Oxygenated and Deoxygenated Do Not Mix Due

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Notes from reports and maam that are not in contraction of heart but saturation may occur

the slides: and lead to decrease of rate

Skeletal muscle Cardiac Cycle

-our report, maam just asked about molecular -oxygenated and deoxygenated do not mix due
pathway of skeletal contraction to trabeculae

The Cardiac Muscle Vagal stimulation

regular heartbeat: -destroying vagus nerve will cause tachycardia

P-Atrial depolarization: atrial contraction -accelerated idioventricular rhythm: why there

is increase in heart rate when heart recovers
Q- Ventricular depol: ventricular contraction

R-ventricular depolarization Effect of chemical stimulation

o Acetycholine: strength of beat not
S-ventricular depolarization affected even if there is decrease in
heart rate and frequency
T- repolarization of ventricles
o Adrenaline: increases contraction and
chemical control heart rate
o Atropine: increase contraction and
Acetylcholine: decrease amplitude, heart rate heart rate, for patients with
slower, efflux bradychardia

Atropine: relaxation prolonged, amplitude Refractory period

-period of delay in between stimuli
Adrenaline: increase amplitude of heartbeat
o Extrasystole
Refractory period of the heart
-may lead to arrhythmias (brady or
-all diastolic shocks have pre-mature tachycardia)
o Compensatory pause
-early systole no premature contraction
-provides momentum of another
Effect on inorganic ions and other contraction
o Frank starling mechanism
-ringers normalize heart rate
-blood ejected proportional to distention of
-sodium chloride increase heart rate blood prior to contraction
-potassium chloride decrease heart rate -more stretch, more force in contraction
-calcium chloride increase heart rate but -not sure basta yun rinig ko na sabi niya he
eventually decrease heart rate due to calcium he he bat ako nagnotes he he
ions moving through calcium ion channels in
cardiac cells which allows sustenance of Heart Block
-bradycardia -deactivate impulses of brain and spinal cord to
make sure impulses from heart is the only thing
1st degree: slow but no heartbeat missed, you record
not much effect will be seen, 1 to 1 ratio
-to make sure frog feels no pain because it will
2nd degree: electrical signal slowed -- some affect data
does not reach ventricle. Has 2 types
o Abt their results
1. Mobitz type 1- electrical signal
delayed, until heartbeat skips a -when shock applied in later diastole,
beat magnitude of contraction increase, it means
2. Mobitz type 2- some people who that its near resting potential of the membrane
have this have device to serve as bec nakarecover na siya
o May difference ba itsura ng action
3rd degree: electrical signals do not reach potential ng skeletal sa cardiac
ventricle, independent contraction of atrium sa
ventricle, may lead to cardiac arrest -SEARCH THIS NIGGAS and know what the
peak thingies mean
Smooth muscles
o 3 types of effects of stimulus sa
heartbeat Smooth muscles

1. chronotropic- bradycardia and tachycardia -non-striated unlike skeletal and cardiac bec
actin and myosin filamens not arranged into
2. inotropic sarcomere but into bundles of thick filaments in
dense bodies
3. dromotropic
-multiunitary: neurogenic meaning they rely on
-bradycardia and heart block diff neural stimulus
-heart block conduct electrical impulses Smooth muscle contraction
o Heart block -diff with skeletal, no troponin but has
caldesmon which is bound to actin, hindi
1. complete: 1st and 2nd degree
makabind actins a myosin, walang contraction,
2. incomplete: 3rd degree para magkacontraction, you have to depolarize
membrane for calcium that will bind to
o Vagal escape calmodulin (forms complex), binds to
caldesmon and removes it from actin, causing
-when sinus venosus stops, ventricle will takes contraction
its place, idioventricular rhythm enhance
heartbeat and will bring back heartbeat that o Myosin-light chain dependent
decreased to normal heart rate mechanism

o All or none law -increased calcium levels complex with myosin

light chain which will change conformation of
-no maximal threshold dapat myosin head para makabind sa actin kahit may
nakaharang (what lol)
o What is significance of double pithing
-alternately, imbes na sa caldesmon mag bind, o There was a question I didnt hear it
you can also bind to myosin light chain kinase -When complexed to calcium,it will bind
which phosphorylates myosin light chain to caldesmon
o What are the specific receptors of
Results acetycholine na makikita sa different
types of muscles
o Chemicals
Acetycholine: Cholinergic receptors
-exposure of organs to acetycholine increase
rate -Skeletal muscle has nicotinic

-exposure of organs to adrenaline decrease rate -Smooth and Cardiac has muscarinic
(smooth especially GI tract is M3 dominant
o Vagus nerve stimulation while cardiac is M2 dominant)
-acetycholine for heart decreases heart rate due Adrenaline: Adrenergic receptor
to lowering ca levels which weaken heart
contraction -Skeletal: increase activity

-acetycholine for stomach open calcium -Cardiac increase

channels and increase contraction rate
-Smooth slows down
-interstitial cells of cajal stand as pacemaker of
stomach -Beta 2 adrenoreceptors more at heart,
alpha adrenoreceptorsat GI tract, a lot of
o Response of skeletal, cardiac, and beta 1 adrenoreceptors at skeletal
smooth muscles to muscles
o Under what autonomic nervous system
Acetycholine: ang vagus nerve

-contraction of skeletal muscle: acetycholine -parasympathetic (WAG DAW MALITO

cause opening, Na come in, cause MGA BES)
depolarization, open voltage gated channel,
calcium enter and cause contraction

-contraction of smooth muscle: receptor open, Reflex Action in the frog

calcium enter, contract
-contraction of cardiac muscle: bind to receptor
na nagpapababa ng amp levels gthat cause -autonomic reflex arc no interneuron
decrease calcium in tissue kasi di nagbubukas
-motor neuron of of autonomic has 2 synapse,
lahat ng ion channels
somatic has 1
CNS control posture and breathing
-skeletal muscle need more blood and directs
-posture of frog controlled by CNS specifically
blood from GI tract to skeletal muscles
by cerebellum which control resting posture
-eyes controlled by respiratory center in pons of
o Does skeletal have tropomyosin?
-muscle tone controlled by hind brain felt actual pain, C fibers is slow-emphasis of
Righting reflex
Wipe/Scratch reflex
-propioceptor allow brain to perceive location
and orientation of muscle -pruriceptive nerves detect irritation
(parang subtype of noriceptor), thru C
-eh basta ang labo niya ditto eh anuna move pa sensory nerve fiber, type 1 Afferent nerves,
ng head and eyes pa more alpha motor neurons, scratching motion
Blink reflex -theory is that it can cause minor injury in
the body, body thinks that, that aprt of the
-stimulus travel thru eye, trigeminal nerve,
body is in danger and will cause
medulla oblongata, alpha motor neurons,
inflammatory response
contraction of orbicularis oculi, only present in
normal frog Clasp/ Quieting reflex
Auditory palpebral reflex -increase chance of fertilization
-loud sounds travel thru tympanum, auditory -has hormonal component such as andorgens
nerve, inferior colliculus (auditory center), alpha like testosterone
motor neurons, contraction of orbicularis-oculi
Reflex action and reflex time
Stretch reflex/myotactic reflex
-frog can absorb water for mucus secretion
-when muscle extended, muscle spindle detect
this, travel to type 1A afferent nerves, synapse -action potential; plasma membrane more
with alpha motor neurons then contract muscle positive inside than outside

-example of this is patellar reflex; part under -fastest reflex time observed at 1%HCl, proton
patella, muscle is extended there, magsstretch disprupt pH of frogs skin
and biceps femoris
-procaine is local anesthetic and inhibit
-only seen in normal frog activation of voltage sodium channels, no
depolarization will occur, no action potential
Golgi tendon reflex will drive reflex action
-when muscle contract, may reflex na mag -sodium bicarbonate and water used to stabilize
eextend siya, inhibitory response to prevent skin condition
Flexor-crossed-extensor reflex/Flexor-
withdrawal reflex -site between 2 neurons where it is close
enough to enable action potential
-response to painful stimulus
-presynaptic neuron synthesize neuro
-for example may hinawakan kang mainit na transmitters or chemical messengers to send
bagay, reflex is to stay away from it, muscles signal to next neuron, neurotransmitter travel
will contract for you to move to postsynaptic neuron
-nociceptors are pain receptors, will travel to A- -synaptic fatigue occurs when all
delta or C sensory nerve fibers (A delta is fast- neurotransmitters have travelled but
presynaptic neuron does not synthesize
neurotransmitters at same rate


o Why si there reflex inhibition, what is its


-prevent muscle damage

o Read on different kinds of reflex

o Flexion withdrawal, whats the effector
o Known if reflex is present in the
different kinds of frogs
o Respiration present ba sa spinal
-yes but slower since may neurons pa
rin sa spinal cord
o Is Amplexus present in spinal yes
because there are still neurons in spinal



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