Xn ) acceptably small
( = y-x)

We want to solve E esin E = M f (E) = M E + esin E = 0

f '(E) = 1+ ecos E
M En + e sin En
E n +1 = En +
1 e cos En

Careful with e = 1, i.e., dont use for high e.

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 45


Keplers Laws
Properties of conic orbits
The Vis-Viva Equation! You will fall in love with this equation.
Converting between the anomalies

Several examples of converting between the anomalies
Solving Keplers Problem
Satellite state representations

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 46

Homework #1 is due right now!
Either handed in or uploaded to D2L
Late policy is 10% per school day, where a day starts at
9:00 am.

Homework #2 is due Friday 9/12 at 9:00 am

Concept Quiz #4 will be available M-W.

Reading: Chapters 1 and 2

Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 47

Derivation of Keplers Equation
cos E e a (cos E e )
So, cos = =
1 + e cos E r
2 2
2 1 e sin E a 1 e sin E
sin = 1 cos = =
1 + e cos E r
cos E e
2 1 cos
1 e cos E 1 e cos E cos E + e
tan = = =
2 1 + cos cos E e 1 e cos E + cos E e
1 e cos E
(1 + e )(1 cos E ) 1 + e 2 E
= = tan
(1 e )(1 + cos E ) 1 e 2

1+ e E
tan = tan
2 1e 2
Lecture 3: The Two Body Problem 48

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