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DIdactic of english
Task 1
FULL Name:
Oscar Trinidad Deogracia
Teachers Name:
Leonardo Gil Snchez

2- Topic

-Concept of didactics


-Difference between didactics and pedagogy

-The art of teaching (choose 3 quatations)

3- Keywords

Older didactical concepts were directed towards teaching and the teacher, while
newer concepts concentrate more on the student and the learning process.
Successful teaching requires knowledge of student characteristics and learning
methods, to which teaching approaches and methods have to be adapted.
4- Introduction

The next job has as purpose to present the concepts of didactic, pedagogy,
Difference between didactics and pedagogy and The art of teaching .

Here we are going to see the important of teaching good inglesh, and have
differents methods to be adapted
5 - Development

Concept of didactics: Didactics is a field of pedagogy that deals with theories,

ideas, principles and instructions directed at successful conduction of educational
process. Pedagogy as a science researches upbringing and education on a much
higher theoretical level than didactics, which is in largely directed. Didactics uses
theoretical models developed in philosophy, psychology and sociology, as well
as different pedagogical theories and tenets, and especially theoretical models of
teaching and learning. Because of different starting positions and tenets,
didactical concepts can be in disagreement or contradictory.

Didactics is usually divided into the part which deals with general patterns,
conditions and consequences of educational process, and a special section
which usually studies the following areas: - goals and mission of education; -
dynamics of educational process; - social forms and conditions of educational
process; - communication medium in education; - educational climate;

Pedagogy: Pedagogy (/pddi/ or /pdodi/) is the science and art of

education. Its aims range from the full development of the human being to skills
acquisition. For example, Paulo Freire referred to his method of teaching people
as "critical pedagogy". In correlation with those instructive strategies the
instructor's own philosophical beliefs of instruction are harbored and governed by
the pupil's background knowledge and experience, situation, and environment,
as well as learning goals set by the student and teacher. One example would be
the Socratic schools of thought. The teaching of adults, however, may be referred
to as androgogy.


The word comes from the Greek (paidagge); in which (pas,

genitive , paidos) means "child" and (g) means "lead"; literally
translated "to lead the child".
-Difference between didactics and pedagogy

Pedagogy includes upbringing and education during childhood and adolescence,

as well as adult education or andragogy. Didactics is related to the part of
pedagogy which deals with the educational process in school and extra-curricular

The pedagogue's job is usually distinguished from a teacher's by primarily

focusing on teaching children life-preparing knowledge such as social skills and
cultural norms, etc. There is also a very big focus on care and well-being of the
child. Many pedagogical institutions also practice social inclusion. The
pedagogue's work also consists of supporting the child in their mental and social

-The art of teaching (choose 3 quatations)

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher
demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. (William Arthur Ward)

The true teacher defends his puplis against his onw personal influence. He
inspires self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens
him. He will have no disciple. (Amos Bronson Alcott)

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and
leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a Sharp stick called
true. (Dan Rather)
6- Conclusion

After I was studying the present job I can concluded that inside the estudied
subjects have been very helpful for my development and knowledge, for example
the Pedagogy as a science researches upbringing and education on a much
higher theoretical level than didactics, which is in largely directed. Didactics uses
theoretical models developed in philosophy, psychology and sociology, as well
as different pedagogical theories and tenets, and especially theoretical models of
teaching and learning. Because of different starting positions and tenets,
didactical concepts can be in disagreement or contradictory.

So I can say that my knowledge has grown during this study.

7- Bibliografa


Recurso UAPA

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