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Exerccios 13

By definition,
T A T T , A. Suppose that there T is another topology T T , A, such
that T , T . So there is a open set U T that is not in T , or vice versa.T In both cases there is a
contradiction: U do not belong to all T of the collection. So, the topology T is the largest topology
contained in all T .
We consider all the topologies containing every T , and take their intersection. So it will be the largest
topology contained in all topologies that contains all the T , and then will be the largest topology that
contains all T .
That will be proved later: The smallest topology containing every set from a collection of sets is the one
generated by the that collection as a sub-basis. In general, we may need to include the whole space in
the collection, so that would be indeed a sub-basis. But in our case every set (T ) is a topology. So,
accordingly, we consider T as a sub-basis for a topology. The topology generated by it is the collection
of all unions of finite intersections of elements of the family {T }, and will be the smallest topology
containing all the sets of the family.

(5)Show that if A is a basis for a topology on X , then the topology generated by A equals the intersection of
all topologies on X that contain A. Prove the same if A is a sub-basis. T
Solution: Let {T } be the collection of all topologies on X that contains A. So T is the largest topology
contained in all the T , and then the largest topology that contains A. We just need to prove that the topology
T generated by A is the largest topology that contains A. By lemma 13.1, T is the collection of all unions of
elements of A, so A T . Let T be the smallest topology that contains A. If T % T , then there exists an
element U of T such that U < T . But, by definition, U is a union of elements of A, so T cannot be a topology
on X . If A is a sub-basis the proof is very similar.

(1) Show that if Y is a subspace of X and A is a subset of Y, then the topology A inherits as a subspace of Y
is the same as the topology Y inherits as a subspace of X .
Solution: By definition, the topology Y inherits as a subspace of X is the collection

TY = {UY ; UY = UX Y, UX T }

The same way, the topology A inherits as a subspace of Y will be the collection

TA = {UA ; UA = UY A, UY TY }

But UA = (UX Y) A = UX A TA = {U ; U = UX A}, that is the same topology Y inherits as a

subspace of X .

(3)Consider de set Y = [1, 1] as a subspace of R. Which of the following sets are open in Y? And in

A = {x|1/2 < |x| < 1} = (1, 1/2) (1/2, 1)

The two intervals of the right hand side of the equation are open in R, and both of them is equal their
intersection with Y, which implies that they are open in [-1,1] too.
B = {x|1/2 < |x| 1}
B is open in Y: B = (3/2, 1/2) (1/2, 3/2) Y; but B is not open in R, and that is evident.
C = {x|1/2 |x| < 1}
Y is a convex subset of R. So, by theorem 16.4, the topology Y inherits from the order topology of R is
the order topology on [-1,1]. So C is not open in Y, because 1/2 is not the lowest element of Y. Obviously
C is not open in R.
D = {x|1/2 |x| 1}
D is not open in both the sets, by the same argument used in the previous item.
E = {x|0 < |x| < 1 and 1/x < Z+ }
E1 = (0, a1 ) (a1 , a2 ) ...(an , 1), with 1/an Z+ for each n. All these set are open in R, and each one
of them is equal its intersection with [0,1]. So they are also open in Y.
(4) A map f : X Y is said to be an open map if, for every open set U of X , f (U ) is open in Y. Show that
1 : X Y X and 2 : X Y Y are open maps.
Solution: Every open set of X Y has the form U V , where U is open in X and V is open in Y. So, by

1 (U V ) = U, 2 (U V ) = V

which are, respectively, open in X and Y.

(5)Let X and X 0 denote a single set in the topologies T and T 0 , respectively. Let Y and Y 0 denote single
sets in the topologies U and U 0 , respectively. Assume these set are non empty.
(a)-Show that if T 0 T and U 0 U, then the product topology on X 0 Y 0 is finer then the product topology
on X Y.
Solution: By hypothesis, T T T T 0 ; U U U U 0 . The basis for the product topologies on X 0 Y 0
and X Y are 0 and , respectively.

0 = {T 0 U 0 ; T 0 T 0 and U 0 U 0 }

= {T U ; T T and U U}

But, if T U T U 0 , which implies that the topology generated by 0 contains the topology
generated by .
(b)-Does the converse holds?
Solution: Yes. Suppose that the product topology on X 0 Y 0 is finer then the product topology on X Y.
Then 0 . So, or 0 = , or there is at least one element T U 0 that is not in . If this is the case,
T 0 T and U 0 U.

Exercises 17
(1)Let {C} be a collection of subsets of the set X , such that X , {C} , and finite unions of elements of
{C} are in {C} and arbitrary intersections of elements of {C} are in {C} . Prove that the collection

T = {X C; C {C} }

is a topology on X .

X {C} X X T T

{C} X = X T
(X C1 ) (X C2 ) = X (C1 C2 )

Since arbitrary intersection of elements of {C} are in {C} , arbitrary unions of elements of T are in T .

(X C1 ) (X C2 ) = X (C1 C2 )

Since finite unions of elements of {C} are in {C} , finite intersections of elements of T are in T . Therefore,
T is a topology on X .

(2)Let Y be a subset of the topological space X , and suppose that A is closed in Y . Show that, if Y is
closed in X , then A is closed in X too.
Solution:By theorem 17.2, the set A is closed in Y if, and only if, A = C Y , for some closed set C of X . But,
since arbitrary intersection of closed sets are closed, and since, by hypothesis, Y is closed in X , follows that A
is closed in X too.

(3) Show that if A is closed in X and B is closed in Y then A B is closed in X Y.

Solution: A is closed in X X A is open in X . B is closed in Y Y B is open in Y.
Follows from the previous section that (X A) (Y B) is open in X Y, so their complement, A B is

(4) Show that if U is open in X and A is open in X , then UA is open and A U is closed, in X .
Solution: X A is open U (X A) = U A is open.
X U is closed A (X U ) = A U is closed.

(5) Let X be a topological space in the order topology. Show that (a, b) [a, b]. In what condition does
equality holds?
Solution: [a, b] = X [(, a) (b, +)] is a closed subset that contains (a, b), so it must contain the closure
of (a, b): (a, b) [a, b].
Equality holds if both end points are limit points, i.e., if (a, b) is not empty and, for every x (a, b) there
are s, t (a, b); a < s < x < t < b. It is equivalent to the condition that a has no immediate successor and
b no immediate predecessor. If a has an immediate successor c, then (, c) is an open set containing a that
does not intersect (a, b). Similarly, if b has an immediate predecessor c, then (c, +) is an open set containing
b that does not intersect (a, b).

(6) Let A, B and A denote subsets of a space X . Prove the following:

(a) A B A B.
Solution: It follows from the hypothesis that A B, because B B. So, it suffices to show that B A0 .
Suppose that A0 2 B, then there is an element x A0 with a neighbourhood that does not intersect B,
which is absurd, because every neighbourhood of x intersects A B. So we have:

B A, A0 B A A0 = A

(b) A B = A B.
[ [ [
A B = (A B) (A B)0 = (A B) (A0 B 0 ) = (A A0 ) (B B 0 ) = A B

(c) A A
Solution: For each , A A , then applying (a), it results A A , A A .
It was proved that any finite union of closed sets is also closed. So, if the collection A is infinite, the
union of all A can be not closed. For the example, suppose An = {1/n}.
[ [
A= A = A {0} ) An = A
nZ+ n

(7) Criticize the following proof of A A : If {A } is a collection of sets in X and if x A , then every
neighbourhood U of x intersects A . Thus U must intersect some A , so that x must belong to the closure of
some A , therefore x A .
Solution: If {A } is an infinite collection, but each A is a finite point set, then some limit point of A can
be different of all limit points of each A , since by theorem 17.8 each one of that is closed.

(8) Let A, B and A denote subsets of a space X . Determine whether the following equations hold; if any
equality fails, determine whether one of the inclusions or holds.
(a) A B = A B
Solution: Consider the following example in the topological space R:

A = (a , b + ), B = {a , a, b, b + }, a < b, > 0

A B = {a, b} = A B

A = [a , b + ], B = B A B = {a , a, b, b + } , A B

If x A B, then x belongs to A and B. Since A A and B B, x belongs to A and B, so x A B.

The result is that A B A B. Since A B is a closed set that contains A B, it contains A B.


(b) A = A
Solution: The same situation.

(c) A B = A B
(10) Show that every order topology is Hausdorff
Solution: If x < y then either there is some element c such that x < c < y, then x (, c) and y (c, +),
and (, c) (c, +) = , or there is no element between x and y. In this case, (, y) and (y, +) are
respectively neighbourhoods of x and y with empty intersection.

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