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We will be using the following questions in our Socratic Seminar. The Socratic Seminar is one of your summative
assignments for this reading unit. Come up with assertions (verbal topic sentences/claims) that directly answer
the question. Write notes with evidence to support your claim. The evidence is REQUIRED because it will help
back up your assertion and it will help keep the conversation centered around the issue of survival. The talking
points are equally important. They allow you to elaborate on the so what of your assertion and evidence.
Without this verbal matters, your conversations will seem flat and boring. Not all of the questions will be used
but you need assertions, evidence, and talking points for each one. If needed, you may use a separate page to
answer the following questions. You will submit this for a grade!

1. Based on all the information we have read in A Matter of Life or Death, explain your reaction to Victor
Frankls quote: But what about human liberty? Is there no spiritual freedom in regard to behavior and reaction
to any given surroundings? Most important, do the prisoners reactions to the singular world of the
concentration camp prove that man cannot escape the influences of his surroundings? Does man have no choice
of action in the face of such circumstances?
Assertion (Topic Sentence) Evidence (Says-quotes) Talking Points/Matters

They do have a choice Lets stay together. It They have a choice of action because if
because they try to stay alive. will make us stronger. they care to live they will act strong to stay
(Wiesel p.309) alive.

2. Words have a major impact on the individual. The power of words can both hinder and motivate individuals
to react or commit to certain ideological principles. Explain your thoughts and use textual evidence to explain.
Assertion Evidence Talking Points/Matters

If in a had time someone says And most important When he said that dont be afraid it helps
something that says something dont be afraid! them be less worried about the selection.
that motivates them and (Wiesel p.309)
makes them have hope

3. Selfish or not? By providing textual evidence explain your reactions to the concept of if ones personal
survival over the lives of others is considered selfish or not.

Assertion Evidence Talking Points/Matters

It isnt sometimes but it Could she really have It depends on if they can save them or not
honestly depends on the saved the others. if they cant and it is impossible then it is
situation. Probably not, and not selfish.
certainly not the back of
the plain (Is Survival
Selfish p.318)
4. Elie Wiesel explains his view on oppression with: We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor,
never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When
human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become
irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that
place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe. Explain your reaction to Wiesels view and
support your reasoning with examples for this collection.
Assertion Evidence Talking Points/Matters

When you keep quiet it wont And when they came Because the author actually talked and the
help you because the back, I poured more tormentor gave mercy, instead of keeping
tormentor will continue and drinks and kept telling quiet and letting the murdering happen.
think that they are doing so them they should leave
great. in peace once again.
(Rusesabagina p.CR77)

5. Explain how motivation plays an important role in encouraging a reaction from the individual. Based
on our study and personal experiences, what have you learned about motivation.
Assertion Evidence Talking Points/Matters

Motivation keeps you going We have the faith Journalism is dangerous in war, but the
and makes you believe that it because we believe we do motivation for her is that she makes a
matters. make a difference. difference when she does her job.
(Colvin p.CR90)

Question: In the text of Is Survival Selfish they talked about the woman that saved herself out of a plane,
because she couldnt really save anyone else. If you were someone in that that type of situation,but you
were the one injured would you want someone to save you or would you be okay with them saving
Assertion Evidence Talking Points/Matters
I would want them to save Very few others in the Even though few survived because it was
me and so I that could live plane, which was soon impossible to save anyone I would want to
and to be honest putting consumed by smoke and be saved.
yourself in a different fire, died. (Is Survival
perspective changes your Selfish p.318)
thoughts on survival.

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