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Republic of the Philippines


Ninth Judicial Region
Branch 15
Zamboanga City


NO. 8977





COMES, NOW, THE PETITIONERS, thru their counsel, and unto this
Honorable Court, most respectfully allege the following, to wit:

1. That petitioners are both of legal age, Filipinos, married to each

other, and residents of #54 Lacandalo Drive, Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City;

2. That they desire to adopt the minor child named MARLOU ROJAS,
who is male, three years of age, Filipino, and likewise residing at #54
Lacandalo Drive, Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City;

3. That herein subject minor, was born at Zamboanga City Medical Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 0.5", First line: 0.5",
Space Before: 12 pt
Center on December 5, 2012 to MARILOU ROJAS, unmarried, which proof
of birth was duly registered in the Register of Births of the Office of the

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Civil Registrar of Zamboanga City, for which a Certificate of Live Birth was
issued. A machine copy of it is herewith attached as Annex A;

4. That the minor child was admitted to the proper care and custody
of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD for brevity)
by his biological mother together with referring social worker, SARAH LIM
of DWSD-Crisis Intervention Unit located in Sta. Barbara, Zamboanga City
on December 8, 2012. Subject child was referred to their office by the
Medical Social Worker of Zamboanga City Medical Center (ZCMC for
brevity) after being initially assessed that the mother cannot support the
child with all his needs due to economic and health reasons;

5. That MARLOU was only 2 days old when he was brought for
admission at the center. He was born through normal delivery and assisted
by DR. PIA CENTENO, Medical Officer III of Zamboanga City Medical

6. That during the interview of the childs mother, it was found that
the subject childs mother worked as a Guest Relation Officer (GRO) in
Fantacy KTV bar along MCLL Highway, Guiwan, this city, and his father
could not be identified. No further details regarding his family background
was established due to the mothers inconsistent answers to the
questions. Moreover, the referring social worker, MS. SARAH LIM worked
out to submit childs mother for assessment by psychiatrist but the
mother refused as she insisted to be mentally stable and healthy. Per
collateral review on the given address, it was found that the mother has
several men whom she does not want to identify. She has no relative living
in the city.

7. That during the childs admission in the center, the mother, was
informed of the placement status of the child and the centers programs
and services. She was also advised to come and visit her son to determine
her readiness to assume the role of parenting. Unfortunately, the mother
failed to fulfill such agreement. In fact, it was her first and last visit to her
child has been deprived of the love, care and attention from his biological
mother since he was two (2) days old up to the present;

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8. That as per Child Study report, the DSWD has evaluated and
recommended that the minor child can be legally adopted to spouses
ABRAHAM D. SANTIAGO and ESTER A. SANTIAGO for the childs best
interest and welfare. A copy of said DSWD Child Study Report is herein
attached as Annex B;

9. THAT, MOREOVER, Petitioner is qualified to adopt the minor child

above-named under Articles 183-186 of the Family Code of the Philippines,
as amended by the provisions of Republic Act No. 9552, the Domestic
Adoption of 1998;

10. That, in addition, the adoptive applicants have been married

since June 16, 2007 but they remain childless. The spouses decided to
foster a child to whom they can give their love, care and affection. On
January 10, 2014, Marlou Rojas from the Child Reception and Study Center
for Children at Talon-Talon, this city, was placed under their custody as
foster child. Attached herewith is a copy of the spouses Marriage
Contract as Annex C;

11. That the DSWD in fact made a Child Study Report on the case of
the subject minor child and in that study report i.e. social diagnosis the
minor deprived of parental love and care. They maintained that it was the
present custodian, who unselfishly provided them love and the best
opportunities to make the child fully accepted and loved by the family
resulting to a positive parent-child relationship;

12. That, on September 30, 2015, the subject minor was formally
matched to Spouses ABRAHAM and ESTER SANTIAGO. Last October 15,
2015, the corresponding AFFIDAVIT OF CONSENT TO ADOPTION by DSWD
was issued and herein attached and form part of the petition as Annex

13. That herein petitioners has the capability and ability to extend to
said minor the kind of financial support that a parent can give to his child.
ABRAHAM SANTIAGO is an Accounts Officer in the Land Bank of the
Philippines while the wife ESTER is a pre-school teacher at Ateneo de

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Zamboanga University Grade School. Attached hereto are the
employment identification cards of petitioners as Annex E and E-1;

9. That it is for the best interest of said minor if they would be

considered as child of herein petitioners because his financial, spiritual,
and emotional needs would be taken care of and his future would be
safeguarded. In fact, the couple owns a house located a safe
neighborhood in Sta. Maria. They also hired a nanny to take care of the
subject minor while they are at work. Moreover, the mother of Abraham
lives with the spouses who loves the child as much as the spouses. With
that, the DSWD, in its Home Study Report, has strongly evaluated and
recommended that the Honorable Court approve the adoption of minor
Marlou Rojas to Spouse Abraham Santiago and Ester A. Santiago. A copy
of the Home Study Report is herein attached as Annex F;

10. That the spouses are of good character, has no derogatory

record whatsoever can be attributed to them, are emotionally and
psychologically capable of caring for the child, are more than sixteen (16)
years older that the subject minor sought to be adopted, are in position to
support and care said child in keeping with the means of the family.
Attached herewith are copies of their Police clearances as statements as
Annexes G and G-1;

11. That, at present, the subject minor is now three (3) years old and
has been with the petitioners for two (2) years now. He has adjusted well
in the atmosphere and environment of his foster family. He is observed to
be an active, healthy, sociable and affectionate child. Generally speaking,
his total growth and development is within the normal level which could
be attributed to the positive, alternative, and stimulating activities given
by the foster family.

12. That the minor sought to be adopted does not own any real,
personal, tangible and intangible property; and

13. That this adoption is for the best interest and security of the said
minor if he would be considered as true and legal child of herein

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petitioners and it will make his life normal, productive, and good persons
in the community;

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully prayed of this
Honorable Court to grant this petition of Spouses Abraham and Ester Santiago
for the adoption of Marlou Rojas and for the change of the childs name to
Clifford A. Santiago.

Such other reliefs which the Honorable Court may deem just and equitable
under the premises are likewise prayed for.


City of Zamboanga, Philippines, January 7, 2016.


Counsel for the Petitioners
MP Tower, Buenavista St.
Zamboanga City
ROLL NO. 87221 5-16-10
IBP NO. 896989 1-04-16
PTR No. 0927798 1-04-16

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(Republic of the Philippines)
(City of Zamboanga ) S.S.
X- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )



legal age, Filipino citizens, and residents of #54 Lacandalo Drive, Sta. Maria,
Zamboanga City, under oath, depose and state:

1. That we are the Petitioners in the above-mentioned case;

2. That we have caused the preparation of this Petition;
3. That we have read and understood its contents and affirm that they
are true and correct to our personal knowledge and based on
authentic records; and,
4. That we hereby certify that there is no other case or special
proceeding commenced or pending before any court involving the
same parties and the same issue and that should we learn of such a
case or special proceeding, we shall notify the court within five (5)
days from our notice.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have signed this instrument on the 7th day of

January 2016, in the City of Zamboanga, Philippines.


Affiant Affiant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 7th day of January 2016, in the
City of Zamboanga, Philippines.
Doc. No. ___
Page No. ___ Notary Public
Book N0. ___ MP Tower, Buenavista St.
Series of 2016 Zamboanga City
ROLL NO. 87221 5-16-10
IBP NO. 896989 1-04-16

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