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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN

Name:_Samir Ahmadov_ Date: _06.11.2017_

Instructional Project 2


This is a research assignment. Use your textbook, web articles, and NAU library
to conduct research when writing this paper.

Use APA style references and in-text- citations. You need to use at least 3
different resources besides Castronova (2002), and Moore (2015).


Download and read the following article:

Castronova, J. A. (2002). Discovery learning for the 21st century:

What is it and how does it compare to traditional learning in
effectiveness in the 21st century. Action Research Exchange, 1(1), 1-
12. Retrived from
After reading this article and conducting additional research, answer
to the following questions.

What is discovery learning?

Discovery learning is an approach to learning that can be facilitated by particular
teaching methods and guided learning strategies (Castronova, J. A. (2002).

How does this form of teaching compare to traditional, teacher-centered

This method is good to increase the motivation of the students. Students has a curiosity
and they are able to please these feelings with this method. Discovery learning method
helps them to learn in a more collaborative atmosphere and they also understand their
tendencies about the learned topics. The knowledge which is necessary for the topic can
be given more easily and easy to remember compare to the traditional method. This
method also helps student become more successful because they learn the skills necessary
for their classes. According to Hardys (1967) archaeological study, discovery learning
causes the students to show a significant achievement in the topics more than the students
who receive traditional teaching.

What educational theories support the discovery learning model?

John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky created some theories for the discovery
learning to establish its base. According to those people, to learn requires being active
and collaborative.

What is the most important thing you discovered about discovery learning?
My understanding about the beneficiary of the method shows up when we encourage
students for the new methods of learning in the classes. This method will help the
students remember the facts about our subject through a process of discovery period. As
the teachers we can give students some problems, and ask them to work together to find a
solution to these problems. We may do this in any classes since children love exploring
things and this method will provide us effective learning environment. Furthermore
discovery learning is a good way to help special education students learn in facilitating
How can you apply this method to your future classroom?
When I implement this method in my class, I can start by teaching the students the basics
about the method. For example, at the beginning, I will have decided what kind of
questions I will ask. I will then explain the students how to find sources about their
assignments. I will also teach them how to get the necessary information from these
sources easily. They also need to know how to collect and organize these items about
their assignment and I need to help them succeed this. This information also has to be
meaningful to them and they need to see some real life examples about it. One of the
most important items about my teaching process is that I have to determine best method
to give the information to the students.
Select one of the following chapters to conduct research: Chapter 2,
3, 5 or 12. Review the chapter and respond to related questions for
that chapter by conducting your own research.

Chapter 2- Teaching Diverse Students

When I implement this method in my class, I can start by teaching the students the basics
about the method. For example, at the beginning, I will have decided what kind of
questions I will ask. I will then explain the students how to find sources about their
assignments. I will also teach them how to get the necessary information from these
sources easily. They also need to know how to collect and organize these items about
their assignment and I need to help them succeed this. This information also has to be
meaningful to them and they need to see some real life examples about it. One of the
most important items about my teaching process is that I have to determine best method
to give the information to the students.

1. Teaching all students. Remember that a teachers job is to teach all students
and assume an attitude that all students can learn. Research techniques and
strategies that can be used to accomplish this task. Sources of information
include the library, the Internet, current journals, and recent books.

2. Intelligence profile. Evaluate your own intelligence profile according to

Gardner. In what frames of mind (intelligence areas) do you come out strongest?

Chapter 3- Managing Classroom Environment

1. Discipline approaches. Analyze the three approaches to classroom management.
Which approach, if any, do you prefer? Can you put together parts of the different
approaches and come up with an eclectic approach that you think would work for you?
Can you identify some basic concepts that appear to be true of all three approaches?
SELF DISCIPLINE APPROACH: We teachers sometimes face discipline problems
which is normal in education. We also try to find some approaches to the classroom
management to be able to teach smoothly. According to Mathew Lynch (2016) As your
journey as a teacher starts to finally take shape, you will find that there is no single
method to use to manage a classroom effectively. It is normal that there will be
different cases and we will need to find different methods to solve the problems. The
most important thing to understand and solve a situation is to find the roots of the
problem. The self-discipline approach is mostly accepted as the best method for
classes. It is defined as that students need to be responsible and fix their own mistakes by
2. Causes of misbehavior. Think back over the classes you have attended in which there
have been disciplinary incidents. List the possible causes for any such misbehavior. How
might knowledge of the causes of these incidents influence a teachers actions? Some
behavior problems are teacher created and some are student centered. Can you think of
This method tells us that to be ready and know the content makes class management
much easier. My understanding as an 18 year veteran teacher, students begin to cause
problems when they do not understand the concept, when they feel overwhelmed and
when the topic does not draw their interest. According to Moore (2016) In other words,
the instructional approach is predicated on the assumption that well-planned and well
implemented lessons that engage students in their own learning and afford them the
opportunity to be successful learners will prevent or solve most management problems.
Chapter 5- Using Classroom Technology

1. How does technology enhance the teachers ability to plan instruction? Use one of
the available search engines to explore the web for technological tools such as
lesson planning software, worksheets and puzzle tools, poster and bulletin board
production tools, and time management tools that will assist you in planning.
Share your findings with your class.

There are several approaches to classroom management and one of them is desist
approach. This method tells us that teacher is the one who is responsible for the
discipline. This method is almost the opposite of the self-discipline because it is

2. Technology offers tools that can help students learn. To what technology should
students have access? Do you have any educational concerns about the use of these
technologies in schools? If so, what are they? If not, why not?

Chapter 12- Teaching Effective Thinking Strategies

1. Teaching methods. What teaching methods and procedures can be used to

improve students critical thinking abilities? Creative thinking abilities?
2. Thinking. What type of thinking is emphasized in most schools? Is critical
thinking rewarded? Creative thinking? Is school success based on students
ability to think critically? Creatively?
3. The environment. What type of classroom environment would be conducive
to developing critical thinking? Creative thinking? What problems can you
foresee in establishing this environment?

Cite at least 5 References in APA.
You need to use at least 3 different resources besides Castronova
(2002), and Moore (2015).
You may use for
citing your sources in APA style.


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