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A Practitioners Guide

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.

1 Introduction Energy Management System (EnMS) Practitioners Guide 2

2 ISO in brief 3
3 What is ISO 50001? 4
3 ISO Task Force Recommendation 5
4 Background 6
5 Origins of ISO 50001: 2011 7
6 Why an Energy Management Standard? 8
7 Energy Management Systems as Business Drivers 9
8 Statistics on energy savings from 10
9 How to use the ISO 50001 EnMS Practitioners Guide 11
10 How Do I Start? - Guide from 12
11 Energy Management System Requirements 17
4.1 General Requirements 17
4.2 Management Responsibility 18
4.3 Energy Policy 20
4.4 Energy Planning 22
4.5 Implementation and Operation 29
4.6 Checking 35
4.7 Management Review 39

12 UL DQS Sample Certificate for ISO 50001:2011 41

13 Correspondence between ISO 50001:2011, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and
ISO 22000:2005 43
14 References 46
15 Acronyms and Definitions 47
16 Contact UL DQS Inc. 48

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Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.

All societies require energy to meet basic human
needs (e.g., lighting, material processing, space Reducing energy use and increasing
comfort, mobility and communication) and to serve energy efciency is a proven strategy
productive processes. Since 1859, global use of fossil
for cutting and controlling costs with
fuels (coal, oil and gas) has increased, leading to rapid
good returns.
growth in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.1

In order for industry to make significant gains in EPA, 2011

energy efficiency, there must be greater awareness
and knowledge sharing about programs, resources Energy management, a topic once owned by
and practical methods that can help industrial plants environmentalists, is increasingly one that ranks
identify, develop and document energy efficiency/ as urgent by senior executives from various
intensity improvements. Historically, energy saving industries. There has been a significant shift in
efforts have been delegated to plant engineers, business attitudes globally regarding climate change
frequently with assistance from consultants or and energy. Companies are beginning to identify the
suppliers with highly specialized technical skills, true costs of carbon-centric energy consumption
often one project at a time. Quantifying results and patterns. This congruence of concerns around cost,
measuring progress relies heavily on the presence supply, reliability and environmental impacts of the
of individual energy efficiency champions within a energy needed to sustain our economies and way of
company and their access to consultants or suppliers. life are increasingly influencing business and planet
Drawbacks to this approach are that achievements decisions at the highest levels.11
are often not well understood by those without
specialized expertise, replication occurs slowly in As a result of this rapid change in perceptions,
the market, not a risk based approach over time, and corporate America has reached a tipping point, with
benefits (ROI) may disappear if the champion leaves companies across a host of industries now making the
the company or is relocated. cost, availability and environmental impact of their
end-to-end energy consumption a strategic priority.
Energy is an operational expense that has a direct They are now frequently viewing energy management
impact on profitability. While the old business as a form of risk management. What once was
model says, It is a cost of doing business, the managed as a cost is increasingly being managed as
implementation of an EnMS replaces this model a strategic risk and as a source of new value and
with, How can we be more cost-effective in energy opportunities.
performance, efficiency and service?

The bottom line good energy management is good business, and adopting an energy management
strategy is a business decision you cannot afford to ignore.
EPA, 2011

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
The International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) has a membership of some 160 national
standards bodies from countries large and small,
industrialized, developing and in transition, in all

regions of the world. ISOs portfolio of over 18,600
standards provide business, government and
society with practical and vetted tools for all three ISO 50001 is based on the ISO
dimensions of sustainable development: economic,
management system model familiar
environmental and social. ISO standards make a
positive contribution to the world we live in. They
to more than a million organizations
facilitate trade, spread knowledge, disseminate worldwide who implement standards
innovative advances in technology, and share good such as ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001
management and conformity assessment practices. (environmental management), ISO 22000 (food safety),
ISO standards provide solutions and achieve benefits
ISO/IEC 27001 (information security). In particular, ISO
for almost all sectors of activity, including agriculture,
construction, mechanical engineering, manufacturing,
50001 follows the Plan-Do-Check-Act process for continual
distribution, transport, medical devices, information improvement of the energy management system.
and communication technologies, the environment,
energy, quality management, conformity assessment These characteristics enable organizations to integrate
and services. ISO only develops standards for which energy management now with their overall efforts to improve
there is a clear market requirement. The work is quality, environmental management and other challenges
carried out by experts in the subject drawn directly
addressed by their management systems.
from the industrial, technical and business sectors
that have identified the need for the standard, and
which subsequently put the standard to use. These
ISO 50001 provides a framework of requirements enabling
experts may be joined by others with relevant organizations to:
knowledge, such as representatives of government Develop a policy for more efcient use of energy
agencies, testing laboratories, consumer associations Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy
and academia, and by international governmental Use data to better understand and make decisions
and nongovernmental organizations.17
concerning energy use and consumption
Measure the results
Review the effectiveness of the policy
Continually improve energy management.

ISO 50001 can be implemented individually or integrated

with other management system standards.

ISO, 2011

An ISO International Standard represents a global consensus

on the state of the art in the subject of that standard.

ISO, 2011

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
3 WHAT IS ISO 50001?
ISO 50001:2011 is an ISO standard that specifies The EnMS applies to all variables affecting energy
requirements for establishing, implementing, performance that can be monitored and influenced
maintaining and improving an energy management by the organization. ISO 50001 does not prescribe
system, whose purpose is to enable an organization to specific performance criteria with respect to energy,
follow a systematic approach in achieving continual i.e. 10% savings. The ISO 50001 standard for energy
improvement of energy performance, including: management systems has been designed to be used
energy efficiency, energy use and consumption. independently, but it can be aligned or integrated
It specifies requirements applicable to energy with other management systems. It is applicable to
use and consumption, including measurement, any organization, building, or manufacturing process
documentation and reporting, design and that wishes to ensure its conformity to its stated
procurement practices for equipment, systems, energy policy and wishes to demonstrate this to
processes and personnel that contribute to energy others. Such conformity can be confirmed by means
performance. of self-evaluation and self-declaration of conformity
or by certification of the energy management system
by an external organization.8

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.

National energy management standards have been developed and are in use in various countries,
resulting already in signicant savings in energy consumption and reductions in GHG emissions.
Regional and national standards development is underway in Europe, China, USA and other countries.
The increasing interest in this eld and the explicit requests received by ISO, have led the Technical
mangement Board (TMB) to already address the matter and the Task Force recommends that ISO
moves forward expeditiously.

International Energy Agency, 2009

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
There is a long history to the development of energy These countries include Denmark, Ireland, China,
management. The American standard on energy Korea, Japan, Spain, Thailand, Germany, Sweden,
management was the first voluntary standard United Kingdom, leading to a ground swell of energy
published in 2000. The stakeholder process was management standards that were developed or are in
expanded to include Italy, Germany and Switzerland the process of being developed by each country. This
in 2005. These discussions continued and further includes the US version Management System for
expanded in 2006 with Ireland, China, and Korea. In Energy (MSE).
2007, through an expert meeting hosted by UNIDO
in March a resolution was issued that indicated an Energy issues are globally recognized to be a pertinent
International Standard should be established. This concern. Energy management today is a business
resolution was reviewed by the US experts and work decision to reduce per unit consumption which
began on proposal begun. UNIDO is the United affects operational costs, quality, productivity and
Nations specialized industrial agency, mandated to GHG emissions by reducing their carbon footprint.
promote industrial development and international To support this purpose, ISO 50001:2011 has been
industrial cooperation.9 developed with a persuasive energy management
Industrial energy use represents more than one-third
of both global primary energy and energy related EnMS offers a systematic and structured approach to
carbon-dioxide emissions. For developing countries, identify, measure, and manage critical energy inputs
this is often in excess of 50% of the total and can to our workplace. This approach includes dissection
produce supply problems. Developing economies of energy quality in order to prioritize and improve
lead growth in both industrial energy use and carbon- an organizations energy performance. The standard
related emissions. is flexible, fitting any size or type of organization,
manufacturing, or service industry. It provides a built
In industry, a missed opportunity for energy efficiency in mechanism for continual improvement of energy
may not reoccur- for decades or at all until the original management.
installation fails or becomes obsolete.

Many countries have developed energy management

system standards or other types of national programs
to help their industry.


Please refer to reference number 6.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
5 ORIGINS OF ISO 50001: 2011


ISO 50001 was formally released June 14, 2011

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Most energy efficiency is achieved through changes Leverages existing continual improvement
in how energy is managed in an industrial facility, processes
a LEED certified Green Building or manufacturing Develops a baseline of energy use
process, rather than through installation of new Actively manages energy use and costs
technologies. An energy management standard, such Reduce emissions without a negative impact
as ISO 50001, provides a tool for integrating energy on operations
efficiency into existing organizational management Continual improvement of energy use versus
systems for continuous improvement. Companies product output over time
who have voluntarily adopted an energy management Potential for savings to be used for emission
plan (a central feature of an EnMS) have achieved credits
major energy intensity and use improvements. It
In addition, most countries offer financial incentives
is also applicable to commercial, institutional, and
for compliance, usually as part of a target-setting
transportation sectors. All existing and planned
agreement, provide training on standards compliance
energy management standards are compatible with
and provide opportunities for companies to network
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
and learn from each other. Several countries also
There are many benefits to an organization for offer system optimization training.
implementing an EnMS:
The end product of the EnMS standard is to provide
Broad applicability measureable results. Improvements are achieved in
Applies to all sectors of business changes to how energy is managed. Organizations
Applies to all sizes of organizations who have adopted energy management plans have

Leverages existing management systems achieved major improvements.

The value of strong energy management as a proxy for overall organizational management is
increasingly recognized by nancial analysts., 2011


Please refer to reference number 6.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Management Systems favor shareholder value by It reduces carbon control investment and
driving ROI (Return On Investment). Thus, it is always alternatives without negative effects on
advantageous for any organization implementing operations.
it because: Provides continual improvement of energy
It provides a process in the level of execution intensity and use.
critical to performance. It values both avoidance & savings for internal
It continuously manages energy processes. and external metrics (e.g. emissions, utility
It reduces exposure to energy costs (Internal credits, reduced labor intensity, CAPEX, etc.)
hedging and volatility management) over time rather than one off projects


Please refer to reference number 6.



Investment in Cost Reduction in Payback time Savings in Mwh

Measures Sectors
USD USD per year (statistics) and tons of CO

Installation of heat Construction material 925,000 around 450,000 around 2 years 3,225 t CO2
exchanging device at industry / Brick
different locations production
Checking the Mail order selling 0 5,500 0 48 MWh and 30t
lighting situation in CO2
the furniture hall

Please refer to reference number 6.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Even with good returns, energy waste is still prevalent throughout organizations. Consider that:
A 400% variation in energy use intensity of buildings in the United States exists that is not explained by
age, technology, hours, size, climate.
Little improvement of overall energy consumption has been seen although building components are
30% more efficient since 1980.
Oversizing building fan systems, on average, occurs by 60%.
Most chillers are oversized by 50200%.

Unfortunately, capturing energy waste has been hampered by a lack of focus on energy management. Too often
energy management is characterized as:
Focused on paying bills & running the powerhouse
Considered capital intensive

Organizations that have adopted effective energy management strategies and built successful energy programs
have had different results. Consider the following:
Ford Motor Company has saved over $75 million through effective energy management.
USAA Real Estate has realized a 5% annual energy savings and increased the asset value of a California
building by $1.5 million due to energy efficiency upgrades.
Eastman Kodak saved more than $8.6 million in operating costs in 2002 from its energy management
Hines estimates the difference in operational costs between its energy efficient buildings and inefficient
buildings at more than $13 million.
Fairfax County Public Schools estimates an annual energy savings of $4.5 million from energy efficiency

Recent studies by Innovest Strategic Value Advisors (see below) found that leaders in energy management
achieved superior stock and financial performance over laggards in energy management.The difference between
the leaders and laggards is significant:
Real estate investment sector over 3,400 basis points difference
Retail food sector 1700 basis points difference
Retail merchandising 7100 basis points difference

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
This Practitioners Guide is intended to help organize Please be aware that although the following sections
and streamline an organizations effort to become include all requirements of the EnMS Standard,
an ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS) they do not necessarily cover how the requirements
Registered Firm. The information gathered here may of the Standard relate specifically to your facility or
be useful in determining the organizations state of organization. Use of this guide is meant to provide a
readiness for an EnMS evaluation. sample of the effectiveness of your EnMS.

The use of this guide is to increase the understanding The following section, section 10 presents a strategy
of ISO 50001 as it applies to organizations. We for preparing your organization for ISO 50001. It
encourage you to share this within your organization provides a basis for understanding how your system
to enhance everyones understanding of EnMS may conform to the Standard. Only the requirements
requirements and the assessment process. as shown within Clause 4 of the EnMS standard,
section 10 of this guide, are auditibable.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Commit to Continuous Improvement
Organizations seeing the financial returns from to allocate staff and funding to achieve continuous
energy management continuously strive to improve improvement. To establish their energy program,
their energy performance. Their success is based leading organizations form a dedicated energy
on regularly assessing energy performance and team and institute an energy policy. Effective
implementing steps to increase energy efficiency. implementation of an EnMS requires full support and
No matter the size or type of organization, the commitment from the highest levels. If employees
common element of successful energy management perceive management is not fully committed to energy
is commitment. Organizations make a commitment management, there is a high potential for failure.

Form a Dedicated Team
2a. Appoint an Energy Director: Sets goals, c. Empower energy staff to fulfill fundamentals.
tracks progress, and promotes the energy Push for strong energy efficiency from all parts
management program. of the business. Enable energy investments by
b. Establish an Energy Team: Executes energy valuing them differently from other projects.
management activities across different parts Educate customers on the value of energy
of the organization and ensures integration of performance in products. Involve yourself.
best practices.


Tasks Qualities

Setting up and leading the energy team in the company Good knowledge of the operating procedures
Planning and implementing the projects (according to budget, time Excellent capabilities in project management, in organisation and
and quality) communication
Acquisition, processing and communication of energy-related Sound knowledge of ISO 50001
Delegating tasks and setting time limits Basic technical understanding
Supporting the involvement and recognition of the top management Trust and respect of co-workers
Attaining staff support beyond individual areas and functions Involvement and enthusiasm for the subject of energy management
Regularly reporting to the top management Ability to listen to others who, in some cases, have a different opinion
and other ideas
Please refer to reference number 6.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Assess Performance
Understanding current and past energy use is how d. Technical assessments and audits: Evaluate
many organizations identify opportunities to improve the operating performance of facility systems
energy performance and gain financial benefits. and equipment to determine improvement
Assessing performance is the periodic process of potential.
evaluating energy use for all major facilities and
functions in the organization and establishing a Assessing your energy performance helps you
baseline for measuring future results of efficiency to:
efforts. Categorize current energy use by fuel type,
operating division, facility, product line, etc.
Key aspects include: Identify high performing facilities for
a. Data Collection and Management: Collect recognition and replicable practices.
energy use information and document data Prioritize poor performing facilities for
over time. immediate improvement.
b. Baseline and Benchmarking: Determine Understand the contribution of energy
the starting point from which to measure expenditures to operating costs.
progress. Compare the energy performance Develop a historical perspective and context
of your facilities to each other, peers and for future actions and decisions.
competitors, and over time to prioritize which Establish reference points for measuring and
facilities to focus on for improvements. rewarding good performance.

c. Analysis and Evaluation: Understand your

energy use patterns and trends.

Set Goals
Performance goals drive energy management To develop effective performance goals:
activities and promote continuous improvement. a. Determine scope: Identify organizational and
Setting clear and measurable goals is critical for time parameters for goals.
understanding intended results, developing effective
b. Estimate potential for improvement: Review
strategies, and reaping financial gains. Well-stated
baselines, benchmark to determine the
goals guide daily decision-making and are the basis
potential and order of upgrades, and conduct
for tracking and measuring progress. Communicating
technical assessments and audits.
and posting goals can motivate staff to support energy
management efforts throughout the organization. c. Establish goals: Create and express clear,
The Energy Director in conjunction with the Energy measurable goals, with target dates, for the
Team typically develops goals. entire organization, facilities, and other units.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Setting goals helps the Energy Director: Foster ownership of energy management,
Set the tone for improvement throughout the create a sense of purpose, and motivate staff
organization Demonstrate commitment to reducing
Measure the success of the energy environmental impacts
management program Create schedules for upgrade activities and
Help the Energy Team to identify progress and identify milestones
setbacks at a facility level

When setting goals, be sure to use the Energy Teams wide range of knowledge to help set aggressive, yet
realistic goals. Have management review your goals to enlist their feedback and support.

Create Action Plan
With goals in place, your organization is now poised to on the organization, the steps below outline a basic
develop a roadmap to improve energy performance. starting point for creating a plan:
Successful organizations use a detailed action plan a. Define technical steps and targets
to ensure a systematic process to implement energy
b. Determine roles and resources: Get buy-in
performance measures. Unlike the energy policy, the
from management and all organizational areas
action plan is regularly updated, most often on an
affected by the action plan before finalizing it.
annual basis, to reflect recent achievements, changes
Work with the Energy Team to communicate
in performance, and shifting priorities. While the
the action plan to all areas of the organization.
scope and scale of the action plan is often dependent

Creating an inclusive strategy that establishes roles and actions throughout the organization can help to
integrate good energy management practices. When developing an action plan, consider:
Brainstorming with various departments to identify ways they can contribute.
Holding a competition to seek ideas for energy efficiency from across the organization.
Gathering recommendations from the Energy Team and other key personnel.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Implement Action Plan
People can make or break an energy program. Gaining b. Raise awareness: Build support all levels of
the support and cooperation of key people at different your organization for energy management
levels within the organization is an important factor initiatives and goals.
for successful action plan implementation in many c. Build capacity: Through training, access to
organizations. In addition, reaching your goals information, and transfer of successful
frequently depends on the awareness, commitment, practices, procedures, and technologies, you
and capability of the people who will implement the can expand the capacity of your staff.
d. Motivate: Create incentives that encourage
To implement your action plan, consider staff to improve energy performance to
taking the following steps: achieve goals.

a. Create a communication plan: Develop e. Track and monitor: Using the tracking system
targeted information for key audiences about developed as part of the action plan to track
your energy management program. and monitor progress regularly.

Evaluate Progress
Evaluating progress includes formal review of both performance and the effectiveness of energy
energy use data and the activities carried out as part management initiatives also allows energy
of the action plan as compared to your performance managers to:
goals. Evaluation results and information gathered Measure the effectiveness of projects and
during the formal review process is used by many programs implemented
organizations to create new action plans, identify best Make informed decisions about future
practices, and set new performance goals. energy projects
Reward individuals and teams for
Key steps involved include:
a. Measure results: Compare current Document additional savings opportunities
performance to established goals. as well as non-quantifiable benefits that
b. Review action plan: Understand what worked can be leveraged for future initiatives.
well and what didnt in order to identify
best practices. Regular evaluation of energy

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Recognize Achievements
Providing and seeking recognition for energy a. Providing internal recognition: to individuals,
management achievements is a proven step for teams, and facilities within your organization.
sustaining momentum and support for your program. b. Receiving external recognition: from
Providing recognition to those who helped the government agencies, the media, and other
organization achieve these results motivates staff and third party organizations that reward
employees and brings positive exposure to the energy achievement.
management program. Receiving recognition from
c. Partners are also encouraged to promote this
outside sources validates the importance of the energy
notable achievement internally and externally
management program to both internal and external
through newsletters and local media.
stakeholders, and provides positive exposure for the
organization as a whole. Key steps in providing and
gaining recognition include:

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Section 11 is a discussion of the standard focused on review and evaluate its energy management system
section 4 of the EnMS standard, the auditable clauses. to identify opportunities for improvement and their
Each clause will have four discussion points: implementation. The organization is given flexibly in
how it implements the EnMS.
1. Introduction
2. Requirements of the standard For example:
3. Examples or learning points; and a. The rate, extent and timescale of the continual
4. Action items improvement process are determined by the
Specific clauses may have and introduction or opening
b. The organization can take into account
paragraph. Throughout this section, we will be using a
economic and other considerations when
mythical company called ABC Company (ABCCO).
determining the rate, extent and timescale of
The company has three buildings: warehouse;
the continual improvement process
administration building and manufacturing. The
following sections are numbered as presented in the c. The concept of scope and boundaries allows
EnMS Standard. Only Clause 4 is auditable. flexibility to the organization to define what is
included within the EnMS
For the example used in this Guide, the following
information will be useful: The concept of energy performance includes energy
use, energy efficiency and energy consumption. The
organization can choose from a wide range of energy
Energy Source BTU kWh
performance activities. For example, the organization
Barrel (42 gal) crude oil 5,800,000 1,699.9
could reduce peak demand, utilize surplus or waste
Gallon gasoline 124,238 36.4
energy, or improve the operations of its systems,
Gallon diesel fuel 130,500 38.2 processes or equipment. The intent of this section is
Gallon heating oil 138,690 40.6 to provide a high altitude overview and set the stage
Barrel residual fuel oil 6,287,000 1,842.6 for the EnMS. It does not require specific processes
Cubic Foot of natural gas 1,027 0.3 or procedures, other than to define and document the
Gallon propane 91,033 26.7 scope of your EnMS.
Short ton of coal 19,977,000 5,854.9
KW-hour electricity 3,412 1.0 REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD
The organization shall:
4.1 General Requirements a. Establish, document, implement, maintain
and improve an EnMS in accordance with the
INTRODUCTION: requirements of this International Standard
General Requirements set the stage or foundation for b. Define and document the scope and boundaries
the entire EnMS system. Management must consider of its EnMS
how it will address all of the EnMS requirements,
c. Determine how it will meet the requirements
develop a strategy and define and document its scope.
of this international standard in order to
Much like ISO 14001, the scope is a critical part of the
achieve continual improvement of its energy
EnMS, as it defines its bounds and limits.
performance and of its EnMS
The implementation of an EnMS is intended to result in
improved energy performance. This standard is based
on the premise that the organization will periodically

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
POINTS c. Providing the resources needed to establish,
implement, maintain and improve the EnMS
Scope 1. The energy management system of
and resulting energy performance
ABCCO, associated with the manufacture
Note: Resources include human resources,
of advanced widget component parts,
specialized skills, technology and financial
located in Anywhere, AZ, USA. resources
Scope 2. All energy related activities, products and d. Identifying the scope and boundaries to be
services of ABCCO, within the bounds of addressed by the EnMS
its property in Anywhere, AZ, USA.
e. Communicating the importance of energy
Scope 3. The ABCCO energy activities at its 123 management to those in the organization
Main Street, Anywhere, AZ, USA site.
f. Ensuring that energy objectives and targets are
ACTION ITEMS established
g. Ensuring that EnPIs are appropriate to the
Define and document the Scope of your EnMS
Determine how you will meet the
requirements of the Standard. h. Considering energy performance in long-term
Establish your EnMS. planning
i. Ensuring that results are measured and
4.2 Management Responsibility reported at determined intervals
j. Conduct management reviews
4.2.1 Management Responsibility
1. Meeting minutes where Top Managements
Top Management or their representative, when commitment to the EnMS process is
communicating to the organization, can support documented
energy management through employee involvement 2. All hands kick-off meetings held by ABCCO
activities such as empowerment, motivation, where commitments are publicly made by Top
recognition, training and rewards and participation. Management, EnMS team introduced and
When communicating long-term energy management support provided by management
targets, topics may include: energy sources, energy
3. Energy Day celebration to kick off the start of
performance, and energy performance improvements
the EnMS
in planning activities.
A demonstration of Top Managements
Top management shall demonstrate its commitment commitment to EnMS (See clause 4.2)
to support the EnMS and to continually improve its Define, establish, implement and maintain an
effectiveness by: energy policy (See clause 4.3)
a. Defining, establishing, implementing, and Appoint a management representative
maintaining an energy policy and approve the formation of an energy
management team (See clause 4.2.2)
b. Appointing a management representative
Providing the resources needed to establish,
and approving the formation of an energy
implement, maintain and improve the EnMS
management team
and resulting energy performance (See clause
4.2.1 and 4.3)

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Identify the scope and boundaries addressed and communicated to all persons working for, or on
by the EnMS (See Clause 4.1) behalf of the organization, to ensure that authority
Communicate the importance of energy is defined, documented and communicated.
management to the organization (See Clause
Ensure energy objectives and targets are
Top management shall appoint a management
established (See Clause 4.4.6)
representative(s) with appropriate skills and
Ensure EnPIs are appropriate to the
competence, who, irrespective of other responsibilities,
organization (See Clause 4.4.5)
has the responsibility and authority to:
Consider energy performance in long-term
planning (See Clause 4.2.1) a. Ensure the EnMS is established, implemented,
Ensure results are measured and reported at maintained, and continually improved in
determined intervals (See Clause 4.6.1) accordance with this International Standard
Conduct management reviews (See Clause 4.7) b. Identify person(s), authorized by an
appropriate level of management, to work with
4.2.2 Roles, Responsibility and Authority the management representative in support of
energy management activities
c. Report to top management on energy
Successful implementation of an EnMS calls for performance
commitment from all persons working for the
d. Report to top management on the performance
organization or on its behalf. Energy roles and
of the EnMS
responsibilities therefore should not be seen as
confined to the energy management function, but e. Ensure that the planning of energy
can also cover other areas of an organization, such management activities is designed to support
as operational management or other staff functions. the organization's energy policy
This commitment should begin at the highest levels of f. Define and communicate responsibilities and
management. Accordingly, Top Management should authorities in order to facilitate effective energy
establish the organization's energy policy and ensure management
that the EnMS is implemented. g. Determine criteria and methods needed to
ensure that both the operation and control of
As part of this commitment, Top Management should
the EnMS are effective
designate a specific management representative(s)
with defined responsibilities and authority for h. Promote awareness of the energy policy and
implementing the EnMS. In large or complex objectives at all levels of the organization
organizations, there may be more than one
designated representative. In small or medium-sized EXAMPLES
enterprises, these responsibilities may be undertaken At this point in the process, specific job and
by one individual. Management should also ensure implementation requirements are established. It
that appropriate resources, such as organizational is important to assign the task of Management
infrastructure, are provided to ensure that the Representative to one or more people, who are
EnMS is established, implemented and maintained. competent in the ability to execute the program. A
Examples of organizational infrastructure include common failure point of many management systems
buildings, communication lines, underground is to appoint a person (or team) who either does
tanks, drainage, etc. It is also important that the not have the knowledge, competency, management
key EnMS roles and responsibilities are well defined support or understanding of the organization.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
For purposes of this Guide, the Energy Team is resources to achieve objectives and targets
William Robert and Joseph Ray. The both have direct d. Includes a commitment to comply with
reporting responsibility to the VP of Paperclips and applicable legal requirements and other
dotted line responsibility to the CEO. requirements to which the organization
subscribes related to its energy use,
ACTION ITEMS consumption and efficiency
Top Management has to appoint a Management e. Provides the framework for setting and
Representative or Energy Team, with the reviewing energy objectives and targets
responsibilities and activities noted above in the f. Supports the purchase of energy-efficient
Requirements section. products and services, and design for energy
performance improvement
4.3 Energy Policy g. Is documented and communicated at all levels
within the organization
h. Is regularly reviewed, and updated as necessary
The energy policy is the driver for implementing
and improving an organization's EnMS and energy
performance within its scope and boundaries. The
policy may be a brief statement (high level overview
of managements intent) that members of the
organization can readily understand and apply to
their work activities. The energy policy dissemination
can be used as a driver to manage organizational

Where transportation is procured or used by the

organization, the energy use and consumption of
transport can be included in the scope and boundaries
of the EnMS.


The energy policy shall state the organization's
commitment to achieving energy performance

Top management shall define the energy policy and

ensure that it:
a. Is appropriate to the nature and scale of the
organization's energy use and consumption
b. Includes a commitment to continual
improvement in energy performance
c. Includes a commitment to ensure the
availability of information and of necessary

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.


Our Energy Policy: We, the company ABCCO, hereby commit ourselves to the long-term reduction of
our energy consumption and to the improvement of our energy efficiency in a continuous improvement
process. To fulfill these objectives, we are implementing an energy management system according to ISO
50001 standard. We thereby ensure that all the requirements of this standard are correctly implemented
and that there is a continuous improvement of all processes within this energy management system. In
addition, we will regularly review that
the required financial and structural preconditions are met; all employees are integrated into
the implementation and operation of the energy management system and responsibilities are
relevant legal obligations and other requirements are taken into consideration;
energy aspects/energy data are regularly determined and assessed;
programs promoting energy-efficiency are correctly introduced and conducted;
the results are measured and evaluated by means of a regular audit;

Date : Place :
Name :
Position :


The ABCCO Energy Policy is as follows:

A Assure we comply with all our legal and other requirements related to energy
B Be sure information and resources are available to meet out objectives and targets
C Continually improve our efficient use of energy
C Cascade our activities to set and review objectives and targets
O Obtain and purchase energy efficient products and services
CEO : Date :


The ABCCO energy policy is to: do better in energy use all the time; meet out regulatory and corporate
issues; do what is necessary to set, review and achieve the stated objectives and targets; and only buy the
highest level energy efficient items.

Approved : Revision :

Define and document your energy policy

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
4.4 Energy Planning and relating energy performance data of comparable
activities with the purpose of evaluating and
comparing performance between or within entities.
INTRODUCTION: Different types of benchmarking exist, ranging from
Figure 1 is a conceptual diagram intended to improve internal benchmarking for the purpose of highlighting
understanding of the energy planning process. This good practices within the organization to external
diagram is not intended to represent the details benchmarking to establish the "best in industry/
of a specific organization and there may be other sector" performance of an installation/facility or a
details specific to the organization or particular specific product/service in the same field or sector.
circumstances. The benchmark process can be applied to any or all
of these elements. Provided relevant and accurate
This section of the standard focuses on the energy data is available, benchmarking is a valuable input
performance of the organization and tools to maintain to an objective energy review (4.4.3), and consequent
and continually improve energy performance. setting of energy objectives (4.4.6) and energy targets
Benchmarking is the process of collecting, analyzing (4.4.6).


Please refer to reference number 6.

4.4.1 General be consistent with the energy policy and shall

lead to activities that continually improve energy
INTRODUCTION: performance. Energy planning shall involve a review
of the organization's activities that can affect energy
Consistent with the standard, this section states the performance.
need to establish processes for energy planning. NOTE 1: A concept diagram illustrating energy planning
is shown in Figure 1.
REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD NOTE 2: In other regional or national standards, concepts
such as identification and review of energy aspects or the
The organization shall conduct and document an concept of energy profile, are included in the concept of
energy review.
energy planning process. Energy planning shall

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
POINTS 1. These may include:
a. National and international legal
As with many other clauses, this clause helps set the requirements
stage for the Planning Requirements. The planning b. State/provincial/departmental legal
process is an integral part of the Plan-Do-Check-Act requirements
Demming circle common to all management systems. c. Local governmental legal requirements
2. Examples of other requirements to which
the organization may subscribe include, if
a. Agreements with public authorities
b. Agreements with customers
c. Non-regulatory guidelines
d. Voluntary principles or codes of practice
e. Requirements of trade associations
f. Agreements with community groups or
non-governmental organizations
g. Public commitments of the organization or
its parent organization
h. Corporate/company requirements

The determination of how legal and other

requirements apply to an organization's EnMS is
Please refer to reference number 17. usually accomplished in the process of identifying
these requirements. It may not be necessary,
ACTION ITEMS therefore, to have a separate or additional procedure
in order to make this determination.
Have a process in place, using the following clauses to
demonstrate your planning activities that continually
improve energy performance.
The organization shall identify, implement, and
4.4.2 Legal and Other Requirements have access to the applicable legal requirements
and other requirements to which the organization
INTRODUCTION: subscribes related to its energy use, consumption
and efficiency. The organization shall determine
Applicable legal requirements are those international, how these requirements apply to its energy use,
national, regional, and local requirements that apply consumption and efficiency and shall ensure that
to the scope of the energy management system. these legal requirements and other requirements to
Examples of legal requirements may include a national which it subscribes are considered in establishing,
energy conservation regulation or law. Examples of implementing and maintaining the EnMS. Legal
other requirements may include agreements with requirements and other requirements shall be
customers, voluntary principles or codes of practice, reviewed at defined intervals.
voluntary programs and others. The organization
needs to identify the legal requirements that are EXAMPLES OF
applicable to its energy use.
a. Title V - Fuels and Emissions
b. Air and Boiler Regulations

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
c. Federal Tax Policy Incentives and Penalties 4.4.3 Energy Review
d. Executive Orders, such as EO 13514
e. Utility Incentives INTRODUCTION:
i. Source The process of identification and evaluation of energy
ii. Capital Expenses use should lead the organization to define areas of
significant energy use and identify opportunities for
iii. Rate Reductions
improving energy performance.
f. DOT Fleet Requirements ( 10 vehicles)
g. Security and Access Regulations Potential sources of energy can include conventional
sources that have not been previously used by an
h. Rate Structure Issues (Interruptible Power
organization. Alternative energy sources can include
Rates v Non-Interruptible)
fossil or non-fossil fuels. Updating the energy
review means updating the information related
REQUIREMENTS to the analysis, determination of significance and
Examples of other requirements that encompass determination of improving energy performance
non-regulatory issues: opportunities. An energy audit or assessment
comprises a detailed review of the energy performance
a. Corporate Mandates
of an organization, of a process, or both. It is typically
b. Trade Associations based on appropriate measurement and observation
c. Voluntary Agreements of actual energy performance.

d. Non-regulatory Agreements with Utility or

Audit outputs typically include information on
other Energy Suppliers
current consumption and performance and can be
accompanied by a series of ranked recommendations
for improvement in terms of energy performance.
Identify and have access to your legal and other energy Energy audits are planned and conducted as part of
related requirements. There may be some value the identification and prioritization of opportunities
in taking the energy source, use and consumption to improve energy performance.
activities identified in the following clauses and cross
reference any legal and other requirements to them. REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD
This approach can facilitate the identification of the
The organization shall develop, record, and maintain
requirements to what you are doing at your site.
an energy review. The methodology and criteria used
to develop the energy review shall be documented. To
develop the energy review, the organization shall:
a. analyze energy use and consumption based on
measurement and other data, i.e.
i. identify current energy sources
ii. evaluate past and present energy use and
b. based on the analysis of energy use and
consumption, identify the areas of significant
energy use, i.e.:

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
i. identify the facilities, equipment, systems, c. The facility has determined that propane
processes and personnel working for, or on forklifts, warehouse lighting and fuel oil use are
behalf of, the organization that significantly the significant energy uses
affect energy use and consumption
ii. identify other relevant variables affecting ACTION ITEMS
significant energy uses Opportunities may relate to potential sources
iii. determine the current energy performance of energy, use of renewable energy, or other
of facilities, equipment, systems and alternative energy sources such as waste
processes related to identified significant energy. The energy review shall be updated
energy uses at defined intervals and in response to major
iv. estimate future energy use and consumption changes in facilities, equipment, systems,
or processes.
c. identify, prioritize and record opportunities for
What are your methods for energy reviews?
improving energy performance.
What are your current energy sources
NOTE: Opportunities can relate to potential
(including any energy generated on-site)?
sources of energy, use of renewable energy, or other
alternative energy sources, such as waste energy. What is your past and present energy use
and consumption?
The energy review shall be updated at defined What are your areas of significant energy use?
intervals, as well as in response to major changes in How do you identify the facilities, equipment,
facilities, equipment, systems, or processes. systems, processes and personnel working
for or on behalf of the organization that
EXAMPLES OR LEARNING POINTS significantly affect energy use
and consumption?
The facility has noted the following energy use data: How do you identify other relevant variables
affecting significant energy uses?
Source Amount BTU (x106) KWhr (x103) How do you determine the current energy
Fuel Oil 3,000 Gal 416.070 121.800 performance of facilities, equipment, systems,
Propane 15,000 Gal 1,365.495 400.500 and processes related to identified significant
Diesel 4,000 Gal 522.000 152.800 energy uses?
Electric 1,500,000 KWhr 5,118.000 1,500.000 How do you estimate future energy use and
Total 2010 7,421.565 2,175.100 (+15%) what are those values?
How do you identify, prioritize, and record
Total 2009 6,308.330 1,848.835 (+15%)
opportunities for improving energy
Total 2008 5,362.080 1,571.510

a. While a steady 15% increase in energy was 4.4.4 Energy Baseline

noted for the past two years, management has
estimated a 5% increase in KWhr for 2011 = INTRODUCTION:
2,393 x103 KWhr.
The energy baseline is maintained and recorded
b. Energy Uses for purposes of this discussion, the
as a means for the organization to determine the
key focus areas are:
records maintenance period. a suitable data period
i. Propane forklifts means the organization accounts for regulatory
ii. Warehouse Lighting requirements, or variables that affect the energy use
and consumption. Variables can include weather,
iii. Manufacturing use of Fuel Oil

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
seasons, business activity cycles and other conditions. What are the trigger limits for EnPIs requiring
The adjustments to the baseline are also considered change to the baseline?
maintenance and the requirements are defined in Is there a predetermined method to address
this standard. major changes to the process, operational
patterns, energy systems?
REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD What currently influences changes to your
Energy baseline?
The organization shall establish an energy
baseline(s) using the information in the initial energy 4.4.5 Energy Performance Indicators
review, considering a data period suitable to the
organization's energy use and consumption. Changes
in energy performance shall be measured against the
energy baseline(s).
EnPIs can be a simple parameter, a simple ratio or
Adjustments to the baseline(s) shall be made in the a complex model. Examples of EnPIs can include
case of one or more of the following: energy consumption per time, energy consumption
EnPIs no longer reflect organizational energy per unit of production, and multi-variable models.
use and consumption The organization can choose EnPIs that inform
Major changes to the process, operational the energy performance of their operation, and
patterns, or energy systems can update the EnPIs when business activities or
Changes according to a predetermined method baselines change that affect the relevance of the EnPI,
as applicable.
The energy baseline(s) shall be maintained and
EXAMPLES OR LEARNING POINTS The organization shall identify EnPIs appropriate for
monitoring and measuring its energy performance.
From the example above, Top Management has The methodology for determining and updating the
decided to use the 2009 energy data as its base line. EnPIs shall be recorded and regularly reviewed.
Some energy reduction efforts were made in 2010, EnPIs shall be reviewed and compared to the energy
and management wanted to see the long term effects baseline as appropriate.
of the efforts. 2009 was selected in this case for the
reasons stated. There is nothing wrong with using EXAMPLES OR LEARNING POINTS
2008 or 2010 data as the baseline. Management
has implemented a triennial review period for In our case, management has decided to use KWhrs
the baseline. The next review (pending any major the EnPI. While many different EnPIs could be used,
changes) will be related to the 2012 data. for the sake of simplicity, this will be the only one.
This is not to say multiple EnPIs can be an integral
ACTION ITEMS part of your system. The facility could normalize
them relative to:
Identify, document and maintain your energy
a. Headcount (KWhr / employees)
Use your Energy Review b. Production (KWhr / unit, KWhr / $MM sales,
Identify and document your data period or KWhr / 1,000 pieces)
Are there processes to identify changes to c. Use per day (KWhr / operating day)
measure against the baseline?
d. Total Energy Use (KWhr)

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
ACTION ITEMS contractor awareness of energy management
behaviors. The extent to which the action plan
Identify and document your EnPIs achieves the increased awareness and other results
What is the methodology for determining and should be verified using the method determined by
updating, recording and regularly review the the organization and documented in the action plan.
What is the frequency for EnPIs to be The creation and use of one or more action plan
reviewed and compared to the energy baseline is important to the successful implementation of
as appropriate? an EnMS. Each action plan should describe how
the organization's objectives and targets will be
4.4.6 Energy Objectives, Energy Targets achieved, including timescales, necessary resources
and Energy Management Action and personnel responsible for implementing the
Plans action plan(s). The action plan(s) may be subdivided
to address specific elements of the organization's
INTRODUCTION: operations.

In addition to action plans focused on achieving REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD

specific improvements in energy performance,
an organization may have action plans that focus The organization shall establish, implement and
on achieving improvements in overall energy maintain documented energy objectives and targets
management or improvement in the processes of at the relevant functions, levels, processes or
the EnMS itself. Action plans for these types of facilities within the organization. Time frames shall
improvements also can state how the organization be established for achievement of the objectives
will verify the results achieved by the action plan. and targets.
For example, an organization may have an action
plan designed to achieve increased employee and The objectives and targets shall be consistent with

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
the energy policy. Targets shall be consistent with for their relative contribution to the energy use and
the objectives. consumption goal (Delta). It was noted that 70% of
the reductions could be realized from reduction of
When establishing and reviewing objectives and electricity, but 19% could be realized with propane
targets, the organization shall take into account legal use reduction. The Action Plan:
requirements and other requirements, significant
energy uses and opportunities to improve energy Action Warehouse Responsible To Be
performance, as identified in the energy review. Lighting Party Completed
It shall also consider its financial, operational and
1. Conduct lighting survey,
business conditions, technological options and the including use of natural and solar Consultant 3 months
views of interested parties. lighting
2. Evaluate the lighting survey
The organization shall establish, implement and and determine the re-lamping WR / JR 2 weeks
maintain action plans for achieving its objectives and cost and energy savings.

targets. The action plans shall include: 3. Determine cost and ROI on
WR 5 days
Designation of responsibility;
Next meeting
The means and time frame by which individual 4. Present results to
JR after ROI
Management Team
targets are to be achieved; determination
A statement of the method by which an 5. Upon approval, develop RFP
WR / Bob in
improvement in energy performance shall be with nance to include energy 1 month
efciency requirements
6. Distribute RFP with response
a statement of the method of verifying the Finance 6 weeks
in 6 weeks to Finance
7. Evaluate RFPs and select WR / Bob in
The action plans shall be documented, and 2 weeks
contractor Finance
updated at defined intervals. 8. Start project Contractor 5 weeks


WR / Bob in
9 weeks

ABBCOs Objective and Target: Reduce energy use 10. Monitor energy use relative
Maintenance 12 months
to lighting
and consumption by 10% of the 2010 base line,
using KWhr.
To Be
Original Objective Delta KWhr Action - Forklifts Completed
Source Party
KWhr (x10 ) 3
KWhr (x10 ) 3 3
(x10 ) (cumulative)

Fuel Oil 121.8 109.6 12.2 (5.6%) 1. Contact forklift leasing

company for conversion of
Propane 400.5 360.4 40.1 (18.6%) Maintenance 2 weeks
forklifts from propane to battery
Diesel 152.8 137.5 15.3 (7.0%) power.
Electric 1,500.0 1,350.0 150.0 (68.9%) Forklift
2. Convert them 4 weeks
Total 2010 2,175.1 1,957.6 217.5 10. Monitor energy use relative
Maintenance 12 months
to PIVs
10% Reduction 1,957.6

The Action Plan will define the methodology to reach Action Manufacturing Use Responsible To Be
the Objectives of 10% reduction, based on KWhr. In of Fuel Oil Party Completed
the table above, all energy sources were evaluated
Replace Fuel Oil with Natural Gas Maintenance 4 months

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
ACTION ITEMS 4.5 Implementation and Operation
What are your documented energy objectives
and targets within the organization? 4.5.1 General
What is the time frame to achieve the
objectives and targets? INTRODUCTION:
Are the objectives and targets consistent with
This clause is an opening statement to address the
the energy policy?
need to make the EnMS happen. This is the part of
Are the targets consistent with the objective?
the standard where thing happen and benefits gained.
When establishing and reviewing objectives
and targets, how do you take into account
legal requirements and other requirements,
significant energy uses, and opportunities to The organization shall use the action plans and other
improve energy performance as identified in outputs resulting from the planning process for
the energy review and include consider its implementation and operation.
financial, operational and business conditions,
technological options, and the views of 4.5.2 Competence, Training and
interested parties? Awareness
How are Action Plans established,
implemented, and maintained for achieving its INTRODUCTION:
objectives and targets, including: designation
of responsibility; means and time frame by The organization defines competence, training and
which individual targets are to be achieved; awareness requirements based on its organizational
and statement of the method by which an needs. Competency is based on a relevant combination
improvement in energy performance shall of education, training, skills and experience.
be verified? The organization should identify the awareness,
What is the method to verify results? knowledge, understanding and skills needed by
What is the frequency to review and update any person with the responsibility and authority to
documented action plans? perform tasks on its behalf.


The organization shall ensure that any person(s)
working for or on its behalf, related to significant
energy uses, are competent on the basis of appropriate
education, training, skills or experience. The
organization shall identify training needs associated
with the control of its significant energy uses and the
operation of its EnMS. The organization shall provide
training or take other actions to meet these needs.

Appropriate records shall be maintained.

The organization shall ensure that any person(s)

working for or on its behalf are aware of:

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
a. The importance of conformity with the energy 4.5.3 Communication
policy, procedures and the requirements of
b. Their roles, responsibilities and authorities in
Internal communication is important to ensure the
achieving the requirements of the EnMS
effective implementation of the EnMS. Methods of
c. The benefits of improved energy performance internal communication may include regular work
d. The impact, actual or potential, with respect to group meetings, newsletters, bulletin boards and
energy use and consumption, of their activities intranet sites.
and how their activities and behavior contribute
to the achievement of energy objectives and REQUIREMENTS
targets, and the potential consequences of
The organization shall communicate internally with
departure from specified procedures
regard to its energy performance and EnMS, as
appropriate to the size of the organization.
Operator Competence Training Examples The organization shall establish and implement a
process by which any person working for, or on behalf
Operating procedures of, the organization can make comments or suggest
Testing procedures improvements to the EnMS.
Start-up / shutdown procedures
The organization shall decide whether to communicate
Controls & Alarm details externally about its energy policy, EnMS and energy
Maintenance procedures performance, and shall document its decision.
If the decision is to communicate externally, the
Do not forget, while focus on operators and
organization shall establish and implement a method
maintenance activities are the first to be evaluated,
for this external communication.
all employees have a contribution to overall energy
use and consumption. The standard also requires
those working on our behalf, which can include
contractors, temporary employees, suppliers and Internal communication can take many forms
visitors, be considered. Training or taking other including: All hands meetings (held on some regular
actions can take many forms, to include, but not frequency); communication boards; monitors placed
limited to: classroom; on-the-job; awareness; off-site in lobby or throughout facility promoting energy
courses; and contract requirements. performance; tri-folds; shirt pocket cards; laminated
cards with information next to their employee
The level of training will vary by person or job proximity card; pay check inserts; or posters.
description. Operators and maintenance will
probably require a higher level of training, versus ACTION ITEMS
an administrative person, who may only require
awareness training. What are your methods for communication?
Will you communicate externally your energy
ACTION ITEMS policy, system and performance? If so, how?

Identify how you will train employees, communicate

awareness, define competence and how records of the
training will be kept.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
4.5.4 Documentation Note: The degree of documentation can vary for
different organizations for the following reasons: Documentation Requirements The scale of the organization and type of
INTRODUCTION: The complexity of the processes and their
The level of detail of the documentation should be
The competence of personnel
sufficient to describe the EnMS and how its parts
work together, and to provide direction on where to
obtain more detailed information on the operation of EXAMPLES OR LEARNING POINTS
specific parts. This documentation may be integrated The standard requires a number of documents or
with documentation of other systems implemented documented procedures. In addition, it requires that
by the organization. It does not have to be in the other documents determined by the organization
form of a manual. The only procedures that have to be necessary. In effect, all documents needed to
to be documented are ones that are specified as a either conform to the requirements of the standard
documented procedure. The organization can develop or to support the EnMS need to be implemented
any documents it determines necessary to effectively and maintained. Note: Like other standards, records
demonstrate energy performance and support the are considered documents, but special types of
EnMS. documents. Records are controlled in clause 4.6.5.


The organization shall establish, implement and What is the method (or methods) to establish,
maintain information, in paper, electronic or any implement and maintain information to
other medium, to describe the core elements of the describe the core elements of the EnMS and
EnMS and their interaction. their interaction?
Is there a need to define the media (paper,
The EnMS documentation shall include:
electronic, or any other medium)?
a. The scope and boundaries of the EnMS
b. The energy policy of Documents
c. The energy objectives, targets, and action plans INTRODUCTION:
d. The documents, including records, required by
Document control requirements for EnMS are
this International Standard
consistent with other ISO standards, such as ISO 9001
e. Other documents determined by the and ISO 14001. If you have existing ISO systems, it
organization to be necessary is relatively easy to integrate EnMS documents into
existing document control platforms.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD Identify the current revision status of your
applicable documents
Documents required by this International Standard Determine how obsolete documents are
and the EnMS shall be controlled. This includes controlled
technical documentation where appropriate. Determine how documents of external origin
are identified and controlled
The organization shall establish, implement and
maintain procedure(s) to: 4.5.5 Operational Control
a. Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue
b. Periodically review and update documents as
necessary Evaluations of operations associated with your
c. Ensure that changes and the current revision identified significant energy use ensure that
status of documents are identified they are conducted in a way that will control or
reduce the adverse impacts in order to fulfill the
d. Ensure that relevant versions of applicable
requirements of your energy policy to meet your
documents are available at points of use
objectives and targets. This should include all parts
e. Ensure that documents remain legible and of your operations (defined in the scope), including
readily identifiable maintenance activities.
f. Ensure documents of external origin
determined by the organization to be necessary REQUIREMENTS OF
for the planning and operation of the EnMS are
The organization shall identify and plan those
identified and their distribution controlled
operations and maintenance activities which are
g. Prevent the unintended use of obsolete related to its significant energy uses and that are
documents, and suitably identify those to be consistent with its energy policy, objectives, targets
retained for any purpose and action plans, in order to ensure that they are
carried out under specified conditions, by means of

Some companies have a master documents list, a. Establishing and setting criteria for the effective
noting current version, last review or next review operation and maintenance of significant
date. It is important to note, the requirement to energy uses, where their absence could lead to
have them available at the points of use and current. a significant deviation from effective energy
While this is no different than other standards, it is, performance
however, a common audit finding. The concept of b. Operating and maintaining facilities, processes,
documents of external origin can take many forms, systems and equipment, in accordance with
depending on the definition. If a company chooses to operational criteria
define external documents as anything not controlled
c. Appropriate communication of the operational
by the site, then corporate or documents from other
controls to personnel working for, or on behalf
facilities are considered external.
of, the organization

ACTION ITEMS Note: When planning for contingency or emergency

situations or potential disasters, including procuring
Determine the methods or processes to equipment, an organization may choose to include energy
control, approve, review and distribute performance in determining how it will react to these

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
EXAMPLES OR LEARNING POINTS How do you plan for contingency, emergency
situations or potential disasters, including
Examples Maintenance Controls procuring equipment, to include energy
performance in determining how you will react
Steam trap survey and repair/replacement
to these situations?
Insulation inspection and repair/replacement
Boiler tube cleaning, water-side, fire-side 4.5.6 Design
Steam leak survey and repair
Combustion tune-up
When considering long-term energy performance,
designing energy efficiency into the process from the
Examples of Operational Controls beginning of any project is important. A significant
amount of cost and effort can be lost when energy
Procedures Based efficiency input is not part of the initial consideration,
Procedures or work instructions but is rather a revision to the initial plan. The
Equipment logbooks or PM Schedule standard requires energy to have upfront input
and consideration.
Technology Based
Control, alarm or alert systems REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD
Computer automated activities
The organization shall consider energy performance
Preventive maintenance system improvement opportunities and operational control
Training Based in the design of new, modified and renovated
facilities, equipment, systems and processes that can
Maintenance training
have a significant impact on its energy performance.
Operations training
Contractor training The results of the energy performance evaluation
shall be incorporated where appropriate into the
ACTION ITEMS specification, design and procurement activities of
the relevant project(s).
How are operations and maintenance
activities which are related to its significant
The results of the design activity shall be recorded.
energy uses identified?
Are they consistent with the energy policy,
objectives, targets and action plans?
How do you establish and set criteria for Many companies have a Management of Change
effective operation and maintenance of (MOC) process. As projects are developed, the
significant energy uses? MOC process could have an energy performance
How are operating and maintaining facilities, component, a place for consideration or sign off that
processes, systems and equipment, in energy considerations were made.
accordance with established operational
criteria? ACTION ITEMS
How are communications of the operational
How are energy performance improvement
controls to personnel working for, or on behalf
opportunities and operational control in
of, the organization conducted?
the design of new, modified and renovated

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
facilities, equipment, systems and processes REQUIREMENTS OF
that can have a significant impact on its energy
performance considered or implemented? When procuring energy services, products and
How are the results of the energy performance equipment that have, or can have, an impact on
evaluation incorporated (where appropriate) significant energy use, the organization shall inform
into the specification, design and procurement suppliers that procurement is partly evaluated on the
activities of the relevant project(s)? basis of energy performance.
How are these activities recorded?
The organization shall establish and implement the
4.5.7 Procurement of Energy Services, criteria for assessing energy use, consumption and
Products, Equipment and Energy efficiency over the planned or expected operating
lifetime when procuring energy using products,
INTRODUCTION: equipment and services which are expected to
have a significant impact on the organization's
Procurement is an opportunity to improve energy energy performance.
performance through the use of efficient products
and services. It is also an opportunity to work with The organization shall define and document energy
the supply chain and influence energy behaviors. purchasing specifications, as applicable, for effective
Applicability of energy purchasing specifications energy use.
may vary from market to market. Energy purchasing
specification elements could include energy quality, EXAMPLES OR LEARNING POINTS
availability, cost structure, environmental impact
Purchasing RFPs with one of more statements
and renewable sources. The organization may use
regarding procuring energy services, products and
the specification proposed by an energy supplier
equipment that have, or can have, an impact on
as appropriate.
significant energy use, informing suppliers that
procurement is partly evaluated on the basis of
energy performance.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Contract reviews with existing suppliers, informing
them that energy performance is now a consideration
4.6 Checking
in the procurement process.
4.6.1 Monitoring, Measurement and
Consultation with energy providers inquiring Analysis
about rebates related to implementing energy
management systems. INTRODUCTION:
An organizations operations have a variety of
ACTION ITEMS characteristics. For example, characteristics related
How are suppliers informed that procurement to monitoring and measurement of electricity, fuel
is partly evaluated on the basis of energy use or biomass. Data collected from monitoring and
performance? measurement can be analyzed to identify patterns
What are the criteria for assessing energy use, and obtain information. The knowledge gained
consumption, and efficiency over the planned from this information can be used to implement
or expected operating lifetime when procuring corrective and preventive action. Key characteristics
energy using products, equipment and services are those that the organization needs to consider to
which are expected to have a significant determine how it is managing its significant energy
impact on energy performance? use, achieving objectives and targets, and improving
How do you define and document energy energy performance. When necessary to ensure valid
purchasing specifications as applicable for results, measuring equipment should be calibrated or
effective energy use? verified at specified intervals, or prior to use, against
What are the procurement methods of traceable international or national measurement
your energy? standards. If no such standards exist, the basis
used for calibration should be recorded. These basic
processes are the same as found in ISO 9001 and
ISO 14001.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
The organization shall ensure that the key Example Key Characteristics
characteristics of its operations that determine energy
Regular combustion, flue gas analysis
performance are monitored, measured and analyzed
at planned intervals. Key characteristics shall include Make-up water meter volumes
at a minimum: Fuel input volumes
a. Significant energy uses and other outputs of the Water quality (Boiler, Cooling tower Make-up)
energy review
De-aerator temperature/pressure
b. The relevant variables related to significant
energy uses
Action Plan outputs
c. EnPIs
d. The effectiveness of the action plans in Example Equipment Requiring Calibration
achieving objectives and targets
e. Evaluation of actual versus expected energy
consumption ACTION ITEMS
What items are being tracked, monitored,
The results from monitoring and measurement of the
measured or analyzed?
key characteristics shall be recorded.
What are your key characteristics?
How are the results recorded?
An energy measurement plan, appropriate to the size
What is your energy measurement plan and is
and complexity of the organization and its monitoring
it defined and implemented?
and measurement equipment, shall be defined
and implemented.
4.6.2 Evaluation of Legal Requirements
Note: Measurement can range from only utility meters and Other Requirements
for small organizations up to complete monitoring and
measurement systems connected to a software application
capable of consolidating data and delivering automatic INTRODUCTION:
analysis. It is up to the organization to determine the
means and methods of measurement. Your organization needs to demonstrate that you
have evaluated compliance with the legal and other
The organization shall define and periodically requirements including applicable permits or licenses
review its measurement needs. The organization and have records of that evaluation. This requirement
shall ensure that the equipment used in monitoring is similar to clause 4.5.2 of ISO 14001.
and measurement of key characteristics provides
data which are accurate and repeatable. Records of REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD
calibration and other means of establishing accuracy
At planned intervals, the organization shall evaluate
and repeatability shall be maintained.
compliance with legal requirements and other
requirements to which it subscribes related to its
The organization shall investigate and respond to
energy use and consumption.
significant deviations in energy performance.

Records of the results of the evaluations of compliance

Results of these activities shall be maintained.
shall be maintained.

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
EXAMPLES OR LEARNING POINTS intent and scope of each should be clearly defined. An
energy audit or assessment is not the same concept
1. Corporate Legal Assurance Audits
as an internal audit of an EnMS or an internal audit
2. Internal audit of the Legal and Other of the energy performance of an EnMS. (See A.4.3
Requirements, specifically addressing each Energy Review)
requirement and how (or if) the company is in
compliance with that requirement REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD
3. Hiring an expert in the energy arena to provide
The organization shall conduct internal audits at
an evaluation of the legal requirements and
planned intervals to ensure that the EnMS:
a corporate support person to conduct an
evaluation of the other requirements Conforms to planned arrangements for energy
management including the requirements of
For example: this International Standard
Conforms with the energy objectives and
1. There is a corporate mandate to obtain ISO
targets established
50001 registration. The evaluation would
Is effectively implemented and maintained,
verify the site has in fact obtained registration,
and improves energy performance
and would be in compliance. If the site was
in the process of obtaining registration, then An audit plan and schedule shall be developed taking
the evaluation would reveal the site is not in into consideration the status and importance of
compliance with the corporate mandate the processes and areas to be audited as well as the
2. A legal team or consultants was contracted to results of previous audits.
conduct the evaluation, in concert with its ISO
14001 requirement The selection of auditors and conduct of audits
shall ensure objectivity and impartiality of the
ITEMS audit process.

What are the results of your legal and other

Records of the audit results shall be maintained and
requirement evaluations?
reported to top management.
What is the defined frequency of the
4.6.3 Internal audit of the EnMS These requirements are similar to those of ISO 9001
and ISO 14001.
Internal audits of an energy management system
can be performed by personnel from within the When and how are internal audits conducted?
organization or by external persons selected by the Are all areas of the facility and all clauses of
organization, working on its behalf. In either case, the the standard covered?
persons conducting the audit should be competent Is there a procedure to describe the internal
and in a position to do so impartially and objectively. audit process?
In smaller organizations, auditor independence Does the audit plan taking into consideration
can be demonstrated by an auditor being free from the status and importance of the processes
responsibility for the activity being audited. If an and areas to be audited as well as the results of
organization wishes to combine audits of its energy previous audits?
management system with other internal audits, the

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
How are internal auditors selected and are e. Maintaining records of corrective actions and
they competent (see 4.5.2)? preventive actions
How are records of the internal audit kept? f. Reviewing the effectiveness of the corrective
How are results reported to management? action or preventive action taken

4.6.4 Nonconformities, correction, Corrective actions and preventive actions shall be

corrective, and preventive action appropriate to the magnitude of the actual or potential
problems and the energy performance consequences
INTRODUCTION: encountered.

With respect to non-conformities, establishing

The organization shall ensure that any necessary
procedures to incorporate requirements - either simple
changes are made to the EnMS.
or complex-may help an organization accomplish
objectives with a minimum of formal planning. Any
documentation should be appropriate to the level of
action. This clause is consistent with ISO 9001 and If you have an existing ISO 9001 or ISO 14001
ISO 14001. program in place, it is advisable to use that platform
to make the process easier.
The organization shall address actual and potential
nonconformities by making corrections, and by taking How are nonconformities identified and
corrective action and preventive action, including the introduced into your system?
following: How is correction implemented?
a. Reviewing nonconformities or potential How is a non-conformity determined to
nonconformities require corrective or preventive action?
How are records kept?
b. Determining the causes of nonconformities or
How is the effectiveness of corrective or
potential nonconformities
preventive actions reviewed?
c. Evaluating the need for action to ensure that How are changes to documentation, resulting
nonconformities do not occur or recur from corrective or preventive action made?
d. Determining and implementing the appropriate
action needed

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
4.6.5 Control of Records 4.7 Management Review
INTRODUCTION: The management review should cover the scope of
the energy management system, although not all
This section outlines the Control of Documents
elements of the energy management system need to
(see Clause of the standard for additional
be reviewed at once and the review process may take
information), the control of records is similar to the
place over a period of time.
requirements for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.


4.7.1 General

The organization shall establish and maintain INTRODUCTION:

records, as necessary, to demonstrate conformity
The requirements of this clause (see section 4.7 of the
to the requirements of its EnMS and of this
standard for additional information) are similar to
International Standard, and the energy performance
the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
results achieved. The organization shall define and
implement controls for the identification, retrieval
and retention of records. Records shall be and shall
remain legible, identifiable and traceable to the At planned intervals, top management shall review
relevant activity. the organization's EnMS to ensure its continuing
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Records of
EXAMPLES OR LEARNING POINTS management review shall be maintained.

Using an existing ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 processes

will assist in implementation of this requirement.
4.7.2 Input to Management Review


How are records identified, with controls for Management review should consist of an agenda
the identification, retrieval and retention which covers, at a minimum, those items listed in the
of records? standard. The management review should cover the
How are records kept legible, identifiable and scope of the energy management system, although
traceable to the relevant activity? not all elements of the energy management system
need to be reviewed at once. The review process may
take place over a period of time.


Inputs to the management review shall include:
a. Follow-up actions from previous management
b. Review of the energy policy
c. Review of energy performance and related
d. Results of the evaluation of compliance with
legal requirements and changes in legal

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
requirements and other requirements to which
the organization subscribes
e. The extent to which the energy objectives and
targets have been met
f. EnMS audit results
g. The status of corrective actions and preventive
h. Projected energy performance for the following
i. Recommendations for improvement

4.7.3 Output from Management Review

Outputs from the management review shall include
any decisions or actions related to:
a. Changes in the energy performance of the
b. Changes to the energy policy
c. Changes to the EnPIs
d. Changes to objectives, targets or other elements
of the EnMS, consistent with the organization's
commitment to continual improvement
e. Changes to allocation of resources

What are the inputs and outputs of your
management reviews?
Does management evaluate and state the
EnMS state of suitability, adequacy and
How are outputs from previous management
reviews noted as inputs to the next one?
How are changes to the EnMS implemented,
resulting from Management Review?
How are records of the Management
Review kept?

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.

This is to certify that

1130 W. Lake Cook Road
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
United States of America

with the organizational units/sites as listed in the annex

has implemented and maintains an

Energy Management System.

The energy management system of ABC BC associated
associate with the manufacture of stone coated steel
ove, IL, USA.
roofing panels, located in Buffalo Grove, US

Through an audit, documenteden d in a report, it was verified that the management system
ts off the following
fulfills the requirements f llo standard:

ISO 50001
0 : 2011

Certificate registration no. 20007777 ISO50

Date of original certification 2005-07-25
Date of revision 2011-06-09
Date of certification 2011-06-09
Valid until 2014-06-08


Ganesh Rao

Certification Body: UL DQS Inc., 1130 West Lake Cook Road, Suite 340, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 USA 1/2

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
Annex to Certificate
Registration No. 20007777 ISO50

1130 W. Lake Cook Road
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
United States of America
United States of America

Location Scope

ABC Limited, Inc. Development, production and trade of folding
1290 E. Lake Cook Road boxes.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
United States of America

This annex (edition: 2011-06-09) is only valid in connection

with the above-mentioned certificate. 2/2

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 AND ISO 22000:2005


50001: Criteria 9001: Criteria 14001: Criteria 22000: Criteria
2011 2008 2004 2005

Forward Forward Forward Forward

Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
1 Scope 1 Scope 1 Scope 1 Scope
2 Normative Reference 2 Normative Reference 2 Normative Reference 2 Normative Reference
3 Terms and denitions 3 Terms and denitions 3 Terms and denitions 3 Terms and denitions
4 Energy Management 4 Quality Management 4 Environmental 4 Food Safety
System Requirements System Management System Management System
4.1 General Requirements 4.1 General Requirements 4.1 General Requirements 4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Management 5 Management 5 Management
Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility
4.2.1 Top Management 5.1 Management 4.4.1 Resources, Roles, 5.1 Management
Commitment Responsibility and Commitment
4.2.2 Management 5.5.1 Responsibility and 4.4.1 Resources, Roles, 5.4 Responsibility and
Representative Authority Management Responsibility and Authority
Representative Authority
5.5.2 5.5 Food Safety Team Leader
4.3 Energy Policy 5.3 Quality Policy 4.2 Environmental Policy 5.2 Food Safety Policy
4.4 Energy Planning 5.4 Planning 4.3 Planning 5.3 Food Safety
Management System

7 Planning and Realization

of Safe Products
4.4.1 General 5.4.1 Quality Objectives 4.3 Planning 5.3 Food Safety
Management System
7.2.1 Determination of Planning
Requirements Related to
the Product General

4.4.2 Legal and Other 7.2.1 Determination of 4.3.2 Legal and Other 7.2.2 No Title
Requirements Requirements Related to Requirements
the Product 7.3.3 Product Characteristics

7.3.2 Design and Development

4.4.3 Energy Review 5.4.1 Quality Objectives 4.3.1 Environmental Aspects 7 Planning and Realization
of Safe Products
7.2.1 Determination of
Requirements Related to
the Product
4.4.4 Energy Baseline 7.4 Hazard Analysis

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
ISO 14001:2004 AND ISO 22000:2005


50001: Criteria 9001: Criteria 14001: Criteria 22000: Criteria
2011 2008 2004 2005

4.4.5 Energy Performance 7.4.2 Hazard Identication

Indicators and Determination of
Acceptable Levels
4.4.6 Energy Objectives, 5.4.1 Quality Objectives 4.3.3 Objectives, Targets and 7.2 Prerequisite Programs
Energy Targets and Programs
Energy Management 7.1 Planning of Product
Action Plans Realization
4.5 Implementation and 7 Product Realization 4.4 Implementation and 7 Planning and Realization
Operation Operation of Safe Products
4.5.1 General 7.5.1 Control of Production 4.4.6 Operational Control 7.2.2 No Title
and Service Provision
4.5.2 Competence, Training 6.2.2 Competence, Training 4.4.2 Competence, Training 6.2.2 Competence, Training
and Awareness and Awareness and Awareness and Awareness
4.5.3 Communication 5.5.3 Internal Communication 4.4.3 Communication 5.6.2 Internal Communication
4.5.4 Documentation 4.2 Documentation 4.4.4 Documentation 4.2 Documentation
Requirement Requirement Documentation 4.2.1 General 4.4.4 Documentation 4.2.1 General
Requirements Control of Documents 4.2.3 Control of Documents 4.5.4 Control of Documents 4.2.2 HACCP Plan
4.5.5 Operational Control 7.5.1 Control of Production 4.4.6 Operational Control HACCP Plan
and Service Provision
4.5.6 Design 7.3 Design and Development 7.3 Preliminary Steps to
Enable Hazard Analysis
4.5.7 Procurement of Energy 7.4 Purchasing
Services, Products,
Equipment and Energy
4.6 Checking 8 Measurement, Analysis 4.5 Checking 8 Validation, Verication
and Improvement and Improvement
of the Food Safety
Management System
4.6.1 Monitoring, 8.2.3 Monitoring and 4.5.1 Monitoring and 7.6.4 System for Monitoring of
Measurement and Measurement of Process Measurement Critical Control Points
8.2.4 Monitoring and
Measurement of Product
Analysis of Data

4.6.2 Evaluation of Legal 7.3.4 Design and Develop 4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance
Requirements and Other Review
4.6.3 Internal Audit of the 8.2.2 Internal Audit 4.5.5 Internal Audit 8.4.1 Internal Audit

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
ISO 14001:2004 AND ISO 22000:2005


50001: Criteria 9001: Criteria 14001: Criteria 22000: Criteria
2011 2008 2004 2005

4.6.4 Nonconformities, 8.3 Control of 4.5.3 Nonconformity, 7.10 Control of Nonconformity

Correction, Corrective Nonconforming Product Corrective Action and
and Preventive Action Preventive Action
8.5.2 Corrective Action

8.5.3 Preventive Action

4.6.5 Control of Records 4.2.4 Control of Records 4.5.4 Control of Records 4.2.3 Control of Records
4.7 Management Review 5.6 Management Review 4.6 Management Review 5.8 Management Review
4.7.1 General 5.6.1 General 4.6 Management Review 5.8.1 General
4.7.2 Input to Management 5.6.2 Review input 4.6 Management Review 5.8.2 Review Input
4.7.3 Output from 5.6.3 Review Output 4.6 Management Review 5.87.3 Review Output
Management Review

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Summary for Policymakers, 11th Session of the
Working Group III of the IPCC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 5-8 May, 2011

2 ISO 50001:2011, Energy Management System,

3 Superior Energy Performance, Plant Measurement and Verification Protocol, March 7, 2011

4 EPA, Guidelines for Energy Management Overview:

5 Energy Strategy for the Future:

6 DIN EN 16001: Energy Management System in Practice, A Guide for Companies and Organizations,
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, June 2010.

7 ANSI - Accredited Plant Energy - Efficiency Certification Program Plan, September 22, 2008

8 ISO Website:


10 PC 242 ISO 50001, Base Presentation, GA Tech, March 2009

11 Energy Strategy for the Road Ahead, Scenario Thinking for Business Executives and Corporate Boards,
2007, Global Business Network

12 ISO 14001:2004

13 ISO 9001:2008

14 EPA, Guidelines for Energy Management Overview:

15 ISO Task Force

16 C. Russell, 2010

17 Win the energy challenge with ISO 5001, 2011, International Organization for Standardization


19 Good Energy Management is Good Business:


Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.

ANSI American National Standards Institute

CO2 Carbon Dioxide
DIS Draft International Standard
EnMS Energy Management System (ISO 50001)
EnPI Energy Performance Indicators
FDIS Final Draft International Standard
GHG Greenhouse Gas
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
MSE Management System for Energy
TMB Technical Management Board
UNIDO United Nations Industrial development Organization

Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.
The DQS-UL Group is one of the leading certification bodies for management systems worldwide. All companies
of the DQS-UL group strive for one common goal: to improve our customers' management systems by offering
value-adding assessment services. The group has built a global presence with more than 60 offices in 40
countries. We employ more than 2,400 people, including 2,000 auditors.

We serve a wide spectrum of industry sectors, including automotive, electrical engineering, engine construction,
the metal and chemicals industries, services, food, health care, the aviation and aerospace industries and
telecommunications. Our global services include assessments to standards:
ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 18000
AS 9100 Rev. C, AS 9120 Rev.B
ISO/TS 16949
TL 9000, ISO 20000, ISO 27000, CMMI
RC 14000, RCMS
EN 16001:2009, ISO 50001: 2011
ESD S20.20

UL DQS offers the following services for ISO 50001:

Gap Assessments
Certification Assessments

If you have additional questions or would like more information, feel free to contact us:

Tel: 1-800-285-4476 x3328

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Implementing ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, A Practitioners Guide, Copyright 2011, UL DQS Inc.

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