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The Fundamental Law of Mismanagement1


Richard O. Michaud, Robert O. Michaud, and David N. Esch2

Draft: December 2014

2014 New Frontier Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved.

An earlier version with the same title by Richard Michaud and Robert Michaud was published as a New
Frontier Advisors Newsletter, July 2005.
Richard O. Michaud is CEO of New Frontier Advisors, LLC, Boston, MA 02110. Robert O. Michaud is CIO of
New Frontier Advisors, LLC. David N. Esch is Managing Director of Research, New Frontier Advisors, LLC.
Fundamental Law of Mismanagement


Grinolds (1989) Law of Active Management is a widely referenced source for designing a
mean-variance (MV) active equity portfolio investment strategy. Grinold shows that the
in-sample value added of an optimal investment strategy is (approximately) proportional
to the product of two attributes square root of breadth and skill. Grinold and Kahn
(1995) use the formula to show that more frequent trading, larger stock universes, and
adding factors to models of forecast return will add investment value. Clarke et al. (2002)
introduce a transfer coefficient to the formula to rationalize removing constraints to
add investment value, a proposal that has often been used to promote many hedge fund
strategies. We show that these principles of active equity management are invalid in
practice and often defeat the effective use of investment information. The failure of
these principles to add value is due to ignoring estimation error in risk-return estimates
and inequality constraints essential for validly defining portfolio optimality in practice.
These pervasive errors afflict many current portfolio construction procedures and much
financial theory. Asset management errors implied by the formulas have been published
in academic and professional journals for many years. Many hundreds of billions of dollars
or more may be adversely impacted in contemporary asset management.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

The Grinold (1989) Fundamental Law of Active Management, is one of the most widely
referenced publications in contemporary investment theory and practice. The Grinold
formula is based on inequality unconstrained mean-variance (MV) efficient frontier
optimization translated to the residual or benchmark relative return framework. Grinold
asserts that the value added of an optimized MV investment strategy is proportional to
the in-sample information ratio (IR) (alpha over residual risk). He further decomposes the
IR into (approximately) the product of two simple attributes of an investment strategy
square root of breadth (BR) and skill (IC).3 The IC represents the managers information
coefficient or correlation of forecast and ex post return. Breadth represents the number
of independent bets or factors associated with the strategy. Grinold and Kahn (1995, 1999)
(GK) state the implications of the formula: It takes a modest amount of skill to win (the
investment game) as long as that skill is deployed frequently and across a large number of
stocks.4 GK use a roulette game framework to rationalize their results. Their
recommendations include increasing trading frequency, size of the optimization universe,
and factors to models for forecasting return. These principles of active management are
often used to rationalize many optimized portfolio investment strategies in current asset

Clarke de Silva and Thorley (2002, 2006) (CST) propose to generalize the Grinold formula
by introducing the transfer coefficient (TC). The TC is a scaling factor that measures
how information in individual securities is transferred into managed portfolios given
Grinold assumptions. It is used to measure the presumed reduction in investment value
from imposing optimization constraints. This widely influential article has been used to
promote many variations of long-short and hedge fund equity investment strategies.5

A significant literature exists on applying the Grinold law for developing principles of
active equity management, particularly long-short and hedge fund investment strategies.
Extensions include: Buckle (2004), Qian and Hua (2004), Zhou (2008), Gorman et al. (2010),
Ding (2010), Huiz and Derwall (2011). Industry tutorials and perspectives include Kahn (1997),
Kroll et al. (2005), Utermann (2013), Darnell and Ferguson (2014). Teachings include the
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute Level 2, the Chartered Alternative Investment
Analyst (CAIA) Level 1 and many conferences and graduate level courses in finance. Texts
discussing the formula and applications include Focardi and Fabozzi (2004), Jacobs and
Levy (2008), Diderich (2009), Anson et al. (2012), Schulmerich et al. (2015).

We show that the GK and CST principles of active equity management are invalid and
often defeat the effective use of investment information in practice. The errors are due
to ignoring estimation error in risk-return inputs for properly defining out-of-sample

Note that the Grinold optimization framework which is analytically derived is not to be confused with
Markowitz (1952, 1959) which assumes linear (inequality and equality) constrained portfolios and requires
quadratic programming techniques to compute the MV efficient frontier. In particular, the Markowitz
efficient frontier is generally a concave curve even in a residual return framework while in Grinold (see e.g.,
GK 1995, p. 94) it is a straight line emanating from a zero residual risk and return benchmark portfolio.
GK (1995), Ch. 6, p. 130.
One example is Kroll et al. (2005). Michaud (1993) was the first to note limitations of the long-short active
equity optimization framework.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

portfolio optimality.6 Markowitz (1952, 1959) MV optimization, many other portfolio

construction procedures, and much financial theory are similarly afflicted with ignoring
estimation error in out-of-sample investment performance.7 The GK and CST principles
have been taught for many years. Investment errors implied by the principles may
adversely impact many hundreds of billions of dollars or more in contemporary asset

The outline of the paper is as follows. Section 1 reviews the Grinold formula, the GK and
CST principles and the casino management rationale. Section 2 reviews the active
management framework, the Roll (1992) critique, and the Merton (1987) incomplete
information framework relative to benchmark efficiency. Section 3 introduces simulation
results demonstrating the out-of-sample impact of estimation error, universe size, and
portfolio constraints. Section 4 reviews the four fallacies associated with the GK and CST
principles. Section 5 provides Merton (1987), Michaud (1998) and Michaud and Michaud
(2005) resolutions. Section 6 summarizes the results and implications for asset

1.0 Grinolds Fundamental Law of Active Management

Grinold (1989) demonstrates that the in-sample value added of a MV inequality
unconstrained optimized residual return investment strategy relative to an index or
benchmark is proportional to the information ratio (IR) (alpha over residual risk). In
Grinolds Law of Active Management the IR of a MV optimized investment strategy is
shown to be (approximately) the product of the square root of the breadth (BR) and the
assumed information correlation (IC). 8 Mathematically,


where IR = information ratio = (alpha) / (residual or active risk)

IC = information correlation (ex ante, ex post return correlation)
BR = breadth or number of independent sources of information.

There is little doubt of the essential wisdom of the formula that successful asset
management depends on both the information level of the forecasts and the breadth
associated with the estimates. What is in doubt are the principles associated with the
formula for practical asset management, particularly the GK claims that the value of an
optimized investment strategy necessarily increases with increasing numbers of assets in
the optimization universe, number of factors in a multiple valuation framework and
increased trading frequency.

The GK (1999 2nd ed.) discussion of uncertainty in IC estimation is independent of estimation error
uncertainty in portfolio optimality, the subject of this paper. Appendix A.3 further discusses IC estimation
For further discussion see Michaud (1989, 1998), Michaud and Michaud (2008a, 2008b) and Section 5.2
The derivation is given in GK, Ch. 6, and Technical Appendix.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

Clarke et al. (2002) define the transfer coefficient (TC) as the cross-sectional correlation of
risk-adjusted active weights with risk-adjusted forecasted residual returns for the N
securities in the optimization universe. With additional assumptions they show that the
TC can be incorporated into the Grinold formula and acts as a multiplicative scaling (a
number between 0 and 1) of the IC. As constraints are added to the optimization, the TC
is shown to diminish from its theoretical optimal value of one. From this point of view
constraints limit the value of the information in the strategy and rationalize various long-
short and unconstrained hedge fund strategies.

There are two fundamental reasons for the limitations of the Grinold law and its
generalizations for investment practice: 1) the formula ignores the impact of estimation
error in investment information on out-of-sample investment performance; 2) the
necessity of including many economically meaningful inequality constraints in practice.
We show that the GK and CST principles are unreliable and often perverse for enhancing
out-of-sample investment value and are generally not recommendable for practice.

1.1 The Casino Game Rationale

GK provides a revealing rationalization of the implications of their formula with reference
to casino roulette games. But investing is not a simple casino game. In a casino the return
distribution and hence the IC of plays of the roulette wheel is known, statistically
significant positive, and importantly independent. In this case the Grinold formula under
the assumptions gives the (nearly) correct economic value of the play of the casino game.
In contrast, the IC of the play of an investment game has estimation error is by definition
unknown, may be insignificant or even negatively related to return, and bets are not
independentthe IC may change if the frequency of investing or the size of the universe
is changed. Increasing the number of plays of an investment game if the return
distribution or IC is unreliably positive may often be undesirable.

While the GK and CST frameworks assume no constraints on the number of plays of the
roulette game, there are practical limits. It is not possible to expand the number of
roulette wheels infinitely. There are limits to the number of players that can be induced
to play the game at a casino during a period of time. There are limits to the ability of
croupiers to speed up roulette plays. Players may be annoyed by being rushed and too
frequent plays may reduce the take for each play of the game. While adding more
roulette tables to the casino may be beneficial, there are limits to floor space and the
comfort of players. Adding to the size of the casino will cost money, require more
croupiers, more advertising and other expenses. There are limits to sustainable gaming
interest in any community. More plays of the game in practice, may often be infeasible or
even undesirable. Similar constraint limitations also exist in asset management and will be
discussed further below.

GK principles apply to casino games where estimation error can be ignored. But asset
managers do not know with certainty the risk and return distribution ex ante in practice.9
Note that casino return certainty is also assumed in Markowitz MV portfolio optimization,
many other portfolio construction procedures in investment practice, and much financial

The use of insider information is illegal under U.S. security laws.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

theory. The level of statistically uncertain information available to an investor is a key

theme of our study and is generally inconsistent with the known probability distribution
of the play of a roulette game. The following sections more formally explore the
implications of ignoring estimation error as well as the lack of inequality constraints on
the GK and CST proposals for asset management.10

2.0 Active Management MV Optimization

It is convenient to briefly review the active asset management framework assumed in the
Grinold formula for investment practice. Asset managers are often hired to explicitly beat
an index or benchmark such as the S&P 500 or Russell 1000. Consequently it is often
appropriate to explicitly define a MV optimization in terms of a residual risk-return
framework relative to the given benchmark. In this case the optimization can be defined
in terms of maximizing the IR relative to a mandated specific level of target risk to the

Contemporary commercial equity risk models are typically designed for either a total or
residual return optimization framework. The implications of the economic differences are
significant, but mathematically, the difference between total and residual return MV
optimization is simply the revision of the budget constraint to sum to zero instead of one
relative to index weights. The MV residual return maximization defined by IR relative to a
specified index tracking error may be equivalently computed via a total return
optimization framework calibrated to the desired tracking error. In the next two sections
we examine two classic treatments of issues related to the active management framework
and synthesize a rationale for the validity of our results in both active and total return

2.1 The Roll (1992) critique

The Grinold formula is based on a mathematical analysis of the properties of maximizing
the IR. In the unconstrained active framework the MV efficient frontier is a straight line.
Roll (1992) provides the classic study of the unconstrained MV active optimization
framework. Roll shows that if the index is not total return MV efficient all the portfolios
on the index relative efficient frontier are dominated in total return MV space. This
means that there are always portfolios with less risk or more estimated return or both
than any portfolio on the residual return efficient frontier. The convenience of
optimizing a portfolio specifically relative to a given benchmark can lead to poor
investments. On the other hand, as Roll shows, if the index is MV efficient, the total and
residual return inequality unconstrained MV efficient frontiers coincide and the residual
return optimized portfolios are also total return efficient. In this second case portfolios
on the MV total return efficient frontier are also residual return MV efficient relative to
some level of tracking error. If a risk free rate is assumed, all portfolios on the total return
MV efficient frontier are a linear combination of the risk free rate and maximum Sharpe

A game framework has long been associated with the history of probability and applications. In this case
there is assumed a known or underlying stable probability distribution associated with inference. More
recently the notion of probability that includes uncertainty or estimation error has been found important in
many applications in business and social sciences such as finance. For an up-to-date discussion see
Weisberg (2014).

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

ratio (MSR) portfolio, and all residual return efficient portfolios are simply levered MSR
portfolios. If no risk free rate is available, the efficient portfolios can be defined as a
linear combination of the minimum risk and MSR optimal portfolio, and residual return
efficient portfolios are long the MSR portfolio and short the minimum risk portfolio.
Consequently, the properties of the MV residual return optimized portfolios are inherited
from some combination of the MSR optimal portfolio and surrogate for riskless rate.
From the point of view of rational markets, it is hard to justify the IR optimization
framework if the index is not, in some investment meaningful sense, at least
approximately MV efficient.11 Due to these considerations and those raised in the next
section we proceed in our investigation of the fundamental law with the assumption that
the index is practically efficient and that the active optimization framework is not
meaningfully detrimental to performance because of index inefficiency. However these
issues cannot be summarily dismissed in other optimization and portfolio construction
settings outside this discussion and simulation study.

2.2 Merton (1987) and Benchmark MV Efficiency

Merton (1987) proposes an information cost structure model of MV market equilibrium. In
this study he presents relatively simple conditions under which common benchmarks in
active management practice may be considered total return MV efficient.

In Mertons incomplete information framework, constraints and information levels may

imply that investors act as if they do not know many firms in large capital markets.12 In
this case, the cost of information limits the market portfolio that can be efficiently
considered for investment. For example, a small cap stock manager may claim specialized
expertise for managing a benchmark of small cap stocks relative to a larger universe of
securities. Institutional investors often consider it optimal to hire managers with
specialized expertise in different segments of the market, hoping that the total will exhibit
a globally enhanced level of return for given risk level.

In the Merton model, expected return reflects a discount factor for the subset of
information available stocks. As Merton notes, there are many possible frameworks for
justifying the notion of market equilibrium in incomplete information. These may include
prudent-investing laws, regulatory constraints, and short-sale proscriptions.

Mertons framework rationalizes a variety of contexts that may describe actual

sophisticated asset management. In the incomplete information case and in variations,
the benchmark can be assumed provisionally total return MV efficient. Assuming the
generalized Merton framework false implies the existence of managers willfully managing
money inefficiently and sophisticated investors and institutions willingly investing in such
strategies, clearly a contradiction, so we accept the framework as a reasonable
assumption for our work and, importantly, as support for the approximate efficiency of
One rationale noted by Roll is that estimation error is so extensive that the benchmark may not be
statistically indistinguishable from MV efficiency.
Note that a benchmark consistent with the Merton incomplete information framework requires economic
considerations and is inconsistent with actuarial based liability driven investing (LDI) popular with many
actuarial and some pension consulting firms. See Michaud (1998, Ch. 10) and associated references for
defining a liability benchmark based on economic principles.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

the benchmark and justification for the interchangeability and validity of active and total
return optimization frameworks.

In summary, our working assumption in cases of interest is that the benchmark can be
assumed MV efficient relative to some set of constraints and assumptions including
information costs. In this case the IR characteristics of the unconstrained MV optimal
portfolios in a residual return framework can be equivalently analyzed with respect to the
properties of MSR optimal portfolios in total return MV space. As a consequence we will
often refer to maximizing IR and MSR interchangeably. Note that MSR is often used in
asset allocation contexts while IR is used in equity portfolio optimization. As Roll notes,
the notion of an index that is not, in some fundamentally meaningful sense, MV efficient
raises important investment issues independent of those in this report.

3.0 MV Optimization and Estimation Error

The Grinold MV framework is seriously limited in practice by the assumption of
estimation error free unconstrained MV optimization. Jobson and Korkie (1981) (JK) provide
the classic study of the effect of estimation error on the out-of-sample investment value
of inequality unconstrained MV optimized portfolios. They estimate the historical means
and covariances of the monthly returns of twenty stocks taken from the Toronto Stock
Index and compute the Sharpe ratios of the historical MSR and equal weight portfolios.
They introduce the concept of estimation periods to Monte Carlo simulate the level of
estimation error in a given set of risk-return estimates. In their study they Monte Carlo
simulate either 60 or 100 estimation periods from the estimated historical risk-return
distribution and compute simulated risk-return estimates and the out-of-sample Sharpe
ratio for each simulated MSR portfolio.13 In the 60 estimation period case, they find that
the average Sharpe ratio of the simulated MSR portfolios was 25% of the true historical
distribution value and nearly equally inferior to equal weighting.14 Their results
demonstrate that unconstrained MV optimal portfolios with estimation error may often
have little, if any, investment value.15

While the JK study is based on a conventional total risk-return MV efficient frontier their
results are directly translatable into the residual return framework. In particular, the equal
weight portfolio is the no-information prior in total return space and is analogous to the
index or benchmark portfolio in residual return. The JK results imply that the MV
optimized residual risk-return portfolios that ignore estimation error may often
underperform the benchmark out-of-sample.

JK use number of estimation periods to reflect levels of estimation error in the Monte
Carlo simulation of MV optimized out-of-sample portfolio performance. On the other
hand, GK use average IC and not estimation periods to represent information level in
practice. For example, an equity portfolio manager may claim an average 0.10 IC to reflect

The returns were simulated with Gaussian error distributions.
The equal weighting comparison is material since it reflects the no-information prior.
Michaud (1998, Ch. 4) replicate the JK simulation studies based on a data set of six diversified country
equity and two bond indices and found qualitatively similar results considering the different character of
the historical risk-return distribution.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

their anticipated correlation between forecasts and ex post returns for a given investment
strategy. However, the two concepts are closely related; i.e., increasing estimation
periods increases the IC of the optimization process.16 It is important to note that the
average IC associated with a given number of estimation periods also depends on the
particulars of the risk-return distribution of the case-specific optimization universe. While
estimation periods may be used as the engine that drives the Monte Carlo simulation
process for understanding the impact of estimation error in MV optimization, we will use
the Grinold framework IC to define ex ante information level in our simulations.17

3.1 Simulating Information Levels

One of the fundamental GK precepts is the notion that simply adding securities as a way
of adding breadth (BR) leads to improved MV optimized out-of-sample investment
performance all other things the same. In the following we generalize the JK simulation
framework to illustrate the impact of estimation error on out-of-sample investment value
relative to optimization universe size.

Although the number of assets is not identical to breadth as specified by GK and CST, the
particular construction of the simulated covariance matrix that we are using guarantees
that we are adding breadth as we continue to add assets to the case, since each asset is
given some idiosyncratic variance in the model, and the covariance is guaranteed to have
full rank.18 It is never true that we are using the best assets that explain the most of the
total variance of all the assets first, as might be the case in a real investment situation. We
are still adding breadth as we add the last increment in portfolio size, and the results
cannot be explained as breadth leveling off as a function of portfolio cardinality.

3.2 Simulation Methodology

We calculate a truth for the purposes of simulation based on monthly data taken from
the Russell 1000 index.19 Choosing only securities with a fixed minimum available history
creates survivorship bias and paints an overly positive portrait of expected return. In order
to compromise between this selection bias and a realistic return distribution including
returns from the low end of the spectrum, we have limited the historical data
requirement to two years. This selection criterion still errs on the side of optimism, since
real-world baskets of selected stocks are likely to produce returns biased negatively
relative to the predictions of the experiment. Although using only two years of history
definitely introduces estimation error, in aggregate the set of estimates, with estimation
error, should provide good coverage of the true return distribution of real stock returns
of investable stocks. We also performed simulation experiments with other datasets with
different history requirements, and reached exactly the same conclusions Although using
only two years of history definitely introduces estimation error, in aggregate the set of

The 60 estimation periods in the JK study represents roughly an IC of 0.45.
Appendix 1 provides technical details on defining the Monte Carlo simulations based on an assumed level
of IC by the manager.
A number of earlier versions of the Grinold law misidentified the N in breadth as the number of stocks.
We include all listed U. S. stocks in the CRSP database that had two years of continuous monthly returns
from January 2012 to 2013. We excluded returns greater than 50% or less than -50%. We found 5307 stocks
that met our criteria.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

estimates, with estimation error, should provide good coverage of the true return
distribution of real stock returns of investable stocks. These and are not shown here due
to space limitations.

An important factor that can greatly reduce the average IR of an optimized portfolio is ill-
conditioning of the covariance matrix. When the covariance matrix is calculated using the
sample covariance of historical data, this performance-killing effect creeps in as the
number of assets approaches the number of time periods in the estimation process. In
practice, the covariance matrix for an equity optimization is likely to be obtained as the
output of a factor model complete with an idiosyncratic variance term for each asset. By
construction these estimates for the covariance matrix will always be full rank and
reasonably well-conditioned, and performance as measured by IR will not suffer because
of ill-conditioning. In our experiment we do not wish to test the impact of near-
singularity of the covariance matrix, so we estimate the true variance of the entire
sampling pool of assets in such a way that this will never happen with portfolio sizes up to
500 in our examples. This may also be optimistic with respect to practice, but we wish to
make assumptions optimistically here, and show realistically that even in the best of all
estimation worlds, the observed IR of an optimization does not behave anything like the
fundamental laws prescription for its relation to IC and breadth.

We use the direct estimates from the real 2 year histories to represent truth in the
simulation experiment. From this true return distribution we simulate estimates which
would correspond to the inputs in a practitioners optimization. These estimates are
designed to be consistent with their targets while including estimation error. Although
individual estimates may miss their targets, the aggregate sample provides good coverage
of a realistic return distribution. Procedurally, we use the Ledoit (2003, 2004a, 2004b)
covariance estimator on a short simulated history for the sampled subset within each
simulation cluster, which creates a stable and full-rank estimate even when the
dimensionality of the matrix exceeds the sample size. We use a small sample size of only
ten observations here to create some error about the true covariance matrix. We feel
that it is necessary to introduce some estimation error since the model assumption of a
stationary covariance matrix is likely to be false, and in spite of their popularity and
marketing claims, real-world factor models come with estimation error. In our
experiments we found that larger sample sizes created estimates that were for practical
purposes too close to their population values. After the model covariance is calculated
as the Ledoit estimate of the dataset, repeated subsamples are drawn that are tightly
clustered around these model covariances, by sampling from a Wishart distribution with
degrees of freedom safely greater than the largest sample size in the experiment, in order
that the matrices used in optimization will never suffer from ill-conditioning problems.
This two-step simulated estimation process may seem unnecessarily complicated, but it
successfully avoids the performance-killing ill-conditioning typical of matrices drawn from
the thin information available for maintaining reasonably current estimates, and provides a
good simulation of the estimation error implied by the paucity of relevant data to the
current time period. Thus the step that provides the estimation error is the Ledoit step,
taken with only ten time periods, and multiplicity is provided in the Wishart step, which is
also done each time with a different set of assets, so the tight clustering of estimates
provided by this method will not matter since each estimate is for a different asset mix.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

The mean estimates in each simulation are constructed to have a particular IC, designated
at various levels by the experiment.20 This is achieved by judiciously mixing noise in with
the true values to attain the correct correlation of the estimates with their corresponding
population parameters. Appendix 1 gives full details about simulating IC and a theoretical
calculation of the IC from the simulation experiment. These estimates are not feasible in
practice, since it is impossible to pre-designate an IC without knowing the true return
distribution. They are meant to represent an investor of a particular fixed constant skill
over the entire universe, one of the assumptions of the fundamental law. Of course, in
practice, we are skeptical that any manager will necessarily have equivalent information
quantity or quality for the last marginal asset added to any universe as the first.

Portfolios are then created from the simulated mean and variance inputs via three
methods: unconstrained maximum Sharpe ratio mean-variance optimization, maximum
Sharpe ratio mean-variance optimization with positivity constraints, and equal weighting.
Of course numerous other methods are possible, but not presented here due to space
constraints. Information ratios are then calculated for each method using the population
values. These are not the in-sample information ratios that an investor would calculate
using his or her own estimates; they are the true population information ratios which are
calculable only within the simulation experiment. Generally the in-sample estimates are far
too optimistic, and indeed although they are not shown on these graphs, they lie above
all of the other lines on the graph. For reference we also calculated the theoretical true
maximum of the Sharpe ratio using the population parameters. Of course in practice this
portfolio would be unavailable since it represents perfect estimation when only flawed
information is obtainable in practice.

In the simulation studies that follow we differentiate two cases that reflect investment
practice: asset allocation and equity portfolio optimization strategies. Asset allocation
strategies typically include five to thirty securities and rarely more than fifty. On the
other hand equity portfolio optimization strategies may include hundreds or even
thousands of assets in the optimization universe. In both asset allocation and equity
portfolio optimization we consider IC values of 0.10 and 0.50. While active equity asset
managers may often claim to have an IC level of approximately 0.10 a more optimistic IC
of 0.50 may be useful to bracket our results relative to illustrating GK principles.

3.3 Russell 1000 MV Optimization Simulation Results

Figures 1 and 2 consist of two panels of simulation results corresponding to IC levels of
0.10 and 0.50 respectively. Figures 1A and 1B display simulation results for universe sizes up
to 50 stocks representing the asset allocation case. Figures 2A and 2B display simulation
results for universe sizes up to 500 stocks and represent the equity portfolio optimization
case. Four curves are displayed in each panel. The unconstrained true curve presents

The nominal ICs shown in this experiment are likely inflated from their counterparts in the real world,
since ICs are typically calculated as the correlations between estimates and realized returns, rather than true
return expectations. As shown in Appendix 1, this has the effect of inflating the IC by the ratio of the total
standard deviation of the realized returns divided by the standard deviation of the selected expected return
due to the portfolio sampling process.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

the Sharpe ratios for in-sample inequality unconstrained MV optimized MSR portfolios.
This curve displays the infeasible theoretical maximum Sharpe ratio when exact inputs
with no estimation error are used. Of course the Sharpe ratios of this curve are
unattainable in practice since they use unavailable inputs. However, the other three
curves simulate feasible estimates based on available data. The unconstrained curve
displays the out-of-sample average Sharpe ratios of the simulated MSR optimal portfolios.
The equal weight curve displays the average Sharpe ratios of equal weighted portfolios.
The constrained curve reflects the average Sharpe ratios of out-of-sample simulated
sign constrained MSR optimal portfolios. Interval estimates are also shown in all cases,
showing the central 90% of the simulated information ratios. In other words, the crossed
lines mark the 5% and 95% quantiles. The intervals as shown on the page are jittered
horizontally so as not to overlap and to maintain readability of the chart.

The simulations demonstrate the interaction of constraints, optimization methods, sample

size, and information coefficients. The unconstrained true curve assumes no estimation
error in the optimization process. In this case the results are consistent with the GK view
that adding assets increases the investment value of MV optimized portfolios.

The results of our experiments for the asset allocation cases demonstrate a definite
failure of the GK and CST specifications of the fundamental law of management. In Figure
1A, the unconstrained portfolios dramatically underperform both sign constrained and
equal weighting. While adding assets increases the Sharpe ratios of unconstrained
portfolios out-of-sample, the gain is minimal and, we will argue below, unrealistic. How
positivity constraints help the optimization process depends on the quality of information
and universe size but the results generally contradict the CST view that eliminating
constraints adds investment value.21 In all cases in Figure 1, positivity constraints narrow
the confidence intervals. The nave analyst may think a priori that performance will
increase by calculating expected IR with estimates used in the optimization, but such in-
sample calculation amounts to assuming perfect information and estimation ability, which
is clearly unrealistic for investors of any skill level. Our results also vividly demonstrate
the hazards of ignoring estimation error when optimizing.

Our deliberate optimism in setting up the simulation has several important effects. The
unconstrained cases would exhibit poorer performance with regard to IR in practice. Since
almost all of the assets in the simulation universe are likely to have some investment
value, the investor is not harmed by putting portfolio weight on the wrong assets. In the
real world, in which the investable universe is not limited to stocks which will have any
particular track records, constraints limit the harm caused by misinformation. This effect
was clearly demonstrated and measured in Jobson and Korkie. In a truly chaotic world
with a lot of estimation error and bias, the equal weighted answer can be hard to beat.

We note that the results reaffirm the conclusions in Frost and Savarino (1988).

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

Figure 1A

Figure 1B

Figure 1: Average maximum Sharpe Ratios for four different portfolio construction methods and two
different information coefficients for the asset allocation case. This experiment was run on portfolios of up
to fifty U. S. stocks which had at least 2 years of contiguous monthly price data ending in December 2013.

Figure 2 provides similar simulation experiments as in Figure 1 for expanded optimization

universes of up to 500 securities. One clear difference in the large universe case is the
overall inferiority of equal weighting particularly given the presence of significant levels of
information. A second important difference is that the benefit of positivity constraints
depends crucially on the level of presumed forecast information. For a typical level of IC
= 0.10, sign constrained large universe optimization provides similar performance relative
to unconstrained for much of the size spectrum. In the likely unattainable level of IC =

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

0.50 associated with large stock universe equity portfolio optimizations as in Figure 2B,
unconstrained dominates. These results should not be surprising nor do they represent
any serious contradiction to our basic thesis that adding securities adds little if any
investment value all other things the same. We address large universe issues further
Figure 2A

Figure 2B

Figure 2: Average maximum Sharpe Ratios for four different portfolio construction methods and two
different information coefficients for the equity portfolio case. This experiment was run with portfolios of
up to five hundred U. S. stocks which had at least 2 years of contiguous monthly price data ending with
December 2013.Figures 2A and 2B can be viewed as a continuation of charts 1A and 1B to larger optimization

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

4.0 Large Optimization Universe Fallacy

Part of the GK argument that investment value increases as the size of the optimization
universe depends on the assumption that IC is (roughly) the same for all securities in a
given optimization universe. How realistic is this assumption?

For a small universe of securities the assumption of uniform average IC may be tenable;
for a large universe it is unrealistic to assume uniform average IC across all subsets of that
universe. Any sensible manager will naturally use the securities with the best information
first. Forcing more assets into an optimization is likely to result in less predictable
securities reducing the overall average IC level of the universe. A lower level of average IC
is undesirable according to the formula and can easily cancel out any gains made by
increasing breadth. In practical settings adding more assets is likely to reduce the average
IC of the case.

The issue can be framed in a more common practical setting. Consider an analyst
suddenly asked to cover twice as many stocks. Given limitations of time and resources, it
is highly unlikely that the same level of IC on average represents the expanded set of
stocks. Issues of resources and time rationalize why analysts tend to specialize in areas of
the market or investment strategies that limit the number of securities that they cover. It
is worth noting that many traditional managers limit the number of securities they include
in their active portfolio to little more than twenty or fifty. Except for relatively small
asset universes, the average IC is likely to be a decreasing function of the number of
stocks in the optimization universe, all other things the same.

Note that our simulations assume that the average level of IC is constant independent of
universe size, ignoring any practical constraints on analyst coverage. A larger universe
implicitly assumes a larger level of investment information all other things the same.
Consequently, the slowly rising level of unconstrained average maximum Sharpe ratios as
universe size increases is an artifact of the simulation framework. In practice, adding
assets is unlikely to add investment value beyond some optimal size universe consistent
with the investors level of information all other things the same. Indeed, beyond some
optimal point, the unconstrained curve is likely to curve downward as the size of the
optimization universe increases in applications.

4.1 Multiple Factor Model Fallacy

Large stock universe optimizations may include the S&P 500, Russell 1000 or even a global
stock index as benchmarks. In this case individual analysis of each stock is not feasible and
analysts typically rely on factor valuation frameworks for forecasting alpha. For example,
stock rankings or valuations may be based in part on an earnings yield factor. 22 As GK
correctly note, if earnings yield is the only factor for ranking stocks, there is only one
independent source of information and the breadth or BR equals one all other things the

Standard methods for converting rankings to a ratio scale for input to portfolio optimizers include Farrell
(1983) and references. Michaud (1998, Ch. 12) notes some common scaling errors.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

In the Grinold formula, the breadth (BR) of an investment strategy is identified with the
number of uncorrelated statistically significant positive factors used to forecast alpha.
The formula shows that the in-sample IR of the strategy increases as the square root of
the number of independent positive significant factors in the multiple valuation forecast
model increases. However, in practice, asset valuation factors are often highly correlated
and may be statistically insignificant providing dubious out-of-sample forecast value.23
Finding factors that are reasonably uncorrelated and positive statistically significant
relative to ex post return is no simple task.

Factors are often chosen from a small number of categories considered to be relatively
uncorrelated and positively related to return such as value, momentum, quality, dividends,
and discounted cash flow.24 In experience, breadth of multiple valuation models is
typically very limited and unlikely to be much greater than five independent of the size of
the optimization universe.25 As in adding stocks to an optimization universe, adding
factors at some point is likely to include increasingly unreliable factors that are likely to
reduce, not increase, the average IC of an investment strategy.

Michaud (1990) provides a simple illustration of these issues. He notes that while adding
statistically significant factors related to return can be additive to IC, it can also be
detrimental to IC in practice. There is no free lunch. Adding factors can as easily reduce
as well as enhance forecast value.

4.2 Invest Often Fallacy

GK recommend increasing trading period frequency or plays of the investment game to
increase the IR of a MV optimized portfolio. The Grinold formula assumes trading
decision period independence and constant IC level. However, almost all investment
strategies have natural limits on trading frequency. 26 For example, an asset manager
trading on book or earnings to price will have significant limitations increasing trading
frequency smaller than a month or quarter. There is some natural limit to trading period
frequency for most stock valuation procedures. Reducing the trading period below this
limit will generally reduce effectiveness while increasing trading costs.

Fundamentally, trading frequency has to do with constraints on the investment process

relative to investment style.27 Deep value managers may often be reluctant to trade more
than once a year while growth stock managers may want to trade multiple times in a given
year. Increased trading, to be effective, requires increasing the independence of the
trading decision while maintaining the same level of skill. This will generally require

There is a limit to the number of independent statistically significant factors even in many commercial risk
models, often far less than ten.
Standard methods such as principal component analysis for finding orthogonal risk factors are seldom also
reliably related to return.
See e.g., Michaud (1999).
Special cases may include proprietary trading desk strategies where the information level is maintained at
a reasonable level and trading costs are nearly non-existent. Other cases, such as high frequency and
algorithmic trading are arguably not investment strategies but very low level IC trading pattern recognition
relative to highly sophisticated automated liquidity exchange intermediation.
Trading costs and market volatility are additional considerations.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

increased resources, if feasible, all other things the same. The normal trading decision
period should be sufficiently frequent, but not more so, in order to extract relatively
independent reliable information for a given investment strategy and market conditions.

It is worth noting that the notion of normal trading period for an investment strategy
does not imply strict calendar trading. Portfolio drift and market volatility relative to new
optimal may require trading earlier or later than the planned normal period. In addition a
manager may need to consider trading whenever new information is available or client
objectives have changed. Portfolio monitoring relative to a normal trading period
including estimation error is further discussed in Michaud et al. (2012).

4.3 Remove Constraints Fallacy

Markowitzs (1952 1959) contributions on defining portfolio optimality included linear
equality and inequality constrained MV optimization. In actual investment practice, MV
optimized portfolios typically include many ad hoc linear constraints. This is because MV
optimized portfolios that ignore estimation error are often investment unintuitive and
impractical in applications. Constraints are typically imposed to manage MV optimization
instability, ambiguity, poor diversification and likely poor performance.28 However,
constraints added solely for marketing or cosmetic purposes may result in little, if any,
investment value and may ignore useful information in risk-return estimates.

On the other hand, inequality constraints are generally necessary for defining portfolio
optimality in practice. Inequality constraints reflect the financial fact that even the largest
financial institutions have economic shorting and leveraging limitations. Markowitz (2005)
demonstrates the importance of practical linear inequality constraints in defining
portfolio optimality for theoretical finance and the validity of many tools of practical
investment management. Long-only constraints limit liability risk, a largely unmeasured
factor in most portfolio risk models and often an institutional requirement. Regulatory
considerations may often mandate the use of no-shorting inequality constraints.
Performance benchmarks may often mandate index related sets of constraints for
controlling and monitoring investment objectives.

Contradicting CST, inequality constraints may often add investment value as well. Frost
and Savarino (1988) showed that sign or non-negative inequality constraints may limit the
impact of estimation error and consequently improve out-of-sample investment
performance. This is because economically valid constraints act much like a Bayesian
prior, but on the portfolio solution rather than the return distribution. This can mitigate
estimation error in risk-return estimates implicitly by forcing the solutions towards more
likely optimal portfolios.

5.0 Estimation Error Resolutions

Statistically significant investment information may often be available for a relatively small
number of stocks in an index or optimization universe. Careful consideration of this issue
can have dramatic implications for investment strategies.

Jobson and Korkie (1980, 1981), Michaud (1989).

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

5.1 Mertons prescription

Merton (1987) shows that the appropriate optimization universe should be defined only
for securities with reliable information. Colloquially, you should optimize only on what
you know. Investing in large stock universes that include many low-information securities
is likely to be suboptimal.

The Merton prescription has an important limitation in some applications. Asset managers
are often mandated to outperform an index while holding tracking error within a specified
range. Defining the optimization universe solely for statistically significant alpha securities
may expose the optimized portfolio to unacceptable tracking error risk in the context of
large stock universe benchmarks. Michaud and Michaud (2005) provide a reconciliation of
these competing objectives. They recommend adding an index weighted composite asset
to represent the non-statistically significant alpha securities to the set of significant alpha
securities in the optimization universe. Adding the composite asset to the significant
alpha securities is consistent with Mertons theoretical considerations while satisfying the
need for controlling tracking error risk in practice. Michaud and Michaud have shown that
an optimized portfolio that includes consideration of estimation error with a composite
asset for non-statistically significant assets often exhibits very desirable optimization and
portfolio risk characteristics.

5.2 Michaud MV Efficiency

Michaud (1998, 2008a, 2000b) MV efficient frontier optimization is a generalization of the
linear constrained Markowitz efficient frontier that includes estimation error in
investment information in the definition of portfolio optimality.29 Monte Carlo
resampling of risk-return estimates is used to create thousands of statistically consistent
resampled Markowitz MV efficient frontiers consistent with an investors level of
certainty in the inputs.30 An averaging process consistent with expected utility converts
the resampled MV frontiers into a new linear constrained MV frontier.31 Simulation studies
following the Jobson and Korkie design demonstrate that the resulting Michaud efficient
frontier portfolios have superior investment value on average out-of-sample relative to

Michaud efficiency provides a realistic framework for evaluating the implications of

principles for enhancing an optimized investment strategy. Unlike GK and CST, there are
no simple rules that necessarily add optimized portfolio investment value. The
investment game requires statistically significant investment information thoughtfully
considered and properly implemented.

Michaud resampled optimization was invented by Richard Michaud and Robert Michaud and is a U.S
patented procedure, #6,003,018; worldwide patents pending. It was originally described in Michaud (1998,
Ch. 6). New Frontier Advisors, LLC (NFA) is exclusive worldwide licensee.
Uncertainty level can be defined by a forecast confidence scale based on estimation periods as
described in Michaud and Michaud (2008a, 2008b) or by the investors IC.
Michaud optimization is not the same as the Morningstar resampling optimizer which uses a very different
averaging process and possesses very different out-of-sample investment properties. See Michaud and Esch
(2010) for further information.
Michaud (1998, Ch. 6), Michaud and Michaud 2008a,b. Markowitz and Usmen (2003) simulation studies
indicate that Michaud optimization may be superior to Markowitz even with inferior risk-return estimates.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

6.0 Summary and Conclusions

Grinold shows that the in-sample value added of MV inequality unconstrained optimized
active investment strategies is approximately the product of the skill (IC) and square root
of the Breadth (BR) of the strategy. Grinold and Kahn (GK) propose that even a minimal
amount of information can be used to enhance optimized portfolio investment value by
trading more often and adding more assets and forecast factors. Clarke et al. (CST)
generalize the formula and recommend removing constraints in order to add investment

We show that the GK and CST principles for active equity management are invalid and
generally defeat the effective use of investment information. The reason is that the
formulas ignore estimation error and economically meaningful linear constraints essential
for successful asset management.

The fundamental limitations of the Grinold and Kahn and Clarke et al. principles are
widespread in contemporary quantitative asset management. The errors afflict most
portfolio construction methods and much financial theory. The investment community
should be aware of these self-defeating investment practices that may be adversely
impacting many hundreds of billions of dollars or more of holdings in current asset

Investment theory and practice and many applications of statistical methods in business
and social sciences are based on frameworks that assume known probability distributions
and stable returns similar to casino games.33 But investing is not a casino game. Investors
always have some level of uncertainty of their risk-return estimates in practice.34
Estimation error is ubiquitous in quantitative asset management, finance, and more
generally in many other areas of modern science. Winning the investment game requires
statistically significant information and economically meaningful constraints properly
implemented with estimation error sensitive portfolio optimization technology.


A1. Simulation of a Particular IR

The mean of a portfolio of randomly selected assets from a fixed universe has its own
distribution, centered at the population mean, and until the sample size approaches the
population size, its variance is well approximated by the population variance divided by
the portfolio size. In an infinite population size this approximation would be exact. In a
simulation experiment, since we know the truth we are trying to estimate, we can design a
set of estimates (of course unavailable in practice where the truth is unknown) to have a
given correlation with its targeted expected return by adding the nominal IR (desired
correlation) times the signal to the square root of one minus the square of the nominal IR
times some independently sampled noise with a chosen mean and variance. In

Weisberg op. cit.
Assuming no illegal insider information.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

mathematical notation this is as follows. If and are uncorrelated then and +

1 2 have correlation , when and have equal means and variances. The mean
and variance of the simulated noise , as explained in Section 3, were chosen so that the
distribution of the estimate matches the population distribution. This choice of scaling is
clearly optimistic when compared to practice in which the true mean and variance are
unknown. It will not hurt the performance of the results and cannot be blamed for poor
performance of optimization under increasing portfolio size, so failure of the fundamental
law to yield increased performance as assets are added cannot be attributed to a poor
selection of simulated estimator. Rescalings of the simulated mean input for the
optimization do not seem to affect the narrative implied by results for the methods in
experiments that are not shown here, since the most important aspect of the mean input
of the optimization for this experiment is the relative ranking of assets, which is captured
by the correlation and not the mean or variance.

A2. Estimating IC: the Correlation of a Sample Mean with its Estimation
With regard to an estimation of a vector of random quantities such as the estimation of a
population mean via a sample mean of noisy observed data, there is a mathematical
calculation relevant to how the IC relates to the error distribution of the observed
returns. The IC is calculated as the sample correlation between the predicted values and
the realized returns, in this case, the expected values of the selected assets. Since the data
from which the portfolios are generated are drawn with known standard deviations
around their population means, and the population means are dispersed around their
grand mean with standard deviation , the total standard deviation of the estimate of a
randomly selected asset is + = 2 + 2 , since the simulated data is drawn
independently from the process of asset selection. Therefore, we have
corr(, + )
= corr ( , )
= cov ( , )

= cov ( , ) + cov ( , )
+ +

= cov ( , ) + cov ( , )
+ +
= + cov ( , ).
+ +

In the spherical (uncorrelated and equal variance) case for the estimation error , the

second term cov ( , ) has expection zero, so the expected IC in that case is simply

the ratio . For more general covariance assumptions this term does not vanish, and the

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

calculation of the expected IC becomes far more difficult. (Esch 2014) Note that in this
calculation we have assumed a single value for , although each asset in the portfolio
may have its own sampling variability. Thus represents the square root of an average
variance across all assets, not the individual standard deviation of any particular variance.
Our calculations show good matches between averages of large numbers of simulated ICs
and this theoretical limiting ratio.

In practice, since ICs are calculated with respect to a single instance of realized returns
rather than their long term means, there would be another rescaling (deflation) of the IC
since realized returns also deviate from their expected values. Manager typically estimate
average ICs by averaging across correlations of their estimates with realized returns. Thus,
by a parallel mathematical derivation to (A2.1), the correlation of the estimates with

realized returns would be further deflated, in the spherical case, by the ratio of ,
where +0 represents the standard deviation of a typical realized return of a randomly
selected asset. This additional deflation explains the perception that sample mean-type
estimates have ICs that seem extremely optimistic when compared to typical managers
purported average ICs. An IC of 0.10 is considered excellent in practice, but this would
correspond to a sample estimate from less than 10 time periods, which is not very precise.

A3. A Note about Correlation Measures and Estimation of IC

In the GK statement of the fundamental law, manager skill is equated with the product of
the square root of breadth times the correlation between predictions and outcomes,
defined as the IC. It seems natural that this correlation should be measured across units of
breadth, but the definition of IC is given by GK as the correlation of each forecast with
the actual outcomes. This definition is somewhat vague and could be construed to mean
the correlation across assets between the asset forecasts and the asset returns or a similar
calculation across independent bets, determined by a factor model or indeed any other
characterization of breadth.

The correlation between two random quantities is defined as the expectation of the
cross-product between standardized variables, i. e. for variables and with means

and , and standard deviations and , the correlation ( ). This

expectation is normally taken across repeated instances or observations of the same
random variables and . Thus the summed terms in the sample correlation calculation
are normally assumed in practice to be independent and identically distributed random
variables. In the case of an IC, the expectation is being taken as if across variables which
are neither independent nor identically distributed, since security returns are usually
correlated and have unequal risks and expected returns. If an IC estimate is calculated as a
by-asset Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, riskier assets will dominate this
calculation, in the sense that the realized returns of the riskier assets will explain most of
the variance of the calculated IC. Viewing the correlation estimation problem through the
familiar regression framework, the riskier assets exert far more leverage in estimating the
linear relationship between the variables, and random variation in a subset of the portfolio
is likely to distort the estimated regression coefficient relative to the true linear
relationship. Since the IC calculation is limited to a finite sample size of either the number

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

of assets in the portfolio or the cardinality of breadth, estimation error is inevitable and
no laws of large numbers apply in any single estimation of IC.

If IC is being used to estimate manager skill, it can be argued that equally weighting the
terms in the sample correlation will produce a suboptimal estimate of manager skill, since
the dependence structure and non-identical distributions of the assets will cause an
unequal weighting of data with equal information content, and by assumption the
managers mean skill level is constant across bets. GK actually recommend weights
proportional to reciprocal variances for estimating IC, and they further propose a Bayesian
prior for the calculation, which has the effect of shrinking regression coefficients and
improving the generally upward-biased estimate.35 Such a scheme is appropriate when the
portfolio contains assets that are not exchangeable, such as multiple asset classes, or
stocks with vastly different capitalizations, for example. The notion of average IC as a
well-defined quantity with estimates that converge as more forecasts and returns are
collected depends on the assumption of constant manager skill, or at least constant
average manager skill, in all forecasting scenarios. Furthermore, common information used
in successive forecasts is not accounted for in calculations of a managers average IC, and
may be difficult to quantify. Unfortunately, there is no way to resolve the estimation
error problem for individual cases, and choosing among competing estimators for IC
involves an assessment for the case of the relative plausibility of assumptions versus the
relative convenience of asset returns. The analyst must choose between the model error
created by equal asset weighting and the estimation error caused by the unknown
variances and/or correlations. In most cases neither choice is perfect.

In the case of a simulation paradigm, the mean and variance of the simulation are known,
and the full matrix-weighted correlation estimate is available with no error caused by
inverting the wrong covariance matrix. In this case the optimal information-weighted
estimate for correlation would use an inner product with the inverted covariance matrix
as its kernel, and the estimation of IC for an estimator based on simulated data can thus
be measured across the true independent components of the random vector of
simulated returns. For example, if simulations are being drawn from a p-dimensional
multivariate normal with expected return and covariance matrix , and estimates for
are constructed as sample means of simulated returns , then the nave unweighted
estimate for the IC is the sample correlation between and , i. e.
=1( )( )
(, ) = = ,
=1( ) =1( ) 2

where = 11/ is the symmetric, idempotent matrix corresponding to the linear

transformation that subtracts the mean from a vector. If L is a matrix square root of
such that = , then the transformed estimate 1 has an identity covariance
matrix, and correlating the transformed estimates 1 with the analogously transformed

These recommendations for estimating IC under uncertainty appear in the second (1999) edition of Active
Portfolio Management, under a chapter titled Advanced Forecasting. The first (1995) edition did not treat
the estimation problem for IC.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement

expected returns 1 will optimally weight information about manager skill contained in
the ensemble of asset estimates.36 This second estimate is constructed as
1 1
1 1
( , ) = , (A3.2)
1 1 1 1
and should be preferable for simulation frameworks since the true covariance and thus its
matrix square root are precisely known. This estimator (A3.2) is also available with L as
the square root of diag(), which equalizes the variances but does not alter the
correlation structure. In unsimulated real-world IC estimation, the covariance matrix is
unknown, and extraction of matrix square root and inversion of estimated matrices are
likely to inflate estimation error for , causing unstable and/or unpredictable results.
Hence, the matrix weighed estimate (A3.2), or its equivalent using a diagonal matrix square
root, is recommended for highly heteroskedastic cases for which good variance estimates
are available. If the securities in the portfolio are roughly equivalent or plausibly
exchangeable, or if precise estimates of the asset variances are unavailable, the equal-
asset-weighted estimate (A3.1) is adequate. All calculations of IC are prone to error and
claims of precision for any real-time estimate of IC should be regarded skeptically.

The estimate in formula (A3.2) is quite similar to one developed in De Silva et al. (2006), but differs in that
our IC estimate is centered around the means of the correlated variables, like the traditional Pearson
correlation calculation. De Silva et al. define the realized IC as the uncentered cross product moment in
their estimate, i. e. the formula (A3.2) with the centering matrix C omitted. They also claim approximate
equality of this estimate with our equation A3.2 with diagonal covariance. Whether this approximation is
good depends on whether zero is an appropriate substitution for the asset correlations, forecasts, and
realized returns. For many realistic cases the estimates can differ meaningfully, and the best choice depends
on which set of assumptions is most tenable.

Fundamental Law of Mismanagement


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